using System; using System.IO; using Rokid.UXR.Module; using UnityEngine; namespace Rokid.UXR.Native { public partial class NativeInterface { public static partial class NativeAPI { const string _logPrefix = "RKNativeSoundPool: "; // Set DEBUG to "true" to enable activity logging static bool DEBUG = false; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR const int _loadPriority = 1; const int _sourceQuality = 0; static AndroidJavaObject _assetFileDescriptor; static AndroidJavaObject _assets; static AndroidJavaObject _soundPool = null; static bool _hasOBB; static int _streamMusic = new AndroidJavaClass("").GetStatic("STREAM_MUSIC"); public static void makeSoundPool(int maxStreams = 16) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "makePool(" + maxStreams + ")"); var context = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer").GetStatic("currentActivity"); if (Application.streamingAssetsPath.Substring(Application.streamingAssetsPath.Length - 12) == ".obb!/assets") { _hasOBB = true; int versionCode = context.Call("getPackageManager").Call("getPackageInfo", context.Call("getPackageName"), 0).Get("versionCode"); _assets = new AndroidJavaClass("").CallStatic("getAPKExpansionZipFile", context, versionCode, 0); } else { _hasOBB = false; _assets = context.Call("getAssets"); } if (_soundPool != null) _soundPool.Call("release"); _soundPool = new AndroidJavaObject("com.rokid.uxr.base.util.RKAsynSoundPool", maxStreams, _streamMusic, _sourceQuality); } public static int loadSound(string audioFile, bool usePersistentDataPath = false, Action callback = null) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "load(\"" + audioFile + "\", " + usePersistentDataPath + "\", " + callback + ")"); if (_soundPool == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(_logPrefix + "Use makePool() before load()!"); if (callback != null) _soundPool.Call("setOnLoadCompleteListener", new OnLoadCompleteListener(callback)); if (usePersistentDataPath) return _soundPool.Call("load", Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, audioFile), _loadPriority); if (_hasOBB) _assetFileDescriptor = _assets.Call("getAssetFileDescriptor", Path.Combine("assets", audioFile)); else _assetFileDescriptor = _assets.Call("openFd", audioFile); return _soundPool.Call("load", _assetFileDescriptor, _loadPriority); } public static int playSound(int fileID, float leftVolume = 1, float rightVolume = -1, int priority = 1, int loop = 0, float rate = 1) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "play(" + fileID + ", " + leftVolume + ", " + rightVolume + ", " + priority + ", " + loop + ", " + rate + ")"); if (rightVolume == -1) rightVolume = leftVolume; return _soundPool.Call("play", fileID, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority, loop, rate); } public static void resumeSound(int streamID) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "resume(" + streamID + ")"); _soundPool.Call("resume", streamID); } public static void pauseSound(int streamID) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "pause(" + streamID + ")"); _soundPool.Call("pause", streamID); } public static void stopSound(int streamID) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "stop(" + streamID + ")"); _soundPool.Call("stop", streamID); } public static bool unloadSound(int fileID) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "unload(" + fileID + ")"); return _soundPool.Call("unload", fileID); } public static void releaseSoundPool() { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "releasePool()"); _soundPool.Call("release"); _soundPool.Dispose(); _soundPool = null; } #else public static void makeSoundPool(int maxStreams = 16) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "makePool(" + maxStreams + ")"); } public static int loadSound(string audioFile, bool usePersistentDataPath = false, Action callback = null) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "load(\"" + audioFile + "\", " + usePersistentDataPath + "\", " + callback + ")"); return 1; } public static int playSound(int fileID, float leftVolume = 1, float rightVolume = -1, int priority = 1, int loop = 0, float rate = 1) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "play(" + fileID + ", " + leftVolume + ", " + rightVolume + ", " + priority + ", " + loop + ", " + rate + ")"); return 0; } public static void resumeSound(int streamID) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "resume(" + streamID + ")"); } public static void pauseSound(int streamID) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "pause(" + streamID + ")"); } public static void stopSound(int streamID) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "stop(" + streamID + ")"); } public static void releaseSoundPool() { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "releasePool()"); } public static bool unloadSound(int fileID) { if (DEBUG) Debug.Log(_logPrefix + "unload(" + fileID + ")"); return true; } #endif } } }