CG搜搜 Unity3d 每日Unity3d插件免费更新 更有VIP资源!
CGSOSO 主打游戏开发,影视设计等CG资源素材。
daily assets update for try.
U should buy the asset from home store if u use it in your project!
using Paroxe.PdfRenderer.WebGL;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Paroxe.PdfRenderer
/// Represents a PDF page inside document.
public class PDFPage : IDisposable, IEquatable
private bool m_Disposed;
private IntPtr m_NativePointer;
private PDFDocument m_Document;
private int m_PageIndex;
private static Dictionary s_InstanceMap = new Dictionary();
/// Rotations are clockwise
public enum PageRotation
Normal = 0,
Rotate90 = 1,
Rotate180 = 2,
Rotate270 = 3
public static PDFJS_Promise LoadPageAsync(PDFDocument document, int pageIndex)
PDFJS_Promise pagePromise = new PDFJS_Promise();
LoadPageParameters parameters = new LoadPageParameters(document, pageIndex);
PDFJS_Library.Instance.PreparePromiseCoroutine(LoadPageCoroutine, pagePromise, parameters).Start();
pagePromise.HasFinished = true;
pagePromise.HasSucceeded = true;
pagePromise.HasReceivedJSResponse = true;
pagePromise.Result = document.GetPage(pageIndex);
return pagePromise;
public PDFPage(PDFDocument document, IntPtr pageHandle, int pageIndex)
m_Document = document;
m_PageIndex = pageIndex;
m_NativePointer = pageHandle;
public PDFPage(PDFDocument document, int pageIndex)
if (document == null)
throw new NullReferenceException();
if (pageIndex < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
m_Document = document;
m_PageIndex = pageIndex;
m_NativePointer = FPDF_LoadPage(document.NativePointer, m_PageIndex);
if (m_NativePointer != IntPtr.Zero)
if (s_InstanceMap.ContainsKey(m_NativePointer))
s_InstanceMap[m_NativePointer] = s_InstanceMap[m_NativePointer] + 1;
s_InstanceMap[m_NativePointer] = 1;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!m_Disposed)
if (m_NativePointer != IntPtr.Zero)
lock (PDFLibrary.nativeLock)
s_InstanceMap[m_NativePointer] = s_InstanceMap[m_NativePointer] - 1;
if (s_InstanceMap[m_NativePointer] == 0)
if (m_Document.NativePointer != IntPtr.Zero)
m_NativePointer = IntPtr.Zero;
m_NativePointer = IntPtr.Zero;
m_Disposed = true;
public IntPtr NativePointer
get { return m_NativePointer; }
public PDFDocument Document
get { return m_Document; }
public int PageIndex
get { return m_PageIndex; }
public Vector2 GetPageSize(float scale = 1.0f)
return m_Document.GetPageSize(m_PageIndex) * scale;
return new Vector2(
PDFJS_GetPageWidth(m_NativePointer.ToInt32(), scale),
PDFJS_GetPageHeight(m_NativePointer.ToInt32(), scale));
internal static Vector2 GetPageSize(IntPtr pageHandle, float scale = 1.0f)
return new Vector2(
PDFJS_GetPageWidth(pageHandle.ToInt32(), scale),
PDFJS_GetPageHeight(pageHandle.ToInt32(), scale));
/// Return an instance of PDFTextPage that give access the the current page text content
public PDFTextPage GetTextPage()
return new PDFTextPage(this);
public PDFLink GetLinkAtPoint(Vector2 pagePoint)
IntPtr linkPtr = FPDFLink_GetLinkAtPoint(m_NativePointer, pagePoint.x, pagePoint.y);
if (linkPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
return new PDFLink(this, linkPtr);
return null;
public PDFLink GetLinkAtPoint(double pageX, double pageY)
IntPtr linkPtr = FPDFLink_GetLinkAtPoint(m_NativePointer, pageX, pageY);
if (linkPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
return new PDFLink(this, linkPtr);
return null;
public Vector2 DeviceToPage(int startX, int startY, int sizeX, int sizeY, PageRotation rotation, int deviceX, int deviceY)
double pageX;
double pageY;
FPDF_DeviceToPage(m_NativePointer, startX, startY, sizeX, sizeY, (int) rotation, deviceX, deviceY, out pageX,
out pageY);
return new Vector2((float) pageX, (float) pageY);
public Vector2 PageToDevice(int startX, int startY, int sizeX, int sizeY, PageRotation rotation, int pageX, int pageY)
int deviceX;
int deviceY;
FPDF_PageToDevice(m_NativePointer, startX, startY, sizeX, sizeY, (int) rotation, pageX, pageY, out deviceX,
out deviceY);
return new Vector2(deviceX, deviceY);
public Vector2 ConvertPagePositionToUnityUIDevicePosition(Vector2 pagePoint, Vector2 devicePageSize)
pagePoint = pagePoint.x/(devicePageSize.y/devicePageSize.x)*Vector2.right + pagePoint.y*Vector2.up;
int device_x;
int device_y;
FPDF_PageToDevice(m_NativePointer, 0, 0, (int) devicePageSize.y, (int) devicePageSize.y, 0, pagePoint.x,
pagePoint.y, out device_x, out device_y);
return new Vector2(device_x, device_y);
public Rect ConvertPageRectToDeviceRect(Rect pageRect, Vector2 devicePageSize)
Vector2 min = ConvertPagePositionToUnityUIDevicePosition(pageRect.min, devicePageSize);
float mx = pageRect.max.x;
float my = (pageRect.min - (pageRect.max - pageRect.min)).y;
Vector2 max = ConvertPagePositionToUnityUIDevicePosition(new Vector2(mx, my), devicePageSize);
Rect rect = new Rect();
rect.min = min;
rect.max = max;
return rect;
public Vector2 ConvertUnityUIDevicePositionToPagePosition(Vector2 devicePoint, Vector2 devicePageSize)
devicePoint = devicePoint.x*(devicePageSize.y/devicePageSize.x)*Vector2.right + devicePoint.y*Vector2.up;
double page_x;
double page_y;
FPDF_DeviceToPage(m_NativePointer, 0, 0, (int) devicePageSize.y, (int) devicePageSize.y, 0,
(int) devicePoint.x, (int) devicePoint.y, out page_x, out page_y);
return new Vector2((float) page_x, (float) page_y);
public bool Equals(PDFPage other)
return (m_NativePointer != IntPtr.Zero && m_NativePointer == other.m_NativePointer);
private class LoadPageParameters
public PDFDocument document;
public int pageIndex;
public LoadPageParameters(PDFDocument document, int pageIndex)
this.document = document;
this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
private static IEnumerator LoadPageCoroutine(PDFJS_PromiseCoroutine promiseCoroutine, IPDFJS_Promise promise, object par)
while (!PDFLibrary.Instance.IsInitialized)
yield return null;
PDFJS_Promise pagePromise = promise as PDFJS_Promise;
LoadPageParameters parameters = par as LoadPageParameters;
PDFJS_LoadPage(promise.PromiseHandle, parameters.document.NativePointer.ToInt32(), parameters.pageIndex + 1);
while (!pagePromise.HasReceivedJSResponse)
yield return null;
if (pagePromise.HasSucceeded)
int pageHandle = int.Parse(pagePromise.JSObjectHandle);
PDFPage page = new PDFPage(parameters.document, new IntPtr(pageHandle), parameters.pageIndex);
pagePromise.Result = page;
pagePromise.HasFinished = true;
promiseCoroutine.ExecuteThenAction(true, page);
pagePromise.Result = null;
pagePromise.HasFinished = true;
promiseCoroutine.ExecuteThenAction(false, null);
#region NATIVE
private static extern IntPtr FPDF_LoadPage(IntPtr document, int page_index);
private static extern void FPDF_ClosePage(IntPtr page);
private static extern IntPtr FPDFLink_GetLinkAtPoint(IntPtr page, double x, double y);
private static extern void FPDF_DeviceToPage(IntPtr page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y,
int rotate, int device_x, int device_y, out double page_x, out double page_y);
private static extern void FPDF_PageToDevice(IntPtr page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y,
int rotate, double page_x, double page_y, out int device_x, out int device_y);
private static extern void PDFJS_LoadPage(string promiseHandle, int documentHandle, int pageIndex);
private static extern void PDFJS_ClosePage(int pageHandle);
private static extern int PDFJS_GetPageWidth(int pageHandle, float scale);
private static extern int PDFJS_GetPageHeight(int pageHandle, float scale);