/* http://www.cgsoso.com/forum-211-1.html CG搜搜 Unity3d 每日Unity3d插件免费更新 更有VIP资源! CGSOSO 主打游戏开发,影视设计等CG资源素材。 插件如若商用,请务必官网购买! daily assets update for try. U should buy the asset from home store if u use it in your project! */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #if NETFX_CORE && !UNITY_WSA_10_0 using WinRTLegacy.Text; #else using System.Text; #endif namespace Paroxe.PdfRenderer { #if !UNITY_WEBGL /// /// Represents the bookmark into a PDF document. /// public class PDFBookmark : IDisposable { private bool m_Disposed; private List m_Bookmarks = new List(); private PDFDocument m_Document; private IntPtr m_NativePointer; private PDFBookmark m_ParentBookmark; private IPDFDevice m_Device; private string m_Title; public PDFBookmark(PDFDocument document, PDFBookmark parentBookmark, IntPtr nativePointer) : this(document, parentBookmark, nativePointer, null) { if (document == null) throw new NullReferenceException(); } public PDFBookmark(PDFDocument document, PDFBookmark parentBookmark, IntPtr nativePointer, IPDFDevice device) { if (document == null) throw new NullReferenceException(); m_ParentBookmark = parentBookmark; m_NativePointer = nativePointer; m_Document = document; m_Device = device; if (m_NativePointer == IntPtr.Zero) m_Title = "ROOT"; PDFLibrary.AddRef("PDFBookmark"); PDFBookmark firstChild = GetFirstChild(); if (firstChild != null) { PDFBookmark previousSibling = firstChild; while (previousSibling != null) { m_Bookmarks.Add(previousSibling); previousSibling = previousSibling.GetNextSibling(); } } } ~PDFBookmark() { Dispose(false); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!m_Disposed) { m_NativePointer = IntPtr.Zero; PDFLibrary.RemoveRef("PDFBookmark"); m_Disposed = true; } } public PDFDocument Document { get { return m_Document; } } public int ChildCount { get { return m_Bookmarks.Count; } } public bool IsTopLevelBookmark { get { return (m_ParentBookmark == null || m_ParentBookmark.NativePointer == IntPtr.Zero); } } public PDFBookmark Parent { get { return m_ParentBookmark; } } public IntPtr NativePointer { get { return m_NativePointer; } } public IList GetChildrenBookmarks() { return m_Bookmarks; } public IEnumerable EnumerateChildrenBookmarks() { foreach (PDFBookmark child in m_Bookmarks) { yield return child; } } public void ExecuteBookmarkAction() { if (m_Device != null) PDFActionHandlerHelper.ExecuteBookmarkAction(m_Device, this); } public PDFBookmark GetChild(int index) { return m_Bookmarks[index]; } public string GetTitle() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Title)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int length = (int) FPDFBookmark_GetTitle(m_NativePointer, buffer, (uint) buffer.Length); if (length > 0) m_Title = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); } return m_Title; } public PDFAction GetAction() { IntPtr actionPtr = FPDFBookmark_GetAction(m_NativePointer); if (actionPtr != IntPtr.Zero) return new PDFAction(this, actionPtr); return null; } public PDFDest GetDest() { IntPtr destPtr = FPDFBookmark_GetDest(m_Document.NativePointer, m_NativePointer); if (destPtr != IntPtr.Zero) return new PDFDest(this, destPtr); return null; } public PDFBookmark GetFirstChild() { IntPtr childPtr = FPDFBookmark_GetFirstChild(m_Document.NativePointer, m_NativePointer); if (childPtr != IntPtr.Zero) return new PDFBookmark(m_Document, this, childPtr, m_Device); return null; } public PDFBookmark GetNextSibling() { IntPtr nextPtr = FPDFBookmark_GetNextSibling(m_Document.NativePointer, m_NativePointer); if (nextPtr != IntPtr.Zero) return new PDFBookmark(m_Document, m_ParentBookmark, nextPtr, m_Device); return null; } #region NATIVE [DllImport(PDFLibrary.PLUGIN_ASSEMBLY)] private static extern IntPtr FPDFBookmark_GetAction(IntPtr bookmark); [DllImport(PDFLibrary.PLUGIN_ASSEMBLY)] private static extern IntPtr FPDFBookmark_GetDest(IntPtr document, IntPtr bookmark); [DllImport(PDFLibrary.PLUGIN_ASSEMBLY)] private static extern IntPtr FPDFBookmark_GetFirstChild(IntPtr document, IntPtr bookmark); [DllImport(PDFLibrary.PLUGIN_ASSEMBLY)] private static extern IntPtr FPDFBookmark_GetNextSibling(IntPtr document, IntPtr bookmark); [DllImport(PDFLibrary.PLUGIN_ASSEMBLY)] private static extern uint FPDFBookmark_GetTitle(IntPtr bookmark, [In, Out] byte[] buffer, uint buflen); #endregion } #endif }