TriLibVersion.txt 3.6 KB

  1. 1.9.0b - Hotfix
  2. Fixed editor checks when running on batch mode
  3. Fixed iOS libraries inclusion
  4. Added batch mode settings (when running on batch mode, you can pass the following settings to change TriLib behaviour: TRILIB_DISABLE_AUTO_IMPORT, TRILIB_USE_ZIP, TRILIB_OUTPUT_MESSAGES, TRILIB_USE_IOS_SIMULATOR, TRILIB_ENABLE_IOS_FILE_SHARING)
  5. Added "Use IOS file Sharing" and "Use IOS Simulator" to TriLib settings area
  6. Added "StartOnLogicalDrives" field to "FileOpenDialog" to specify if the dialog will start showing the logical drives
  7. Fixed "ProgressHandlingSample" script on UWP
  8. Fixed missing filename error when loading from memory or ZIP files
  9. Replaced "$$___magic___$$$" on root GameObject names
  10. 1.9.0
  11. Fixed missing animation components assignment
  12. Fixed aiMaterial_GetShininessStrength and aiMaterial_GetShininess values reading
  13. Added options to: Disable Automatic Models loading on Editor, Disable Native Plugins checking, Disable Deprecated Versions checking on Project Settings.
  14. Added button to configure Native Plugins metadata on Project Settings.
  15. Moved TriLib menu items to Project Settings.
  16. Removed hard-coded references to TriLib install path on samples, allowing users to run the samples when TriLib is installed on a different folder.
  17. Deprecated AssetLoaderOptions.ForceAnimationComponents field
  18. 1.8.9b
  19. WebGL native libraries reference fix
  20. 1.8.9a
  21. Replaced WebGL libraries
  22. 1.8.9
  23. STEP reader fixes
  24. 3DS progress handler fix
  25. FBX reader fixes
  26. GLTF2 reader fixes
  27. GLTF reader fixes
  28. MD4 reader fixes
  29. MMD reader fixes
  30. OBJ reader fixes
  31. DAE reader fixes
  32. SMD reader fixes
  33. Removed invalid data checking which was preventing some models from loading
  34. Removed iOS internal ZLIB dependency (using TriLib own ZLIB)
  35. Fixed WebGL issues*
  36. Fixed a bug where older Android devices couldn't accept 32-bits indexed meshes
  37. Fixed a bug where unnamed embedded textures couldn't be loaded correctly
  38. Fixed a bug where temporary textures weren't disposed
  39. Fixed memory leaks
  40. Fixed material transparency issues
  41. Fixed FBX base-64 textures reading bug
  42. Fixed async errors catching
  43. Fixed bug where textures with empty names would cause errors
  44. Fixed samples issues
  45. Fixed misc. issues
  46. Added Hololens 2 experimental support
  47. Added UTF-8 texture path support
  48. Added WebGL template which is used on TriLib demo
  49. Added WebGL utility class JsHelper which contains methods to read file data from Javascript
  50. Added AssetLoaderOptions.UseOriginalPositionRotationAndScale to allow maintaining original model coordinates
  51. Added AssetLoaderOptions.MaterialShadingMode to allow material shading mode selection (Standard, Roughness or Specular)
  52. Added AssetLoaderOptions.MaterialTransparencyMode to allow material transparency mode selection
  53. Added AssetLoaderOptions.LoadRawMaterialProperties to allow custom material data loading. Custom properties will be available on AssetLoaderBase.MaterialData Properties field
  54. Added TIFF images support
  55. Added AssetLoaderOptions fields: ApplyGlossinessScale, ApplyGlossiness, ApplyNormalScale, ApplyMetallicTexture, ApplyOcclusionTexture, ApplyDisplacementTexture, ApplyNormalTexture, ApplySpecularTexture, ApplyEmissionTexture, ApplyDiffuseTexture, ApplySpecularColor, ApplyEmissionColor, ApplyDiffuseColor, ApplyColorAlpha to allow selectively components loading
  56. Added AssetLoaderOptions.DontAddMetadataCollection, when enabled, TriLib will add an AssimpMetadataCollection component to every GameObject child, containing a collection of metadata found while loading the model
  57. Added AssetLoaderOptions.ForceAnimationComponents to enforce Animation/Animator components creation even when there are no animated objects on the model
  58. *Note: WebGL module isn't working on Unity 2019 yet, we are working on a fix for this issue