using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel;
using UnityEngine.XR;
namespace SC.XR.Unity.Simulation {
/// A component which handles mouse and keyboard input from the user and uses it to
/// drive simulated XR controllers and an XR head mounted display (HMD).
/// This class does not directly manipulate the camera or controllers which are part of
/// the XR Origin, but rather drives them indirectly through simulated input devices.
/// Use the Package Manager window to install the XR Device Simulator sample into
/// your project to get sample mouse and keyboard bindings for Input System actions that
/// this component expects. The sample also includes a prefab of a
/// with this component attached that has references to those sample actions already set.
/// To make use of this simulator, add the prefab to your scene (the prefab makes use
/// of to ensure the Input System actions are enabled).
/// Note that the XR Origin must read the position and rotation of the HMD and controllers
/// by using Input System actions (such as by using
/// and ) for this simulator to work as expected.
/// Attempting to use XR input subsystem device methods (such as by using
/// and ) will not work as expected
/// since this simulator depends on the Input System to drive the simulated devices.
[AddComponentMenu("XR/Debug/XR Device Simulator", 11)]
// [DefaultExecutionOrder(XRInteractionUpdateOrder.k_DeviceSimulator)]
public class XRDeviceSimulator : MonoBehaviour
/// The coordinate space in which to operate.
public enum Space
/// Applies translations of a controller or HMD relative to its own coordinate space, considering its own rotations.
/// Will translate a controller relative to itself, independent of the camera.
/// Applies translations of a controller or HMD relative to its parent. If the object does not have a parent, meaning
/// it is a root object, the parent coordinate space is the same as the world coordinate space. This is the same
/// as but without considering its own rotations.
/// Applies translations of a controller or HMD relative to the screen.
/// Will translate a controller relative to the camera, independent of the controller's orientation.
/// The transformation mode in which to operate.
public enum TransformationMode
/// Applies translations from input.
/// Applies rotations from input.
/// The target device control(s) to update from input.
/// to support updating multiple controls from input
/// (e.g. to drive the primary and secondary 2D axis on a controller from the same input).
public enum Axis2DTargets
/// Do not update device state from input.
None = 0,
/// Update device position from input.
Position = 1 << 0,
/// Update the primary touchpad or joystick on a controller device from input.
Primary2DAxis = 1 << 1,
/// Update the secondary touchpad or joystick on a controller device from input.
Secondary2DAxis = 1 << 2,
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to translate in the x-axis (left/right) while held. Must be a Value Axis Control.")]
InputActionReference m_KeyboardXTranslateAction;
/// The Input System Action used to translate in the x-axis (left/right) while held.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference keyboardXTranslateAction
get => m_KeyboardXTranslateAction;
m_KeyboardXTranslateAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to translate in the y-axis (up/down) while held. Must be a Value Axis Control.")]
InputActionReference m_KeyboardYTranslateAction;
/// The Input System Action used to translate in the y-axis (up/down) while held.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference keyboardYTranslateAction
get => m_KeyboardYTranslateAction;
m_KeyboardYTranslateAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to translate in the z-axis (forward/back) while held. Must be a Value Axis Control.")]
InputActionReference m_KeyboardZTranslateAction;
/// The Input System Action used to translate in the z-axis (forward/back) while held.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference keyboardZTranslateAction
get => m_KeyboardZTranslateAction;
m_KeyboardZTranslateAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to enable manipulation of the left-hand controller while held. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ManipulateLeftAction;
/// The Input System Action used to enable manipulation of the left-hand controller while held.
/// Must be a .
/// Note that if controls on the left-hand controller are actuated when this action is released,
/// those controls will continue to remain actuated. This is to allow for multi-hand interactions
/// without needing to have dedicated bindings for manipulating each controller separately and concurrently.
public InputActionReference manipulateLeftAction
get => m_ManipulateLeftAction;
m_ManipulateLeftAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to enable manipulation of the right-hand controller while held. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ManipulateRightAction;
/// The Input System Action used to enable manipulation of the right-hand controller while held.
/// Must be a .
/// Note that if controls on the right-hand controller are actuated when this action is released,
/// those controls will continue to remain actuated. This is to allow for multi-hand interactions
/// without needing to have dedicated bindings for manipulating each controller separately and concurrently.
public InputActionReference manipulateRightAction
get => m_ManipulateRightAction;
m_ManipulateRightAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to toggle enable manipulation of the left-hand controller when pressed. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ToggleManipulateLeftAction;
/// The Input System Action used to toggle enable manipulation of the left-hand controller when pressed.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference toggleManipulateLeftAction
get => m_ToggleManipulateLeftAction;
m_ToggleManipulateLeftAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to toggle enable manipulation of the right-hand controller when pressed. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ToggleManipulateRightAction;
/// The Input System Action used to toggle enable manipulation of the right-hand controller when pressed.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference toggleManipulateRightAction
get => m_ToggleManipulateRightAction;
m_ToggleManipulateRightAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to enable manipulation of the HMD while held. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ManipulateHeadAction;
/// The Input System Action used to enable manipulation of the HMD while held.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference manipulateHeadAction
get => m_ManipulateHeadAction;
m_ManipulateHeadAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to translate or rotate by a scaled amount along or about the x- and y-axes. Must be a Value Vector2 Control.")]
InputActionReference m_MouseDeltaAction;
/// The Input System Action used to translate or rotate by a scaled amount along or about the x- and y-axes.
/// Must be a .
/// Typically bound to the screen-space motion delta of the mouse in pixels.
public InputActionReference mouseDeltaAction
get => m_MouseDeltaAction;
m_MouseDeltaAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to translate or rotate by a scaled amount along or about the z-axis. Must be a Value Vector2 Control.")]
InputActionReference m_MouseScrollAction;
/// The Input System Action used to translate or rotate by a scaled amount along or about the z-axis.
/// Must be a .
/// Typically bound to the horizontal and vertical scroll wheels, though only the vertical is used.
public InputActionReference mouseScrollAction
get => m_MouseScrollAction;
m_MouseScrollAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to cause the manipulated device(s) to rotate when moving the mouse when held. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_RotateModeOverrideAction;
/// The Input System Action used to cause the manipulated device(s) to rotate when moving the mouse when held.
/// Must be a .
/// Forces rotation mode when held, no matter what the current mouse transformation mode is.
public InputActionReference rotateModeOverrideAction
get => m_RotateModeOverrideAction;
m_RotateModeOverrideAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to toggle between translating or rotating the manipulated device(s) when moving the mouse when pressed. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ToggleMouseTransformationModeAction;
/// The Input System Action used to toggle between translating or rotating the manipulated device(s)
/// when moving the mouse when pressed.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference toggleMouseTransformationModeAction
get => m_ToggleMouseTransformationModeAction;
m_ToggleMouseTransformationModeAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to cause the manipulated device(s) to rotate when moving the mouse while held when it would normally translate, and vice-versa. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_NegateModeAction;
/// The Input System Action used to cause the manipulated device(s) to rotate when moving the mouse
/// while held when it would normally translate, and vice-versa.
/// Must be a .
/// Can be used to temporarily change the mouse transformation mode to the other mode while held
/// for making quick adjustments.
public InputActionReference negateModeAction
get => m_NegateModeAction;
m_NegateModeAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to constrain the translation or rotation to the x-axis when moving the mouse or resetting. May be combined with another axis constraint to constrain to a plane. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_XConstraintAction;
/// The Input System Action used to constrain the translation or rotation to the x-axis when moving the mouse or resetting.
/// May be combined with another axis constraint to constrain to a plane.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference xConstraintAction
get => m_XConstraintAction;
m_XConstraintAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to constrain the translation or rotation to the y-axis when moving the mouse or resetting. May be combined with another axis constraint to constrain to a plane. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_YConstraintAction;
/// The Input System Action used to constrain the translation or rotation to the y-axis when moving the mouse or resetting.
/// May be combined with another axis constraint to constrain to a plane.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference yConstraintAction
get => m_YConstraintAction;
m_YConstraintAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to constrain the translation or rotation to the z-axis when moving the mouse or resetting. May be combined with another axis constraint to constrain to a plane. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ZConstraintAction;
/// The Input System Action used to constrain the translation or rotation to the z-axis when moving the mouse or resetting.
/// May be combined with another axis constraint to constrain to a plane.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference zConstraintAction
get => m_ZConstraintAction;
m_ZConstraintAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to cause the manipulated device(s) to reset position or rotation (depending on the effective manipulation mode). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ResetAction;
/// The Input System Action used to cause the manipulated device(s) to reset position or rotation
/// (depending on the effective manipulation mode).
/// Must be a .
/// Resets position to and rotation to .
/// May be combined with axis constraints (, , and ).
public InputActionReference resetAction
get => m_ResetAction;
m_ResetAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to toggle the cursor lock mode for the game window when pressed. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ToggleCursorLockAction;
/// The Input System Action used to toggle the cursor lock mode for the game window when pressed.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference toggleCursorLockAction
get => m_ToggleCursorLockAction;
m_ToggleCursorLockAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to toggle enable translation from keyboard inputs when pressed. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ToggleDevicePositionTargetAction;
/// The Input System Action used to toggle enable translation from keyboard inputs when pressed.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference toggleDevicePositionTargetAction
get => m_ToggleDevicePositionTargetAction;
m_ToggleDevicePositionTargetAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to toggle enable manipulation of the Primary2DAxis of the controllers when pressed. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_TogglePrimary2DAxisTargetAction;
/// The Input System action used to toggle enable manipulation of the of the controllers when pressed.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference togglePrimary2DAxisTargetAction
get => m_TogglePrimary2DAxisTargetAction;
m_TogglePrimary2DAxisTargetAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to toggle enable manipulation of the Secondary2DAxis of the controllers when pressed. Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_ToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetAction;
/// The Input System action used to toggle enable manipulation of the of the controllers when pressed.
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference toggleSecondary2DAxisTargetAction
get => m_ToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetAction;
m_ToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the value of one or more 2D Axis controls on the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Value Vector2 Control.")]
InputActionReference m_Axis2DAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the value of one or more 2D Axis controls on the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
/// and toggle enables
/// the ability to manipulate 2D Axis controls on the simulated controllers, and this
/// actually controls the value of them while those controller devices are being manipulated.
/// Typically bound to WASD on a keyboard, and controls the primary and/or secondary 2D Axis controls on them.
public InputActionReference axis2DAction
get => m_Axis2DAction;
m_Axis2DAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control one or more 2D Axis controls on the opposite hand of the exclusively manipulated controller device. Must be a Value Vector2 Control.")]
InputActionReference m_RestingHandAxis2DAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control one or more 2D Axis controls on the opposite hand
/// of the exclusively manipulated controller device.
/// Must be a .
/// Typically bound to Q and E on a keyboard for the horizontal component, and controls the opposite hand's
/// 2D Axis controls when manipulating one (and only one) controller. Can be used to quickly and simultaneously
/// control the 2D Axis on the other hand's controller. In a typical setup of continuous movement bound on the left-hand
/// controller stick, and turning bound on the right-hand controller stick, while exclusively manipulating the left-hand
/// controller to move, this action can be used to trigger turning.
public InputActionReference restingHandAxis2DAction
get => m_RestingHandAxis2DAction;
m_RestingHandAxis2DAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the Grip control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_GripAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the Grip control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference gripAction
get => m_GripAction;
m_GripAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the Trigger control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_TriggerAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the Trigger control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference triggerAction
get => m_TriggerAction;
m_TriggerAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the PrimaryButton control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_PrimaryButtonAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the PrimaryButton control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference primaryButtonAction
get => m_PrimaryButtonAction;
m_PrimaryButtonAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the SecondaryButton control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_SecondaryButtonAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the SecondaryButton control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference secondaryButtonAction
get => m_SecondaryButtonAction;
m_SecondaryButtonAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the Menu control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_MenuAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the Menu control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference menuAction
get => m_MenuAction;
m_MenuAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the Primary2DAxisClick control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_Primary2DAxisClickAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the Primary2DAxisClick control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference primary2DAxisClickAction
get => m_Primary2DAxisClickAction;
m_Primary2DAxisClickAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the Secondary2DAxisClick control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_Secondary2DAxisClickAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the Secondary2DAxisClick control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference secondary2DAxisClickAction
get => m_Secondary2DAxisClickAction;
m_Secondary2DAxisClickAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the Primary2DAxisTouch control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_Primary2DAxisTouchAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the Primary2DAxisTouch control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference primary2DAxisTouchAction
get => m_Primary2DAxisTouchAction;
m_Primary2DAxisTouchAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the Secondary2DAxisTouch control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_Secondary2DAxisTouchAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the Secondary2DAxisTouch control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference secondary2DAxisTouchAction
get => m_Secondary2DAxisTouchAction;
m_Secondary2DAxisTouchAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the PrimaryTouch control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_PrimaryTouchAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the PrimaryTouch control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference primaryTouchAction
get => m_PrimaryTouchAction;
m_PrimaryTouchAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Input System Action used to control the SecondaryTouch control of the manipulated controller device(s). Must be a Button Control.")]
InputActionReference m_SecondaryTouchAction;
/// The Input System Action used to control the SecondaryTouch control of the manipulated controller device(s).
/// Must be a .
public InputActionReference secondaryTouchAction
get => m_SecondaryTouchAction;
m_SecondaryTouchAction = value;
[Tooltip("The Transform that contains the Camera. This is usually the \"Head\" of XR Origins. Automatically set to the first enabled camera tagged MainCamera if unset.")]
Transform m_CameraTransform;
/// The that contains the . This is usually the "Head" of XR Origins.
/// Automatically set to if unset.
public Transform cameraTransform
get => m_CameraTransform;
set => m_CameraTransform = value;
[Tooltip("The coordinate space in which keyboard translation should operate.")]
Space m_KeyboardTranslateSpace = Space.Local;
/// The coordinate space in which keyboard translation should operate.
public Space keyboardTranslateSpace
get => m_KeyboardTranslateSpace;
set => m_KeyboardTranslateSpace = value;
[Tooltip("The coordinate space in which mouse translation should operate.")]
Space m_MouseTranslateSpace = Space.Screen;
/// The coordinate space in which mouse translation should operate.
public Space mouseTranslateSpace
get => m_MouseTranslateSpace;
set => m_MouseTranslateSpace = value;
[Tooltip("Speed of translation in the x-axis (left/right) when triggered by keyboard input.")]
float m_KeyboardXTranslateSpeed = 0.2f;
/// Speed of translation in the x-axis (left/right) when triggered by keyboard input.
public float keyboardXTranslateSpeed
get => m_KeyboardXTranslateSpeed;
set => m_KeyboardXTranslateSpeed = value;
[Tooltip("Speed of translation in the y-axis (up/down) when triggered by keyboard input.")]
float m_KeyboardYTranslateSpeed = 0.2f;
/// Speed of translation in the y-axis (up/down) when triggered by keyboard input.
public float keyboardYTranslateSpeed
get => m_KeyboardYTranslateSpeed;
set => m_KeyboardYTranslateSpeed = value;
[Tooltip("Speed of translation in the z-axis (forward/back) when triggered by keyboard input.")]
float m_KeyboardZTranslateSpeed = 0.2f;
/// Speed of translation in the z-axis (forward/back) when triggered by keyboard input.
public float keyboardZTranslateSpeed
get => m_KeyboardZTranslateSpeed;
set => m_KeyboardZTranslateSpeed = value;
[Tooltip("Sensitivity of translation in the x-axis (left/right) when triggered by mouse input.")]
float m_MouseXTranslateSensitivity = 0.0004f;
/// Sensitivity of translation in the x-axis (left/right) when triggered by mouse input.
public float mouseXTranslateSensitivity
get => m_MouseXTranslateSensitivity;
set => m_MouseXTranslateSensitivity = value;
[Tooltip("Sensitivity of translation in the y-axis (up/down) when triggered by mouse input.")]
float m_MouseYTranslateSensitivity = 0.0004f;
/// Sensitivity of translation in the y-axis (up/down) when triggered by mouse input.
public float mouseYTranslateSensitivity
get => m_MouseYTranslateSensitivity;
set => m_MouseYTranslateSensitivity = value;
[Tooltip("Sensitivity of translation in the z-axis (forward/back) when triggered by mouse scroll input.")]
float m_MouseScrollTranslateSensitivity = 0.0002f;
/// Sensitivity of translation in the z-axis (forward/back) when triggered by mouse scroll input.
public float mouseScrollTranslateSensitivity
get => m_MouseScrollTranslateSensitivity;
set => m_MouseScrollTranslateSensitivity = value;
[Tooltip("Sensitivity of rotation along the x-axis (pitch) when triggered by mouse input.")]
float m_MouseXRotateSensitivity = 0.1f;
/// Sensitivity of rotation along the x-axis (pitch) when triggered by mouse input.
public float mouseXRotateSensitivity
get => m_MouseXRotateSensitivity;
set => m_MouseXRotateSensitivity = value;
[Tooltip("Sensitivity of rotation along the y-axis (yaw) when triggered by mouse input.")]
float m_MouseYRotateSensitivity = 0.1f;
/// Sensitivity of rotation along the y-axis (yaw) when triggered by mouse input.
public float mouseYRotateSensitivity
get => m_MouseYRotateSensitivity;
set => m_MouseYRotateSensitivity = value;
[Tooltip("Sensitivity of rotation along the z-axis (roll) when triggered by mouse scroll input.")]
float m_MouseScrollRotateSensitivity = 0.05f;
/// Sensitivity of rotation along the z-axis (roll) when triggered by mouse scroll input.
public float mouseScrollRotateSensitivity
get => m_MouseScrollRotateSensitivity;
set => m_MouseScrollRotateSensitivity = value;
[Tooltip("A boolean value of whether to invert the y-axis of mouse input when rotating by mouse input." +
"\nA false value (default) means typical FPS style where moving the mouse up/down pitches up/down." +
"\nA true value means flight control style where moving the mouse up/down pitches down/up.")]
bool m_MouseYRotateInvert;
/// A boolean value of whether to invert the y-axis of mouse input when rotating by mouse input.
/// A value (default) means typical FPS style where moving the mouse up/down pitches up/down.
/// A value means flight control style where moving the mouse up/down pitches down/up.
public bool mouseYRotateInvert
get => m_MouseYRotateInvert;
set => m_MouseYRotateInvert = value;
[Tooltip("The desired cursor lock mode to toggle to from None (either Locked or Confined).")]
CursorLockMode m_DesiredCursorLockMode = CursorLockMode.Locked;
/// The desired cursor lock mode to toggle to from
/// (either or ).
public CursorLockMode desiredCursorLockMode
get => m_DesiredCursorLockMode;
set => m_DesiredCursorLockMode = value;
/// The transformation mode in which the mouse should operate.
public TransformationMode mouseTransformationMode { get; set; } = TransformationMode.Translate;
/// One or more 2D Axis controls that keyboard input should apply to (or none).
/// Used to control a combination of the position (),
/// primary 2D axis (), or
/// secondary 2D axis () of manipulated device(s).
public Axis2DTargets axis2DTargets { get; set; } = Axis2DTargets.Primary2DAxis;
float m_KeyboardXTranslateInput;
float m_KeyboardYTranslateInput;
float m_KeyboardZTranslateInput;
bool m_ManipulateLeftInput;
bool m_ManipulateRightInput;
bool m_ManipulateHeadInput;
Vector2 m_MouseDeltaInput;
Vector2 m_MouseScrollInput;
bool m_RotateModeOverrideInput;
bool m_NegateModeInput;
bool m_XConstraintInput;
bool m_YConstraintInput;
bool m_ZConstraintInput;
bool m_ResetInput;
Vector2 m_Axis2DInput;
Vector2 m_RestingHandAxis2DInput;
bool m_GripInput;
bool m_TriggerInput;
bool m_PrimaryButtonInput;
bool m_SecondaryButtonInput;
bool m_MenuInput;
bool m_Primary2DAxisClickInput;
bool m_Secondary2DAxisClickInput;
bool m_Primary2DAxisTouchInput;
bool m_Secondary2DAxisTouchInput;
bool m_PrimaryTouchInput;
bool m_SecondaryTouchInput;
bool m_ManipulatedRestingHandAxis2D;
Vector3 m_LeftControllerEuler;
Vector3 m_RightControllerEuler;
Vector3 m_CenterEyeEuler;
XRSimulatedHMDState m_HMDState;
XRSimulatedControllerState m_LeftControllerState;
XRSimulatedControllerState m_RightControllerState;
XRSimulatedHMD m_HMDDevice;
XRSimulatedController m_LeftControllerDevice;
XRSimulatedController m_RightControllerDevice;
/// See .
protected virtual void Awake()
/// See .
protected virtual void OnEnable()
// Find the Camera if necessary
if (m_CameraTransform == null)
var mainCamera = Camera.main;
if (mainCamera != null)
m_CameraTransform = mainCamera.transform;
/// See .
protected virtual void OnDisable()
/// See .
protected virtual void Update()
if (m_HMDDevice != null)
InputState.Change(m_HMDDevice, m_HMDState);
if (m_LeftControllerDevice != null)
InputState.Change(m_LeftControllerDevice, m_LeftControllerState);
if (m_RightControllerDevice != null)
InputState.Change(m_RightControllerDevice, m_RightControllerState);
/// Process input from the user and update the state of manipulated device(s)
/// related to position and rotation.
protected virtual void ProcessPoseInput() {
if (m_CameraTransform == null)
// Set tracked states
m_LeftControllerState.isTracked = true;
m_RightControllerState.isTracked = true;
m_HMDState.isTracked = true;
m_LeftControllerState.trackingState = (int)(InputTrackingState.Position | InputTrackingState.Rotation);
m_RightControllerState.trackingState = (int)(InputTrackingState.Position | InputTrackingState.Rotation);
m_HMDState.trackingState = (int)(InputTrackingState.Position | InputTrackingState.Rotation);
//if (!m_ManipulateLeftInput && !m_ManipulateRightInput && !m_ManipulateHeadInput)
// return;
var cameraParent = m_CameraTransform.parent;
var cameraParentRotation = cameraParent != null ? cameraParent.rotation : Quaternion.identity;
var inverseCameraParentRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(cameraParentRotation);
// if ((axis2DTargets & Axis2DTargets.Position) != 0)
var deltaPosition =;
if (m_ManipulateLeftInput) {
// Determine frame of reference
GetAxes(m_KeyboardTranslateSpace, m_CameraTransform, out var right, out var up, out var forward);
// Keyboard translation
deltaPosition =
right * (m_KeyboardXTranslateInput * m_KeyboardXTranslateSpeed * Time.deltaTime) +
up * (m_KeyboardYTranslateInput * m_KeyboardYTranslateSpeed * Time.deltaTime) +
forward * (m_KeyboardZTranslateInput * m_KeyboardZTranslateSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
//var deltaRotation = GetDeltaRotation(m_KeyboardTranslateSpace, m_LeftControllerState, inverseCameraParentRotation);
//m_LeftControllerState.devicePosition += deltaRotation * deltaPosition;
m_LeftControllerState.devicePosition = m_CameraTransform.localPosition + m_CameraTransform.localRotation * new Vector3(-0.25f, -0.25f, 0.3f);
// if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
//var deltaRotation = GetDeltaRotation(m_KeyboardTranslateSpace, m_RightControllerState, inverseCameraParentRotation);
//m_RightControllerState.devicePosition += deltaRotation * deltaPosition;
m_RightControllerState.devicePosition = m_CameraTransform.localPosition + m_CameraTransform.localRotation * new Vector3(0.25f, -0.25f, 0.3f);
//if (m_ManipulateHeadInput)
var deltaRotation = GetDeltaRotation(m_KeyboardTranslateSpace, m_HMDState, inverseCameraParentRotation);
m_HMDState.centerEyePosition += deltaRotation * deltaPosition;
m_HMDState.devicePosition = m_HMDState.centerEyePosition;
//if ((mouseTransformationMode == TransformationMode.Translate && !m_RotateModeOverrideInput && !m_NegateModeInput) ||
// (mouseTransformationMode == TransformationMode.Rotate || m_RotateModeOverrideInput) && m_NegateModeInput)
// // Determine frame of reference
// GetAxes(m_MouseTranslateSpace, m_CameraTransform, out var right, out var up, out var forward);
// // Mouse translation
// var scaledMouseDeltaInput =
// new Vector3(m_MouseDeltaInput.x * m_MouseXTranslateSensitivity,
// m_MouseDeltaInput.y * m_MouseYTranslateSensitivity,
// m_MouseScrollInput.y * m_MouseScrollTranslateSensitivity);
// Vector3 deltaPosition;
// if (m_XConstraintInput && !m_YConstraintInput && m_ZConstraintInput) // XZ
// {
// deltaPosition =
// right * scaledMouseDeltaInput.x +
// forward * scaledMouseDeltaInput.y;
// }
// else if (!m_XConstraintInput && m_YConstraintInput && m_ZConstraintInput) // YZ
// {
// deltaPosition =
// up * scaledMouseDeltaInput.y +
// forward * scaledMouseDeltaInput.x;
// }
// else if (m_XConstraintInput && !m_YConstraintInput && !m_ZConstraintInput) // X
// {
// deltaPosition =
// right * (scaledMouseDeltaInput.x + scaledMouseDeltaInput.y);
// }
// else if (!m_XConstraintInput && m_YConstraintInput && !m_ZConstraintInput) // Y
// {
// deltaPosition =
// up * (scaledMouseDeltaInput.x + scaledMouseDeltaInput.y);
// }
// else if (!m_XConstraintInput && !m_YConstraintInput && m_ZConstraintInput) // Z
// {
// deltaPosition =
// forward * (scaledMouseDeltaInput.x + scaledMouseDeltaInput.y);
// }
// else
// {
// deltaPosition =
// right * scaledMouseDeltaInput.x +
// up * scaledMouseDeltaInput.y;
// }
// // Scroll contribution
// deltaPosition +=
// forward * scaledMouseDeltaInput.z;
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
// {
// var deltaRotation = GetDeltaRotation(m_MouseTranslateSpace, m_LeftControllerState, inverseCameraParentRotation);
// m_LeftControllerState.devicePosition += deltaRotation * deltaPosition;
// }
// if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
// {
// var deltaRotation = GetDeltaRotation(m_MouseTranslateSpace, m_RightControllerState, inverseCameraParentRotation);
// m_RightControllerState.devicePosition += deltaRotation * deltaPosition;
// }
// if (m_ManipulateHeadInput)
// {
// var deltaRotation = GetDeltaRotation(m_MouseTranslateSpace, m_HMDState, inverseCameraParentRotation);
// m_HMDState.centerEyePosition += deltaRotation * deltaPosition;
// m_HMDState.devicePosition = m_HMDState.centerEyePosition;
// }
// // Reset
// if (m_ResetInput)
// {
// var resetScale = GetResetScale();
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
// {
// var devicePosition = Vector3.Scale(m_LeftControllerState.devicePosition, resetScale);
// // The active control for the InputAction will be null while the Action is in waiting at (0, 0, 0)
// // so use a small value to reset the position to near origin.
// if (devicePosition.magnitude <= 0f)
// devicePosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Epsilon, Mathf.Epsilon, Mathf.Epsilon);
// m_LeftControllerState.devicePosition = devicePosition;
// }
// if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
// {
// var devicePosition = Vector3.Scale(m_RightControllerState.devicePosition, resetScale);
// // The active control for the InputAction will be null while the Action is in waiting at (0, 0, 0)
// // so use a small value to reset the position to near origin.
// if (devicePosition.magnitude <= 0f)
// devicePosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Epsilon, Mathf.Epsilon, Mathf.Epsilon);
// m_RightControllerState.devicePosition = devicePosition;
// }
// if (m_ManipulateHeadInput)
// {
// // TODO: Tracked Pose Driver (New Input System) has a bug where it only subscribes to
// // performed and not canceled, so the Transform will not be updated until the magnitude
// // is considered actuated to trigger a performed event. As a workaround, set to
// // a small value (enough to be considered actuated) instead of
// var centerEyePosition = Vector3.Scale(m_HMDState.centerEyePosition, resetScale);
// if (centerEyePosition.magnitude <= 0f)
// centerEyePosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Epsilon, Mathf.Epsilon, Mathf.Epsilon);
// m_HMDState.centerEyePosition = centerEyePosition;
// m_HMDState.devicePosition = m_HMDState.centerEyePosition;
// }
// }
Vector3 anglesDelta =; var scaledMouseDeltaInput =;
if (m_ManipulateLeftInput) {
// Mouse rotation
scaledMouseDeltaInput =
new Vector3(m_MouseDeltaInput.x * m_MouseXRotateSensitivity,
m_MouseDeltaInput.y * m_MouseYRotateSensitivity * (m_MouseYRotateInvert ? 1f : -1f),
m_MouseScrollInput.y * m_MouseScrollRotateSensitivity);
anglesDelta = new Vector3(scaledMouseDeltaInput.y, scaledMouseDeltaInput.x, 0f);
// Scroll contribution
anglesDelta += new Vector3(0f, 0f, scaledMouseDeltaInput.z);
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
m_LeftControllerEuler += anglesDelta;
m_LeftControllerState.deviceRotation = Quaternion.Euler(m_LeftControllerEuler);
// if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
m_RightControllerEuler += anglesDelta;
m_RightControllerState.deviceRotation = Quaternion.Euler(m_RightControllerEuler);
// if (m_ManipulateHeadInput)
m_CenterEyeEuler += anglesDelta;
m_HMDState.centerEyeRotation = Quaternion.Euler(m_CenterEyeEuler);
// Reset
if (m_ResetInput)
var resetScale = GetResetScale();
if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
m_LeftControllerEuler = Vector3.Scale(m_LeftControllerEuler, resetScale);
m_LeftControllerState.deviceRotation = Quaternion.Euler(m_LeftControllerEuler);
if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
m_RightControllerEuler = Vector3.Scale(m_RightControllerEuler, resetScale);
m_RightControllerState.deviceRotation = Quaternion.Euler(m_RightControllerEuler);
if (m_ManipulateHeadInput)
m_CenterEyeEuler = Vector3.Scale(m_CenterEyeEuler, resetScale);
m_HMDState.centerEyeRotation = Quaternion.Euler(m_CenterEyeEuler);
/// Process input from the user and update the state of manipulated controller device(s)
/// related to input controls.
protected virtual void ProcessControlInput()
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
ProcessButtonControlInput(ref m_LeftControllerState);
// if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
ProcessButtonControlInput(ref m_RightControllerState);
/// Process input from the user and update the state of manipulated controller device(s)
/// related to 2D Axis input controls.
protected virtual void ProcessAxis2DControlInput()
//if (!m_ManipulateLeftInput && !m_ManipulateRightInput)
// return;
//if ((axis2DTargets & Axis2DTargets.Primary2DAxis) != 0)
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
m_LeftControllerState.primary2DAxis = m_Axis2DInput;
// if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
m_RightControllerState.primary2DAxis = m_Axis2DInput;
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput ^ m_ManipulateRightInput)
// if (m_RestingHandAxis2DInput != || m_ManipulatedRestingHandAxis2D)
// {
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
// m_RightControllerState.primary2DAxis = m_RestingHandAxis2DInput;
// if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
// m_LeftControllerState.primary2DAxis = m_RestingHandAxis2DInput;
// m_ManipulatedRestingHandAxis2D = m_RestingHandAxis2DInput !=;
// }
// else
// {
// m_ManipulatedRestingHandAxis2D = false;
// }
// if ((axis2DTargets & Axis2DTargets.Secondary2DAxis) != 0)
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
m_LeftControllerState.secondary2DAxis = m_Axis2DInput;
// if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
m_RightControllerState.secondary2DAxis = m_Axis2DInput;
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput ^ m_ManipulateRightInput)
// if (m_RestingHandAxis2DInput != || m_ManipulatedRestingHandAxis2D)
// {
// if (m_ManipulateLeftInput)
// m_RightControllerState.secondary2DAxis = m_RestingHandAxis2DInput;
// if (m_ManipulateRightInput)
// m_LeftControllerState.secondary2DAxis = m_RestingHandAxis2DInput;
// m_ManipulatedRestingHandAxis2D = m_RestingHandAxis2DInput !=;
// }
// else
// {
// m_ManipulatedRestingHandAxis2D = false;
// }
/// Process input from the user and update the state of manipulated controller device(s)
/// related to button input controls.
/// The controller state that will be processed.
protected virtual void ProcessButtonControlInput(ref XRSimulatedControllerState controllerState)
controllerState.grip = m_GripInput ? 1f : 0f;
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.GripButton, m_GripInput);
controllerState.trigger = m_TriggerInput ? 1f : 0f;
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.TriggerButton, m_TriggerInput);
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.PrimaryButton, m_PrimaryButtonInput);
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.SecondaryButton, m_SecondaryButtonInput);
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.MenuButton, m_MenuInput);
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.Primary2DAxisClick, m_Primary2DAxisClickInput);
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.Secondary2DAxisClick, m_Secondary2DAxisClickInput);
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.Primary2DAxisTouch, m_Primary2DAxisTouchInput);
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.Secondary2DAxisTouch, m_Secondary2DAxisTouchInput);
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.PrimaryTouch, m_PrimaryTouchInput);
controllerState.WithButton(ControllerButton.SecondaryTouch, m_SecondaryTouchInput);
/// Gets a that can be multiplied component-wise with another
/// to reset components of the , based on axis constraint inputs.
protected Vector3 GetResetScale()
return m_XConstraintInput || m_YConstraintInput || m_ZConstraintInput
? new Vector3(m_XConstraintInput ? 0f : 1f, m_YConstraintInput ? 0f : 1f, m_ZConstraintInput ? 0f : 1f)
static void GetAxes(Space translateSpace, Transform cameraTransform, out Vector3 right, out Vector3 up, out Vector3 forward)
if (cameraTransform == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cameraTransform));
switch (translateSpace)
case Space.Local:
// Makes the assumption that the Camera and the Controllers are siblings
// (meaning they share a parent GameObject).
var cameraParent = cameraTransform.parent;
if (cameraParent != null)
right = cameraParent.TransformDirection(Vector3.right);
up = cameraParent.TransformDirection(Vector3.up);
forward = cameraParent.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
right = Vector3.right;
up = Vector3.up;
forward = Vector3.forward;
case Space.Parent:
right = Vector3.right;
up = Vector3.up;
forward = Vector3.forward;
case Space.Screen:
right = cameraTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right);
up = cameraTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up);
forward = cameraTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
right = Vector3.right;
up = Vector3.up;
forward = Vector3.forward;
Assert.IsTrue(false, $"Unhandled {nameof(translateSpace)}={translateSpace}.");
static Quaternion GetDeltaRotation(Space translateSpace, in XRSimulatedControllerState state, in Quaternion inverseCameraParentRotation)
switch (translateSpace)
case Space.Local:
return state.deviceRotation * inverseCameraParentRotation;
case Space.Parent:
return Quaternion.identity;
case Space.Screen:
return inverseCameraParentRotation;
Assert.IsTrue(false, $"Unhandled {nameof(translateSpace)}={translateSpace}.");
return Quaternion.identity;
static Quaternion GetDeltaRotation(Space translateSpace, in XRSimulatedHMDState state, in Quaternion inverseCameraParentRotation)
switch (translateSpace)
case Space.Local:
return state.centerEyeRotation * inverseCameraParentRotation;
case Space.Parent:
return Quaternion.identity;
case Space.Screen:
return inverseCameraParentRotation;
Assert.IsTrue(false, $"Unhandled {nameof(translateSpace)}={translateSpace}.");
return Quaternion.identity;
static void Subscribe(InputActionReference reference, Action performed = null, Action canceled = null)
var action = GetInputAction(reference);
if (action != null)
if (performed != null)
action.performed += performed;
if (canceled != null)
action.canceled += canceled;
static void Unsubscribe(InputActionReference reference, Action performed = null, Action canceled = null)
var action = GetInputAction(reference);
if (action != null)
if (performed != null)
action.performed -= performed;
if (canceled != null)
action.canceled -= canceled;
static TransformationMode Negate(TransformationMode mode)
switch (mode)
case TransformationMode.Rotate:
return TransformationMode.Translate;
case TransformationMode.Translate:
return TransformationMode.Rotate;
Assert.IsTrue(false, $"Unhandled {nameof(mode)}={mode}.");
return TransformationMode.Rotate;
CursorLockMode Negate(CursorLockMode mode)
switch (mode)
case CursorLockMode.None:
return m_DesiredCursorLockMode;
case CursorLockMode.Locked:
case CursorLockMode.Confined:
return CursorLockMode.None;
Assert.IsTrue(false, $"Unhandled {nameof(mode)}={mode}.");
return CursorLockMode.None;
void SubscribeKeyboardXTranslateAction() => Subscribe(m_KeyboardXTranslateAction, OnKeyboardXTranslatePerformed, OnKeyboardXTranslateCanceled);
void UnsubscribeKeyboardXTranslateAction() => Unsubscribe(m_KeyboardXTranslateAction, OnKeyboardXTranslatePerformed, OnKeyboardXTranslateCanceled);
void SubscribeKeyboardYTranslateAction() => Subscribe(m_KeyboardYTranslateAction, OnKeyboardYTranslatePerformed, OnKeyboardYTranslateCanceled);
void UnsubscribeKeyboardYTranslateAction() => Unsubscribe(m_KeyboardYTranslateAction, OnKeyboardYTranslatePerformed, OnKeyboardYTranslateCanceled);
void SubscribeKeyboardZTranslateAction() => Subscribe(m_KeyboardZTranslateAction, OnKeyboardZTranslatePerformed, OnKeyboardZTranslateCanceled);
void UnsubscribeKeyboardZTranslateAction() => Unsubscribe(m_KeyboardZTranslateAction, OnKeyboardZTranslatePerformed, OnKeyboardZTranslateCanceled);
void SubscribeManipulateLeftAction() => Subscribe(m_ManipulateLeftAction, OnManipulateLeftPerformed, OnManipulateLeftCanceled);
void UnsubscribeManipulateLeftAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ManipulateLeftAction, OnManipulateLeftPerformed, OnManipulateLeftCanceled);
void SubscribeManipulateRightAction() => Subscribe(m_ManipulateRightAction, OnManipulateRightPerformed, OnManipulateRightCanceled);
void UnsubscribeManipulateRightAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ManipulateRightAction, OnManipulateRightPerformed, OnManipulateRightCanceled);
void SubscribeToggleManipulateLeftAction() => Subscribe(m_ToggleManipulateLeftAction, OnToggleManipulateLeftPerformed);
void UnsubscribeToggleManipulateLeftAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ToggleManipulateLeftAction, OnToggleManipulateLeftPerformed);
void SubscribeToggleManipulateRightAction() => Subscribe(m_ToggleManipulateRightAction, OnToggleManipulateRightPerformed);
void UnsubscribeToggleManipulateRightAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ToggleManipulateRightAction, OnToggleManipulateRightPerformed);
void SubscribeManipulateHeadAction() => Subscribe(m_ManipulateHeadAction, OnManipulateHeadPerformed, OnManipulateHeadCanceled);
void UnsubscribeManipulateHeadAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ManipulateHeadAction, OnManipulateHeadPerformed, OnManipulateHeadCanceled);
void SubscribeMouseDeltaAction() => Subscribe(m_MouseDeltaAction, OnMouseDeltaPerformed, OnMouseDeltaCanceled);
void UnsubscribeMouseDeltaAction() => Unsubscribe(m_MouseDeltaAction, OnMouseDeltaPerformed, OnMouseDeltaCanceled);
void SubscribeMouseScrollAction() => Subscribe(m_MouseScrollAction, OnMouseScrollPerformed, OnMouseScrollCanceled);
void UnsubscribeMouseScrollAction() => Unsubscribe(m_MouseScrollAction, OnMouseScrollPerformed, OnMouseScrollCanceled);
void SubscribeRotateModeOverrideAction() => Subscribe(m_RotateModeOverrideAction, OnRotateModeOverridePerformed, OnRotateModeOverrideCanceled);
void UnsubscribeRotateModeOverrideAction() => Unsubscribe(m_RotateModeOverrideAction, OnRotateModeOverridePerformed, OnRotateModeOverrideCanceled);
void SubscribeToggleMouseTransformationModeAction() => Subscribe(m_ToggleMouseTransformationModeAction, OnToggleMouseTransformationModePerformed);
void UnsubscribeToggleMouseTransformationModeAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ToggleMouseTransformationModeAction, OnToggleMouseTransformationModePerformed);
void SubscribeNegateModeAction() => Subscribe(m_NegateModeAction, OnNegateModePerformed, OnNegateModeCanceled);
void UnsubscribeNegateModeAction() => Unsubscribe(m_NegateModeAction, OnNegateModePerformed, OnNegateModeCanceled);
void SubscribeXConstraintAction() => Subscribe(m_XConstraintAction, OnXConstraintPerformed, OnXConstraintCanceled);
void UnsubscribeXConstraintAction() => Unsubscribe(m_XConstraintAction, OnXConstraintPerformed, OnXConstraintCanceled);
void SubscribeYConstraintAction() => Subscribe(m_YConstraintAction, OnYConstraintPerformed, OnYConstraintCanceled);
void UnsubscribeYConstraintAction() => Unsubscribe(m_YConstraintAction, OnYConstraintPerformed, OnYConstraintCanceled);
void SubscribeZConstraintAction() => Subscribe(m_ZConstraintAction, OnZConstraintPerformed, OnZConstraintCanceled);
void UnsubscribeZConstraintAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ZConstraintAction, OnZConstraintPerformed, OnZConstraintCanceled);
void SubscribeResetAction() => Subscribe(m_ResetAction, OnResetPerformed, OnResetCanceled);
void UnsubscribeResetAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ResetAction, OnResetPerformed, OnResetCanceled);
void SubscribeToggleCursorLockAction() => Subscribe(m_ToggleCursorLockAction, OnToggleCursorLockPerformed);
void UnsubscribeToggleCursorLockAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ToggleCursorLockAction, OnToggleCursorLockPerformed);
void SubscribeToggleDevicePositionTargetAction() => Subscribe(m_ToggleDevicePositionTargetAction, OnToggleDevicePositionTargetPerformed);
void UnsubscribeToggleDevicePositionTargetAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ToggleDevicePositionTargetAction, OnToggleDevicePositionTargetPerformed);
void SubscribeTogglePrimary2DAxisTargetAction() => Subscribe(m_TogglePrimary2DAxisTargetAction, OnTogglePrimary2DAxisTargetPerformed);
void UnsubscribeTogglePrimary2DAxisTargetAction() => Unsubscribe(m_TogglePrimary2DAxisTargetAction, OnTogglePrimary2DAxisTargetPerformed);
void SubscribeToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetAction() => Subscribe(m_ToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetAction, OnToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetPerformed);
void UnsubscribeToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetAction() => Unsubscribe(m_ToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetAction, OnToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetPerformed);
void SubscribeAxis2DAction() => Subscribe(m_Axis2DAction, OnAxis2DPerformed, OnAxis2DCanceled);
void UnsubscribeAxis2DAction() => Unsubscribe(m_Axis2DAction, OnAxis2DPerformed, OnAxis2DCanceled);
void SubscribeRestingHandAxis2DAction() => Subscribe(m_RestingHandAxis2DAction, OnRestingHandAxis2DPerformed, OnRestingHandAxis2DCanceled);
void UnsubscribeRestingHandAxis2DAction() => Unsubscribe(m_RestingHandAxis2DAction, OnRestingHandAxis2DPerformed, OnRestingHandAxis2DCanceled);
void SubscribeGripAction() => Subscribe(m_GripAction, OnGripPerformed, OnGripCanceled);
void UnsubscribeGripAction() => Unsubscribe(m_GripAction, OnGripPerformed, OnGripCanceled);
void SubscribeTriggerAction() => Subscribe(m_TriggerAction, OnTriggerPerformed, OnTriggerCanceled);
void UnsubscribeTriggerAction() => Unsubscribe(m_TriggerAction, OnTriggerPerformed, OnTriggerCanceled);
void SubscribePrimaryButtonAction() => Subscribe(m_PrimaryButtonAction, OnPrimaryButtonPerformed, OnPrimaryButtonCanceled);
void UnsubscribePrimaryButtonAction() => Unsubscribe(m_PrimaryButtonAction, OnPrimaryButtonPerformed, OnPrimaryButtonCanceled);
void SubscribeSecondaryButtonAction() => Subscribe(m_SecondaryButtonAction, OnSecondaryButtonPerformed, OnSecondaryButtonCanceled);
void UnsubscribeSecondaryButtonAction() => Unsubscribe(m_SecondaryButtonAction, OnSecondaryButtonPerformed, OnSecondaryButtonCanceled);
void SubscribeMenuAction() => Subscribe(m_MenuAction, OnMenuPerformed, OnMenuCanceled);
void UnsubscribeMenuAction() => Unsubscribe(m_MenuAction, OnMenuPerformed, OnMenuCanceled);
void SubscribePrimary2DAxisClickAction() => Subscribe(m_Primary2DAxisClickAction, OnPrimary2DAxisClickPerformed, OnPrimary2DAxisClickCanceled);
void UnsubscribePrimary2DAxisClickAction() => Unsubscribe(m_Primary2DAxisClickAction, OnPrimary2DAxisClickPerformed, OnPrimary2DAxisClickCanceled);
void SubscribeSecondary2DAxisClickAction() => Subscribe(m_Secondary2DAxisClickAction, OnSecondary2DAxisClickPerformed, OnSecondary2DAxisClickCanceled);
void UnsubscribeSecondary2DAxisClickAction() => Unsubscribe(m_Secondary2DAxisClickAction, OnSecondary2DAxisClickPerformed, OnSecondary2DAxisClickCanceled);
void SubscribePrimary2DAxisTouchAction() => Subscribe(m_Primary2DAxisTouchAction, OnPrimary2DAxisTouchPerformed, OnPrimary2DAxisTouchCanceled);
void UnsubscribePrimary2DAxisTouchAction() => Unsubscribe(m_Primary2DAxisTouchAction, OnPrimary2DAxisTouchPerformed, OnPrimary2DAxisTouchCanceled);
void SubscribeSecondary2DAxisTouchAction() => Subscribe(m_Secondary2DAxisTouchAction, OnSecondary2DAxisTouchPerformed, OnSecondary2DAxisTouchCanceled);
void UnsubscribeSecondary2DAxisTouchAction() => Unsubscribe(m_Secondary2DAxisTouchAction, OnSecondary2DAxisTouchPerformed, OnSecondary2DAxisTouchCanceled);
void SubscribePrimaryTouchAction() => Subscribe(m_PrimaryTouchAction, OnPrimaryTouchPerformed, OnPrimaryTouchCanceled);
void UnsubscribePrimaryTouchAction() => Unsubscribe(m_PrimaryTouchAction, OnPrimaryTouchPerformed, OnPrimaryTouchCanceled);
void SubscribeSecondaryTouchAction() => Subscribe(m_SecondaryTouchAction, OnSecondaryTouchPerformed, OnSecondaryTouchCanceled);
void UnsubscribeSecondaryTouchAction() => Unsubscribe(m_SecondaryTouchAction, OnSecondaryTouchPerformed, OnSecondaryTouchCanceled);
void OnKeyboardXTranslatePerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_KeyboardXTranslateInput = context.ReadValue();
void OnKeyboardXTranslateCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_KeyboardXTranslateInput = 0f;
void OnKeyboardYTranslatePerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_KeyboardYTranslateInput = context.ReadValue();
void OnKeyboardYTranslateCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_KeyboardYTranslateInput = 0f;
void OnKeyboardZTranslatePerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_KeyboardZTranslateInput = context.ReadValue();
void OnKeyboardZTranslateCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_KeyboardZTranslateInput = 0f;
void OnManipulateLeftPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ManipulateLeftInput = true;
void OnManipulateLeftCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ManipulateLeftInput = false;
void OnManipulateRightPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ManipulateRightInput = true;
void OnManipulateRightCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ManipulateRightInput = false;
void OnToggleManipulateLeftPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ManipulateLeftInput = !m_ManipulateLeftInput;
void OnToggleManipulateRightPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ManipulateRightInput = !m_ManipulateRightInput;
void OnManipulateHeadPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ManipulateHeadInput = true;
void OnManipulateHeadCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ManipulateHeadInput = false;
void OnMouseDeltaPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_MouseDeltaInput = context.ReadValue();
void OnMouseDeltaCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_MouseDeltaInput =;
void OnMouseScrollPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_MouseScrollInput = context.ReadValue();
void OnMouseScrollCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_MouseScrollInput =;
void OnRotateModeOverridePerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_RotateModeOverrideInput = true;
void OnRotateModeOverrideCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_RotateModeOverrideInput = false;
void OnToggleMouseTransformationModePerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => mouseTransformationMode = Negate(mouseTransformationMode);
void OnNegateModePerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_NegateModeInput = true;
void OnNegateModeCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_NegateModeInput = false;
void OnXConstraintPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_XConstraintInput = true;
void OnXConstraintCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_XConstraintInput = false;
void OnYConstraintPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_YConstraintInput = true;
void OnYConstraintCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_YConstraintInput = false;
void OnZConstraintPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ZConstraintInput = true;
void OnZConstraintCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ZConstraintInput = false;
void OnResetPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ResetInput = true;
void OnResetCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_ResetInput = false;
void OnToggleCursorLockPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => Cursor.lockState = Negate(Cursor.lockState);
void OnToggleDevicePositionTargetPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => axis2DTargets ^= Axis2DTargets.Position;
void OnTogglePrimary2DAxisTargetPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => axis2DTargets ^= Axis2DTargets.Primary2DAxis;
void OnToggleSecondary2DAxisTargetPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => axis2DTargets ^= Axis2DTargets.Secondary2DAxis;
void OnAxis2DPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Axis2DInput = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(context.ReadValue(), 1f);
void OnAxis2DCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Axis2DInput =;
void OnRestingHandAxis2DPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_RestingHandAxis2DInput = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(context.ReadValue(), 1f);
void OnRestingHandAxis2DCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_RestingHandAxis2DInput =;
void OnGripPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_GripInput = true;
void OnGripCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_GripInput = false;
void OnTriggerPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_TriggerInput = true;
void OnTriggerCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_TriggerInput = false;
void OnPrimaryButtonPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_PrimaryButtonInput = true;
void OnPrimaryButtonCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_PrimaryButtonInput = false;
void OnSecondaryButtonPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_SecondaryButtonInput = true;
void OnSecondaryButtonCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_SecondaryButtonInput = false;
void OnMenuPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_MenuInput = true;
void OnMenuCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_MenuInput = false;
void OnPrimary2DAxisClickPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Primary2DAxisClickInput = true;
void OnPrimary2DAxisClickCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Primary2DAxisClickInput = false;
void OnSecondary2DAxisClickPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Secondary2DAxisClickInput = true;
void OnSecondary2DAxisClickCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Secondary2DAxisClickInput = false;
void OnPrimary2DAxisTouchPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Primary2DAxisTouchInput = true;
void OnPrimary2DAxisTouchCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Primary2DAxisTouchInput = false;
void OnSecondary2DAxisTouchPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Secondary2DAxisTouchInput = true;
void OnSecondary2DAxisTouchCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_Secondary2DAxisTouchInput = false;
void OnPrimaryTouchPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_PrimaryTouchInput = true;
void OnPrimaryTouchCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_PrimaryTouchInput = false;
void OnSecondaryTouchPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_SecondaryTouchInput = true;
void OnSecondaryTouchCanceled(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => m_SecondaryTouchInput = false;
static InputAction GetInputAction(InputActionReference actionReference)
#pragma warning disable IDE0031 // Use null propagation -- Do not use for UnityEngine.Object types
return actionReference != null ? actionReference.action : null;
#pragma warning restore IDE0031
/// Add simulated XR devices to the Input System.
protected virtual void AddDevices() {
m_HMDDevice = InputSystem.AddDevice();
if (m_HMDDevice == null) {
Debug.LogError($"Failed to create {nameof(XRSimulatedHMD)}.");
m_LeftControllerDevice = InputSystem.AddDevice($"{nameof(XRSimulatedController)} - { UnityEngine.InputSystem.CommonUsages.LeftHand}");
if (m_LeftControllerDevice != null) {
InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(m_LeftControllerDevice, UnityEngine.InputSystem.CommonUsages.LeftHand);
} else {
Debug.LogError($"Failed to create {nameof(XRSimulatedController)} for { UnityEngine.InputSystem.CommonUsages.LeftHand}.", this);
m_RightControllerDevice = InputSystem.AddDevice($"{nameof(XRSimulatedController)} - { UnityEngine.InputSystem.CommonUsages.RightHand}");
if (m_RightControllerDevice != null) {
InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(m_RightControllerDevice, UnityEngine.InputSystem.CommonUsages.RightHand);
} else {
Debug.LogError($"Failed to create {nameof(XRSimulatedController)} for { UnityEngine.InputSystem.CommonUsages.RightHand}.", this);
/// Remove simulated XR devices from the Input System.
protected virtual void RemoveDevices() {
if (m_HMDDevice != null && m_HMDDevice.added)
if (m_LeftControllerDevice != null && m_LeftControllerDevice.added)
if (m_RightControllerDevice != null && m_RightControllerDevice.added)