CurvedUI_changelog.txt 8.5 KB

  2. CurvedUI changelog--------------------------------//
  3. 3.0
  4. New
  5. - Added support for Unity XR Interaction Toolkit.
  6. - Added support for interactions with 3D objects via EventTrigger components on all control methods.
  7. Bugfixes
  8. - Fixed an issue which could cause UI to be unresponsive to clicks in builds, even though it worked in Editor.
  9. - Fixed an issue where cyrillic or chinese characters would be improperly displayed on dropdowns. Big thanks to Patrick M. for this one!
  10. 2.8p2
  11. New
  12. - CurvedUI will now check for common scene setup issues and let you know what might be happening.
  13. Bugfixes
  14. - Fixed GoogleVR issues on Unity 2019.2
  15. - Updated demo scenes to include prefabs from new version of major SDKs.
  16. 2.8p1
  17. Bugfixes
  18. - Fixed an issue where dropdown would not work properly in Unity 2019+
  19. - Fixed an issue where UI elements would be unresponsive on ultra wide aspect ratios.
  20. - Fixed an issue where Text Mesh Pro objects would cause uneccesary performance cost when placed on scroll rects.
  21. - Fixed an issue where Input Fields would get deselected on some control methods when user moves the pointer outside.
  22. - Fixed an issue where TMP Input Fields would be improperly masked.
  23. 2.8
  24. New
  25. - Added support for Player Prefab from SteamVR's Interaction system.
  26. - Improved performance with Text Mesh Pro.
  27. - Small improvements to make SteamVR Plugin setup easier.
  28. - CurvedUI will now automatically detect if Text Mesh Pro is present - no setup needed.
  29. Bugfixes
  30. - Fixed an issue that might cause a crash when curving super-long TMPro texts.
  31. - Fixed code compilation warnings in Unity 2019
  32. 2.7p1
  33. Bugfixes
  34. - Fixed an issue in Gaze control method when pointing in and out of the canvas after a click would fire another click immidiately upon returning.
  35. 2.7
  36. New
  37. - Added support for SteamVR 2.0+
  38. - Added an easy way to override pointer direction and origin for non-standard controllers.
  39. Bugfixes
  40. - Fixed gc leak in custom ray control method.
  41. - GAZE control method will now properly work with vertical sliders.
  42. - Dragging a slider will no longer cause it to flicker.
  43. 2.6p2
  44. CurvedUI will now support VRTK with OculusSDK.
  45. 2.6p1
  46. Bugfixes
  47. - Fixed an issue which caused Image and Texts sometimes revert to flat versions.
  48. - Fixed small gc leak.
  49. 2.6
  50. New
  51. - Added support for TMP Input Field' caret and selection.
  52. - GearVR touchpad can now be used to click objects on canvas without having to be set up in Unity InputManager first.
  53. - Added support for Oculus Go. Thanks to John for helping to test things out.
  54. Bugfixes
  55. -Fixed an issue where dropdowns could not be operated in OculusVR control
  56. method.
  57. -Fixed an issue where objects with interactable property set to false could still be
  58. clicked with Gaze control method.
  59. -Reduced GC allocation in continuously updated objects. Big thanks to Marko for
  60. suggestions.
  61. -Fixed improper slider value being set when clicked with Gaze control method on
  62. Unity 2017.3+
  63. -Fixed TMP objects not working as templates of a dropdown.
  64. -Fixed an issue where Gaze Progress Image would not animate properly with 2 or
  65. more curved canvases on the screen.
  66. -Fixed an issue where changing the fill of an image would not prompt CurvedUI to
  67. update it.
  68. Fixed an issue where Grip and Menu button presses where not properly fired in CurvedUIViveController class.
  69. 2.5p1
  70. - fixed compile error on some Unity versions when used in SteamVR control method
  71. 2.5
  72. New
  73. -CurvedUI can now auto detect newest version of Text Mesh Pro and automatically enable support for it. A big thank you to TMP author - Stephan_B - for providing a way for this.
  74. - CurvedUI will now automatically check for interactable objects outside of the canvas and suggest a fix.
  75. - Added public PointingAtCanvas bool for easy access to this data.
  76. - CurvedUILaserBeam now has an option to hide the beam when not aiming at a canvas.
  77. - OCULUSVR control method will now support GearVR remote.
  78. Changes
  79. - Renamed VIVE control method to STEAMVR control method. It now supports Vive, Oculus, Microsoft Mixed Reality and all other devices using SteamVR SDK.
  80. - Renamed OCULUS TOUCH control method to OCULUSVR control method. It now supports Oculus, GearVR and (in the future) Oculus Go headsets.
  81. Bugfixes
  82. -Fixed a bug where some VRTK rigs would throw a null reference exception when used with CurvedUI
  83. -Fixed an issue where TMP Submeshes would be curved twice.
  84. -Fixed an issue where some TMP objects would be deformed in Edit mode.
  85. -Fixed an issue with GAZE control method where progress bar would stay full if scene was launched without a visible canvas.
  86. -Fixed an issue where large scale (ex. 1,1,1) canvases with very small size (ex. 1x1) would suffer from bad curve quality.
  87. 2.4
  88. New and Improved
  89. -Added Support for GoogleVR SDK 1.110 or later.
  90. Changes
  91. -Removed support for Unity 5.2 and earlier for clearer code base.
  92. -Removed Daydream control method. Use GoogleVR control method for Daydream apps instead.
  93. -CurvedUI now requires Unity 5.6 and up to run GoogleVR. Other control methods can be used in earlier versions of Unity.
  94. Bugfixes
  95. -Fixed a bug where adding CurvedUI to a GoogleVR demo scene required additional modifications of components on EventSystem gameobject.
  96. -Gaze control method will now properly fire all click events.
  97. -Gaze control method will now properly work with dropdowns.
  98. -RaycastToCanvasSpace method will now properly take canvas’ layer into account.
  99. -Fixed a bug where using ScrollView with Custom Ray control method would make it jump upon pressing down the controller.
  100. 2.3p1
  101. New and Improved:
  102. -Updated GoogleVR demo scene to Google VR Unity SDK 1.70
  103. Bugfixes:
  104. -Fixed a memory leak issue that sometimes affected canvases with TMP components.
  105. -CurvedUISettings.CanvasToCurvedCanvas method will now work before first Update.
  106. 2.3
  107. New and Improved:
  108. -Updated OrientOnCurvedSurface.cs script to work in every possible case.
  109. -Cached some references in scripts for added performance.
  110. -Raycast My Layer Only is now default option for new canvases.
  111. Bugfixes:
  112. -Gaze Click now works on toggles.
  113. -Gaze Click will no longer fire when no Selectable is under the pointer.
  114. -Gaze Click will no longer fire on disabled Buttons.
  115. -Fixed Gaze Click firing multiple times in single frame with multiple canvases on the scene.
  116. -Fixed Gaze Control Method not firing OnBeginDrag and OnEndDrag events.
  117. -Fixed Text Mesh Pro support excessive performance cost due to constant updates.
  118. -Fixed OnPointerExit and OnPointerEnter events being called every frame with Custom Ray control method.
  119. -Fixed erratic scroll behaviour with Custom Ray control method.
  120. 2.2:
  121. New and Improved:
  122. -Added support for switching to Vive control method during runtime.
  123. -Vive Control method now also supports Oculus Touch when used via SteamVR. This includes adjusted pointing direction.
  124. -Controller hand can now be picked for Oculus Touch
  125. -Oculus Touch control method will now automatically find hand controllers.
  126. -Unified variable names across namespace. ActiveVRController is now Hand. CurvedUIController is now CUIControlMethod.
  127. -Added an error message for when EventSystem component is missing from the scene.
  128. -Added a controlling hand auto switcher script to allow you to replicate the behavior in Oculus Home using your menu.
  129. -Added an option to force box collider use for cylinder and ring canvases.
  130. -Removed or resized some assets from Demo Scenes to make the package smaller.
  131. Bugfixes:
  132. -Fixed a bug where "Raycast My Layer Only" option would not work on canvases that are children of rigidbodies.
  133. -Fixed an issue where objects were not properly deselected in Custom Ray control method.
  134. -Fixed jittery motion in Dragging with Gaze demo
  135. -Fixed Text Mesh Pro submeshes not being properly Curved
  136. -Fixed sudden jump that occurred for some scrollrects when using Gaze control method.
  137. -Fixed Input caret not working on multi-line Input fields.
  138. -Gaze demo scene will now work when launched on mobiles.
  139. -Fixed an issue where turning off a controller during runtime would throw index out of bounds exception
  140. -Fixed a bug where Text Mesh Pro objects would wiggle when planced on a canvas attached to a steamvr controller.
  141. -"Remove Effect From Canvas" will now properly remove TMP related components.
  142. 2.1p1
  143. Fixed Unity 5.6 compile bug.
  144. Fixed World Space Mouse demo scene.
  145. 2.1:
  146. Moved all the scripts to CurvedUI namesspace. You may need to add "using CurvedUI;" to your scripts accessing CurvedUI methods.
  147. Fixed a bug where CurvedUI would not compile on some older unity versions.
  148. Fixed a bug where objects with z different than 0 would not be rendered in a right spot in sphere canvas.