using BestHTTP; using BestHTTP.Authentication; using BestHTTP.WebSocket; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using XRTool.Util; public class WebSocketClient : MonoBehaviour { // [SerializeField] // private string address = "wss://"; public static Dictionary webSockets = new Dictionary(); public WebSocket _webSocket; private static bool init = false; // public static WebSocketClient Instance{ private set; get;} public string sName = "111"; public delegate void OnWebSocketCloseDelegate(string data); public OnWebSocketCloseDelegate OnWebSocketClose; public delegate void OnWebSocketErrorDelegate(string data); public OnWebSocketErrorDelegate OnWebErrorClose; public delegate void OnMessagedDelegate(string data); public OnMessagedDelegate OnMessaged; // Use this for initialization void Start() { DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); // Invoke("Connect", 1f); // Connect(); } void Awake() { //if (!init) { //Instance = this; //} else { // Destroy (this.gameObject); // return; //} } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } void OnDestroy() { CloseWebSocket(); } void OnApplicationQuit() { CloseWebSocket(); } public void CloseWebSocket() { if (_webSocket != null) { webSockets.Remove(sName); _webSocket.Close(); _webSocket = null; } } void OnOpen(WebSocket ws) { CommonMethod.HideNetLoading(sName); UnityLog.Log("-WebSocket Open!\n"); // StartCoroutine (Ping ()); } public static float times; public static int count = 0; public static int maxCount; public Queue queue = new Queue(); public Queue queueClose = new Queue(); public Queue queueError = new Queue(); void OnMessageReceived(WebSocket ws, string message) { queue.Enqueue(message); /* times = times + Time.deltaTime; count++; if (times>1) { maxCount = count; count = 0; times = 0; }*/ // } public void LateUpdate() { if (queue.Count > 0 && !CommonMethod.IsReceive) { int count = queue.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { OnMessage(queue.Dequeue()); } } if (queueClose.Count > 0) { OnSClosed(queueClose.Dequeue()); } if (queueError.Count > 0) { OnSCErrord(queueError.Dequeue()); } //if (queue != null && queue.Count > 0) //{ // OnMessage(queue.Dequeue()); //} } private void OnMessage(string data) { if (OnMessaged != null) { OnMessaged(data); } } private void OnSClosed(string data) { if (OnWebSocketClose != null) { OnWebSocketClose(data); } } private void OnSCErrord(string data) { CommonMethod.IsReceive = true; if (OnWebErrorClose != null) { OnWebErrorClose(data); } } void OnClosed(WebSocket ws, UInt16 code, string message) { string log = string.Format("-WebSocket closed! Code: {0} Message: {1}\n", code, message); Debug.Log(log); queueClose.Enqueue(message); } void OnError(WebSocket ws, Exception ex) { CommonMethod.HideNetLoading(sName); Debug.Log("OnError"); string errorMsg = string.Empty; #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR if (ws.InternalRequest.Response != null) errorMsg = string.Format("Status Code from Server: {0} and Message: {1}", ws.InternalRequest.Response.StatusCode, ws.InternalRequest.Response.Message); #endif string log = string.Format("-An error occured: {0}\n", (ex != null ? ex.Message : "Unknown Error " + errorMsg)); Debug.Log(log); webSockets.Remove(sName); _webSocket = null; queueError.Enqueue(log); /* LoadManager.showClickPop ("网络异常,请重新登陆",ShadowSystem.Quit);*/ } public static int socketCount; public void Connect(string Url,string message) { socketCount++; sName = message + "_socket"; CommonMethod.ShowNetLoading(sName,"正在连接"+ message+"服务器..."); webSockets.Add(sName, this); // _webSocket = new WebSocket(new Uri(NetworkConfiguration.socket_Url)); _webSocket = new WebSocket(new Uri(Url)); _webSocket.InternalRequest.AddHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", "protoo"); // _webSocket.Send //_webSocket. #if !UNITY_WEBGL _webSocket.StartPingThread = true; #if !BESTHTTP_DISABLE_PROXY if (HTTPManager.Proxy != null) { _webSocket.InternalRequest.Proxy = new HTTPProxy(HTTPManager.Proxy.Address, HTTPManager.Proxy.Credentials, false); } #endif #endif // Subscribe to the WS events _webSocket.OnOpen += OnOpen; _webSocket.OnMessage += OnMessageReceived; _webSocket.OnClosed += OnClosed; _webSocket.OnError += OnError; // Start connecting to the server _webSocket.Open(); UnityLog.Log("开始连接Open" + Url); } IEnumerator Ping() { while (_webSocket != null) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(50); Send("Ping"); } } public void Send(string message) { if (_webSocket != null) { _webSocket.Send(message); } } }