using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using SC.XR.Unity.Module_InputSystem; using DG.Tweening; using UnityEngine.Events; using SC.XR.Unity.Module_InputSystem.InputDeviceHand; [RequireComponent(typeof(BoxCollider))] [AddComponentMenu("SDK/TouchableButton")] public class TouchableButton : PokeHandler { [SerializeField] private List m_Delegates; public List Triggers { get { if(m_Delegates == null) m_Delegates = new List(); return m_Delegates; } set { m_Delegates = value; } } [SerializeField] protected SCAudiosConfig.AudioType PressAudio = SCAudiosConfig.AudioType.ButtonPress; [SerializeField] protected SCAudiosConfig.AudioType ReleaseAudio = SCAudiosConfig.AudioType.ButtonUnpress; public Transform VisualMove; public bool useCustomMovePosition = false; public Vector3 visualMoveStartLocalPosition; public Vector3 visualMoveEndLocalPosition; public Transform VisualScale; public bool useCustomScale = false; public Vector3 visualStartLocalScale =; public Vector3 visualEndLocalScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 0); protected Vector3 MoveObjInitLocalPosition; protected Vector3 ScaleObjInitLocalScale; //[SerializeField] [Tooltip("Ensures that the button can only be pushed from the front. Touching the button from the back or side is prevented.")] public bool enforceFrontPush = true; [SerializeField] [Range(0.2f, 0.8f)] [Tooltip("The minimum percentage of the original scale the compressableButtonVisuals can be compressed to.")] protected float minCompressPercentage = 0.25f; NearInteractionTouchable nearInterationTouchable; public NearInteractionTouchable NearInterationTouchable { get { if(nearInterationTouchable == null) { nearInterationTouchable = GetComponent(); if(nearInterationTouchable == null) { nearInterationTouchable = gameObject.AddComponent(); } } return nearInterationTouchable; } } protected BoxCollider BoxCollider { get { return NearInterationTouchable.BoxCollider; } } public Transform Center { get { return NearInterationTouchable.Center; } } /// /// The press direction of the button as defined by a NearInteractionTouchableSurface. /// private Vector3 Normal { get { return NearInterationTouchable.Normal; } } private float StartPushDistance; protected float startPushDistance { get { if(NearInterationTouchable.NormalType == NormalType.NZ) { return StartPushDistance = BoxCollider.size.z * BoxCollider.transform.lossyScale.z / 2.0f * -1; } else if(NearInterationTouchable.NormalType == NormalType.Z) { return StartPushDistance = BoxCollider.size.z * BoxCollider.transform.lossyScale.z / 2.0f * 1; } else if(NearInterationTouchable.NormalType == NormalType.NY) { return StartPushDistance = BoxCollider.size.y * BoxCollider.transform.lossyScale.y / 2.0f * -1; } else if(NearInterationTouchable.NormalType == NormalType.Y) { return StartPushDistance = BoxCollider.size.y * BoxCollider.transform.lossyScale.y / 2.0f * 1; } else if(NearInterationTouchable.NormalType == NormalType.NX) { return StartPushDistance = BoxCollider.size.x * BoxCollider.transform.lossyScale.x / 2.0f * -1; } else { return StartPushDistance = BoxCollider.size.x * BoxCollider.transform.lossyScale.x / 2.0f * 1; } } } private float MaxPushDistance; private float maxPushDistance { get { return MaxPushDistance = -startPushDistance; } } private float PressDistance; private float pressDistance { get { return PressDistance = maxPushDistance * (1.0f - minCompressPercentage); } } private float ReleaseDistance; private float releaseDistance { get { return ReleaseDistance = -pressDistance; } } private float currentPushDistance = 0.0f; /// /// Represents the state of whether the button is currently being pressed. /// public bool IsPressing { get; private set; } private bool isTouching = false; /// /// Represents the state of whether or not a finger is currently touching this button. /// public bool IsTouching { get => isTouching; set { if(value != isTouching) { isTouching = value; } } } public virtual void Awake() { if(VisualScale != null) { ScaleObjInitLocalScale = VisualScale.localScale; } if(VisualMove != null) { MoveObjInitLocalPosition = VisualMove.localPosition; } } /// /// Returns the local distance along the push direction for the passed in world position /// private float GetDistanceAlongPushDirection(Vector3 positionWorldSpace) { Vector3 worldVector = transform.TransformPoint( - positionWorldSpace; return Vector3.Dot(worldVector, Normal.normalized); ; } // This function projects the current touch positions onto the 1D press direction of the button. // It will output the farthest pushed distance from the button's initial position. private float GetFarthestDistanceAlongPressDirection(Vector3 positionWorldSpace) { float testDistance = GetDistanceAlongPushDirection(positionWorldSpace); return Mathf.Clamp(testDistance, startPushDistance, maxPushDistance); } private void PulseProximityLight(TouchPointer touchPointer) { // Pulse each proximity light on pointer cursors' interacting with this button. ProximityLight[] proximityLights = touchPointer.cursorBase?.gameObject?.GetComponentsInChildren(); if(proximityLights != null) { foreach(var proximityLight in proximityLights) { proximityLight.Pulse(); } } } private void UpdatePressedState(float pushDistance, TouchPointer touchPointer) { // If we aren't in a press and can't start a simple one. if(!IsPressing) { // Compare to our previous push depth. Use previous push distance to handle back-presses. if(pushDistance >= pressDistance) { IsPressing = true; AudioSystem.getInstance.PlayAudioOneShot(gameObject, PressAudio); Execute(InteractionTouchableType.PokePress, null); PulseProximityLight(touchPointer); } } // If we're in a press, check if the press is released now. else { //float releaseDistance = pressDistance - releaseDistanceDelta; if(pushDistance <= releaseDistance) { IsPressing = false; AudioSystem.getInstance.PlayAudioOneShot(gameObject, ReleaseAudio); Execute(InteractionTouchableType.PokeRelease, null); } } } void UpdateVisual(float currentPushDistance) { if(VisualMove != null) { //Debug.Log("Update Visual"); Vector3 position =; if(useCustomMovePosition) { Vector3 localVisualPosition = Vector3.Lerp(visualMoveStartLocalPosition, visualMoveEndLocalPosition, (currentPushDistance - startPushDistance) / (maxPushDistance - startPushDistance)); position = transform.TransformPoint(localVisualPosition); } else { position = transform.position + transform.TransformVector(MoveObjInitLocalPosition) - (currentPushDistance - startPushDistance) * Normal.normalized; } VisualMove.position = position; } if(VisualScale != null) { Vector3 scale =; float pressPercentage = 1.0f - (currentPushDistance - startPushDistance) / (maxPushDistance - startPushDistance); if(useCustomScale) { scale = Vector3.Lerp(visualEndLocalScale, visualStartLocalScale, pressPercentage); ; } else { scale = ScaleObjInitLocalScale; scale.z = ScaleObjInitLocalScale.z * pressPercentage; } VisualScale.transform.localScale = scale; } } void ResetVisual() { if(VisualMove) { VisualMove.DOMove(useCustomMovePosition ? transform.TransformPoint(visualMoveStartLocalPosition) : transform.position + transform.TransformVector(MoveObjInitLocalPosition), 0.2f); } if(VisualScale) { VisualScale.DOScale(useCustomScale ? visualStartLocalScale : ScaleObjInitLocalScale, 0.2f); } } private bool HasPassedThroughStartPlane(Vector3 positionWorldSpace) { float distanceAlongPushDirection = GetDistanceAlongPushDirection(positionWorldSpace); //<= beacause the value is negative return distanceAlongPushDirection <= (startPushDistance * 0.2f); } public override void OnPokeDown(TouchPointer touchPointer, SCPointEventData eventData) { AudioSystem.getInstance.PlayAudioOneShot(gameObject, PokeDownAudio); Execute(InteractionTouchableType.PokeDown, eventData); // Back-Press Detection: // Accept touch only if controller pushed from the front. if (enforceFrontPush && !HasPassedThroughStartPlane(touchPointer.PreviousTouchPosition)) { Debug.Log("Not Front Press"); return; } IsTouching = true; } public override void OnPokeUpdated(TouchPointer touchPointer, SCPointEventData eventData) { Execute(InteractionTouchableType.PokeUpdate, eventData); if(IsTouching) { currentPushDistance = Mathf.Lerp(currentPushDistance, GetFarthestDistanceAlongPressDirection(touchPointer.ToucherPosition), 0.5f); UpdatePressedState(currentPushDistance, touchPointer); UpdateVisual(currentPushDistance); } } public override void OnPokeUp(TouchPointer touchPointer, SCPointEventData eventData) { AudioSystem.getInstance.PlayAudioOneShot(gameObject, PokeUpAudio); Execute(InteractionTouchableType.PokeUp, eventData); ResetVisual(); if(IsPressing) { IsPressing = false; AudioSystem.getInstance.PlayAudioOneShot(gameObject, SCAudiosConfig.AudioType.ButtonUnpress); Execute(InteractionTouchableType.PokeRelease, eventData); } IsTouching = false; } private void Execute(InteractionTouchableType id, BaseEventData eventData) { for(int i = 0; i < Triggers.Count; i++) { InteractionTouchableEntry entry = Triggers[i]; if(entry.eventID == id) { entry.callback?.Invoke(eventData); } } } }