using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Paroxe.PdfRenderer.Internal; using Paroxe.PdfRenderer.Internal.Viewer; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; using Paroxe.PdfRenderer.WebGL; #if NETFX_CORE && !UNITY_WSA_10_0 using WinRTLegacy; #endif namespace Paroxe.PdfRenderer { /// /// PDFViewer is an Unity UI component that allow you to visualize PDF Document. /// public class PDFViewer : UIBehaviour, IPDFDevice, IPDFColoredRectListProvider { [SerializeField] public PDFViewerInternal m_Internal; private IPDFDeviceActionHandler m_BookmarksActionHandler; private IPDFDeviceActionHandler m_LinksActionHandler; private PDFPageRange m_CurrentPageRange; private PDFSearchResult m_CurrentSearchResult; private PDFDocument m_Document; private PDFDocument m_SuppliedDocument; private PDFPageTextureHolder[] m_PageTextureHolders; private int m_CurrentSearchResultIndex; private int m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage; private bool m_DelayedOnEnable; private float m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelay; #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR private float m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelayBeforeFade = 0.5f; #endif private bool m_InvalidPasswordMessageVisisble; private bool m_IsLoaded; private int m_LoadAtPageIndex; private float m_OverlayAlpha = 0.50f; private bool m_OverlayVisible; private int m_PageCount; private float[] m_PageOffsets; private Vector2[] m_PageSizes; private Vector2[] m_NormalPageSizes; private byte[] m_PendingDocumentBuffer; private int m_PreviousMostVisiblePage = -1; private PageFittingType m_PreviousPageFitting; private Vector2 m_PreviousViewportSize =; private float m_PreviousZoom; private float m_PreviousZoomToGo; private IList[] m_SearchResults; private float m_StartZoom; private float m_UpdateChangeDelay; private Vector2 m_ViewportSize =; #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR private WWW m_WWW; #endif private Vector2 m_ZoomPosition =; private PDFRenderer m_Renderer; private Canvas m_Canvas; /// ... private PDFThumbnailsViewer m_ThumbnailsViewer; private PDFBookmarksViewer m_BookmarksViewer; [SerializeField] private bool m_AllowOpenURL = true; [SerializeField] private Component m_BytesSupplierComponent; [SerializeField] private string m_BytesSupplierFunctionName; [SerializeField] private GameObject m_BytesSupplierObject; [SerializeField] private string m_FileName = ""; [SerializeField] private string m_FilePath = ""; [SerializeField] private FileSourceType m_FileSource = FileSourceType.Resources; [SerializeField] private string m_FileURL = ""; [SerializeField] private string m_Folder = ""; [SerializeField] private bool m_LoadOnEnable = true; [SerializeField] private float m_MaxZoomFactor = 8.0f; [SerializeField] private float m_MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality = 4.0f; [SerializeField] private float m_MinZoomFactor = 0.25f; [SerializeField] private PageFittingType m_PageFitting = PageFittingType.Zoom; [SerializeField] private string m_Password = ""; [SerializeField] private PDFAsset m_PDFAsset = null; [SerializeField] private float m_ZoomFactor = 1.0f; [SerializeField] private float m_ZoomStep = 0.25f; [SerializeField] private float m_ZoomToGo; [SerializeField] private float m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages = 20.0f; [SerializeField] private bool m_UnloadOnDisable; [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowVerticalScrollBar = false; [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowBookmarksViewer = true; [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowHorizontalScrollBar = true; [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowThumbnailsViewer = true; [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowTopBar = false; [SerializeField] private float m_ScrollSensitivity = 75.0f; [SerializeField] private Color m_SearchResultColor = new Color(0.0f, 115 / 255.0f, 230 / 255.0f, 125 / 255.0f); [SerializeField] private Vector2 m_SearchResultPadding = new Vector2(2.0f, 4.0f); [SerializeField] private float m_SearchTimeBudgetPerFrame = 0.60f; [SerializeField] private PDFRenderer.RenderSettings m_RenderSettings = new PDFRenderer.RenderSettings(); [SerializeField] private float m_DelayAfterZoomingBeforeUpdate = 0.005f; [SerializeField] private float m_ParagraphZoomFactor = 2.0f; [SerializeField] private bool m_ParagraphZoomingEnable = true; [SerializeField] private float m_ParagraphDetectionThreshold = 12.0f; [SerializeField] private Texture2D m_PageTileTexture; [SerializeField] private Color m_PageColor = Color.white; public delegate void CancelEventHandler(PDFViewer sender); public delegate void CurrentPageChangedEventHandler(PDFViewer sender, int oldPageIndex, int newPageIndex); public delegate void DocumentChangedEventHandler(PDFViewer sender, PDFDocument document); public delegate void LoadFailEventHandler(PDFViewer sender); public delegate void PDFViewerEventHandler(PDFViewer sender); public delegate void ZoomChangedEventHandler(PDFViewer sender, float oldZoom, float newZoom); public event CurrentPageChangedEventHandler OnCurrentPageChanged; public event PDFViewerEventHandler OnDisabled; public event DocumentChangedEventHandler OnDocumentLoaded; public event LoadFailEventHandler OnDocumentLoadFailed; public event DocumentChangedEventHandler OnDocumentUnloaded; public event CancelEventHandler OnDownloadCancelled; public event CancelEventHandler OnPasswordCancelled; public event ZoomChangedEventHandler OnZoomChanged; public enum FileSourceType { None, Web, StreamingAssets, Resources, FilePath, Bytes, Asset, DocumentObject } public enum PageFittingType { ViewerWidth, ViewerHeight, WholePage, Zoom } public enum ViewerModeType { Move, ZoomOut, ZoomIn } /// /// Specify if the PDFViewer can open url link with external browser. /// public bool AllowOpenURL { get { return m_AllowOpenURL; } set { m_AllowOpenURL = value; } } /// /// Specify the viewport background color. /// public Color BackgroundColor { get { return m_Internal.m_Viewport.GetComponent().color; } set { if (m_Internal.m_Viewport.GetComponent().color != value) { m_Internal.m_Viewport.GetComponent().color = value; } } } /// /// Specify the relative amount of time is allowed for text search per frame (0.0f to 1.0f). /// public float SearchTimeBudgetPerFrame { get { return m_SearchTimeBudgetPerFrame; } set { m_SearchTimeBudgetPerFrame = Mathf.Clamp01(value); } } /// /// Specify the action handler for bookmarks. /// public IPDFDeviceActionHandler BookmarksActionHandler { get { return m_BookmarksActionHandler; } set { m_BookmarksActionHandler = value; } } /// /// Specify the action handler for links. /// public IPDFDeviceActionHandler LinksActionHandler { get { return m_LinksActionHandler; } set { m_LinksActionHandler = value; } } /// /// This property is intended to be used along side with the bytes file source. (FileSource.Bytes) /// Specify from which component the byte suplier function resides. /// public Component BytesSupplierComponent { get { return m_BytesSupplierComponent; } set { m_BytesSupplierComponent = value; } } /// /// This property is intended to be used along side with the bytes file source. (FileSource.Bytes) /// Specify the function name whithin the byte supplier component. /// public string BytesSupplierFunctionName { get { return m_BytesSupplierFunctionName; } set { m_BytesSupplierFunctionName = value; } } /// /// This property is intended to be used along side with the bytes file source. (FileSource.Bytes) /// Specify the object in which the bytes suppliers component resides. /// public GameObject BytesSupplierObject { get { return m_BytesSupplierObject; } set { m_BytesSupplierObject = value; } } public int CurrentPageIndex { get { return GetMostVisiblePageIndex(); } set { int mostVisible = GetMostVisiblePageIndex(); if (value != mostVisible) { GoToPage(value); } } } public int CurrentSearchResultIndex { get { return m_CurrentSearchResultIndex; } } /// /// Return the byte array of the current loaded pdf document. /// public byte[] DataBuffer { get { if (Document != null) { return m_Document.DocumentBuffer; } return null; } } public PDFDocument Document { get { return m_Document; } } public string FileName { get { return m_FileName; } set { m_FileName = value; } } public string FilePath { get { return m_FilePath; } set { m_FilePath = value; } } public FileSourceType FileSource { get { return m_FileSource; } set { m_FileSource = value; } } public string FileURL { get { return m_FileURL; } set { m_FileURL = value; } } public string Folder { get { return m_Folder; } set { m_Folder = value; } } public bool IsLoaded { get { return m_IsLoaded; } } public bool LoadOnEnable { get { return m_LoadOnEnable; } set { m_LoadOnEnable = value; } } public float MaxZoomFactor { get { return m_MaxZoomFactor; } set { m_MaxZoomFactor = value; } } public float MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality { get { return m_MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality; } set { if (Math.Abs(Mathf.Clamp(value, MinZoomFactor, MaxZoomFactor) - m_MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality) > float.Epsilon) { m_MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality = Mathf.Clamp(value, MinZoomFactor, MaxZoomFactor); m_UpdateChangeDelay = 1.0f; } } } public float MinZoomFactor { get { return m_MinZoomFactor; } set { m_MinZoomFactor = value; } } public PageFittingType PageFitting { get { return m_PageFitting; } set { m_PageFitting = value; } } public string Password { get { return m_Password; } set { m_Password = value; } } /// /// Intended to be used along side the Asset file source (FileSource.Asset) /// public PDFAsset PDFAsset { get { return m_PDFAsset; } set { m_PDFAsset = value; } } public bool RenderAnnotations { get { return m_RenderSettings.renderAnnotations; } set { if (m_RenderSettings.renderAnnotations != value) { m_RenderSettings.renderAnnotations = value; m_UpdateChangeDelay = 0.1f; } } } public bool RenderGrayscale { get { return m_RenderSettings.grayscale; } set { if (m_RenderSettings.grayscale != value) { m_RenderSettings.grayscale = value; m_UpdateChangeDelay = 0.1f; } } } public float ScrollSensitivity { get { return m_ScrollSensitivity; } set { m_ScrollSensitivity = value; } } public Color SearchResultColor { get { return m_SearchResultColor; } set { if (m_SearchResultColor != value) { m_SearchResultColor = value; m_UpdateChangeDelay = 0.25f; } } } public Vector2 SearchResultPadding { get { return m_SearchResultPadding; } set { if (m_SearchResultPadding != value) { m_SearchResultPadding = value; m_UpdateChangeDelay = 0.25f; } } } public bool ShowBookmarksViewer { get { return m_ShowBookmarksViewer; } set { m_ShowBookmarksViewer = value; bool visible = m_ShowBookmarksViewer; if (m_IsLoaded) { #if !UNITY_WEBGL if (m_Document.GetRootBookmark().ChildCount == 0) #endif visible = false; } if (m_Internal.m_LeftPanel != null) { m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.m_Bookmarks.gameObject.SetActive(visible); m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.m_BookmarksTab.gameObject.SetActive(visible); m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.SetActive(m_ShowThumbnailsViewer || visible); if (!visible && m_ShowThumbnailsViewer) m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.OnThumbnailsTabClicked(); else if (visible && !m_ShowThumbnailsViewer) m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.OnBookmarksTabClicked(); else m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.OnBookmarksTabClicked(); } } } public bool ShowHorizontalScrollBar { get { return m_ShowHorizontalScrollBar; } set { if (m_ShowHorizontalScrollBar != value) { m_ShowHorizontalScrollBar = value; UpdateScrollBarVisibility(); } } } public bool ShowThumbnailsViewer { get { return m_ShowThumbnailsViewer; } set { if (m_ShowThumbnailsViewer != value) { m_ShowThumbnailsViewer = value; if (m_Internal.m_LeftPanel != null) { m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.m_ThumbnailsViewer.gameObject.SetActive(m_ShowThumbnailsViewer); m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.m_ThumbnailsTab.gameObject.SetActive(m_ShowThumbnailsViewer); m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.SetActive(m_ShowThumbnailsViewer || m_ShowBookmarksViewer); if (!m_ShowBookmarksViewer && m_ShowThumbnailsViewer) m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.OnThumbnailsTabClicked(); else if (m_ShowBookmarksViewer && !m_ShowThumbnailsViewer) m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.OnBookmarksTabClicked(); else m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.OnBookmarksTabClicked(); } } } } public bool ShowTopBar { get { return m_ShowTopBar; } set { if (m_ShowTopBar != value) { m_ShowTopBar = value; if (!m_ShowTopBar) { m_Internal.m_TopPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_Internal.m_TopPanel.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMax = new Vector2(m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMax.x, 0.0f); m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.offsetMax = new Vector2(m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.offsetMax.x, 0.0f); if (m_Internal.m_LeftPanel != null) { (m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2((m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta.x, 0.0f); } } else { m_Internal.m_TopPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_Internal.m_TopPanel.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0.0f, 60.0f); m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMax = new Vector2(m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMax.x, -60.0f); m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.offsetMax = new Vector2(m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.offsetMax.x, -59.0f); if (m_Internal.m_LeftPanel != null) { (m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2((m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta.x, -59.0f); } } } } } public bool ShowVerticalScrollBar { get { return m_ShowVerticalScrollBar; } set { if (m_ShowVerticalScrollBar != value) { m_ShowVerticalScrollBar = value; UpdateScrollBarVisibility(); } } } public bool UnloadOnDisable { get { return m_UnloadOnDisable; } set { m_UnloadOnDisable = value; } } public float VerticalMarginBetweenPages { get { return m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages; } set { if (m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages != value) { if (value < 0.0f) { m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages = 0.0f; } else { m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages = value; } ComputePageOffsets(); UpdatePagesPlacement(); m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta = GetDocumentSize(); EnsureValidPageContainerPosition(); } } } public float ZoomFactor { get { return m_ZoomToGo; } set { if (Math.Abs(m_ZoomToGo - Mathf.Clamp(value, MinZoomFactor, MaxZoomFactor)) > float.Epsilon) { m_ZoomToGo = Mathf.Clamp(value, MinZoomFactor, MaxZoomFactor); m_ZoomPosition = new Vector2(0.0f, m_ViewportSize.y*0.5f); NotifyZoomChanged(m_PreviousZoomToGo, m_ZoomToGo); m_PageFitting = PageFittingType.Zoom; } } } public float ZoomStep { get { return m_ZoomStep; } set { m_ZoomStep = value; } } public bool ParagraphZoomingEnable { get { return m_ParagraphZoomingEnable; } set { m_ParagraphZoomingEnable = value; } } public float ParagraphZoomFactor { get { return m_ParagraphZoomFactor; } set { m_ParagraphZoomFactor = value; } } public float ParagraphDetectionThreshold { get { return m_ParagraphDetectionThreshold; } set { m_ParagraphDetectionThreshold = value; } } public Texture2D PageTileTexture { get { return m_PageTileTexture; } set { m_PageTileTexture = value; } } public Color PageColor { get { return m_PageColor; } set { m_PageColor = value; } } public void AdjustZoomToPageFitting(PageFittingType pageFitting, Vector2 referencePageSize) { if (m_ViewportSize == { m_ViewportSize = ComputeRectTransformFinalSize(m_Internal.m_Viewport.transform as RectTransform); if (m_Canvas != null) { m_ViewportSize.x /= m_Canvas.scaleFactor; m_ViewportSize.y /= m_Canvas.scaleFactor; } } switch (pageFitting) { case PageFittingType.ViewerWidth: { float firstPageWidth = referencePageSize.x; float viewportWidth = m_ViewportSize.x; m_ZoomToGo = viewportWidth/firstPageWidth; break; } case PageFittingType.ViewerHeight: { float firstPageHeight = referencePageSize.y; float viewportHeight = m_ViewportSize.y; m_ZoomToGo = viewportHeight/firstPageHeight; break; } case PageFittingType.WholePage: { float firstPageWidth = referencePageSize.x; float firstPageHeight = referencePageSize.y + 2.0f*m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages; float viewportWidth = m_ViewportSize.x; float viewportHeight = m_ViewportSize.y; m_ZoomToGo = Mathf.Min(viewportWidth/firstPageWidth, viewportHeight/firstPageHeight); break; } case PageFittingType.Zoom: { break; } } } public void CloseDocument() { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER if (m_IsLoaded) { CleanUp(); } #endif } public string GetFileLocation() { switch (m_FileSource) { case FileSourceType.FilePath: return m_FilePath; case FileSourceType.Resources: string folder = m_Folder + "/"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Folder)) { folder = ""; } return (folder + m_FileName).Replace("//", "/").Replace(@"\\", @"/").Replace(@"\", @"/"); case FileSourceType.StreamingAssets: folder = m_Folder + "/"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Folder)) { folder = ""; } string location = ("/" + folder + m_FileName).Replace("//", "/") .Replace(@"\\", @"/") .Replace(@"\", @"/"); return Application.streamingAssetsPath + location; case FileSourceType.Web: return m_FileURL; default: return ""; } } public void GoToNextPage() { if (m_Document == null || !m_Document.IsValid) { return; } int mostVisiblePage = GetMostVisiblePageIndex(); if (mostVisiblePage + 1 < m_PageCount) { GoToPage(mostVisiblePage + 1); } else { m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition = new Vector2( m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.x, m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta.y - m_ViewportSize.y); } } public void GoToNextSearchResult() { if (m_SearchResults != null && m_SearchResults.Length > 0) { ++m_CurrentSearchResultIndex; ++m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage; int oldPageIndex = m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex; if (m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage >= m_SearchResults[m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex].Count) { int nextPage = m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex + 1; while (nextPage < m_PageCount - 1 && m_SearchResults[nextPage].Count == 0) { ++nextPage; } if (nextPage <= m_PageCount - 1 && m_SearchResults[nextPage].Count > 0) { m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage = 0; m_CurrentSearchResult = m_SearchResults[nextPage][0]; if (oldPageIndex != nextPage) { GoToPage(nextPage); } } else { --m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage; --m_CurrentSearchResultIndex; } } else { m_CurrentSearchResult = m_SearchResults[m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex][m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage]; if (!m_CurrentPageRange.ContainsPage(m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex)) GoToPage(m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex); } } } public void GoToPage(int pageIndex) { if (pageIndex < 0) { pageIndex = 0; } else if (pageIndex > m_PageCount - 1) { pageIndex = m_PageCount - 1; } m_Internal.m_PageInputField.text = (pageIndex + 1).ToString(); m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.x, m_PageOffsets[pageIndex] - m_PageSizes[pageIndex].y*0.5f); m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition -= m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages*Vector2.up; SetPageCountLabel(pageIndex, m_PageCount); EnsureValidPageContainerPosition(); } public void GoToPreviousPage() { if (m_Document == null || !m_Document.IsValid) { return; } int mostVisiblePage = GetMostVisiblePageIndex(); if (mostVisiblePage - 1 >= 0) { GoToPage(mostVisiblePage - 1); } else { m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition =; } } public void GoToPreviousSearchResult() { if (m_SearchResults != null && m_SearchResults.Length > 0 && m_CurrentSearchResultIndex > 0) { --m_CurrentSearchResultIndex; --m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage; int oldPageIndex = m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex; if (m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage < 0) { int prevPage = m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex - 1; while (prevPage >= 0 && m_SearchResults[prevPage].Count == 0) { --prevPage; } if (prevPage >= 0 && m_SearchResults[prevPage].Count > 0) { m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage = m_SearchResults[prevPage].Count - 1; m_CurrentSearchResult = m_SearchResults[prevPage][m_SearchResults[prevPage].Count - 1]; if (oldPageIndex != prevPage) { GoToPage(prevPage); } } else { ++m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage; ++m_CurrentSearchResultIndex; } } else { m_CurrentSearchResult = m_SearchResults[m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex][m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage]; if (!m_CurrentPageRange.ContainsPage(m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex)) GoToPage(m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex); } } } public void LoadDocument(int pageIndex = 0) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER if (m_IsLoaded) CleanUp(); CommonLoad(); #endif } public void LoadDocument(PDFDocument document, string password, int pageIndex) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER m_LoadAtPageIndex = pageIndex; if (m_IsLoaded) CleanUp(); m_FileSource = FileSourceType.DocumentObject; m_SuppliedDocument = document; m_Password = password; //if (m_SuppliedDocument != null) CommonLoad(); #endif } public void LoadDocument(PDFDocument document, int pageIndex = 0) { LoadDocument(document, "", pageIndex); } public void LoadDocumentFromAsset(PDFAsset pdfAsset, int pageIndex = 0) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER m_LoadAtPageIndex = pageIndex; if (m_IsLoaded) { CleanUp(); } m_FileSource = FileSourceType.Asset; m_PDFAsset = pdfAsset; m_Password = pdfAsset.Password; CommonLoad(pdfAsset.m_FileContent); #endif } public void LoadDocumentFromAsset(PDFAsset pdfAsset, string password, int pageIndex = 0) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER m_LoadAtPageIndex = pageIndex; if (m_IsLoaded) { CleanUp(); } m_FileSource = FileSourceType.Asset; m_PDFAsset = pdfAsset; m_Password = password; CommonLoad(pdfAsset.m_FileContent); #endif } public void LoadDocumentFromResources(string folder, string fileName, string password, int pageIndex = 0) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER m_LoadAtPageIndex = pageIndex; if (m_IsLoaded) CleanUp(); m_FileSource = FileSourceType.Resources; m_Folder = folder; m_FileName = fileName; m_FilePath = GetFileLocation(); m_Password = password; CommonLoad(); #endif } public void LoadDocumentFromStreamingAssets(string folder, string fileName, string password, int pageIndex = 0) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER m_LoadAtPageIndex = pageIndex; if (m_IsLoaded) CleanUp(); m_FileSource = FileSourceType.StreamingAssets; m_Folder = folder; m_FileName = fileName; m_FilePath = GetFileLocation(); m_Password = password; CommonLoad(); #endif } public void LoadDocumentFromWeb(string url, string password, int pageIndex = 0) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER m_LoadAtPageIndex = pageIndex; if (m_IsLoaded) CleanUp(); m_FileSource = FileSourceType.Web; m_FileURL = url; m_FilePath = GetFileLocation(); m_Password = password; CommonLoad(); #endif } public void LoadDocumentWithBuffer(byte[] buffer, string password, int pageIndex = 0) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER m_LoadAtPageIndex = pageIndex; if (m_IsLoaded) CleanUp(); m_FileSource = FileSourceType.Bytes; m_Password = password; CommonLoad(buffer); #endif } public void LoadDocumentWithFile(string filePath, string password, int pageIndex = 0) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER m_LoadAtPageIndex = pageIndex; if (m_IsLoaded) CleanUp(); m_FileSource = FileSourceType.FilePath; m_FilePath = filePath; m_Password = password; m_FilePath = GetFileLocation(); m_Password = password; CommonLoad(); #endif } public void OnDownloadCancelButtonClicked() { #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR StopCoroutine(DownloadFileFromWWW()); m_Internal.m_DownloadDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_WWW = null; NotifyDownloadCancelled(); CleanUp(); #endif } public void OnPageEditEnd() { if (m_Document == null || !m_Document.IsValid) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Internal.m_PageInputField.text)) { return; } int pageIndex = int.Parse(m_Internal.m_PageInputField.text) - 1; GoToPage(pageIndex); } public void OnPasswordDialogCancelButtonClicked() { m_InvalidPasswordMessageVisisble = false; m_Internal.m_InvalidPasswordImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_Internal.m_InvalidPasswordImage.GetComponent().alpha = 1.0f; NotifyPasswordCancelled(); CleanUp(); } public void OnPasswordDialogOkButtonClicked() { #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR m_Password = m_Internal.m_PasswordInputField.text; if (TryLoadDocumentWithBuffer(m_PendingDocumentBuffer, m_Password)) { m_Internal.m_PasswordDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_InvalidPasswordMessageVisisble = false; m_Internal.m_InvalidPasswordImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_Internal.m_InvalidPasswordImage.GetComponent().alpha = 1.0f; m_Internal.m_PasswordInputField.text = ""; } else { m_InvalidPasswordMessageVisisble = true; m_Internal.m_InvalidPasswordImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_Internal.m_InvalidPasswordImage.GetComponent().alpha = 1.0f; m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelay = m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelayBeforeFade; m_Internal.m_PasswordInputField.Select(); } #endif } public void ReloadDocument(int pageIndex = 0) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER LoadDocument(pageIndex); #endif } #if (!UNITY_WINRT && !UNITY_WEBGL) || UNITY_EDITOR public bool SaveDocumentAsFile(string path) { if (m_Document == null || m_Document.DocumentBuffer == null) { Debug.LogError("Error while saving document: there is no document loaded."); return false; } if (!new Uri(path).IsWellFormedOriginalString()) { Debug.LogError("Error while saving document: the path is not well formed => " + path); return false; } try { FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); stream.Write(m_Document.DocumentBuffer, 0, m_Document.DocumentBuffer.Length); stream.Close(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("Exception while saving document: " + ex); } return false; } #endif public void SetSearchResults(IList[] searchResults) { m_SearchResults = searchResults; if (m_SearchResults != null && m_SearchResults.Length > 0) { m_CurrentSearchResultIndex = 0; m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_PageCount; ++i) { if (m_SearchResults[i] != null && m_SearchResults[i].Count > 0) { m_CurrentSearchResult = m_SearchResults[i][0]; break; } } } else { m_CurrentSearchResult = new PDFSearchResult(-1, 0, 0); m_CurrentSearchResultIndex = 0; } AdjustCurrentSearchResultDisplayed(); m_UpdateChangeDelay = 0.25f; } public void UnloadDocument() { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER if (m_IsLoaded) { CleanUp(); } #endif } public void ZoomIn() { ZoomCommon(new Vector2(0.0f, m_ViewportSize.y*0.5f), true); } public void ZoomOut() { ZoomCommon(new Vector2(0.0f, m_ViewportSize.y*0.5f), false); } private void AdjustCurrentSearchResultDisplayed() { if (m_SearchResults != null && m_SearchResults.Length > 0) { if (!m_CurrentPageRange.ContainsPage(m_CurrentSearchResult.PageIndex)) { int minPage = m_CurrentPageRange.m_From; int maxPage = m_CurrentPageRange.m_To; bool minFound = false; bool maxFound = false; for (int i = minPage; i >= 0; --i) { if (m_SearchResults[i] != null && m_SearchResults[i].Count > 0) { minFound = true; minPage = i; break; } } for (int i = maxPage; i < m_PageCount; ++i) { if (m_SearchResults[i] != null && m_SearchResults[i].Count > 0) { maxFound = true; maxPage = i; break; } } int disMinPage = Math.Abs(m_CurrentPageRange.m_From - minPage); int disMaxPage = Math.Abs(maxPage - m_CurrentPageRange.m_To); int nearestPage = -1; if (disMinPage <= disMaxPage) { if (minFound) { nearestPage = minPage; } else if (maxFound) { nearestPage = maxPage; } } else { if (maxFound) { nearestPage = maxPage; } else if (minFound) { nearestPage = minPage; } } int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nearestPage; ++i) { count += m_SearchResults[i].Count; } if (minFound || maxFound) { if (m_CurrentPageRange.ContainsPage(nearestPage) || nearestPage >= m_CurrentPageRange.m_To) { m_CurrentSearchResult = m_SearchResults[nearestPage][0]; m_CurrentSearchResultIndex = count; m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage = 0; } else { m_CurrentSearchResult = m_SearchResults[nearestPage][m_SearchResults[nearestPage].Count - 1]; m_CurrentSearchResultIndex = count + m_SearchResults[nearestPage].Count - 1; m_CurrentSearchResultIndexWithinCurrentPage = m_SearchResults[nearestPage].Count - 1; } } } } } private void CleanUp() { if (m_Document != null) NotifyDocumentUnloaded(m_Document); m_Document = null; if (m_PageTextureHolders != null) { foreach (PDFPageTextureHolder holder in m_PageTextureHolders) { if (holder.Texture != null) { Texture2D tex = holder.Texture; holder.Texture = null; Texture2D.Destroy(tex); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } if ( != "Page") { Destroy(holder.m_Page); } } } m_IsLoaded = false; m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition =; m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta =; UpdateScrollBarVisibility(); EnsureValidPageContainerPosition(); m_ZoomToGo = m_StartZoom; m_PageSizes = null; m_NormalPageSizes = null; m_PageOffsets = null; m_PageCount = 0; m_PreviousZoom = 0.0f; m_PreviousZoomToGo = 0.0f; m_PreviousViewportSize =; m_PageTextureHolders = null; m_CurrentPageRange = null; m_PreviousMostVisiblePage = -1; m_OverlayVisible = false; m_InvalidPasswordMessageVisisble = false; m_Internal.m_Overlay.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_Internal.m_PasswordDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_Internal.m_DownloadDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_Internal.m_PageCountLabel.text = ""; m_Internal.m_PageZoomLabel.text = ""; m_Internal.m_PageInputField.text = ""; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } private void CommonLoad(byte[] specifiedBuffer = null) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER UpdateScrollBarVisibility(); EnsureValidPageContainerPosition(); m_IsLoaded = false; if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.None) { m_OverlayVisible = true; m_Internal.m_Overlay.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_Internal.m_Overlay.GetComponent().alpha = 1.0f; return; } #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR StartCoroutine(LoadDocument_WebGL(specifiedBuffer)); return; #else byte[] buffer = specifiedBuffer; if (m_FileSource != FileSourceType.DocumentObject) m_SuppliedDocument = null; if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.DocumentObject) { TryLoadWithSpecifiedDocument(m_SuppliedDocument); } else if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.FilePath) { #if !((UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7) && UNITY_WINRT) buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(GetFileLocation()); OnLoadingBufferFinished(buffer); #endif } else if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.Resources) { buffer = LoadAssetBytesFromResources(GetFileLocation()); OnLoadingBufferFinished(buffer); } else if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.StreamingAssets) { #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WINRT) && !UNITY_EDITOR StartCoroutine(DownloadFileFromWWW()); #else string location = GetFileLocation(); if (File.Exists(location)) buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(location); OnLoadingBufferFinished(buffer); #endif } else if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.Web) { StartCoroutine(DownloadFileFromWWW()); } else if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.Bytes) { #if !((UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7) && UNITY_WINRT) if (buffer != null) { OnLoadingBufferFinished(buffer); } else if (BytesSupplierComponent != null) { #if UNITY_WINRT MethodInfo methodInfo = BytesSupplierComponent.GetType().GetMethod(BytesSupplierFunctionName, BindingFlags.Public); #else MethodInfo methodInfo = BytesSupplierComponent.GetType().GetMethod(BytesSupplierFunctionName); #endif if (methodInfo != null) { buffer = (byte[]) methodInfo.Invoke(BytesSupplierComponent, null); } if (buffer != null) { OnLoadingBufferFinished(buffer); } } #endif if (buffer == null) { NotifyDocumentLoadFailed(); } } else if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.Asset) { if (m_PDFAsset != null && m_PDFAsset.m_FileContent != null && m_PDFAsset.m_FileContent.Length > 0) { OnLoadingBufferFinished(m_PDFAsset.m_FileContent); } else { NotifyDocumentLoadFailed(); } } #endif #endif } private void ComputePageOffsets() { float totalOffset = m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages; m_PageOffsets = new float[m_PageCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_PageCount; ++i) { m_PageOffsets[i] = totalOffset + m_PageSizes[i].y*0.5f; totalOffset += m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages + m_PageSizes[i].y; } } private void ComputePageSizes() { m_PageCount = m_Document.GetPageCount(); m_PageSizes = new Vector2[m_PageCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_PageCount; ++i) { #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR m_PageSizes[i] = m_NormalPageSizes[i] * m_ZoomFactor; #else float w = (m_Document.GetPageWidth(i) * m_ZoomFactor); float h = (m_Document.GetPageHeight(i) * m_ZoomFactor); m_PageSizes[i] = new Vector2(w, h); #endif } } private Vector2 ComputeRectTransformFinalSize(RectTransform rectTransform) { if (rectTransform == null || rectTransform.parent == null) { return new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height); } Vector2 offsetDelta = rectTransform.anchorMax - rectTransform.anchorMin; Vector2 parentSize = ComputeRectTransformFinalSize(rectTransform.parent as RectTransform); parentSize.Scale(offsetDelta); return rectTransform.sizeDelta + parentSize; } #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR IEnumerator LoadDocument_WebGL(byte[] specifiedBuffer = null) { PDFJS_Promise documentPromise = null; byte[] buffer = specifiedBuffer; switch (m_FileSource) { case FileSourceType.Asset: if (m_PDFAsset.m_FileContent == null || m_PDFAsset.m_FileContent.Length == 0) yield break; documentPromise = PDFDocument.LoadDocumentFromBytesAsync(m_PDFAsset.m_FileContent); break; case FileSourceType.Bytes: if (buffer != null) { documentPromise = PDFDocument.LoadDocumentFromBytesAsync(buffer); } else if (BytesSupplierComponent != null) { MethodInfo methodInfo = BytesSupplierComponent.GetType().GetMethod(BytesSupplierFunctionName); if (methodInfo != null) buffer = (byte[])methodInfo.Invoke(BytesSupplierComponent, null); if (buffer != null) documentPromise = PDFDocument.LoadDocumentFromBytesAsync(buffer); } if (buffer == null) yield break; break; case FileSourceType.Resources: buffer = LoadAssetBytesFromResources(GetFileLocation()); if (buffer != null) documentPromise = PDFDocument.LoadDocumentFromBytesAsync(buffer); else yield break; break; case FileSourceType.Web: case FileSourceType.FilePath: case FileSourceType.StreamingAssets: documentPromise = PDFDocument.LoadDocumentFromUrlAsync(GetFileLocation()); break; } while (!documentPromise.HasFinished) yield return null; if (documentPromise.HasSucceeded) { m_Document = documentPromise.Result; m_NormalPageSizes = new Vector2[m_Document.GetPageCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < m_NormalPageSizes.Length; ++i) { PDFJS_Promise pagePromise = m_Document.GetPageAsync(i); while (!pagePromise.HasFinished) yield return null; if (pagePromise.HasSucceeded) { PDFPage page = pagePromise.Result; m_NormalPageSizes[i] = page.GetPageSize(1.0f); } else { NotifyDocumentLoadFailed(); yield break; } } TryLoadWithSpecifiedDocument(m_Document); } else { NotifyDocumentLoadFailed(); yield break; } } #endif #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR IEnumerator DownloadFileFromWWW() { m_OverlayVisible = true; m_Internal.m_Overlay.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_Internal.m_Overlay.GetComponent().alpha = 0.0f; m_Internal.m_DownloadDialog.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.Web) { m_Internal.m_DownloadSourceLabel.text = GetFileLocation(); } else { m_Internal.m_DownloadSourceLabel.text = ""; } m_Internal.m_ProgressRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0.0f, m_Internal.m_ProgressRect.sizeDelta.y); m_Internal.m_ProgressLabel.text = "0%"; m_WWW = new WWW(GetFileLocation()); yield return m_WWW; if (m_WWW != null && m_WWW.error == null && m_WWW.isDone) { SetProgress(1.0f); OnLoadingBufferFinished(m_WWW.bytes); } else if (m_WWW == null || m_WWW.error != null) { NotifyDocumentLoadFailed(); } m_Internal.m_DownloadDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); } #endif private void EnsureValidPageContainerPosition() { if (GetDocumentSize().x <= m_ViewportSize.x) { m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0.0f, m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.y); } if (m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.y > m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta.y - m_ViewportSize.y) { m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition = new Vector2( m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.x, m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta.y - m_ViewportSize.y); } if (m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.y < 0.0f) { m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition = new Vector2( m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.x, 0.0f); } } private Vector2 GetDocumentSize() { Vector2 size = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); if (m_PageSizes == null) { return size; } foreach (Vector2 s in m_PageSizes) { if (s.x > size.x) { size.x = s.x; } } size.y = m_PageOffsets[m_PageCount - 1] + m_PageSizes[m_PageCount - 1].y * 0.5f; size.x += 0.0f * m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages; size.y += 1.0f * m_VerticalMarginBetweenPages; return size; } private int GetMostVisiblePageIndex() { int mostVisibleIndex = -1; float mostVisibleArea = 0.0f; for (int i = m_CurrentPageRange.m_From; i < m_CurrentPageRange.m_To; ++i) { RectTransform page = m_Internal.m_PageContainer.GetChild(i) as RectTransform; float area = PDFInternalUtils.CalculateRectTransformIntersectArea(page, m_Internal.m_Viewport); if (area > page.sizeDelta.x*page.sizeDelta.y*0.4f) { return i; } if (area > mostVisibleArea) { mostVisibleIndex = i; mostVisibleArea = area; } } return mostVisibleIndex; } private PDFPageRange GetVisiblePageRange() { PDFPageRange pageRange = new PDFPageRange(); for (int i = 0; i < m_PageCount; ++i) { if ( PDFInternalUtils.CalculateRectTransformIntersectArea( m_Internal.m_PageContainer.GetChild(i) as RectTransform, m_Internal.m_Viewport) > 0.0f) { if (pageRange.m_From == -1) { pageRange.m_From = i; } else { pageRange.m_To = i + 1; } } else if (pageRange.m_From != -1) { break; } } if (pageRange.m_From != -1 && pageRange.m_To == -1) { pageRange.m_To = pageRange.m_From + 1; } return pageRange; } private void InstantiatePageTextureHolders() { if (m_PageTextureHolders == null) { m_PageTextureHolders = new PDFPageTextureHolder[m_PageCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_PageCount; ++i) { m_PageTextureHolders[i] = new PDFPageTextureHolder(); GameObject page = null; if (i == 0) page = m_Internal.m_PageSample.gameObject; else page = (GameObject)Instantiate(m_Internal.m_PageSample.gameObject); page.transform.SetParent(m_Internal.m_PageSample.transform.parent); page.transform.localScale =; page.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; m_PageTextureHolders[i].m_PageIndex = i; m_PageTextureHolders[i].m_Page = page; m_PageTextureHolders[i].m_PDFViewer = this; m_PageTextureHolders[i].Texture = null; } } } void Update() { #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR if (m_WWW != null && !m_WWW.isDone) { SetProgress(m_WWW.progress); } #endif if (m_DelayedOnEnable) { m_DelayedOnEnable = false; if (m_LoadOnEnable && !m_IsLoaded) { LoadDocument(); } else { m_OverlayVisible = true; m_Internal.m_Overlay.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_Internal.m_Overlay.GetComponent().alpha = 1.0f; } } if (Input.touchCount >= 2) { if (m_PreviousTouchCount < 2) { m_PinchZoomStartZoomFactor = ZoomFactor; ScrollRect scrollRect = m_Internal.m_Viewport.GetComponent(); scrollRect.inertia = false; scrollRect.horizontal = false; scrollRect.vertical = false; StopCoroutine(DelayedUnlockScrollRect()); } Touch touchZero = Input.GetTouch(0); Touch touchOne = Input.GetTouch(1); float touchDeltaMag = (touchZero.position - touchOne.position).magnitude; if (m_PreviousTouchCount < 2) m_PinchZoomStartDeltaMag = touchDeltaMag; else ZoomFactor = m_PinchZoomStartZoomFactor / (m_PinchZoomStartDeltaMag / touchDeltaMag); } else if (m_PreviousTouchCount >= 2) StartCoroutine(DelayedUnlockScrollRect()); m_PreviousTouchCount = Input.touchCount; } private int m_PreviousTouchCount; private float m_PinchZoomStartZoomFactor; private float m_PinchZoomStartDeltaMag; IEnumerator DelayedUnlockScrollRect() { while (Input.touchCount != 0) yield return null; ScrollRect scrollRect = m_Internal.m_Viewport.GetComponent(); scrollRect.inertia = true; scrollRect.horizontal = true; scrollRect.vertical = true; } private byte[] LoadAssetBytesFromResources(string path) { string fixedPath = path.Replace(".bytes", ""); if (fixedPath.StartsWith("./")) { fixedPath = fixedPath.Substring(2); } var pdfAsset = Resources.Load(fixedPath, typeof (TextAsset)) as TextAsset; if (pdfAsset != null && pdfAsset.bytes != null && pdfAsset.bytes.Length > 0) { return pdfAsset.bytes; } return null; } private void NotifyCurrentPageChanged(int oldPageIndex, int newPageIndex) { if (OnCurrentPageChanged != null) { OnCurrentPageChanged(this, oldPageIndex, newPageIndex); } m_ThumbnailsViewer.OnCurrentPageChanged(newPageIndex); } private void NotifyDisabled() { if (OnDisabled != null) { OnDisabled(this); } } private void NotifyDocumentLoaded(PDFDocument document) { if (OnDocumentLoaded != null) { OnDocumentLoaded(this, document); } m_ThumbnailsViewer.OnDocumentLoaded(document); m_BookmarksViewer.OnDocumentLoaded(document); } private void NotifyDocumentLoadFailed() { if (OnDocumentLoadFailed != null) { OnDocumentLoadFailed(this); } } private void NotifyDocumentUnloaded(PDFDocument document) { if (OnDocumentUnloaded != null) { OnDocumentUnloaded(this, document); } m_ThumbnailsViewer.OnDocumentUnloaded(); m_BookmarksViewer.OnDocumentUnloaded(); } private void NotifyDownloadCancelled() { if (OnDownloadCancelled != null) { OnDownloadCancelled(this); } } private void NotifyPasswordCancelled() { if (OnPasswordCancelled != null) { OnPasswordCancelled(this); } } private void NotifyZoomChanged(float oldZoom, float newZoom) { if (OnZoomChanged != null) { OnZoomChanged(this, oldZoom, newZoom); } } protected override void OnDisable() { base.OnDisable(); if (m_UnloadOnDisable && m_IsLoaded) { if (m_Renderer != null) m_Renderer.Dispose(); m_Renderer = null; CleanUp(); } NotifyDisabled(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); m_Canvas = GetComponentInParent(); m_DelayedOnEnable = true; if (m_ThumbnailsViewer == null) m_ThumbnailsViewer = m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.m_ThumbnailsViewer; if (m_BookmarksViewer == null) m_BookmarksViewer = m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.m_Bookmarks.GetComponent(); if (!m_ShowBookmarksViewer && m_ShowThumbnailsViewer) m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.OnThumbnailsTabClicked(); else if (m_ShowBookmarksViewer && !m_ShowThumbnailsViewer) m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.OnBookmarksTabClicked(); else m_Internal.m_LeftPanel.OnBookmarksTabClicked(); m_ThumbnailsViewer.DoOnEnable(); m_BookmarksViewer.DoOnEnable(); #if UNITY_WEBGL m_Internal.m_SearchPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); int c = m_Internal.m_TopPanel.childCount; for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) { Transform t = m_Internal.m_TopPanel.GetChild(i); if ( == "_SearchButton") t.gameObject.SetActive(false); } #endif } #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR private void OnLoadingBufferFinished(byte[] buffer) { m_PendingDocumentBuffer = buffer; if (m_PendingDocumentBuffer != null && m_PendingDocumentBuffer.Length > 0) { if (!TryLoadDocumentWithBuffer(m_PendingDocumentBuffer, m_Password)) { if (m_FileSource == FileSourceType.Asset) { if (!TryLoadDocumentWithBuffer(m_PendingDocumentBuffer, m_PDFAsset.m_Password)) { ShowPasswordDialog(); } } else ShowPasswordDialog(); } } else { m_OverlayVisible = true; m_Internal.m_Overlay.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_Internal.m_Overlay.GetComponent().alpha = 1.0f; } } #endif private void SetPageCountLabel(int pageIndex, int pageCount) { m_Internal.m_PageCountLabel.text = "(" + pageIndex + " of " + pageCount + ")"; } private void SetProgress(float progress) { var rectTransform = m_Internal.m_ProgressRect.parent.transform as RectTransform; if (rectTransform != null) { m_Internal.m_ProgressRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(progress*rectTransform.sizeDelta.x, m_Internal.m_ProgressRect.sizeDelta.y); } m_Internal.m_ProgressLabel.text = ((int) (progress*100)) + "%"; } private void SetZoomLabel() { m_Internal.m_PageZoomLabel.text = "(" + (int) (Mathf.Round(m_ZoomFactor*100.0f)) + "%)"; } private void ShowPasswordDialog() { m_OverlayVisible = true; m_Internal.m_Overlay.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_Internal.m_Overlay.GetComponent().alpha = 0.0f; m_Internal.m_PasswordDialog.gameObject.SetActive(true); } protected override void Start() { m_StartZoom = m_ZoomToGo; m_LinksActionHandler = new PDFViewerDefaultActionHandler(); m_BookmarksActionHandler = new PDFViewerDefaultActionHandler(); } #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR private bool TryLoadDocumentWithBuffer(byte[] buffer, string password) { m_Document = new PDFDocument(buffer, password); return TryLoadWithSpecifiedDocument(m_Document); } #endif private bool TryLoadWithSpecifiedDocument(PDFDocument document) { m_Document = document; if (m_Document != null && m_Document.IsValid) { m_CurrentPageRange = new PDFPageRange(); m_PageCount = m_Document.GetPageCount(); #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR m_NormalPageSizes = new Vector2[m_PageCount]; for (int i = 0; i < m_NormalPageSizes.Length; ++i) { m_NormalPageSizes[i] = m_Document.GetPageSize(i); } #endif m_Internal.m_ScrollRect.scrollSensitivity = m_ScrollSensitivity; m_PreviousPageFitting = m_PageFitting; AdjustZoomToPageFitting(m_PageFitting, m_NormalPageSizes[0]); m_ZoomFactor = m_ZoomToGo; ComputePageSizes(); ComputePageOffsets(); InstantiatePageTextureHolders(); m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta = GetDocumentSize(); SetPageCountLabel(1, m_PageCount); SetZoomLabel(); m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition =; m_IsLoaded = true; UpdatePagesPlacement(); UpdateScrollBarVisibility(); EnsureValidPageContainerPosition(); GoToPage(m_LoadAtPageIndex); m_LoadAtPageIndex = 0; NotifyDocumentLoaded(m_Document); if (m_ShowBookmarksViewer) ShowBookmarksViewer = true; return true; } else { m_OverlayVisible = true; m_Internal.m_Overlay.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_Internal.m_Overlay.GetComponent().alpha = 1.0f; } m_IsLoaded = false; NotifyDocumentLoadFailed(); return false; } void LateUpdate() { if (m_InvalidPasswordMessageVisisble && m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelay >= 0.0f) { m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelay = m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelay - Time.deltaTime; if (m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelay < 0.0f) { m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelay = 0.0f; } CanvasGroup messageCanvas = m_Internal.m_InvalidPasswordImage.GetComponent(); if (m_InvalidPasswordMessageDelay <= 0.0f) { messageCanvas.alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(messageCanvas.alpha - Time.deltaTime); } if (messageCanvas.alpha <= 0.0f) { m_InvalidPasswordMessageVisisble = false; messageCanvas.alpha = 1.0f; m_Internal.m_InvalidPasswordImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (m_OverlayVisible && !m_IsLoaded) { CanvasGroup overlayCanvas = m_Internal.m_Overlay.GetComponent(); overlayCanvas.alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(overlayCanvas.alpha + Time.deltaTime*2.0f); if (overlayCanvas.alpha > m_OverlayAlpha) { overlayCanvas.alpha = m_OverlayAlpha; } } else if (m_OverlayVisible && m_IsLoaded) { CanvasGroup overlayCanvas = m_Internal.m_Overlay.GetComponent(); overlayCanvas.alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(overlayCanvas.alpha - Time.deltaTime*2.0f); if (overlayCanvas.alpha == 0.0f) { m_OverlayVisible = false; m_Internal.m_Overlay.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (m_Internal.m_PasswordDialog.gameObject.activeInHierarchy && m_Internal.m_PasswordInputField.text != "" && Input.GetKeyDown("enter")) { OnPasswordDialogOkButtonClicked(); } if (m_Document == null || !m_Document.IsValid || !m_IsLoaded) return; m_ViewportSize = ComputeRectTransformFinalSize(m_Internal.m_Viewport); if (m_Canvas != null) { m_ViewportSize.x /= m_Canvas.scaleFactor; m_ViewportSize.y /= m_Canvas.scaleFactor; } if (m_ViewportSize != m_PreviousViewportSize) { UpdateScrollBarVisibility(); EnsureValidPageContainerPosition(); } if (m_PageFitting != m_PreviousPageFitting) { AdjustZoomToPageFitting(m_PageFitting, m_NormalPageSizes[0]); } if (!Mathf.Approximately(m_ZoomFactor, m_ZoomToGo)) { m_ZoomFactor = Mathf.Lerp(m_ZoomFactor, m_ZoomToGo, Time.deltaTime*15.0f); m_ZoomFactor = Mathf.Clamp(m_ZoomFactor, m_MinZoomFactor, m_MaxZoomFactor); m_UpdateChangeDelay = m_DelayAfterZoomingBeforeUpdate; } else m_ZoomFactor = m_ZoomToGo; bool zoomHasChanged = (m_PreviousZoom != m_ZoomFactor && m_PreviousZoom != 0.0f); if (m_PreviousZoom == 0.0f) { UpdateScrollBarVisibility(); EnsureValidPageContainerPosition(); } if (zoomHasChanged) { Vector2 oldDocumentSize = GetDocumentSize(); ComputePageSizes(); ComputePageOffsets(); UpdatePagesPlacement(); m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta = GetDocumentSize(); float newDocumentWidthRatio = m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta.x / oldDocumentSize.x; float newDocumentHeightRatio = m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta.y / oldDocumentSize.y; float deltaOffsetY = (m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.y + m_ZoomPosition.y) * newDocumentHeightRatio - m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.y - m_ZoomPosition.y; float deltaOffsetX = (m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.x + m_ZoomPosition.x) * newDocumentWidthRatio - m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.x - m_ZoomPosition.x; m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition += Vector2.up * deltaOffsetY + Vector2.right * deltaOffsetX; UpdateScrollBarVisibility(); SetZoomLabel(); } else if (Input.touchCount < 2) { EnsureValidPageContainerPosition(); } PDFPageRange oldPageRange = m_CurrentPageRange; m_CurrentPageRange = GetVisiblePageRange(); if (!m_Internal.m_PageInputField.isFocused) { int p = GetMostVisiblePageIndex() + 1; m_Internal.m_PageInputField.text = p.ToString(); SetPageCountLabel(p, m_PageCount); } if ((!oldPageRange.Equals(m_CurrentPageRange) && m_CurrentPageRange.IsValid) || (zoomHasChanged && m_CurrentPageRange.IsValid)) { float scale = Mathf.Min(m_ZoomToGo, m_MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality); PDFPageRange.UpdatePageAgainstRanges(oldPageRange, m_CurrentPageRange, m_Document, m_PageTextureHolders, m_RenderSettings, scale, this, m_NormalPageSizes); } int mostVisible = GetMostVisiblePageIndex(); if (m_PreviousMostVisiblePage != mostVisible) { NotifyCurrentPageChanged(m_PreviousMostVisiblePage, mostVisible); m_PreviousMostVisiblePage = GetMostVisiblePageIndex(); } if (!oldPageRange.Equals(m_CurrentPageRange)) { AdjustCurrentSearchResultDisplayed(); } if (m_PreviousZoomToGo != m_ZoomToGo) { NotifyZoomChanged(m_PreviousZoomToGo, m_ZoomToGo); } if (m_UpdateChangeDelay != 0.0f && !zoomHasChanged) { m_UpdateChangeDelay -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_UpdateChangeDelay <= 0.0f) { m_UpdateChangeDelay = 0.0f; for (int i = m_CurrentPageRange.m_From; i < m_CurrentPageRange.m_To; ++i) { #if UNITY_WEBGL m_PageTextureHolders[i].m_Visible = true; if (m_PageTextureHolders[i].m_RenderingStarted) continue; int w = (int)(m_NormalPageSizes[i].x * Mathf.Min(m_ZoomToGo, m_MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality)); int h = (int)(m_NormalPageSizes[i].y * Mathf.Min(m_ZoomToGo, m_MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality)); m_PageTextureHolders[i].m_RenderingStarted = true; StartCoroutine(UpdatePageRangeTextures(i, w, h)); #else if (m_PageTextureHolders[i].Texture != null) { Texture2D tex = m_PageTextureHolders[i].Texture; m_PageTextureHolders[i].Texture = null; Destroy(tex); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } int w = (int)(m_Document.GetPageWidth(i) * Mathf.Min(m_ZoomToGo, m_MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality)); int h = (int)(m_Document.GetPageHeight(i) * Mathf.Min(m_ZoomToGo, m_MaxZoomFactorTextureQuality)); if (m_Renderer == null) m_Renderer = new PDFRenderer(); Texture2D newTex = m_Renderer.RenderPageToTexture(m_Document.GetPage(i), w, h, this, m_RenderSettings); m_PageTextureHolders[i].Texture = newTex; #endif } } } m_PreviousViewportSize = m_ViewportSize; m_PreviousZoom = m_ZoomFactor; m_PreviousZoomToGo = m_ZoomToGo; m_PreviousPageFitting = m_PageFitting; if (m_ThumbnailsViewer.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) m_ThumbnailsViewer.DoUpdate(); if (m_BookmarksViewer.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) m_BookmarksViewer.DoUpdate(); } #if UNITY_WEBGL IEnumerator UpdatePageRangeTextures(int pageIndex, int w, int h) { PDFJS_Promise pagePromise = m_Document.GetPageAsync(pageIndex); while (!pagePromise.HasFinished) yield return null; if (pagePromise.HasSucceeded) { PDFJS_Promise renderPromise = PDFRenderer.RenderPageToTextureAsync(pagePromise.Result, w, h); m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].m_RenderingPromise = renderPromise; while (!renderPromise.HasFinished) yield return null; m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].m_RenderingPromise = null; m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].m_RenderingStarted = false; if (renderPromise.HasSucceeded) { if (m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].Texture != null && m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].Texture != renderPromise.Result) { DestroyImmediate(m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].Texture); Resources.UnloadAsset(m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].Texture); m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].Texture = null; } if (m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].m_Visible) { m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].Texture = renderPromise.Result; } else { DestroyImmediate(renderPromise.Result); Resources.UnloadAsset(renderPromise.Result); renderPromise.Result = null; } } } else { m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].m_RenderingPromise = null; m_PageTextureHolders[pageIndex].m_RenderingStarted = false; } } #endif public Vector2[] GetCachedNormalPageSizes() { return m_NormalPageSizes; } private void UpdatePagesPlacement() { if (m_PageTextureHolders == null || m_PageSizes == null) return; foreach (PDFPageTextureHolder holder in m_PageTextureHolders) { (holder.m_Page.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = m_PageSizes[holder.m_PageIndex]; holder.RefreshTexture(); Vector3 newPosition = (holder.m_Page.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition3D; newPosition.x = 0; newPosition.y = -m_PageOffsets[holder.m_PageIndex]; newPosition.z = 0; (holder.m_Page.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition3D = newPosition; } } private void UpdateScrollBarVisibility() { bool vScrollVisible = true; bool hScrollVisible = true; if (Application.isPlaying) { vScrollVisible = (m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta.y > m_ViewportSize.y); hScrollVisible = (m_Internal.m_PageContainer.sizeDelta.x > m_ViewportSize.x); } vScrollVisible = vScrollVisible && m_ShowVerticalScrollBar; hScrollVisible = hScrollVisible && m_ShowHorizontalScrollBar; if (!hScrollVisible) { m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMin = new Vector2(m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMin.x, 0.0f); if (m_Internal.m_HorizontalScrollBar.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { m_Internal.m_HorizontalScrollBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else { m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMin = new Vector2(m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMin.x, 20.0f); if (!m_Internal.m_HorizontalScrollBar.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { m_Internal.m_HorizontalScrollBar.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } if (!vScrollVisible) { m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMax = new Vector2(0.0f, m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMax.y); if (m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else { m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMax = new Vector2(-20.0f, m_Internal.m_Viewport.offsetMax.y); if (!m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } if (hScrollVisible && vScrollVisible) { m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.offsetMin = new Vector2(m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.offsetMin.x, 19.0f); m_Internal.m_HorizontalScrollBar.offsetMax = new Vector2(-19.0f, m_Internal.m_HorizontalScrollBar.offsetMax.y); if (!m_Internal.m_ScrollCorner.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { m_Internal.m_ScrollCorner.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } else if (!hScrollVisible) { m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.offsetMin = new Vector2(m_Internal.m_VerticalScrollBar.offsetMin.x, 0.0f); if (m_Internal.m_ScrollCorner.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { m_Internal.m_ScrollCorner.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else { m_Internal.m_HorizontalScrollBar.offsetMax = new Vector2(0.0f, m_Internal.m_HorizontalScrollBar.offsetMax.y); if (m_Internal.m_ScrollCorner.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { m_Internal.m_ScrollCorner.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } private void ZoomCommon(Vector2 zoomPosition, bool zoomIn, bool useSpecificZoom = false, float specificZoom = 1.0f) { if (m_Document == null || !m_Document.IsValid) return; m_ZoomPosition = zoomPosition; if (useSpecificZoom) { m_ZoomToGo = specificZoom; } else { float step = m_ZoomStep; if (m_ZoomToGo >= 2.0f) { step *= 2.0f; } if (m_ZoomToGo >= 4.0f) { step *= 2.0f; } if (zoomIn) { if (!Mathf.Approximately(Mathf.Floor(m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step)), m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step)) && m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step) < Mathf.Floor(m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step))) { m_ZoomToGo = Mathf.Floor(m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step)) * step; } else { m_ZoomToGo = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Floor((m_ZoomToGo + step) * (1 / step)) * step, m_MinZoomFactor, m_MaxZoomFactor); } } else { if (!Mathf.Approximately(Mathf.Floor(m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step)), m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step)) && m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step) > Mathf.Floor(m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step))) { m_ZoomToGo = Mathf.Floor(m_ZoomToGo * (1 / step)) * step; } else { m_ZoomToGo = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Floor((m_ZoomToGo - step) * (1 / step)) * step, m_MinZoomFactor, m_MaxZoomFactor); } } } m_PageFitting = PageFittingType.Zoom; } public Vector2 GetDevicePageSize(int pageIndex) { return m_PageSizes[pageIndex]; } public IPDFDeviceActionHandler GetBookmarksActionHandler() { #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR return null; #else return m_BookmarksActionHandler; #endif } public IPDFDeviceActionHandler GetLinksActionHandler() { #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR return null; #else return m_LinksActionHandler; #endif } public PDFDocument GetLoadedDocument() { return m_Document; } public IList GetBackgroundColoredRectList(PDFPage page) { #if !UNITY_WEBGL if (m_SearchResults != null && m_SearchResults[page.PageIndex] != null && m_SearchResults[page.PageIndex].Count > 0) { using (PDFTextPage textPage = page.GetTextPage()) { List coloredRectList = new List(); foreach (PDFSearchResult result in m_SearchResults[page.PageIndex]) { int pageRectCount = textPage.CountRects(result.StartIndex, result.Count); for (int j = 0; j < pageRectCount; ++j) { Rect rect = textPage.GetRect(j); rect = new Rect( rect.xMin - m_SearchResultPadding.x, rect.yMin + m_SearchResultPadding.y, rect.width + 2*m_SearchResultPadding.x, rect.height + 2*m_SearchResultPadding.y); coloredRectList.Add(new PDFColoredRect(rect, m_SearchResultColor)); } } return coloredRectList; } } #endif return null; } public void ZoomOnParagraph(PDFViewerPage viewerPage, Rect pageRect) { #if !UNITY_WEBGL Vector3[] pageCorners = new Vector3[4]; (viewerPage.transform as RectTransform).GetWorldCorners(pageCorners); Vector2 min = pageCorners[0]; Vector2 max = pageCorners[0]; for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { if (pageCorners[i].x < min.x) min.x = pageCorners[i].x; if (pageCorners[i].y < min.y) min.y = pageCorners[i].y; if (pageCorners[i].x > max.x) max.x = pageCorners[i].x; if (pageCorners[i].y > max.y) max.y = pageCorners[i].y; } Vector2 devicePageSize = (viewerPage.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta; Rect deviceRect = viewerPage.m_Page.ConvertPageRectToDeviceRect(pageRect, devicePageSize); float deviceRectCenterPosition = deviceRect.max.y + (deviceRect.min - deviceRect.max).y * 0.5f; m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition = new Vector2( m_Internal.m_PageContainer.anchoredPosition.x, (m_PageOffsets[viewerPage.m_Page.PageIndex] - m_PageSizes[viewerPage.m_Page.PageIndex].y * 0.5f) + (m_PageSizes[viewerPage.m_Page.PageIndex].y - deviceRectCenterPosition) - m_ViewportSize.y * 0.5f); if (m_ZoomToGo < m_ParagraphZoomFactor) ZoomCommon(new Vector2(0.0f, m_ViewportSize.y * 0.5f), true, true, m_ParagraphZoomFactor); #endif } } }