using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Rokid.UXR.Utility;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Rokid.UXR.Native
public partial class NativeInterface
public partial class NativeAPI
/// Init gesture
public static void InitGesture()
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
/// Relese gesture
public static void ReleaseGesure()
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
/// Retrieve the number of tracked hand vertices.
public static int GetTrackingHandVertsNum()
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return getTrackingHandVertsNum();
return 0;
/// Retrieve the number of tracked skeletons.
public static int GetTrackingHandSkeletonNum()
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return getTrackingHandSkeletonNum();
return 0;
/// Retrieve the number of tracked hands.
public static int GetTrackingHandNum()
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return getTrackingHandNum();
return 0;
/// Retrieve the type of tracked hands
/// hand index
/// 0:lefthand 1:righthand
public static int GetTrackingHandLrHand(int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return getTrackingHandLrHand(index);
return 0;
/// Retrieve the type of tracked gestures.
public static int GetTrackingGestureType(int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return getTrackingGestureType(index);
return 0;
/// Retrieve the type of tracked gestures.
/// When there is a conflict between "grip" and "pinch" in the combine type, prioritize selecting "grip."
public static int GetTrackingHandCombineGestureType(int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return getTrackingHandCombineGestureType(index);
return 0;
/// Retrieve the skeleton information in camera space.
public static void GetTrackingHandSkeletonCAM(float[] skeletonCAM, int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
getTrackingHandSkeletonCAM(skeletonCAM, index);
/// Retrieve the skeleton information in NDC (Normalized Device Coordinates) space.
public static void GetTrackingHandSkeletonNDC(float[] skeletonNDC, int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
getTrackingHandSkeletonNDC(skeletonNDC, index);
/// Retrieve the mesh points of the hand in NDC (Normalized Device Coordinates) space.
public static void GetTrackingHandVertsNDC(float[] vertsNDC, int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
getTrackingHandVertsNDC(vertsNDC, index);
/// Retrieve the mesh points of the hand in camera space.
public static void GetTrackingHandVertsCAM(float[] vertsCAM, int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
getTrackingHandVertsCAM(vertsCAM, index);
/// Retrieve the rotation of the hand as a quaternion.
/// quaternion
/// hand index
public static void GetTrackingHandRootRotation(float[] rotation, int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
getTrackingHandRootRotation(rotation, index);
/// Retrieve the type of palm and back of the hand.
/// hand index
public static int GetTrackingHandOrientation(int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return getTrackingHandOrientation(index);
return 0;
/// Retrieve the coordinate axes of the hand in camera space.
public static void GetTrackingHandRootRotationAxisCAM(float[] axis, int index)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
getTrackingHandRootRotationAxisCAM(axis, index);
/// Retrieve the hand velocity tracking.
// public static void GetTrackingHandVelocity(float[] data, int index)
// {
// if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
// getTrackingHandVelocity(data, index);
// }
/// Retrieve the timestamp of the gesture image moment.
public static long GetCurrentFrameTimeStamp()
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return getCurrentFrameTimeStamp();
return 0;
/// Retrieve the timestamp of the completed gesture image processing.
public static long GetFinishProcessTimeStamp()
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return GetFinishProcessTimeStamp();
return 0;
/// Set the tracking count for hands.
public static void SetMaxHandNum(int maxHandNum)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
/// Enable DSP
/// 0 means neither detection nor tracking DSP is enabled
/// 1 means detection is enabled, but tracking is disabled.
/// 2 means detection is disabled, but tracking is enabled.
/// 3 means both detection and tracking are enabled.
/// param >
public static void SetUseDsp(int useDsp)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
/// Enable fisheye distortion correction
/// ,0-false,1-true
public static void SetUseFishEyeDistort(int useFishEyeDistort)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
/// Retrieve skeleton rotation data
/// hand index
/// 0-matrix(21*9),1-quaternion(21*4),2-euler(21*3
public static void GetTrackingHandSkeletonRotationAll(float[] data, int index, int type)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
getTrackingHandSkeletonRotationAll(data, index, type);
/// Set gesture loglevel
/// "debug", "info", "warn", "err", "fatal", "none"
public static void SetGestureLogLevel(string logLevel)
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
/// It is physical camera pose
[Obsolete("Only gesture use")]
public static Pose GetHeadPoseForGes(long timestamp)
Pose pose = Pose.identity;
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
getHistoryHeadPosePysRHS(timestamp, position, rotation);
pose.position = new Vector3(position[0], position[1], -position[2]);
pose.rotation = new Quaternion(-rotation[0], -rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3]);
return pose;
/// Get upforward influencePow
public static float GetUpForwardInfluencePow()
if (Utils.IsAndroidPlatfrom())
return getUpForwardInfluencePow();
return 0;
#region NativeInterface
static extern void openGestureTracker();
static extern void closeGestureTracker();
static extern int getTrackingHandVertsNum();
static extern int getTrackingHandSkeletonNum();
static extern int getTrackingHandNum();
static extern int getTrackingHandLrHand(int index);
static extern int getTrackingGestureType(int index);
static extern int getTrackingHandCombineGestureType(int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandSkeletonCAM(float[] skeletonCAM, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandVertsNDC(float[] vertsNDC, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandVertsCAM(float[] vertsCAM, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandSkeletonNDC(float[] skeletonNDC, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandRootRotation(float[] rotation, int index);
static extern int getTrackingHandOrientation(int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandRootRotationAxisCAM(float[] axis, int index);
[DllImport(ApiConstants.UXR_GFX_PLUGIN), Obsolete]
static extern void getTrackingHandStableAnchorPoint(float[] stableAnchorPoint, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandSkeletonRotationAll(float[] data, int index, int type);
static extern void getTrackingHandVelocity(float[] data, int index);
static extern long getCurrentFrameTimeStamp();
static extern long getFinishProcessTimeStamp();
static extern void setMaxHandNum(int maxHandNum);
static extern void setUseDsp(int useDsp);
static extern void setUseFishEyeDistort(int useFishEyeDistort);
[DllImport(ApiConstants.UXR_GFX_PLUGIN, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
static extern void setGestureLogLevel(string logLevel);
static extern void getHistoryHeadPosePysRHS(long timestamp, float[] position, float[] orientation);
static extern float getUpForwardInfluencePow();
static extern void getTrackingHandVertsCAM_GLAxis(float[] data, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandSkeletonCAM_GLAxis(float[] data, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandRootRotation_GLAxis(float[] data, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandRootRotationEuler_GLAxis(float[] data, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandRootRotationAxisCAM_GLAxis(float[] data, int index);
static extern void getTrackingHandSkeletonRotationAll_GLAxis(float[] data, int index, int type);