#if !BESTHTTP_DISABLE_ALTERNATE_SSL && (!UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR) using System; using System.Collections; using System.Text; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Utilities; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto; using Org.BouncyCastle.Math; using Org.BouncyCastle.Security; using Org.BouncyCastle.Security.Certificates; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Collections; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Date; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Encoders; using Org.BouncyCastle.X509.Extension; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Operators; namespace Org.BouncyCastle.X509 { /** * The following extensions are listed in RFC 2459 as relevant to CRLs * * Authority Key Identifier * Issuer Alternative Name * CRL Number * Delta CRL Indicator (critical) * Issuing Distribution Point (critical) */ public class X509Crl : X509ExtensionBase // TODO Add interface Crl? { private readonly CertificateList c; private readonly string sigAlgName; private readonly byte[] sigAlgParams; private readonly bool isIndirect; public X509Crl( CertificateList c) { this.c = c; try { this.sigAlgName = X509SignatureUtilities.GetSignatureName(c.SignatureAlgorithm); if (c.SignatureAlgorithm.Parameters != null) { this.sigAlgParams = ((Asn1Encodable)c.SignatureAlgorithm.Parameters).GetDerEncoded(); } else { this.sigAlgParams = null; } this.isIndirect = IsIndirectCrl; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CrlException("CRL contents invalid: " + e); } } protected override X509Extensions GetX509Extensions() { return c.Version >= 2 ? c.TbsCertList.Extensions : null; } public virtual byte[] GetEncoded() { try { return c.GetDerEncoded(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CrlException(e.ToString()); } } public virtual void Verify( AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey) { Verify(new Asn1VerifierFactoryProvider(publicKey)); } /// <summary> /// Verify the CRL's signature using a verifier created using the passed in verifier provider. /// </summary> /// <param name="verifierProvider">An appropriate provider for verifying the CRL's signature.</param> /// <returns>True if the signature is valid.</returns> /// <exception cref="Exception">If verifier provider is not appropriate or the CRL algorithm is invalid.</exception> public virtual void Verify( IVerifierFactoryProvider verifierProvider) { CheckSignature(verifierProvider.CreateVerifierFactory(c.SignatureAlgorithm)); } protected virtual void CheckSignature( IVerifierFactory verifier) { if (!c.SignatureAlgorithm.Equals(c.TbsCertList.Signature)) { throw new CrlException("Signature algorithm on CertificateList does not match TbsCertList."); } //Asn1Encodable parameters = c.SignatureAlgorithm.Parameters; IStreamCalculator streamCalculator = verifier.CreateCalculator(); byte[] b = this.GetTbsCertList(); streamCalculator.Stream.Write(b, 0, b.Length); Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Platform.Dispose(streamCalculator.Stream); if (!((IVerifier)streamCalculator.GetResult()).IsVerified(this.GetSignature())) { throw new InvalidKeyException("CRL does not verify with supplied public key."); } } public virtual int Version { get { return c.Version; } } public virtual X509Name IssuerDN { get { return c.Issuer; } } public virtual DateTime ThisUpdate { get { return c.ThisUpdate.ToDateTime(); } } public virtual DateTimeObject NextUpdate { get { return c.NextUpdate == null ? null : new DateTimeObject(c.NextUpdate.ToDateTime()); } } private ISet LoadCrlEntries() { ISet entrySet = new HashSet(); IEnumerable certs = c.GetRevokedCertificateEnumeration(); X509Name previousCertificateIssuer = IssuerDN; foreach (CrlEntry entry in certs) { X509CrlEntry crlEntry = new X509CrlEntry(entry, isIndirect, previousCertificateIssuer); entrySet.Add(crlEntry); previousCertificateIssuer = crlEntry.GetCertificateIssuer(); } return entrySet; } public virtual X509CrlEntry GetRevokedCertificate( BigInteger serialNumber) { IEnumerable certs = c.GetRevokedCertificateEnumeration(); X509Name previousCertificateIssuer = IssuerDN; foreach (CrlEntry entry in certs) { X509CrlEntry crlEntry = new X509CrlEntry(entry, isIndirect, previousCertificateIssuer); if (serialNumber.Equals(entry.UserCertificate.Value)) { return crlEntry; } previousCertificateIssuer = crlEntry.GetCertificateIssuer(); } return null; } public virtual ISet GetRevokedCertificates() { ISet entrySet = LoadCrlEntries(); if (entrySet.Count > 0) { return entrySet; // TODO? Collections.unmodifiableSet(entrySet); } return null; } public virtual byte[] GetTbsCertList() { try { return c.TbsCertList.GetDerEncoded(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CrlException(e.ToString()); } } public virtual byte[] GetSignature() { return c.GetSignatureOctets(); } public virtual string SigAlgName { get { return sigAlgName; } } public virtual string SigAlgOid { get { return c.SignatureAlgorithm.Algorithm.Id; } } public virtual byte[] GetSigAlgParams() { return Arrays.Clone(sigAlgParams); } public override bool Equals( object obj) { if (obj == this) return true; X509Crl other = obj as X509Crl; if (other == null) return false; return c.Equals(other.c); // NB: May prefer this implementation of Equals if more than one certificate implementation in play //return Arrays.AreEqual(this.GetEncoded(), other.GetEncoded()); } public override int GetHashCode() { return c.GetHashCode(); } /** * Returns a string representation of this CRL. * * @return a string representation of this CRL. */ public override string ToString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); string nl = Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Platform.NewLine; buf.Append(" Version: ").Append(this.Version).Append(nl); buf.Append(" IssuerDN: ").Append(this.IssuerDN).Append(nl); buf.Append(" This update: ").Append(this.ThisUpdate).Append(nl); buf.Append(" Next update: ").Append(this.NextUpdate).Append(nl); buf.Append(" Signature Algorithm: ").Append(this.SigAlgName).Append(nl); byte[] sig = this.GetSignature(); buf.Append(" Signature: "); buf.Append(Hex.ToHexString(sig, 0, 20)).Append(nl); for (int i = 20; i < sig.Length; i += 20) { int count = System.Math.Min(20, sig.Length - i); buf.Append(" "); buf.Append(Hex.ToHexString(sig, i, count)).Append(nl); } X509Extensions extensions = c.TbsCertList.Extensions; if (extensions != null) { IEnumerator e = extensions.ExtensionOids.GetEnumerator(); if (e.MoveNext()) { buf.Append(" Extensions: ").Append(nl); } do { DerObjectIdentifier oid = (DerObjectIdentifier) e.Current; X509Extension ext = extensions.GetExtension(oid); if (ext.Value != null) { Asn1Object asn1Value = X509ExtensionUtilities.FromExtensionValue(ext.Value); buf.Append(" critical(").Append(ext.IsCritical).Append(") "); try { if (oid.Equals(X509Extensions.CrlNumber)) { buf.Append(new CrlNumber(DerInteger.GetInstance(asn1Value).PositiveValue)).Append(nl); } else if (oid.Equals(X509Extensions.DeltaCrlIndicator)) { buf.Append( "Base CRL: " + new CrlNumber(DerInteger.GetInstance( asn1Value).PositiveValue)) .Append(nl); } else if (oid.Equals(X509Extensions.IssuingDistributionPoint)) { buf.Append(IssuingDistributionPoint.GetInstance((Asn1Sequence) asn1Value)).Append(nl); } else if (oid.Equals(X509Extensions.CrlDistributionPoints)) { buf.Append(CrlDistPoint.GetInstance((Asn1Sequence) asn1Value)).Append(nl); } else if (oid.Equals(X509Extensions.FreshestCrl)) { buf.Append(CrlDistPoint.GetInstance((Asn1Sequence) asn1Value)).Append(nl); } else { buf.Append(oid.Id); buf.Append(" value = ").Append( Asn1Dump.DumpAsString(asn1Value)) .Append(nl); } } catch (Exception) { buf.Append(oid.Id); buf.Append(" value = ").Append("*****").Append(nl); } } else { buf.Append(nl); } } while (e.MoveNext()); } ISet certSet = GetRevokedCertificates(); if (certSet != null) { foreach (X509CrlEntry entry in certSet) { buf.Append(entry); buf.Append(nl); } } return buf.ToString(); } /** * Checks whether the given certificate is on this CRL. * * @param cert the certificate to check for. * @return true if the given certificate is on this CRL, * false otherwise. */ // public bool IsRevoked( // Certificate cert) // { // if (!cert.getType().Equals("X.509")) // { // throw new RuntimeException("X.509 CRL used with non X.509 Cert"); // } public virtual bool IsRevoked( X509Certificate cert) { CrlEntry[] certs = c.GetRevokedCertificates(); if (certs != null) { // BigInteger serial = ((X509Certificate)cert).SerialNumber; BigInteger serial = cert.SerialNumber; for (int i = 0; i < certs.Length; i++) { if (certs[i].UserCertificate.Value.Equals(serial)) { return true; } } } return false; } protected virtual bool IsIndirectCrl { get { Asn1OctetString idp = GetExtensionValue(X509Extensions.IssuingDistributionPoint); bool isIndirect = false; try { if (idp != null) { isIndirect = IssuingDistributionPoint.GetInstance( X509ExtensionUtilities.FromExtensionValue(idp)).IsIndirectCrl; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO // throw new ExtCrlException("Exception reading IssuingDistributionPoint", e); throw new CrlException("Exception reading IssuingDistributionPoint" + e); } return isIndirect; } } } } #endif