using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using RootMotion.FinalIK; namespace RootMotion.FinalIK { /// /// When a character with an InteractionSystem component enters the trigger collider of this game object, this component will register itself to the InteractionSystem. /// The InteractionSystem can then use it to find the most appropriate InteractionObject and effectors to interact with. /// Use InteractionSystem.GetClosestTriggerIndex() and InteractionSystem.TriggerInteration() to trigger the interactions that the character is in contact with. /// [HelpURL("")] [AddComponentMenu("Scripts/RootMotion.FinalIK/Interaction System/Interaction Trigger")] public class InteractionTrigger: MonoBehaviour { // Open the User Manual URL [ContextMenu("User Manual")] void OpenUserManual() { Application.OpenURL(""); } // Open the Script Reference URL [ContextMenu("Scrpt Reference")] void OpenScriptReference() { Application.OpenURL(""); } // Open a video tutorial video [ContextMenu("TUTORIAL VIDEO")] void OpenTutorial4() { Application.OpenURL(""); } // Link to the Final IK Google Group [ContextMenu("Support Group")] void SupportGroup() { Application.OpenURL("!forum/final-ik"); } // Link to the Final IK Asset Store thread in the Unity Community [ContextMenu("Asset Store Thread")] void ASThread() { Application.OpenURL(""); } /// /// Defines the valid range of the character's position and rotation relative to this trigger. /// [System.Serializable] public class CharacterPosition { /// /// If false, will not care where the character stands, as long as it is in contact with the trigger collider. /// [Tooltip("If false, will not care where the character stands, as long as it is in contact with the trigger collider.")] public bool use; /// /// The offset of the character's position relative to the trigger in XZ plane. Y position of the character is unlimited as long as it is contact with the collider. /// [Tooltip("The offset of the character's position relative to the trigger in XZ plane. Y position of the character is unlimited as long as it is contact with the collider.")] public Vector2 offset; /// /// Angle offset from the default forward direction.. /// [Tooltip("Angle offset from the default forward direction.")] [Range(-180f, 180f)] public float angleOffset; /// /// Max angular offset of the character's forward from the direction of this trigger. /// [Tooltip("Max angular offset of the character's forward from the direction of this trigger.")] [Range(0f, 180f)] public float maxAngle = 45f; /// /// Max offset of the character's position from this range's center. /// [Tooltip("Max offset of the character's position from this range's center.")] public float radius = 0.5f; /// /// If true, will rotate the trigger around it's Y axis relative to the position of the character, so the object can be interacted with from all sides. /// [Tooltip("If true, will rotate the trigger around it's Y axis relative to the position of the character, so the object can be interacted with from all sides.")] public bool orbit; /// /// Fixes the Y axis of the trigger to Vector3.up. This makes the trigger symmetrical relative to the object. /// For example a gun will be able to be picked up from the same direction relative to the barrel no matter which side the gun is resting on. /// [Tooltip("Fixes the Y axis of the trigger to Vector3.up. This makes the trigger symmetrical relative to the object. For example a gun will be able to be picked up from the same direction relative to the barrel no matter which side the gun is resting on.")] public bool fixYAxis; // Returns the 2D offset as 3D vector. public Vector3 offset3D { get { return new Vector3(offset.x, 0f, offset.y); }} // Returns the default direction of this character position in world space. public Vector3 direction3D { get { return Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleOffset, Vector3.up) * Vector3.forward; } } // Is the character in range with this character position? public bool IsInRange(Transform character, Transform trigger, out float error) { // Do not use this character position, trigger is still valid error = 0f; if (!use) return true; // Invalid character position conditions error = 180f; if (radius <= 0f) return false; if (maxAngle <= 0f) return false; Vector3 forward = trigger.forward; if (fixYAxis) forward.y = 0f; if (forward == return false; // Singularity Vector3 up = (fixYAxis? Vector3.up: trigger.up); Quaternion triggerRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up); Vector3 position = trigger.position + triggerRotation * offset3D; Vector3 origin = orbit? trigger.position: position; Vector3 toCharacter = character.position - origin; Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref up, ref toCharacter); toCharacter *= Vector3.Project(character.position - origin, toCharacter).magnitude; if (orbit) { float mag = offset.magnitude; float dist = toCharacter.magnitude; if (dist < mag - radius || dist > mag + radius) return false; } else { if (toCharacter.magnitude > radius) return false; } Vector3 d = triggerRotation * direction3D; Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref up, ref d); if (orbit) { Vector3 toPosition = position - trigger.position; if (toPosition == toPosition = Vector3.forward; Quaternion r = Quaternion.LookRotation(toPosition, up); toCharacter = Quaternion.Inverse(r) * toCharacter; float a = Mathf.Atan2(toCharacter.x, toCharacter.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; d = Quaternion.AngleAxis(a, up) * d; } float angle = Vector3.Angle(d, character.forward); if (angle > maxAngle) return false; error = (angle / maxAngle) * 180f; return true; } } /// /// Defines the valid range of the camera's position relative to this trigger. /// [System.Serializable] public class CameraPosition { /// /// What the camera should be looking at to trigger the interaction? /// [Tooltip("What the camera should be looking at to trigger the interaction? If null, this camera position will not be used.")] public Collider lookAtTarget; /// /// The direction from the lookAtTarget towards the camera (in lookAtTarget's space). /// [Tooltip("The direction from the lookAtTarget towards the camera (in lookAtTarget's space).")] public Vector3 direction = -Vector3.forward; /// /// Max distance from the lookAtTarget to the camera. /// [Tooltip("Max distance from the lookAtTarget to the camera.")] public float maxDistance = 0.5f; /// /// Max angle between the direction and the direction towards the camera. /// [Tooltip("Max angle between the direction and the direction towards the camera.")] [Range(0f, 180f)] public float maxAngle = 45f; /// /// Fixes the Y axis of the trigger to Vector3.up. This makes the trigger symmetrical relative to the object. /// [Tooltip("Fixes the Y axis of the trigger to Vector3.up. This makes the trigger symmetrical relative to the object.")] public bool fixYAxis; // Returns the rotation space of this CameraPosition. public Quaternion GetRotation() { Vector3 forward = lookAtTarget.transform.forward; if (fixYAxis) forward.y = 0f; if (forward == return Quaternion.identity; // Singularity Vector3 up = (fixYAxis? Vector3.up: lookAtTarget.transform.up); return Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up); } // Is the camera raycast hit in range of this CameraPosition? public bool IsInRange(Transform raycastFrom, RaycastHit hit, Transform trigger, out float error) { // Not using the CameraPosition error = 0f; if (lookAtTarget == null) return true; // Not in range conditions error = 180f; if (raycastFrom == null) return false; if (hit.collider != lookAtTarget) return false; if (hit.distance > maxDistance) return false; if (direction == return false; if (maxDistance <= 0f) return false; if (maxAngle <= 0f) return false; Vector3 d = GetRotation() * direction; float a = Vector3.Angle(raycastFrom.position - hit.point, d); if (a > maxAngle) return false; error = (a / maxAngle) * 180f; return true; } } /// /// Defines the valid range of the character's and/or it's camera's position for one or multiple interactions. /// [System.Serializable] public class Range { [HideInInspector] public string name; // Name is composed automatically by InteractionTriggerInspector.cs. Editor only. [HideInInspector] public bool show = true; // Show this range in the Scene view? Editor only. /// /// Defines the interaction object and effectors that will be triggered when calling InteractionSystem.TriggerInteraction(). /// [System.Serializable] public class Interaction { /// /// The InteractionObject to interact with. /// [Tooltip("The InteractionObject to interact with.")] public InteractionObject interactionObject; /// /// The effectors to interact with. /// [Tooltip("The effectors to interact with.")] public FullBodyBipedEffector[] effectors; } /// /// The range for the character's position and rotation. /// [Tooltip("The range for the character's position and rotation.")] public CharacterPosition characterPosition; /// /// The range for the character camera's position and rotation. /// [Tooltip("The range for the character camera's position and rotation.")] public CameraPosition cameraPosition; /// /// Definitions of the interactions associated with this range. /// [Tooltip("Definitions of the interactions associated with this range.")] public Interaction[] interactions; public bool IsInRange(Transform character, Transform raycastFrom, RaycastHit raycastHit, Transform trigger, out float maxError) { maxError = 0f; float characterError = 0f; float cameraError = 0f; if (!characterPosition.IsInRange(character, trigger, out characterError)) return false; if (!cameraPosition.IsInRange(raycastFrom, raycastHit, trigger, out cameraError)) return false; maxError = Mathf.Max(characterError, cameraError); return true; } } /// /// The valid ranges of the character's and/or it's camera's position for triggering interaction when the character is in contact with the collider of this trigger. /// [Tooltip("The valid ranges of the character's and/or it's camera's position for triggering interaction when the character is in contact with the collider of this trigger.")] public Range[] ranges = new Range[0]; // Returns the index of the ranges that is best fit for the current position/rotation of the character and it's camera. public int GetBestRangeIndex(Transform character, Transform raycastFrom, RaycastHit raycastHit) { if (GetComponent() == null) { Warning.Log("Using the InteractionTrigger requires a Collider component.", transform); return -1; } int bestRangeIndex = -1; float smallestError = 180f; float error = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++) { if (ranges[i].IsInRange(character, raycastFrom, raycastHit, transform, out error)) { if (error <= smallestError) { smallestError = error; bestRangeIndex = i; } } } return bestRangeIndex; } } }