Basic usage

Synchronous model loading:

using (var assetLoader = new AssetLoader()) {
    var assetLoaderOptions = AssetLoaderOptions.CreateInstance();   //Creates the AssetLoaderOptions instance.
                                                                    //AssetLoaderOptions let you specify options to load your model.
                                                                    //(Optional) You can skip this object creation and it's parameter or pass null.
    //You can modify assetLoaderOptions before passing it to LoadFromFile method. You can check the AssetLoaderOptions API reference at:
    var wrapperGameObject = gameObject;                             //Sets the game object where your model will be loaded into.
                                                                    //(Optional) You can skip this object creation and it's parameter or pass null.

    var myGameObject = assetLoader.LoadFromFile("PATH TO MY FILE.FBX", assetLoaderOptions, wrapperGameObject); //Loads the model synchronously and stores the reference in myGameObject.

Asynchronous model loading:

using (var assetLoaderAsync = new AssetLoaderAsync()) {
    var assetLoaderOptions = AssetLoaderOptions.CreateInstance();   //Creates the AssetLoaderOptions instance.
                                                                    //AssetLoaderOptions let you specify options to load your model.
                                                                    //(Optional) You can skip this object creation and it's parameter or pass null.
    //You can modify assetLoaderOptions before passing it to LoadFromFile method. You can check the AssetLoaderOptions API reference at:
    var wrapperGameObject = gameObject;                             //Sets the game object where your model will be loaded into.
                                                                    //(Optional) You can skip this object creation and it's parameter or pass null.

    var thread = assetLoaderAsync.LoadFromFile("PATH TO MY FILE.FBX", assetLoaderOptions, wrapperGameObject, delegate(GameObject myGameObject) {
        //Here you can get the reference to the loaded model using myGameObject.
    }); //Loads the model asynchronously and returns the reference to the created Task/Thread.