using System.Collections.Generic; using TriLibCore.General; using TriLibCore.Extensions; using UnityEngine; using HumanLimit = TriLibCore.General.HumanLimit; namespace TriLibCore.Mappers { /// Represents a Mapper that finds humanoid Avatar bones by name-matching. [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "TriLib/Mappers/Humanoid/By Name Humanoid Avatar Mapper", fileName = "ByNameHumanoidAvatarMapper")] public class ByNameHumanoidAvatarMapper : HumanoidAvatarMapper { /// /// String comparison mode to use on the mapping. /// [Header("Left = Loaded GameObjects Names, Right = Names in BonesMapping.BoneNames")] public StringComparisonMode stringComparisonMode; /// /// Is the string comparison case insensitive? /// public bool CaseInsensitive = true; /// /// The human bone to Unity bone relationship list. /// public List BonesMapping; /// public override Dictionary Map(AssetLoaderContext assetLoaderContext) { var mapping = new Dictionary(); foreach (var boneMapping in BonesMapping) { if (boneMapping.BoneNames != null) { var found = false; foreach (var boneName in boneMapping.BoneNames) { var transform = assetLoaderContext.RootGameObject.transform.FindDeepChild(boneName, stringComparisonMode, CaseInsensitive); if (transform == null) { continue; } mapping.Add(boneMapping, transform); found = true; break; } if (!found && !IsBoneOptional(boneMapping.HumanBone)) { mapping.Clear(); return mapping; } } } return mapping; } private static bool IsBoneOptional(HumanBodyBones humanBodyBones) { return !HumanTrait.RequiredBone((int)humanBodyBones); } /// Adds a new mapping item, containing the humanoid bone type, the limits, and the list of names to look for to the query. /// The Human Body Bones (Humanoid Bone type). /// The bone Human Limit. /// The bones Transform names. public void AddMapping(HumanBodyBones humanBodyBones, HumanLimit humanLimit, params string[] boneNames) { if (BonesMapping == null) { BonesMapping = new List(); } BonesMapping.Add(new BoneMapping(humanBodyBones, humanLimit, boneNames)); } } }