using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using RootMotion.FinalIK; namespace RootMotion.FinalIK { /// /// Ragdoll Utility controls switching characters in and out of ragdoll mode. It also enables you to use IK effects on top of ragdoll simulation. /// public class RagdollUtility : MonoBehaviour { #region Main Interface [Tooltip("If you have multiple IK components, then this should be the one that solves last each frame.")] /// /// If you have multiple IK components, then this should be the one that solves last each frame. /// public IK ik; [Tooltip("How long does it take to blend from ragdoll to animation?")] /// /// How long does it take to blend from ragdoll to animation? /// public float ragdollToAnimationTime = 0.2f; [Tooltip("If true, IK can be used on top of physical ragdoll simulation.")] /// /// If true, IK can be used on top of physical ragdoll simulation. /// public bool applyIkOnRagdoll; [Tooltip("How much velocity transfer from animation to ragdoll?")] /// /// How much velocity transfer from animation to ragdoll? /// public float applyVelocity = 1f; [Tooltip("How much angular velocity to transfer from animation to ragdoll?")] /// /// How much angular velocity to transfer from animation to ragdoll? /// public float applyAngularVelocity = 1f; /// /// Switches to ragdoll. /// public void EnableRagdoll() { if (isRagdoll) return; StopAllCoroutines(); enableRagdollFlag = true; } /// /// Blends back to animation. /// public void DisableRagdoll() { if (!isRagdoll) return; StoreLocalState(); StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine(DisableRagdollSmooth()); } #endregion Main Interface // The rigidbodies and their associates public class Rigidbone { public Rigidbody r; public Transform t; public Collider collider; public Joint joint; public Rigidbody c; public bool updateAnchor; public Vector3 deltaPosition; public Quaternion deltaRotation; public float deltaTime; public Vector3 lastPosition; public Quaternion lastRotation; // Constructor public Rigidbone (Rigidbody r) { this.r = r; t = r.transform; joint = t.GetComponent(); collider = t.GetComponent(); if (joint != null) { c = joint.connectedBody; updateAnchor = c != null; } lastPosition = t.position; lastRotation = t.rotation; } // Store position and rotation deltas public void RecordVelocity() { deltaPosition = t.position - lastPosition; lastPosition = t.position; deltaRotation = RootMotion.QuaTools.FromToRotation(lastRotation, t.rotation); lastRotation = t.rotation; deltaTime = Time.deltaTime; } // Go to ragdoll public void WakeUp(float velocityWeight, float angularVelocityWeight) { // Joint anchors need to be updated when there are animated bones in between ragdoll bones if (updateAnchor) { joint.connectedAnchor = t.InverseTransformPoint(c.position); } r.isKinematic = false; // Transfer velocity from animation if (velocityWeight != 0f) { r.velocity = (deltaPosition / deltaTime) * velocityWeight; } // Transfer angular velocity from animation if (angularVelocityWeight != 0f) { float angle = 0f; Vector3 axis =; deltaRotation.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis); angle *= Mathf.Deg2Rad; angle /= deltaTime; axis *= angle * angularVelocityWeight; r.angularVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(axis, r.maxAngularVelocity); } r.WakeUp(); } } // All child Transforms of the root. public class Child { public Transform t; public Vector3 localPosition; public Quaternion localRotation; // Constructor public Child(Transform transform) { t = transform; localPosition = t.localPosition; localRotation = t.localRotation; } // Force to the last stored local state public void FixTransform(float weight) { if (weight <= 0f) return; if (weight >= 1f) { t.localPosition = localPosition; t.localRotation = localRotation; return; } t.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(t.localPosition, localPosition, weight); t.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(t.localRotation, localRotation, weight); } // Remember the local state, that is the local position and rotation of the transform public void StoreLocalState() { localPosition = t.localPosition; localRotation = t.localRotation; } } private Animator animator; private Rigidbone[] rigidbones = new Rigidbone[0]; private Child[] children = new Child[0]; private bool enableRagdollFlag; private AnimatorUpdateMode animatorUpdateMode; private IK[] allIKComponents = new IK[0]; private bool[] fixTransforms = new bool[0]; private float ragdollWeight; private float ragdollWeightV; private bool fixedFrame; private bool[] disabledIKComponents = new bool[0]; // Find all necessary components and initiate public void Start() { animator = GetComponent(); allIKComponents = (IK[])GetComponentsInChildren(); disabledIKComponents = new bool[allIKComponents.Length]; fixTransforms = new bool[allIKComponents.Length]; if (ik != null) ik.GetIKSolver().OnPostUpdate += AfterLastIK; // Gather all the rigidbodies and their associates Rigidbody[] rigidbodies = (Rigidbody[])GetComponentsInChildren(); int firstIndex = rigidbodies[0].gameObject == gameObject? 1: 0; rigidbones = new Rigidbone[firstIndex == 0? rigidbodies.Length: rigidbodies.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < rigidbones.Length; i++) { rigidbones[i] = new Rigidbone(rigidbodies[i + firstIndex]); } // Find all the child Transforms Transform[] C = (Transform[])GetComponentsInChildren(); children = new Child[C.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { children[i] = new Child(C[i + 1]); } } // Smoothly blends out of Ragdoll private IEnumerator DisableRagdollSmooth() { // ...make all rigidbodies kinematic for (int i = 0; i < rigidbones.Length; i++) { rigidbones[i].r.isKinematic = true; } // Reset IK components for (int i = 0; i < allIKComponents.Length; i++) { allIKComponents[i].fixTransforms = fixTransforms[i]; if (disabledIKComponents[i]) allIKComponents[i].enabled = true; } // Animator has not updated yet. animator.updateMode = animatorUpdateMode; animator.enabled = true; // Blend back to animation while (ragdollWeight > 0f) { ragdollWeight = Mathf.SmoothDamp(ragdollWeight, 0f, ref ragdollWeightV, ragdollToAnimationTime); if (ragdollWeight < 0.001f) ragdollWeight = 0f; yield return null; } yield return null; } void Update() { if (!isRagdoll) return; // Disable IK components if applyIKOnRagdoll has been set to false while in ragdoll. if (!applyIkOnRagdoll) { bool disableIK = false; for (int i = 0; i < allIKComponents.Length; i++) { if (allIKComponents[i].enabled) { disableIK = true; break; } } if (disableIK) { for (int i = 0; i < allIKComponents.Length; i++) disabledIKComponents[i] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < allIKComponents.Length; i++) { if (allIKComponents[i].enabled) { allIKComponents[i].enabled = false; disabledIKComponents[i] = true; } } } else { // Enable IK components if applyIKOnRagdoll has been set to true while in ragdoll bool enableIK = false; for (int i = 0; i < allIKComponents.Length; i++) { if (disabledIKComponents[i]) { enableIK = true; break; } } if (enableIK) { for (int i = 0; i < allIKComponents.Length; i++) { if (disabledIKComponents[i]) { allIKComponents[i].enabled = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < allIKComponents.Length; i++) disabledIKComponents[i] = false; } } } void FixedUpdate() { // When in ragdoll, move the bones to where they were after the last physics simulation, so IK won't screw up the physics if (isRagdoll && applyIkOnRagdoll) FixTransforms(1f); fixedFrame = true; } void LateUpdate() { // When Mecanim has animated... if (animator.updateMode != AnimatorUpdateMode.AnimatePhysics || (animator.updateMode == AnimatorUpdateMode.AnimatePhysics && fixedFrame)) { AfterAnimation(); } fixedFrame = false; // No IK so the final pose of the character is the current pose if (!ikUsed) OnFinalPose(); } // Called by the last IK component after it has updated private void AfterLastIK() { // We should have the final pose of the character if (ikUsed) OnFinalPose(); } // When animation has been applied by Mecanim private void AfterAnimation() { if (isRagdoll) { // If is ragdoll, no animation has been applied, but we need to remember the pose after the physics step just the same StoreLocalState(); } else { // Blending from ragdoll to animation. When ragdollWeight is zero, nothing happens here FixTransforms(ragdollWeight); } } // When we have the final pose of the character for this frame private void OnFinalPose() { if (!isRagdoll) RecordVelocities(); if (enableRagdollFlag) RagdollEnabler(); } // Switching to ragdoll private void RagdollEnabler() { // Remember the last animated pose StoreLocalState(); // Disable IK components if necessary for (int i = 0; i < allIKComponents.Length; i++) disabledIKComponents[i] = false; if (!applyIkOnRagdoll) { for (int i = 0; i < allIKComponents.Length; i++) { if (allIKComponents[i].enabled) { allIKComponents[i].enabled = false; disabledIKComponents[i] = true; } } } // Switch Animator update mode to AnimatePhysics, so IK is updated in the fixed time step animatorUpdateMode = animator.updateMode; animator.updateMode = AnimatorUpdateMode.AnimatePhysics; // Disable the Animator so it won't overwrite physics animator.enabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < rigidbones.Length; i++) rigidbones[i].WakeUp(applyVelocity, applyAngularVelocity); // Remember some variables so we can revert to them when coming back from ragdoll for (int i = 0; i < fixTransforms.Length; i++) { fixTransforms[i] = allIKComponents[i].fixTransforms; allIKComponents[i].fixTransforms = false; } ragdollWeight = 1f; ragdollWeightV = 0f; enableRagdollFlag = false; } // Is the character currently in ragdoll mode? private bool isRagdoll { get { return !rigidbones[0].r.isKinematic && !animator.enabled; }} // Store position and rotation deltas for all the rigidbodies private void RecordVelocities() { foreach (Rigidbone r in rigidbones) r.RecordVelocity(); } // Is there any IK components acting on the character? private bool ikUsed { get { if (ik == null) return false; if (ik.enabled && ik.GetIKSolver().IKPositionWeight > 0) return true; foreach (IK k in allIKComponents) { if (k.enabled && k.GetIKSolver().IKPositionWeight > 0) return true; } return false; } } // Stored the current pose of the character private void StoreLocalState() { foreach (Child c in children) c.StoreLocalState(); } // Interpolate the character to the last stored pose (see StoreLocalState) private void FixTransforms(float weight) { foreach (Child c in children) c.FixTransform(weight); } // Cleaning up the delegates void OnDestroy() { if (ik != null) { ik.GetIKSolver().OnPostUpdate -= AfterLastIK; } } } }