using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace RootMotion {
/// Helper methods for dealing with 3-dimensional vectors.
public static class V3Tools {
/// Returns yaw angle (-180 - 180) of 'forward' vector.
public static float GetYaw(Vector3 forward)
return Mathf.Atan2(forward.x, forward.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
/// Returns pitch angle (-90 - 90) of 'forward' vector.
public static float GetPitch(Vector3 forward)
forward = forward.normalized; // Asin range -1 - 1
return -Mathf.Asin(forward.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
/// Returns bank angle (-180 - 180) of 'forward' and 'up' vectors.
public static float GetBank(Vector3 forward, Vector3 up)
Quaternion q = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.up, forward));
up = q * up;
return Mathf.Atan2(up.x, up.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
/// Returns yaw angle (-180 - 180) of 'forward' vector relative to rotation space defined by spaceForward and spaceUp axes.
public static float GetYaw(Vector3 spaceForward, Vector3 spaceUp, Vector3 forward)
Quaternion space = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.LookRotation(spaceForward, spaceUp));
Vector3 dirLocal = space * forward;
return Mathf.Atan2(dirLocal.x, dirLocal.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
/// Returns pitch angle (-90 - 90) of 'forward' vector relative to rotation space defined by spaceForward and spaceUp axes.
public static float GetPitch(Vector3 spaceForward, Vector3 spaceUp, Vector3 forward)
Quaternion space = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.LookRotation(spaceForward, spaceUp));
Vector3 dirLocal = space * forward;
return -Mathf.Asin(dirLocal.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
/// Returns bank angle (-180 - 180) of 'forward' and 'up' vectors relative to rotation space defined by spaceForward and spaceUp axes.
public static float GetBank(Vector3 spaceForward, Vector3 spaceUp, Vector3 forward, Vector3 up)
Quaternion space = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.LookRotation(spaceForward, spaceUp));
forward = space * forward;
up = space * up;
Quaternion q = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.LookRotation(spaceUp, forward));
up = q * up;
return Mathf.Atan2(up.x, up.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
/// Optimized Vector3.Lerp
public static Vector3 Lerp(Vector3 fromVector, Vector3 toVector, float weight) {
if (weight <= 0f) return fromVector;
if (weight >= 1f) return toVector;
return Vector3.Lerp(fromVector, toVector, weight);
/// Optimized Vector3.Slerp
public static Vector3 Slerp(Vector3 fromVector, Vector3 toVector, float weight) {
if (weight <= 0f) return fromVector;
if (weight >= 1f) return toVector;
return Vector3.Slerp(fromVector, toVector, weight);
/// Returns vector projection on axis multiplied by weight.
public static Vector3 ExtractVertical(Vector3 v, Vector3 verticalAxis, float weight) {
if (weight == 0f) return;
return Vector3.Project(v, verticalAxis) * weight;
/// Returns vector projected to a plane and multiplied by weight.
public static Vector3 ExtractHorizontal(Vector3 v, Vector3 normal, float weight) {
if (weight == 0f) return;
Vector3 tangent = v;
Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref normal, ref tangent);
return Vector3.Project(v, tangent) * weight;
/// Clamps the direction to clampWeight from normalDirection, clampSmoothing is the number of sine smoothing iterations applied on the result.
public static Vector3 ClampDirection(Vector3 direction, Vector3 normalDirection, float clampWeight, int clampSmoothing)
if (clampWeight <= 0) return direction;
if (clampWeight >= 1f) return normalDirection;
// Getting the angle between direction and normalDirection
float angle = Vector3.Angle(normalDirection, direction);
float dot = 1f - (angle / 180f);
if (dot > clampWeight) return direction;
// Clamping the target
float targetClampMlp = clampWeight > 0 ? Mathf.Clamp(1f - ((clampWeight - dot) / (1f - dot)), 0f, 1f) : 1f;
// Calculating the clamp multiplier
float clampMlp = clampWeight > 0 ? Mathf.Clamp(dot / clampWeight, 0f, 1f) : 1f;
// Sine smoothing iterations
for (int i = 0; i < clampSmoothing; i++)
float sinF = clampMlp * Mathf.PI * 0.5f;
clampMlp = Mathf.Sin(sinF);
// Slerping the direction (don't use Lerp here, it breaks it)
return Vector3.Slerp(normalDirection, direction, clampMlp * targetClampMlp);
/// Clamps the direction to clampWeight from normalDirection, clampSmoothing is the number of sine smoothing iterations applied on the result.
public static Vector3 ClampDirection(Vector3 direction, Vector3 normalDirection, float clampWeight, int clampSmoothing, out bool changed) {
changed = false;
if (clampWeight <= 0) return direction;
if (clampWeight >= 1f) {
changed = true;
return normalDirection;
// Getting the angle between direction and normalDirection
float angle = Vector3.Angle(normalDirection, direction);
float dot = 1f - (angle / 180f);
if (dot > clampWeight) return direction;
changed = true;
// Clamping the target
float targetClampMlp = clampWeight > 0? Mathf.Clamp(1f - ((clampWeight - dot) / (1f - dot)), 0f, 1f): 1f;
// Calculating the clamp multiplier
float clampMlp = clampWeight > 0? Mathf.Clamp(dot / clampWeight, 0f, 1f): 1f;
// Sine smoothing iterations
for (int i = 0; i < clampSmoothing; i++) {
float sinF = clampMlp * Mathf.PI * 0.5f;
clampMlp = Mathf.Sin(sinF);
// Slerping the direction (don't use Lerp here, it breaks it)
return Vector3.Slerp(normalDirection, direction, clampMlp * targetClampMlp);
/// Clamps the direction to clampWeight from normalDirection, clampSmoothing is the number of sine smoothing iterations applied on the result.
public static Vector3 ClampDirection(Vector3 direction, Vector3 normalDirection, float clampWeight, int clampSmoothing, out float clampValue) {
clampValue = 1f;
if (clampWeight <= 0) return direction;
if (clampWeight >= 1f) {
return normalDirection;
// Getting the angle between direction and normalDirection
float angle = Vector3.Angle(normalDirection, direction);
float dot = 1f - (angle / 180f);
if (dot > clampWeight) {
clampValue = 0f;
return direction;
// Clamping the target
float targetClampMlp = clampWeight > 0? Mathf.Clamp(1f - ((clampWeight - dot) / (1f - dot)), 0f, 1f): 1f;
// Calculating the clamp multiplier
float clampMlp = clampWeight > 0? Mathf.Clamp(dot / clampWeight, 0f, 1f): 1f;
// Sine smoothing iterations
for (int i = 0; i < clampSmoothing; i++) {
float sinF = clampMlp * Mathf.PI * 0.5f;
clampMlp = Mathf.Sin(sinF);
// Slerping the direction (don't use Lerp here, it breaks it)
float slerp = clampMlp * targetClampMlp;
clampValue = 1f - slerp;
return Vector3.Slerp(normalDirection, direction, slerp);
/// Get the intersection point of line and plane
public static Vector3 LineToPlane(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planePoint) {
float dot = Vector3.Dot(planePoint - origin, planeNormal);
float normalDot = Vector3.Dot(direction, planeNormal);
if (normalDot == 0.0f) return;
float dist = dot / normalDot;
return origin + direction.normalized * dist;
/// Projects a point to a plane.
public static Vector3 PointToPlane(Vector3 point, Vector3 planePosition, Vector3 planeNormal) {
if (planeNormal == Vector3.up) {
return new Vector3(point.x, planePosition.y, point.z);
Vector3 tangent = point - planePosition;
Vector3 normal = planeNormal;
Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref normal, ref tangent);
return planePosition + Vector3.Project(point - planePosition, tangent);
/// Same as Transform.TransformPoint(), but not using scale.
public static Vector3 TransformPointUnscaled(Transform t, Vector3 point)
return t.position + t.rotation * point;
/// Same as Transform.InverseTransformPoint(), but not using scale.
public static Vector3 InverseTransformPointUnscaled(Transform t, Vector3 point)
return Quaternion.Inverse(t.rotation) * (point - t.position);
/// Same as Transform.InverseTransformPoint();
public static Vector3 InverseTransformPoint(Vector3 tPos, Quaternion tRot, Vector3 tScale, Vector3 point)
return Div(Quaternion.Inverse(tRot) * (point - tPos), tScale);
/// Same as Transform.TransformPoint()
public static Vector3 TransformPoint(Vector3 tPos, Quaternion tRot, Vector3 tScale, Vector3 point)
return tPos + Vector3.Scale(tRot * point, tScale);
/// Divides the values of v1 by the values of v2.
public static Vector3 Div(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
return new Vector3(v1.x / v2.x, v1.y / v2.y, v1.z / v2.z);