using SC.XR.Unity.Module_InputSystem; using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace SC.XR.Unity { [AddComponentMenu("UI/SCSlider", 33)] public class SCSlider3D : MonoBehaviour, IDragHandler, IInitializePotentialDragHandler, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler { public enum Direction { LeftToRight, RightToLeft, BottomToTop, TopToBottom, } [Serializable] public class SliderEvent : UnityEvent { } [Space] [SerializeField] private float m_MinValue = 0; public float minValue { get { return m_MinValue; } set { if (SCSetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_MinValue, value)) { Set(m_Value); UpdateVisuals(); } } } [SerializeField] private float m_MaxValue = 1; public float maxValue { get { return m_MaxValue; } set { if (SCSetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_MaxValue, value)) { Set(m_Value); UpdateVisuals(); } } } [SerializeField] private bool m_WholeNumbers = false; public bool wholeNumbers { get { return m_WholeNumbers; } set { if (SCSetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_WholeNumbers, value)) { Set(m_Value); UpdateVisuals(); } } } [SerializeField] protected float m_Value; public virtual float value { get { if (wholeNumbers) return Mathf.Round(m_Value); return m_Value; } set { Set(value); } } public float normalizedValue { get { if (Mathf.Approximately(minValue, maxValue)) return 0; return Mathf.InverseLerp(minValue, maxValue, value); } set { this.value = Mathf.Lerp(minValue, maxValue, value); } } [Space] // Allow for delegate-based subscriptions for faster events than 'eventReceiver', and allowing for multiple receivers. [SerializeField] private SliderEvent m_OnValueChanged = new SliderEvent(); public SliderEvent onValueChanged { get { return m_OnValueChanged; } set { m_OnValueChanged = value; } } [SerializeField] private UnityEvent m_OnPointerDown = new UnityEvent(); public UnityEvent onPointerDown { get { return m_OnPointerDown; } set { m_OnPointerDown = value; } } [SerializeField] private UnityEvent m_OnPointerUp = new UnityEvent(); public UnityEvent onPointerUp { get { return m_OnPointerUp; } set { m_OnPointerUp = value; } } private DrivenRectTransformTracker m_Tracker; public BoxCollider handler; public BoxCollider handlerContainer; public Vector3 SliderStartWorldPosition { get { if (handlerContainer != null) { return handlerContainer.transform.position - handlerContainer.transform.TransformVector(Vector3.right * handlerContainer.size[0] / 2f); } return; } } public Vector3 SliderEndWorldPosition { get { if (handlerContainer != null) { return handlerContainer.transform.position + handlerContainer.transform.TransformVector(Vector3.right * handlerContainer.size[0] / 2f); } return; } } protected SCSlider3D() { } public virtual void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate executing) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (executing == CanvasUpdate.Prelayout) onValueChanged.Invoke(value); #endif } public virtual void LayoutComplete() { } public virtual void GraphicUpdateComplete() { } protected virtual void OnEnable() { Set(m_Value, false); // Update rects since they need to be initialized correctly. UpdateVisuals(); } protected virtual void OnDisable() { m_Tracker.Clear(); } float ClampValue(float input) { float newValue = Mathf.Clamp(input, minValue, maxValue); if (wholeNumbers) newValue = Mathf.Round(newValue); return newValue; } // Set the valueUpdate the visible Image. void Set(float input) { Set(input, true); } protected virtual void Set(float input, bool sendCallback) { // Clamp the input float newValue = ClampValue(input); // If the stepped value doesn't match the last one, it's time to update if (m_Value == newValue) return; m_Value = newValue; UpdateVisuals(); if (sendCallback) { UISystemProfilerApi.AddMarker("Slider.value", this); m_OnValueChanged.Invoke(newValue); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR protected void OnValidate() { if (wholeNumbers) { m_MinValue = Mathf.Round(m_MinValue); m_MaxValue = Mathf.Round(m_MaxValue); } //Onvalidate is called before OnEnabled. We need to make sure not to touch any other objects before OnEnable is run. Set(m_Value, false); // Update rects since other things might affect them even if value didn't change. UpdateVisuals(); } #endif // if UNITY_EDITOR // Force-update the slider. Useful if you've changed the properties and want it to update visually. private void UpdateVisuals() { Vector3 handlerPosition = SliderStartWorldPosition + (SliderEndWorldPosition - SliderStartWorldPosition) * normalizedValue; if (handler != null) { handler.transform.position = handlerPosition; } } // Update the slider's position based on the mouse. void UpdateDrag(PointerEventData eventData, Camera cam, bool isDownClick = false) { Transform clickTransform = handlerContainer.transform; Vector2 localPositionInPlane; if (!SCTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInPlane(clickTransform, eventData.position, cam, out localPositionInPlane)) return; Vector2 colliderPosition = new Vector2(handlerContainer.size.x / 2f, handlerContainer.size.y / 2f) ; localPositionInPlane += colliderPosition; float val = Mathf.Clamp01(localPositionInPlane.x / handlerContainer.size.x); Debug.Log("localPositionInPlane.x:" + localPositionInPlane.x + " handlerContainer.bounds.size.x:" + handlerContainer.size.x); normalizedValue = val; return; } public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) { m_OnPointerDown?.Invoke(); //SCPointEventData scPointEventData = eventData as SCPointEventData; Camera eventCamera = eventData.pressEventCamera; //pointerDownWorldPosition = scPointEventData.dragAuchorPosition; //startSliderValue = normalizedValue; //worldToCameraMatrixCache = eventCamera.worldToCameraMatrix; //projectionMatrixCache = eventCamera.projectionMatrix; if (CheckIsClickCollider(handler, eventData)) { //do nothing } else { UpdateDrag(eventData, eventCamera, true); } } public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) { m_OnPointerUp?.Invoke(); } public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { UpdateDrag(eventData, eventData.pressEventCamera); } public virtual void OnInitializePotentialDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { eventData.useDragThreshold = false; } private bool CheckIsClickCollider(Collider collider, PointerEventData eventData) { Ray ray = new Ray(); float distance = 0f; ComputeRayAndDistance(eventData, ref ray, ref distance); RaycastHit hitResult; if (collider.Raycast(ray, out hitResult, distance)) { return true; } return false; } private void ComputeRayAndDistance(PointerEventData eventData, ref Ray ray, ref float distanceToClipPlane) { if (eventData.pressEventCamera == null) { Debug.LogError("pressEventCamera do not exist"); return; } Camera eventCamera = eventData.pressEventCamera; Vector2 screenPosition = eventData.position; ray = eventCamera.ScreenPointToRay(screenPosition); // compensate far plane distance - see MouseEvents.cs float projectionDirection = ray.direction.z; distanceToClipPlane = Mathf.Approximately(0.0f, projectionDirection) ? Mathf.Infinity : Mathf.Abs((eventCamera.farClipPlane - eventCamera.nearClipPlane) / projectionDirection); } } }