using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; namespace Nxr.Internal { public class NxrApkEncryptionEditor : EditorWindow { string sdkurl = ""; bool EnableEncryption = false; bool IsHasChecked; // // bool CheckEncryption() { string data = NxrPluginEditor.Read("AndroidManifest.xml"); string[] lines = data.Split('\n'); for (int i = 0, l = lines.Length; i < l; i++) { string lineContent = lines[i]; if (lineContent.Contains("NIBIRU_ENCRYPTION_MODE")) { return lineContent.Contains("1"); } } return false; } private void OnGUI() { if (!IsHasChecked) { IsHasChecked = true; EnableEncryption = CheckEncryption(); } GUILayout.Space(20); GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle(); labelStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(220 / 255.0f, 20 / 255.0f, 60 / 255.0f, 1.0f); labelStyle.fontSize = 13; GUILayout.Label(" APK Encryption: \n\n Step1: Use NibiruEncrypt Tool generate Encrypt Key file name is apkpass.txt.\n Step2: Put apkpass.txt to Assets\\Plugins\\Android\\assets.", labelStyle); GUILayout.Space(20); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Get the lastest version of Tool:"); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.normal.textColor = new Color(0, 122f / 255f, 204f / 255f); if (GUILayout.Button(sdkurl, style, GUILayout.Width(200))) { Application.OpenURL(sdkurl); } GUILayout.Space(20); EnableEncryption = GUILayout.Toggle(EnableEncryption, "Enable APK Encryption"); GUILayout.Space(20); bool ApkPassExist = NxrPluginEditor.IsFileExists("assets/apkpass.txt"); if (!ApkPassExist) { GUILayout.Label(" [Warning] apkpass.txt is not exist. [Warning] ", labelStyle); GUILayout.Space(20); } if (GUILayout.Button("Confirm", GUILayout.Width(100), GUILayout.Height(30))) { { string data = NxrPluginEditor.Read("AndroidManifest.xml"); string[] lines = data.Split('\n'); string newdata = ""; for (int i = 0, l = lines.Length; i < l; i++) { string lineContent = lines[i]; if (lineContent.Contains("NIBIRU_ENCRYPTION_MODE")) { lineContent = " "; } newdata = newdata + lineContent + "\n"; } NxrPluginEditor.Write("AndroidManifest.xml", newdata); } Close(); } } } }