Messages.cpp 111 KB

  1. #include <stdlib.h>
  2. #include "il2cpp-config.h"
  3. #include "os/Messages.h"
  4. #define N_ELEMENTS(e) \
  5. (sizeof (e) / sizeof ((e)[0]))
  6. namespace il2cpp
  7. {
  8. namespace os
  9. {
  10. ErrorDesc common_messages[] =
  11. {
  12. { kErrorCodeSuccess, "Success" },
  13. { kErrorCodeFileNotFound, "Cannot find the specified file" },
  14. { kErrorCodePathNotFound, "Cannot find the specified file" },
  15. { kErrorCodeTooManyOpenFiles, "Too many open files" },
  16. { kErrorCodeAccessDenied, "Access denied" },
  17. { kErrorCodeInvalidHandle, "Invalid handle" },
  18. { kErrorInvalidData, "Invalid data" },
  19. { kErrorOutofmemory, "Out of memory" },
  20. { kErrorCodeNotSameDevice, "Not same device" },
  21. { kErrorCodeNoMoreFiles, "No more files" },
  22. { kErrorBadLength, "Bad length" },
  23. { kErrorCodeGenFailure, "General failure" },
  24. { kErrorCodeSharingViolation, "Sharing violation" },
  25. { kErrorCodeLockViolation, "Lock violation" },
  26. { kErrorNotSupported, "Operation not supported" },
  27. { kErrorCodeInvalidParameter, "Invalid parameter" },
  28. { kErrorCallNotImplemented, "Call not implemented" },
  29. { kErrorCodeInvalidName, "Invalid name" },
  30. { kErrorProcNotFound, "Process not found" },
  31. { kErrorCodeAlreadyExists, "Already exists" },
  32. { kErrorDirectory, "Is a directory" },
  33. { kErrorCodeEncryptionFailed, "Encryption failed" },
  34. { kWSAeintr, "interrupted" },
  35. { kWSAebadf, "Bad file number" },
  36. { kWSAeacces, "Access denied" },
  37. { kWSAefault, "Bad address" },
  38. { kWSAeinval, "Invalid arguments" },
  39. { kWSAemfile, "Too many open files" },
  40. { kWSAewouldblock, "Operation on non-blocking socket would block" },
  41. { kWSAeinprogress, "Operation in progress" },
  42. { kWSAealready, "Operation already in progress" },
  43. { kWSAenotsock, "The descriptor is not a socket" },
  44. { kWSAedestaddrreq, "Destination address required" },
  45. { kWSAemsgsize, "Message too long" },
  46. { kWSAeprototype, "Protocol wrong type for socket" },
  47. { kWSAenoprotoopt, "Protocol option not supported" },
  48. { kWSAeprotonosupport, "Protocol not supported" },
  49. { kWSAesocktnosupport, "Socket not supported" },
  50. { kWSAeopnotsupp, "Operation not supported" },
  51. { kWSAepfnosupport, "Protocol family not supported" },
  52. { kWSAeafnosupport, "An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used" },
  53. { kWSAeaddrinuse, "Address already in use" },
  54. { kWSAeaddrnotavail, "The requested address is not valid in this context" },
  55. { kWSAenetdown, "Network subsystem is down" },
  56. { kWSAenetunreach, "Network is unreachable" },
  57. { kWSAenetreset, "Connection broken, keep-alive detected a problem" },
  58. { kWSAeconnaborted, "An established connection was aborted in your host machine." },
  59. { kWSAeconnreset, "Connection reset by peer" },
  60. { kWSAenobufs, "Not enough buffer space is available" },
  61. { kWSAeisconn, "Socket is already connected" },
  62. { kWSAenotconn, "The socket is not connected" },
  63. { kWSAeshutdown, "The socket has been shut down" },
  64. { kWSAetoomanyrefs, "Too many references: cannot splice" },
  65. { kWSAetimedout, "Connection timed out" },
  66. { kWSAeconnrefused, "Connection refused" },
  67. { kWSAeloop, "Too many symbolic links encountered" },
  68. { kWSAenametoolong, "File name too long" },
  69. { kWSAehostdown, "Host is down" },
  70. { kWSAehostunreach, "No route to host" },
  71. { kWSAenotempty, "Directory not empty" },
  72. { kWSAeproclim, "EPROCLIM" },
  73. { kWSAeusers, "Too many users" },
  74. { kWSAedquot, "Quota exceeded" },
  75. { kWSAestale, "Stale NFS file handle" },
  76. { kWSAeremote, "Object is remote" },
  77. { kWSAsysnotready, "SYSNOTREADY" },
  78. { kWSAvernotsupported, "VERNOTSUPPORTED" },
  79. { kWSAnotinitialised, "Winsock not initialised" },
  80. { kWSAediscon, "EDISCON" },
  81. { kWSAenomore, "ENOMORE" },
  82. { kWSAecancelled, "Operation canceled" },
  83. { kWSAeinvalidproctable, "EINVALIDPROCTABLE" },
  84. { kWSAeinvalidprovider, "EINVALIDPROVIDER" },
  85. { kWSAeproviderfailedinit, "EPROVIDERFAILEDINIT" },
  86. { kWSAsyscallfailure, "System call failed" },
  87. { kWSAserviceNotFound, "SERVICE_NOT_FOUND" },
  88. { kWSAtypeNotFound, "TYPE_NOT_FOUND" },
  89. { kWSAENoMore, "E_NO_MORE" },
  90. { kWSAECancelled, "E_CANCELLED" },
  91. { kWSAerefused, "EREFUSED" },
  92. { kWSAhostNotFound, "No such host is known" },
  93. { kWSAtryAgain, "A temporary error occurred on an authoritative name server. Try again later." },
  94. { kWSAnoRecovery, "No recovery" },
  95. { kWSAnoData, "No data" },
  96. };
  98. ErrorDesc messages[] =
  99. {
  100. { kErrorInvalidFunction, "Invalid function" },
  101. { kErrorArenaTrashed, "Arena trashed" },
  102. { kErrorNotEnoughMemory, "Not enough memory" },
  103. { kErrorInvalidBlock, "Invalid block" },
  104. { kErrorBadEnvironment, "Bad environment" },
  105. { kErrorBadFormat, "Bad format" },
  106. { kErrorInvalidAccess, "Invalid access" },
  107. { kErrorInvalidDrive, "Invalid drive" },
  108. { kErrorCurrentDirectory, "Current directory" },
  109. { kErrorWriteProtect, "Write protect" },
  110. { kErrorBadUnit, "Bad unit" },
  111. { kErrorNotReady, "Not ready" },
  112. { kErrorBadCommand, "Bad command" },
  113. { kErrorCrc, "CRC" },
  114. { kErrorSeek, "Seek" },
  115. { kErrorNotDosDisk, "Not DOS disk" },
  116. { kErrorSectorNotFound, "Sector not found" },
  117. { kErrorOutOfPaper, "Out of paper" },
  118. { kErrorWriteFault, "Write fault" },
  119. { kErrorReadFault, "Read fault" },
  120. { kErrorWrongDisk, "Wrong disk" },
  121. { kErrorSharingBufferExceeded, "Sharing buffer exceeded" },
  122. { kErrorHandleEof, "Handle EOF" },
  123. { kErrorHandleDiskFull, "Handle disk full" },
  124. { kErrorRemNotList, "Rem not list" },
  125. { kErrorDupName, "Duplicate name" },
  126. { kErrorBadNetpath, "Bad netpath" },
  127. { kErrorNetworkBusy, "Network busy" },
  128. { kErrorDevNotExist, "Device does not exist" },
  129. { kErrorTooManyCmds, "Too many commands" },
  130. { kErrorAdapHdwErr, "ADAP HDW error" },
  131. { kErrorBadNetResp, "Bad net response" },
  132. { kErrorUnexpNetErr, "Unexpected net error" },
  133. { kErrorBadRemAdap, "Bad rem adap" },
  134. { kErrorPrintqFull, "Print queue full" },
  135. { kErrorNoSpoolSpace, "No spool space" },
  136. { kErrorPrintCancelled, "Print cancelled" },
  137. { kErrorNetnameDeleted, "Netname deleted" },
  138. { kErrorNetworkAccessDenied, "Network access denied" },
  139. { kErrorBadDevType, "Bad device type" },
  140. { kErrorBadNetName, "Bad net name" },
  141. { kErrorTooManyNames, "Too many names" },
  142. { kErrorTooManySess, "Too many sessions" },
  143. { kErrorSharingPaused, "Sharing paused" },
  144. { kErrorReqNotAccep, "Req not accep" },
  145. { kErrorRedirPaused, "Redir paused" },
  146. { kErrorFileExists, "File exists" },
  147. { kErrorCannotMake, "Cannot make" },
  148. { kErrorFailI24, "Fail i24" },
  149. { kErrorOutOfStructures, "Out of structures" },
  150. { kErrorAlreadyAssigned, "Already assigned" },
  151. { kErrorInvalidPassword, "Invalid password" },
  152. { kErrorNetWriteFault, "Net write fault" },
  153. { kErrorNoProcSlots, "No proc slots" },
  154. { kErrorTooManySemaphores, "Too many semaphores" },
  155. { kErrorExclSemAlreadyOwned, "Exclusive semaphore already owned" },
  156. { kErrorSemIsSet, "Semaphore is set" },
  157. { kErrorTooManySemRequests, "Too many semaphore requests" },
  158. { kErrorInvalidAtInterruptTime, "Invalid at interrupt time" },
  159. { kErrorSemOwnerDied, "Semaphore owner died" },
  160. { kErrorSemUserLimit, "Semaphore user limit" },
  161. { kErrorDiskChange, "Disk change" },
  162. { kErrorDriveLocked, "Drive locked" },
  163. { kErrorBrokenPipe, "Broken pipe" },
  164. { kErrorOpenFailed, "Open failed" },
  165. { kErrorBufferOverflow, "Buffer overflow" },
  166. { kErrorDiskFull, "Disk full" },
  167. { kErrorNoMoreSearchHandles, "No more search handles" },
  168. { kErrorInvalidTargetHandle, "Invalid target handle" },
  169. { kErrorInvalidCategory, "Invalid category" },
  170. { kErrorInvalidVerifySwitch, "Invalid verify switch" },
  171. { kErrorBadDriverLevel, "Bad driver level" },
  172. { kErrorSemTimeout, "Semaphore timeout" },
  173. { kErrorInsufficientBuffer, "Insufficient buffer" },
  174. { kErrorInvalidLevel, "Invalid level" },
  175. { kErrorNoVolumeLabel, "No volume label" },
  176. { kErrorModNotFound, "Module not found" },
  177. { kErrorWaitNoChildren, "Wait no children" },
  178. { kErrorChildNotComplete, "Child not complete" },
  179. { kErrorDirectAccessHandle, "Direct access handle" },
  180. { kErrorNegativeSeek, "Negative seek" },
  181. { kErrorSeekOnDevice, "Seek on device" },
  182. { kErrorIsJoinTarget, "Is join target" },
  183. { kErrorIsJoined, "Is joined" },
  184. { kErrorIsSubsted, "Is substed" },
  185. { kErrorNotJoined, "Not joined" },
  186. { kErrorNotSubsted, "Not substed" },
  187. { kErrorJoinToJoin, "Join to join" },
  188. { kErrorSubstToSubst, "Subst to subst" },
  189. { kErrorJoinToSubst, "Join to subst" },
  190. { kErrorSubstToJoin, "Subst to join" },
  191. { kErrorBusyDrive, "Busy drive" },
  192. { kErrorSameDrive, "Same drive" },
  193. { kErrorDirNotRoot, "Directory not root" },
  194. { kErrorDirNotEmpty, "Directory not empty" },
  195. { kErrorIsSubstPath, "Is subst path" },
  196. { kErrorIsJoinPath, "Is join path" },
  197. { kErrorPathBusy, "Path busy" },
  198. { kErrorIsSubstTarget, "Is subst target" },
  199. { kErrorSystemTrace, "System trace" },
  200. { kErrorInvalidEventCount, "Invalid event count" },
  201. { kErrorTooManyMuxwaiters, "Too many muxwaiters" },
  202. { kErrorInvalidListFormat, "Invalid list format" },
  203. { kErrorLabelTooLong, "Label too long" },
  204. { kErrorTooManyTcbs, "Too many TCBs" },
  205. { kErrorSignalRefused, "Signal refused" },
  206. { kErrorDiscarded, "Discarded" },
  207. { kErrorNotLocked, "Not locked" },
  208. { kErrorBadThreadidAddr, "Bad thread ID addr" },
  209. { kErrorBadArguments, "Bad arguments" },
  210. { kErrorBadPathname, "Bad pathname" },
  211. { kErrorSignalPending, "Signal pending" },
  212. { kErrorMaxThrdsReached, "Max thrds reached" },
  213. { kErrorLockFailed, "Lock failed" },
  214. { kErrorBusy, "Busy" },
  215. { kErrorCancelViolation, "Cancel violation" },
  216. { kErrorAtomicLocksNotSupported, "Atomic locks not supported" },
  217. { kErrorInvalidSegmentNumber, "Invalid segment number" },
  218. { kErrorInvalidOrdinal, "Invalid ordinal" },
  219. { kErrorInvalidFlagNumber, "Invalid flag number" },
  220. { kErrorSemNotFound, "Sem not found" },
  221. { kErrorInvalidStartingCodeseg, "Invalid starting codeseg" },
  222. { kErrorInvalidStackseg, "Invalid stackseg" },
  223. { kErrorInvalidModuletype, "Invalid moduletype" },
  224. { kErrorInvalidExeSignature, "Invalid exe signature" },
  225. { kErrorExeMarkedInvalid, "Exe marked invalid" },
  226. { kErrorBadExeFormat, "Bad exe format" },
  227. { kErrorIteratedDataExceeds64k, "Iterated data exceeds 64k (and that should be enough for anybody!)" },
  228. { kErrorInvalidMinallocsize, "Invalid minallocsize" },
  229. { kErrorDynlinkFromInvalidRing, "Dynlink from invalid ring" },
  230. { kErrorIoplNotEnabled, "IOPL not enabled" },
  231. { kErrorInvalidSegdpl, "Invalid segdpl" },
  232. { kErrorAutodatasegExceeds64k, "Autodataseg exceeds 64k" },
  233. { kErrorRing2segMustBeMovable, "Ring2seg must be movable" },
  234. { kErrorRelocChainXeedsSeglim, "Reloc chain exceeds seglim" },
  235. { kErrorInfloopInRelocChain, "Infloop in reloc chain" },
  236. { kErrorEnvvarNotFound, "Env var not found" },
  237. { kErrorNoSignalSent, "No signal sent" },
  238. { kErrorFilenameExcedRange, "Filename exceeds range" },
  239. { kErrorRing2StackInUse, "Ring2 stack in use" },
  240. { kErrorMetaExpansionTooLong, "Meta expansion too long" },
  241. { kErrorInvalidSignalNumber, "Invalid signal number" },
  242. { kErrorThread1Inactive, "Thread 1 inactive" },
  243. { kErrorLocked, "Locked" },
  244. { kErrorTooManyModules, "Too many modules" },
  245. { kErrorNestingNotAllowed, "Nesting not allowed" },
  246. { kErrorExeMachineTypeMismatch, "Exe machine type mismatch" },
  247. { kErrorBadPipe, "Bad pipe" },
  248. { kErrorPipeBusy, "Pipe busy" },
  249. { kErrorNoData, "No data" },
  250. { kErrorPipeNotConnected, "Pipe not connected" },
  251. { kErrorMoreData, "More data" },
  252. { kErrorVcDisconnected, "VC disconnected" },
  253. { kErrorInvalidEaName, "Invalid EA name" },
  254. { kErrorEaListInconsistent, "EA list inconsistent" },
  255. { kWaitTimeout, "Wait timeout" },
  256. { kErrorNoMoreItems, "No more items" },
  257. { kErrorCannotCopy, "Cannot copy" },
  258. { kErrorEasDidntFit, "EAS didnt fit" },
  259. { kErrorEaFileCorrupt, "EA file corrupt" },
  260. { kErrorEaTableFull, "EA table full" },
  261. { kErrorInvalidEaHandle, "Invalid EA handle" },
  262. { kErrorEasNotSupported, "EAs not supported" },
  263. { kErrorNotOwner, "Not owner" },
  264. { kErrorTooManyPosts, "Too many posts" },
  265. { kErrorPartialCopy, "Partial copy" },
  266. { kErrorOplockNotGranted, "Oplock not granted" },
  267. { kErrorInvalidOplockProtocol, "Invalid oplock protocol" },
  268. { kErrorDiskTooFragmented, "Disk too fragmented" },
  269. { kErrorDeletePending, "Delete pending" },
  270. { kErrorMrMidNotFound, "Mr Mid not found" },
  271. { kErrorInvalidAddress, "Invalid address" },
  272. { kErrorArithmeticOverflow, "Arithmetic overflow" },
  273. { kErrorPipeConnected, "Pipe connected" },
  274. { kErrorPipeListening, "Pipe listening" },
  275. { kErrorEaAccessDenied, "EA access denied" },
  276. { kErrorOperationAborted, "Operation aborted" },
  277. { kErrorIoIncomplete, "IO incomplete" },
  278. { kErrorIoPending, "IO pending" },
  279. { kErrorNoaccess, "No access" },
  280. { kErrorSwaperror, "Swap error" },
  281. { kErrorStackOverflow, "Stack overflow" },
  282. { kErrorInvalidMessage, "Invalid message" },
  283. { kErrorCanNotComplete, "Can not complete" },
  284. { kErrorInvalidFlags, "Invalid flags" },
  285. { kErrorUnrecognizedVolume, "Unrecognised volume" },
  286. { kErrorFileInvalid, "File invalid" },
  287. { kErrorFullscreenMode, "Full screen mode" },
  288. { kErrorNoToken, "No token" },
  289. { kErrorBaddb, "Bad DB" },
  290. { kErrorBadkey, "Bad key" },
  291. { kErrorCantopen, "Can't open" },
  292. { kErrorCantread, "Can't read" },
  293. { kErrorCantwrite, "Can't write" },
  294. { kErrorRegistryRecovered, "Registry recovered" },
  295. { kErrorRegistryCorrupt, "Registry corrupt" },
  296. { kErrorRegistryIoFailed, "Registry IO failed" },
  297. { kErrorNotRegistryFile, "Not registry file" },
  298. { kErrorKeyDeleted, "Key deleted" },
  299. { kErrorNoLogSpace, "No log space" },
  300. { kErrorKeyHasChildren, "Key has children" },
  301. { kErrorChildMustBeVolatile, "Child must be volatile" },
  302. { kErrorNotifyEnumDir, "Notify enum dir" },
  303. { kErrorDependentServicesRunning, "Dependent services running" },
  304. { kErrorInvalidServiceControl, "Invalid service control" },
  305. { kErrorServiceRequestTimeout, "Service request timeout" },
  306. { kErrorServiceNoThread, "Service no thread" },
  307. { kErrorServiceDatabaseLocked, "Service database locked" },
  308. { kErrorServiceAlreadyRunning, "Service already running" },
  309. { kErrorInvalidServiceAccount, "Invalid service account" },
  310. { kErrorServiceDisabled, "Service disabled" },
  311. { kErrorCircularDependency, "Circular dependency" },
  312. { kErrorServiceDoesNotExist, "Service does not exist" },
  313. { kErrorServiceCannotAcceptCtrl, "Service cannot accept ctrl" },
  314. { kErrorServiceNotActive, "Service not active" },
  315. { kErrorFailedServiceControllerConnect, "Failed service controller connect" },
  316. { kErrorExceptionInService, "Exception in service" },
  317. { kErrorDatabaseDoesNotExist, "Database does not exist" },
  318. { kErrorServiceSpecificError, "Service specific error" },
  319. { kErrorProcessAborted, "Process aborted" },
  320. { kErrorServiceDependencyFail, "Service dependency fail" },
  321. { kErrorServiceLogonFailed, "Service logon failed" },
  322. { kErrorServiceStartHang, "Service start hang" },
  323. { kErrorInvalidServiceLock, "Invalid service lock" },
  324. { kErrorServiceMarkedForDelete, "Service marked for delete" },
  325. { kErrorServiceExists, "Service exists" },
  326. { kErrorAlreadyRunningLkg, "Already running lkg" },
  327. { kErrorServiceDependencyDeleted, "Service dependency deleted" },
  328. { kErrorBootAlreadyAccepted, "Boot already accepted" },
  329. { kErrorServiceNeverStarted, "Service never started" },
  330. { kErrorDuplicateServiceName, "Duplicate service name" },
  331. { kErrorDifferentServiceAccount, "Different service account" },
  332. { kErrorCannotDetectDriverFailure, "Cannot detect driver failure" },
  333. { kErrorCannotDetectProcessAbort, "Cannot detect process abort" },
  334. { kErrorNoRecoveryProgram, "No recovery program" },
  335. { kErrorServiceNotInExe, "Service not in exe" },
  336. { kErrorNotSafebootService, "Not safeboot service" },
  337. { kErrorEndOfMedia, "End of media" },
  338. { kErrorFilemarkDetected, "Filemark detected" },
  339. { kErrorBeginningOfMedia, "Beginning of media" },
  340. { kErrorSetmarkDetected, "Setmark detected" },
  341. { kErrorNoDataDetected, "No data detected" },
  342. { kErrorPartitionFailure, "Partition failure" },
  343. { kErrorInvalidBlockLength, "Invalid block length" },
  344. { kErrorDeviceNotPartitioned, "Device not partitioned" },
  345. { kErrorUnableToLockMedia, "Unable to lock media" },
  346. { kErrorUnableToUnloadMedia, "Unable to unload media" },
  347. { kErrorMediaChanged, "Media changed" },
  348. { kErrorBusReset, "Bus reset" },
  349. { kErrorNoMediaInDrive, "No media in drive" },
  350. { kErrorNoUnicodeTranslation, "No unicode translation" },
  351. { kErrorDllInitFailed, "DLL init failed" },
  352. { kErrorShutdownInProgress, "Shutdown in progress" },
  353. { kErrorNoShutdownInProgress, "No shutdown in progress" },
  354. { kErrorIoDevice, "IO device" },
  355. { kErrorSerialNoDevice, "Serial IO device" },
  356. { kErrorIrqBusy, "IRQ busy" },
  357. { kErrorMoreWrites, "More writes" },
  358. { kErrorCounterTimeout, "Counter timeout" },
  359. { kErrorFloppyIdMarkNotFound, "Floppy ID mark not found" },
  360. { kErrorFloppyWrongCylinder, "Floppy wrong cylinder" },
  361. { kErrorFloppyUnknownError, "Floppy unknown error" },
  362. { kErrorFloppyBadRegisters, "Floppy bad registers" },
  363. { kErrorDiskRecalibrateFailed, "Disk recalibrate failed" },
  364. { kErrorDiskOperationFailed, "Disk operation failed" },
  365. { kErrorDiskResetFailed, "Disk reset failed" },
  366. { kErrorEomOverflow, "EOM overflow" },
  367. { kErrorNotEnoughServerMemory, "Not enough server memory" },
  368. { kErrorPossibleDeadlock, "Possible deadlock" },
  369. { kErrorMappedAlignment, "Mapped alignment" },
  370. { kErrorSetPowerStateVetoed, "Set power state vetoed" },
  371. { kErrorSetPowerStateFailed, "Set power state failed" },
  372. { kErrorTooManyLinks, "Too many links" },
  373. { kErrorOldWinVersion, "Old win version" },
  374. { kErrorAppWrongOs, "App wrong OS" },
  375. { kErrorSingleInstanceApp, "Single instance app" },
  376. { kErrorRmodeApp, "Rmode app" },
  377. { kErrorInvalidDll, "Invalid DLL" },
  378. { kErrorNoAssociation, "No association" },
  379. { kErrorDdeFail, "DDE fail" },
  380. { kErrorDllNotFound, "DLL not found" },
  381. { kErrorNoMoreUserHandles, "No more user handles" },
  382. { kErrorMessageSyncOnly, "Message sync only" },
  383. { kErrorSourceElementEmpty, "Source element empty" },
  384. { kErrorDestinationElementFull, "Destination element full" },
  385. { kErrorIllegalElementAddress, "Illegal element address" },
  386. { kErrorMagazineNotPresent, "Magazine not present" },
  387. { kErrorDeviceReinitializationNeeded, "Device reinitialization needed" },
  388. { kErrorDeviceRequiresCleaning, "Device requires cleaning" },
  389. { kErrorDeviceDoorOpen, "Device door open" },
  390. { kErrorDeviceNotConnected, "Device not connected" },
  391. { kErrorNotFound, "Not found" },
  392. { kErrorNoMatch, "No match" },
  393. { kErrorSetNotFound, "Set not found" },
  394. { kErrorPointNotFound, "Point not found" },
  395. { kErrorNoTrackingService, "No tracking service" },
  396. { kErrorNoVolumeId, "No volume ID" },
  397. { kErrorUnableToRemoveReplaced, "Unable to remove replaced" },
  398. { kErrorUnableToMoveReplacement, "Unable to move replacement" },
  399. { kErrorUnableToMoveReplacement2, "Unable to move replacement 2" },
  400. { kErrorJournalDeleteInProgress, "Journal delete in progress" },
  401. { kErrorJournalNotActive, "Journal not active" },
  402. { kErrorPotentialFileFound, "Potential file found" },
  403. { kErrorJournalEntryDeleted, "Journal entry deleted" },
  404. { kErrorBadDevice, "Bad device" },
  405. { kErrorConnectionUnavail, "Connection unavail" },
  406. { kErrorDeviceAlreadyRemembered, "Device already remembered" },
  407. { kErrorNoNetOrBadPath, "No net or bad path" },
  408. { kErrorBadProvider, "Bad provider" },
  409. { kErrorCannotOpenProfile, "Cannot open profile" },
  410. { kErrorBadProfile, "Bad profile" },
  411. { kErrorNotContainer, "Not container" },
  412. { kErrorExtendedError, "Extended error" },
  413. { kErrorInvalidGroupname, "Invalid group name" },
  414. { kErrorInvalidComputername, "Invalid computer name" },
  415. { kErrorInvalidEventname, "Invalid event name" },
  416. { kErrorInvalidDomainname, "Invalid domain name" },
  417. { kErrorInvalidServicename, "Invalid service name" },
  418. { kErrorInvalidNetname, "Invalid net name" },
  419. { kErrorInvalidSharename, "Invalid share name" },
  420. { kErrorInvalidPasswordname, "Invalid password name" },
  421. { kErrorInvalidMessagename, "Invalid message name" },
  422. { kErrorInvalidMessagedest, "Invalid message dest" },
  423. { kErrorSessionCredentialConflict, "Session credential conflict" },
  424. { kErrorRemoteSessionLimitExceeded, "Remote session limit exceeded" },
  425. { kErrorDupDomainname, "Dup domain name" },
  426. { kErrorNoNetwork, "No network" },
  427. { kErrorCancelled, "Cancelled" },
  428. { kErrorUserMappedFile, "User mapped file" },
  429. { kErrorConnectionRefused, "Connection refused" },
  430. { kErrorGracefulDisconnect, "Graceful disconnect" },
  431. { kErrorAddressAlreadyAssociated, "Address already associated" },
  432. { kErrorAddressNotAssociated, "Address not associated" },
  433. { kErrorConnectionInvalid, "Connected invalid" },
  434. { kErrorConnectionActive, "Connection active" },
  435. { kErrorNetworkUnreachable, "Network unreachable" },
  436. { kErrorHostUnreachable, "Host unreachable" },
  437. { kErrorProtocolUnreachable, "Protocol unreachable" },
  438. { kErrorPortUnreachable, "Port unreachable" },
  439. { kErrorRequestAborted, "Request aborted" },
  440. { kErrorConnectionAborted, "Connection aborted" },
  441. { kErrorRetry, "Retry" },
  442. { kErrorConnectionCountLimit, "Connection count limit" },
  443. { kErrorLoginTimeRestriction, "Login time restriction" },
  444. { kErrorLoginWkstaRestriction, "Login wksta restriction" },
  445. { kErrorIncorrectAddress, "Incorrect address" },
  446. { kErrorAlreadyRegistered, "Already registered" },
  447. { kErrorServiceNotFound, "Service not found" },
  448. { kErrorNotAuthenticated, "Not authenticated" },
  449. { kErrorNotLoggedOn, "Not logged on" },
  450. { kErrorContinue, "Continue" },
  451. { kErrorAlreadyInitialized, "Already initialised" },
  452. { kErrorNoMoreDevices, "No more devices" },
  453. { kErrorNoSuchSite, "No such site" },
  454. { kErrorDomainControllerExists, "Domain controller exists" },
  455. { kErrorOnlyIfConnected, "Only if connected" },
  456. { kErrorOverrideNochanges, "Override no changes" },
  457. { kErrorBadUserProfile, "Bad user profile" },
  458. { kErrorNotSupportedOnSbs, "Not supported on SBS" },
  459. { kErrorServerShutdownInProgress, "Server shutdown in progress" },
  460. { kErrorHostDown, "Host down" },
  461. { kErrorNonAccountSid, "Non account sid" },
  462. { kErrorNonDomainSid, "Non domain sid" },
  463. { kErrorApphelpBlock, "Apphelp block" },
  464. { kErrorAccessDisabledByPolicy, "Access disabled by policy" },
  465. { kErrorRegNatConsumption, "Reg nat consumption" },
  466. { kErrorCscshareOffline, "CSC share offline" },
  467. { kErrorPkinitFailure, "PK init failure" },
  468. { kErrorSmartcardSubsystemFailure, "Smartcard subsystem failure" },
  469. { kErrorDowngradeDetected, "Downgrade detected" },
  470. { kSecESmartcardCertRevoked, "Smartcard cert revoked" },
  471. { kSecEIssuingCaUntrusted, "Issuing CA untrusted" },
  472. { kSecERevocationOfflineC, "Revocation offline" },
  473. { kSecEPkinitClientFailur, "PK init client failure" },
  474. { kSecESmartcardCertExpired, "Smartcard cert expired" },
  475. { kErrorMachineLocked, "Machine locked" },
  476. { kErrorCallbackSuppliedInvalidData, "Callback supplied invalid data" },
  477. { kErrorSyncForegroundRefreshRequired, "Sync foreground refresh required" },
  478. { kErrorDriverBlocked, "Driver blocked" },
  479. { kErrorInvalidImportOfNonDll, "Invalid import of non DLL" },
  480. { kErrorNotAllAssigned, "Not all assigned" },
  481. { kErrorSomeNotMapped, "Some not mapped" },
  482. { kErrorNoQuotasForAccount, "No quotas for account" },
  483. { kErrorLocalUserSessionKey, "Local user session key" },
  484. { kErrorNullLmPassword, "Null LM password" },
  485. { kErrorUnknownRevision, "Unknown revision" },
  486. { kErrorRevisionMismatch, "Revision mismatch" },
  487. { kErrorInvalidOwner, "Invalid owner" },
  488. { kErrorInvalidPrimaryGroup, "Invalid primary group" },
  489. { kErrorNoImpersonationToken, "No impersonation token" },
  490. { kErrorCantDisableMandatory, "Can't disable mandatory" },
  491. { kErrorNoLogonServers, "No logon servers" },
  492. { kErrorNoSuchLogonSession, "No such logon session" },
  493. { kErrorNoSuchPrivilege, "No such privilege" },
  494. { kErrorPrivilegeNotHeld, "Privilege not held" },
  495. { kErrorInvalidAccountName, "Invalid account name" },
  496. { kErrorUserExists, "User exists" },
  497. { kErrorNoSuchUser, "No such user" },
  498. { kErrorGroupExists, "Group exists" },
  499. { kErrorNoSuchGroup, "No such group" },
  500. { kErrorMemberInGroup, "Member in group" },
  501. { kErrorMemberNotInGroup, "Member not in group" },
  502. { kErrorLastAdmin, "Last admin" },
  503. { kErrorWrongPassword, "Wrong password" },
  504. { kErrorIllFormedPassword, "Ill formed password" },
  505. { kErrorPasswordRestriction, "Password restriction" },
  506. { kErrorLogonFailure, "Logon failure" },
  507. { kErrorAccountRestriction, "Account restriction" },
  508. { kErrorInvalidLogonHours, "Invalid logon hours" },
  509. { kErrorInvalidWorkstation, "Invalid workstation" },
  510. { kErrorPasswordExpired, "Password expired" },
  511. { kErrorAccountDisabled, "Account disabled" },
  512. { kErrorNoneMapped, "None mapped" },
  513. { kErrorTooManyLuidsRequested, "Too many LUIDs requested" },
  514. { kErrorLuidsExhausted, "LUIDs exhausted" },
  515. { kErrorInvalidSubAuthority, "Invalid sub authority" },
  516. { kErrorInvalidAcl, "Invalid ACL" },
  517. { kErrorInvalidSid, "Invalid SID" },
  518. { kErrorInvalidSecurityDescr, "Invalid security descr" },
  519. { kErrorBadInheritanceAcl, "Bad inheritance ACL" },
  520. { kErrorServerDisabled, "Server disabled" },
  521. { kErrorServerNotDisabled, "Server not disabled" },
  522. { kErrorInvalidIdAuthority, "Invalid ID authority" },
  523. { kErrorAllottedSpaceExceeded, "Allotted space exceeded" },
  524. { kErrorInvalidGroupAttributes, "Invalid group attributes" },
  525. { kErrorBadImpersonationLevel, "Bad impersonation level" },
  526. { kErrorCantOpenAnonymous, "Can't open anonymous" },
  527. { kErrorBadValidationClass, "Bad validation class" },
  528. { kErrorBadTokenType, "Bad token type" },
  529. { kErrorNoSecurityOnObject, "No security on object" },
  530. { kErrorCantAccessDomainInfo, "Can't access domain info" },
  531. { kErrorInvalidServerState, "Invalid server state" },
  532. { kErrorInvalidDomainState, "Invalid domain state" },
  533. { kErrorInvalidDomainRole, "Invalid domain role" },
  534. { kErrorNoSuchDomain, "No such domain" },
  535. { kErrorDomainExists, "Domain exists" },
  536. { kErrorDomainLimitExceeded, "Domain limit exceeded" },
  537. { kErrorInternalDbCorruption, "Internal DB corruption" },
  538. { kErrorInternalError, "Internal error" },
  539. { kErrorGenericNotMapped, "Generic not mapped" },
  540. { kErrorBadDescriptorFormat, "Bad descriptor format" },
  541. { kErrorNotLogonProcess, "Not logon process" },
  542. { kErrorLogonSessionExists, "Logon session exists" },
  543. { kErrorNoSuchPackage, "No such package" },
  544. { kErrorBadLogonSessionState, "Bad logon session state" },
  545. { kErrorLogonSessionCollision, "Logon session collision" },
  546. { kErrorInvalidLogonType, "Invalid logon type" },
  547. { kErrorCannotImpersonate, "Cannot impersonate" },
  548. { kErrorRxactInvalidState, "Rxact invalid state" },
  549. { kErrorRxactCommitFailure, "Rxact commit failure" },
  550. { kErrorSpecialAccount, "Special account" },
  551. { kErrorSpecialGroup, "Special group" },
  552. { kErrorSpecialUser, "Special user" },
  553. { kErrorMembersPrimaryGroup, "Members primary group" },
  554. { kErrorTokenAlreadyInUse, "Token already in use" },
  555. { kErrorNoSuchAlias, "No such alias" },
  556. { kErrorMemberNotInAlias, "Member not in alias" },
  557. { kErrorMemberInAlias, "Member in alias" },
  558. { kErrorAliasExists, "Alias exists" },
  559. { kErrorLogonNotGranted, "Logon not granted" },
  560. { kErrorTooManySecrets, "Too many secrets" },
  561. { kErrorSecretTooLong, "Secret too long" },
  562. { kErrorInternalDbError, "Internal DB error" },
  563. { kErrorTooManyContextIds, "Too many context IDs" },
  564. { kErrorLogonTypeNotGranted, "Logon type not granted" },
  565. { kErrorNtCrossEncryptionRequired, "NT cross encryption required" },
  566. { kErrorNoSuchMember, "No such member" },
  567. { kErrorInvalidMember, "Invalid member" },
  568. { kErrorTooManySids, "Too many SIDs" },
  569. { kErrorLmCrossEncryptionRequired, "LM cross encryption required" },
  570. { kErrorNoInheritance, "No inheritance" },
  571. { kErrorFileCorrupt, "File corrupt" },
  572. { kErrorDiskCorrupt, "Disk corrupt" },
  573. { kErrorNoUserSessionKey, "No user session key" },
  574. { kErrorLicenseQuotaExceeded, "Licence quota exceeded" },
  575. { kErrorWrongTargetName, "Wrong target name" },
  576. { kErrorMutualAuthFailed, "Mutual auth failed" },
  577. { kErrorTimeSkew, "Time skew" },
  578. { kErrorCurrentDomainNotAllowed, "Current domain not allowed" },
  579. { kErrorInvalidWindowHandle, "Invalid window handle" },
  580. { kErrorInvalidMenuHandle, "Invalid menu handle" },
  581. { kErrorInvalidCursorHandle, "Invalid cursor handle" },
  582. { kErrorInvalidAccelHandle, "Invalid accel handle" },
  583. { kErrorInvalidHookHandle, "Invalid hook handle" },
  584. { kErrorInvalidDwpHandle, "Invalid DWP handle" },
  585. { kErrorTlwWithWschild, "TLW with wschild" },
  586. { kErrorCannotFindWndClass, "Cannot find WND class" },
  587. { kErrorWindowOfOtherThread, "Window of other thread" },
  588. { kErrorHotkeyAlreadyRegistered, "Hotkey already registered" },
  589. { kErrorClassAlreadyExists, "Class already exists" },
  590. { kErrorClassDoesNotExist, "Class does not exist" },
  591. { kErrorClassHasWindows, "Class has windows" },
  592. { kErrorInvalidIndex, "Invalid index" },
  593. { kErrorInvalidIconHandle, "Invalid icon handle" },
  594. { kErrorPrivateDialogIndex, "Private dialog index" },
  595. { kErrorListboxIdNotFound, "Listbox ID not found" },
  596. { kErrorNoWildcardCharacters, "No wildcard characters" },
  597. { kErrorClipboardNotOpen, "Clipboard not open" },
  598. { kErrorHotkeyNotRegistered, "Hotkey not registered" },
  599. { kErrorWindowNotDialog, "Window not dialog" },
  600. { kErrorControlIdNotFound, "Control ID not found" },
  601. { kErrorInvalidComboboxMessage, "Invalid combobox message" },
  602. { kErrorWindowNotCombobox, "Window not combobox" },
  603. { kErrorInvalidEditHeight, "Invalid edit height" },
  604. { kErrorDcNotFound, "DC not found" },
  605. { kErrorInvalidHookFilter, "Invalid hook filter" },
  606. { kErrorInvalidFilterProc, "Invalid filter proc" },
  607. { kErrorHookNeedsHmod, "Hook needs HMOD" },
  608. { kErrorGlobalOnlyHook, "Global only hook" },
  609. { kErrorJournalHookSet, "Journal hook set" },
  610. { kErrorHookNotInstalled, "Hook not installed" },
  611. { kErrorInvalidLbMessage, "Invalid LB message" },
  612. { kErrorSetcountOnBadLb, "Setcount on bad LB" },
  613. { kErrorLbWithoutTabstops, "LB without tabstops" },
  614. { kErrorDestroyObjectOfOtherThread, "Destroy object of other thread" },
  615. { kErrorChildWindowMenu, "Child window menu" },
  616. { kErrorNoSystemMenu, "No system menu" },
  617. { kErrorInvalidMsgboxStyle, "Invalid msgbox style" },
  618. { kErrorInvalidSpiValue, "Invalid SPI value" },
  619. { kErrorScreenAlreadyLocked, "Screen already locked" },
  620. { kErrorHwndsHaveDiffParent, "HWNDs have different parent" },
  621. { kErrorNotChildWindow, "Not child window" },
  622. { kErrorInvalidGwCommand, "Invalid GW command" },
  623. { kErrorInvalidThreadId, "Invalid thread ID" },
  624. { kErrorNonMdichildWindow, "Non MDI child window" },
  625. { kErrorPopupAlreadyActive, "Popup already active" },
  626. { kErrorNoScrollbars, "No scrollbars" },
  627. { kErrorInvalidScrollbarRange, "Invalid scrollbar range" },
  628. { kErrorInvalidShowwinCommand, "Invalid showwin command" },
  629. { kErrorNoSystemResources, "No system resources" },
  630. { kErrorNonpagedSystemResources, "Nonpaged system resources" },
  631. { kErrorPagedSystemResources, "Paged system resources" },
  632. { kErrorWorkingSetQuota, "Working set quota" },
  633. { kErrorPagefileQuota, "Pagefile quota" },
  634. { kErrorCommitmentLimit, "Commitment limit" },
  635. { kErrorMenuItemNotFound, "Menu item not found" },
  636. { kErrorInvalidKeyboardHandle, "Invalid keyboard handle" },
  637. { kErrorHookTypeNotAllowed, "Hook type not allowed" },
  638. { kErrorRequiresInteractiveWindowstation, "Requires interactive windowstation" },
  639. { kErrorTimeout, "Timeout" },
  640. { kErrorInvalidMonitorHandle, "Invalid monitor handle" },
  641. { kErrorEventlogFileCorrupt, "Eventlog file corrupt" },
  642. { kErrorEventlogCantStart, "Eventlog can't start" },
  643. { kErrorLogFileFull, "Log file full" },
  644. { kErrorEventlogFileChanged, "Eventlog file changed" },
  645. { kErrorInstallServiceFailure, "Install service failure" },
  646. { kErrorInstallUserexit, "Install userexit" },
  647. { kErrorInstallFailure, "Install failure" },
  648. { kErrorInstallSuspend, "Install suspend" },
  649. { kErrorUnknownProduct, "Unknown product" },
  650. { kErrorUnknownFeature, "Unknown feature" },
  651. { kErrorUnknownComponent, "Unknown component" },
  652. { kErrorUnknownProperty, "Unknown property" },
  653. { kErrorInvalidHandleState, "Invalid handle state" },
  654. { kErrorBadConfiguration, "Bad configuration" },
  655. { kErrorIndexAbsent, "Index absent" },
  656. { kErrorInstallSourceAbsent, "Install source absent" },
  657. { kErrorInstallPackageVersion, "Install package version" },
  658. { kErrorProductUninstalled, "Product uninstalled" },
  659. { kErrorBadQuerySyntax, "Bad query syntax" },
  660. { kErrorInvalidField, "Invalid field" },
  661. { kErrorDeviceRemoved, "Device removed" },
  662. { kErrorInstallAlreadyRunning, "Install already running" },
  663. { kErrorInstallPackageOpenFailed, "Install package open failed" },
  664. { kErrorInstallPackageInvalid, "Install package invalid" },
  665. { kErrorInstallUiFailure, "Install UI failure" },
  666. { kErrorInstallLogFailure, "Install log failure" },
  667. { kErrorInstallLanguageUnsupported, "Install language unsupported" },
  668. { kErrorInstallTransformFailure, "Install transform failure" },
  669. { kErrorInstallPackageRejected, "Install package rejected" },
  670. { kErrorFunctionNotCalled, "Function not called" },
  671. { kErrorFunctionFailed, "Function failed" },
  672. { kErrorInvalidTable, "Invalid table" },
  673. { kErrorDatatypeMismatch, "Datatype mismatch" },
  674. { kErrorUnsupportedType, "Unsupported type" },
  675. { kErrorCreateFailed, "Create failed" },
  676. { kErrorInstallTempUnwritable, "Install temp unwritable" },
  677. { kErrorInstallPlatformUnsupported, "Install platform unsupported" },
  678. { kErrorInstallNotused, "Install notused" },
  679. { kErrorPatchPackageOpenFailed, "Patch package open failed" },
  680. { kErrorPatchPackageInvalid, "Patch package invalid" },
  681. { kErrorPatchPackageUnsupported, "Patch package unsupported" },
  682. { kErrorProductVersion, "Product version" },
  683. { kErrorInvalidCommandLine, "Invalid command line" },
  684. { kErrorInstallRemoteDisallowed, "Install remote disallowed" },
  685. { kErrorSuccessRebootInitiated, "Success reboot initiated" },
  686. { kErrorPatchTargetNotFound, "Patch target not found" },
  687. { kErrorPatchPackageRejected, "Patch package rejected" },
  688. { kErrorInstallTransformRejected, "Install transform rejected" },
  689. { kRpcSInvalidStringBinding, "RPC S Invalid string binding" },
  690. { kRpcSWrongKindOfBinding, "RPC S Wrong kind of binding" },
  691. { kRpcSInvalidBinding, "RPC S Invalid binding" },
  692. { kRpcSProtseqNotSupported, "RPC S Protseq not supported" },
  693. { kRpcSInvalidRpcProtseq, "RPC S Invalid RPC protseq" },
  694. { kRpcSInvalidStringUuid, "RPC S Invalid string UUID" },
  695. { kRpcSInvalidEndpointFormat, "RPC S Invalid endpoint format" },
  696. { kRpcSInvalidNetAddr, "RPC S Invalid net addr" },
  697. { kRpcSNoEndpointFound, "RPC S No endpoint found" },
  698. { kRpcSInvalidTimeout, "RPC S Invalid timeout" },
  699. { kRpcSObjectNotFound, "RPC S Object not found" },
  700. { kRpcSAlreadyRegistered, "RPC S Already registered" },
  701. { kRpcSTypeAlreadyRegistered, "RPC S Type already registered" },
  702. { kRpcSAlreadyListening, "RPC S Already listening" },
  703. { kRpcSNoProtseqsRegistered, "RPC S Not protseqs registered" },
  704. { kRpcSNotListening, "RPC S Not listening" },
  705. { kRpcSUnknownMgrType, "RPC S Unknown mgr type" },
  706. { kRpcSUnknownIf, "RPC S Unknown IF" },
  707. { kRpcSNoBindings, "RPC S No bindings" },
  708. { kRpcSNoProtseqs, "RPC S Not protseqs" },
  709. { kRpcSCantCreateEndpoint, "RPC S Can't create endpoint" },
  710. { kRpcSOutOfResources, "RPC S Out of resources" },
  711. { kRpcSServerUnavailable, "RPC S Server unavailable" },
  712. { kRpcSServerTooBusy, "RPC S Server too busy" },
  713. { kRpcSInvalidNetworkOptions, "RPC S Invalid network options" },
  714. { kRpcSNoCallActive, "RPC S No call active" },
  715. { kRpcSCallFailed, "RPC S Call failed" },
  716. { kRpcSCallFailedDne, "RPC S Call failed DNE" },
  717. { kRpcSProtocolError, "RPC S Protocol error" },
  718. { kRpcSUnsupportedTransSyn, "RPC S Unsupported trans syn" },
  719. { kRpcSUnsupportedType, "RPC S Unsupported type" },
  720. { kRpcSInvalidTag, "RPC S Invalid tag" },
  721. { kRpcSInvalidBound, "RPC S Invalid bound" },
  722. { kRpcSNoEntryName, "RPC S No entry name" },
  723. { kRpcSInvalidNameSyntax, "RPC S Invalid name syntax" },
  724. { kRpcSUnsupportedNameSyntax, "RPC S Unsupported name syntax" },
  725. { kRpcSUuidNoAddress, "RPC S UUID no address" },
  726. { kRpcSDuplicateEndpoint, "RPC S Duplicate endpoint" },
  727. { kRpcSUnknownAuthnType, "RPC S Unknown authn type" },
  728. { kRpcSMaxCallsTooSmall, "RPC S Max calls too small" },
  729. { kRpcSStringTooLong, "RPC S String too long" },
  730. { kRpcSProtseqNotFound, "RPC S Protseq not found" },
  731. { kRpcSProcnumOutOfRange, "RPC S Procnum out of range" },
  732. { kRpcSBindingHasNoAuth, "RPC S Binding has no auth" },
  733. { kRpcSUnknownAuthnService, "RPC S Unknown authn service" },
  734. { kRpcSUnknownAuthnLevel, "RPC S Unknown authn level" },
  735. { kRpcSInvalidAuthIdentity, "RPC S Invalid auth identity" },
  736. { kRpcSUnknownAuthzService, "RPC S Unknown authz service" },
  737. { kEptSInvalidEntry, "EPT S Invalid entry" },
  738. { kEptSCantPerformOp, "EPT S Can't perform op" },
  739. { kEptSNotRegistered, "EPT S Not registered" },
  740. { kRpcSNothingToExport, "RPC S Nothing to export" },
  741. { kRpcSIncompleteName, "RPC S Incomplete name" },
  742. { kRpcSInvalidVersOption, "RPC S Invalid vers option" },
  743. { kRpcSNoMoreMembers, "RPC S No more members" },
  744. { kRpcSNotAllObjsUnexported, "RPC S Not all objs unexported" },
  745. { kRpcSInterfaceNotFound, "RPC S Interface not found" },
  746. { kRpcSEntryAlreadyExists, "RPC S Entry already exists" },
  747. { kRpcSEntryNotFound, "RPC S Entry not found" },
  748. { kRpcSNameServiceUnavailable, "RPC S Name service unavailable" },
  749. { kRpcSInvalidNafId, "RPC S Invalid naf ID" },
  750. { kRpcSCannotSupport, "RPC S Cannot support" },
  751. { kRpcSNoContextAvailable, "RPC S No context available" },
  752. { kRpcSInternalError, "RPC S Internal error" },
  753. { kRpcSZeroDivide, "RPC S Zero divide" },
  754. { kRpcSAddressError, "RPC S Address error" },
  755. { kRpcSFpDivZero, "RPC S FP div zero" },
  756. { kRpcSFpUnderflow, "RPC S FP Underflow" },
  757. { kRpcSFpOverflow, "RPC S Overflow" },
  758. { kRpcXNoMoreEntries, "RPC X No more entries" },
  759. { kRpcXSsCharTransOpenFail, "RPC X SS char trans open fail" },
  760. { kRpcXSsCharTransShortFile, "RPC X SS char trans short file" },
  761. { kRpcXSsInNullContext, "RPC S SS in null context" },
  762. { kRpcXSsContextDamaged, "RPC X SS context damaged" },
  763. { kRpcXSsHandlesMismatch, "RPC X SS handles mismatch" },
  764. { kRpcXSsCannotGetCallHandle, "RPC X SS cannot get call handle" },
  765. { kRpcXNullRefPointer, "RPC X Null ref pointer" },
  766. { kRpcXEnumValueOutOfRange, "RPC X enum value out of range" },
  767. { kRpcXByteCountTooSmall, "RPC X byte count too small" },
  768. { kRpcXBadStubData, "RPC X bad stub data" },
  769. { kErrorInvalidUserBuffer, "Invalid user buffer" },
  770. { kErrorUnrecognizedMedia, "Unrecognised media" },
  771. { kErrorNoTrustLsaSecret, "No trust lsa secret" },
  772. { kErrorNoTrustSamAccount, "No trust sam account" },
  773. { kErrorTrustedDomainFailure, "Trusted domain failure" },
  774. { kErrorTrustedRelationshipFailure, "Trusted relationship failure" },
  775. { kErrorTrustFailure, "Trust failure" },
  776. { kRpcSCallInProgress, "RPC S call in progress" },
  777. { kErrorNetlogonNotStarted, "Error netlogon not started" },
  778. { kErrorAccountExpired, "Account expired" },
  779. { kErrorRedirectorHasOpenHandles, "Redirector has open handles" },
  780. { kErrorPrinterDriverAlreadyInstalled, "Printer driver already installed" },
  781. { kErrorUnknownPort, "Unknown port" },
  782. { kErrorUnknownPrinterDriver, "Unknown printer driver" },
  783. { kErrorUnknownPrintprocessor, "Unknown printprocessor" },
  784. { kErrorInvalidSeparatorFile, "Invalid separator file" },
  785. { kErrorInvalidPriority, "Invalid priority" },
  786. { kErrorInvalidPrinterName, "Invalid printer name" },
  787. { kErrorPrinterAlreadyExists, "Printer already exists" },
  788. { kErrorInvalidPrinterCommand, "Invalid printer command" },
  789. { kErrorInvalidDatatype, "Invalid datatype" },
  790. { kErrorInvalidEnvironment, "Invalid environment" },
  791. { kRpcSNoMoreBindings, "RPC S no more bindings" },
  792. { kErrorNologonInterdomainTrustAccount, "Nologon interdomain trust account" },
  793. { kErrorNologonWorkstationTrustAccount, "Nologon workstation trust account" },
  794. { kErrorNologonServerTrustAccount, "Nologon server trust account" },
  795. { kErrorDomainTrustInconsistent, "Domain trust inconsistent" },
  796. { kErrorServerHasOpenHandles, "Server has open handles" },
  797. { kErrorResourceDataNotFound, "Resource data not found" },
  798. { kErrorResourceTypeNotFound, "Resource type not found" },
  799. { kErrorResourceNameNotFound, "Resource name not found" },
  800. { kErrorResourceLangNotFound, "Resource lang not found" },
  801. { kErrorNotEnoughQuota, "Not enough quota" },
  802. { kRpcSNoInterfaces, "RPC S no interfaces" },
  803. { kRpcSCallCancelled, "RPC S Call cancelled" },
  804. { kRpcSBindingIncomplete, "RPC S Binding incomplete" },
  805. { kRpcSCommFailure, "RPC S Comm failure" },
  806. { kRpcSUnsupportedAuthnLevel, "RPC S Unsupported authn level" },
  807. { kRpcSNoPrincName, "RPC S No princ name" },
  808. { kRpcSNotRpcError, "RPC S Not RPC error" },
  809. { kRpcSUuidLocalOnly, "RPC U UUID local only" },
  810. { kRpcSSecPkgError, "RPC S Sec pkg error" },
  811. { kRpcSNotCancelled, "RPC S Not cancelled" },
  812. { kRpcXInvalidEsAction, "RPC X Invalid ES action" },
  813. { kRpcXWrongEsVersion, "RPC X Wrong ES version" },
  814. { kRpcXWrongStubVersion, "RPC X Wrong stub version" },
  815. { kRpcXInvalidPipeObject, "RPC X Invalid pipe object" },
  816. { kRpcXWrongPipeOrder, "RPC X Wrong pipe order" },
  817. { kRpcXWrongPipeVersion, "RPC X Wrong pipe version" },
  818. { kRpcSGroupMemberNotFound, "RPC S group member not found" },
  819. { kEptSCantCreate, "EPT S Can't create" },
  820. { kRpcSInvalidObject, "RPC S Invalid object" },
  821. { kErrorInvalidTime, "Invalid time" },
  822. { kErrorInvalidFormName, "Invalid form name" },
  823. { kErrorInvalidFormSize, "Invalid form size" },
  824. { kErrorAlreadyWaiting, "Already waiting" },
  825. { kErrorPrinterDeleted, "Printer deleted" },
  826. { kErrorInvalidPrinterState, "Invalid printer state" },
  827. { kErrorPasswordMustChange, "Password must change" },
  828. { kErrorDomainControllerNotFound, "Domain controller not found" },
  829. { kErrorAccountLockedOut, "Account locked out" },
  830. { kOrInvalidOxid, "OR Invalid OXID" },
  831. { kOrInvalidOid, "OR Invalid OID" },
  832. { kOrInvalidSet, "OR Invalid set" },
  833. { kRpcSSendIncomplete, "RPC S Send incomplete" },
  834. { kRpcSInvalidAsyncHandle, "RPC S Invalid async handle" },
  835. { kRpcSInvalidAsyncCall, "RPC S Invalid async call" },
  836. { kRpcXPipeClosed, "RPC X Pipe closed" },
  837. { kRpcXPipeDisciplineError, "RPC X Pipe discipline error" },
  838. { kRpcXPipeEmpty, "RPC X Pipe empty" },
  839. { kErrorNoSitename, "No sitename" },
  840. { kErrorCantAccessFile, "Can't access file" },
  841. { kErrorCantResolveFilename, "Can't resolve filename" },
  842. { kRpcSEntryTypeMismatch, "RPC S Entry type mismatch" },
  843. { kRpcSNotAllObjsExported, "RPC S Not all objs exported" },
  844. { kRpcSInterfaceNotExported, "RPC S Interface not exported" },
  845. { kRpcSProfileNotAdded, "RPC S Profile not added" },
  846. { kRpcSPrfEltNotAdded, "RPC S PRF ELT not added" },
  847. { kRpcSPrfEltNotRemoved, "RPC S PRF ELT not removed" },
  848. { kRpcSGrpEltNotAdded, "RPC S GRP ELT not added" },
  849. { kRpcSGrpEltNotRemoved, "RPC S GRP ELT not removed" },
  850. { kErrorKmDriverBlocked, "KM driver blocked" },
  851. { kErrorContextExpired, "Context expired" },
  852. { kErrorInvalidPixelFormat, "Invalid pixel format" },
  853. { kErrorBadDriver, "Bad driver" },
  854. { kErrorInvalidWindowStyle, "Invalid window style" },
  855. { kErrorMetafileNotSupported, "Metafile not supported" },
  856. { kErrorTransformNotSupported, "Transform not supported" },
  857. { kErrorClippingNotSupported, "Clipping not supported" },
  858. { kErrorInvalidCmm, "Invalid CMM" },
  859. { kErrorInvalidProfile, "Invalid profile" },
  860. { kErrorTagNotFound, "Tag not found" },
  861. { kErrorTagNotPresent, "Tag not present" },
  862. { kErrorDuplicateTag, "Duplicate tag" },
  863. { kErrorProfileNotAssociatedWithDevice, "Profile not associated with device" },
  864. { kErrorProfileNotFound, "Profile not found" },
  865. { kErrorInvalidColorspace, "Invalid colorspace" },
  866. { kErrorIcmNotEnabled, "ICM not enabled" },
  867. { kErrorDeletingIcmXform, "Deleting ICM xform" },
  868. { kErrorInvalidTransform, "Invalid transform" },
  869. { kErrorColorspaceMismatch, "Colorspace mismatch" },
  870. { kErrorInvalidColorindex, "Invalid colorindex" },
  871. { kErrorConnectedOtherPassword, "Connected other password" },
  872. { kErrorConnectedOtherPasswordDefault, "Connected other password default" },
  873. { kErrorBadUsername, "Bad username" },
  874. { kErrorNotConnected, "Not connected" },
  875. { kErrorOpenFiles, "Open files" },
  876. { kErrorActiveConnections, "Active connections" },
  877. { kErrorDeviceInUse, "Device in use" },
  878. { kErrorUnknownPrintMonitor, "Unknown print monitor" },
  879. { kErrorPrinterDriverInUse, "Printer driver in use" },
  880. { kErrorSpoolFileNotFound, "Spool file not found" },
  881. { kErrorSplNoStartdoc, "SPL no startdoc" },
  882. { kErrorSplNoAddjob, "SPL no addjob" },
  883. { kErrorPrintProcessorAlreadyInstalled, "Print processor already installed" },
  884. { kErrorPrintMonitorAlreadyInstalled, "Print monitor already installed" },
  885. { kErrorInvalidPrintMonitor, "Invalid print monitor" },
  886. { kErrorPrintMonitorInUse, "Print monitor in use" },
  887. { kErrorPrinterHasJobsQueued, "Printer has jobs queued" },
  888. { kErrorSuccessRebootRequired, "Success reboot required" },
  889. { kErrorSuccessRestartRequired, "Success restart required" },
  890. { kErrorPrinterNotFound, "Printer not found" },
  891. { kErrorPrinterDriverWarned, "Printer driver warned" },
  892. { kErrorPrinterDriverBlocked, "Printer driver blocked" },
  893. { kErrorWinsInternal, "Wins internal" },
  894. { kErrorCanNotDelLocalWins, "Can not del local wins" },
  895. { kErrorStaticInit, "Static init" },
  896. { kErrorIncBackup, "Inc backup" },
  897. { kErrorFullBackup, "Full backup" },
  898. { kErrorRecNonExistent, "Rec not existent" },
  899. { kErrorRplNotAllowed, "RPL not allowed" },
  900. { kErrorDhcpAddressConflict, "DHCP address conflict" },
  901. { kErrorWmiGuidNotFound, "WMU GUID not found" },
  902. { kErrorWmiInstanceNotFound, "WMI instance not found" },
  903. { kErrorWmiItemidNotFound, "WMI ItemID not found" },
  904. { kErrorWmiTryAgain, "WMI try again" },
  905. { kErrorWmiDpNotFound, "WMI DP not found" },
  906. { kErrorWmiUnresolvedInstanceRef, "WMI unresolved instance ref" },
  907. { kErrorWmiAlreadyEnabled, "WMU already enabled" },
  908. { kErrorWmiGuidDisconnected, "WMU GUID disconnected" },
  909. { kErrorWmiServerUnavailable, "WMI server unavailable" },
  910. { kErrorWmiDpFailed, "WMI DP failed" },
  911. { kErrorWmiInvalidMof, "WMI invalid MOF" },
  912. { kErrorWmiInvalidReginfo, "WMI invalid reginfo" },
  913. { kErrorWmiAlreadyDisabled, "WMI already disabled" },
  914. { kErrorWmiReadOnly, "WMI read only" },
  915. { kErrorWmiSetFailure, "WMI set failure" },
  916. { kErrorInvalidMedia, "Invalid media" },
  917. { kErrorInvalidLibrary, "Invalid library" },
  918. { kErrorInvalidMediaPool, "Invalid media pool" },
  919. { kErrorDriveMediaMismatch, "Drive media mismatch" },
  920. { kErrorMediaOffline, "Media offline" },
  921. { kErrorLibraryOffline, "Library offline" },
  922. { kErrorEmpty, "Empty" },
  923. { kErrorNotEmpty, "Not empty" },
  924. { kErrorMediaUnavailable, "Media unavailable" },
  925. { kErrorResourceDisabled, "Resource disabled" },
  926. { kErrorInvalidCleaner, "Invalid cleaner" },
  927. { kErrorUnableToClean, "Unable to clean" },
  928. { kErrorObjectNotFound, "Object not found" },
  929. { kErrorDatabaseFailure, "Database failure" },
  930. { kErrorDatabaseFull, "Database full" },
  931. { kErrorMediaIncompatible, "Media incompatible" },
  932. { kErrorResourceNotPresent, "Resource not present" },
  933. { kErrorInvalidOperation, "Invalid operation" },
  934. { kErrorMediaNotAvailable, "Media not available" },
  935. { kErrorDeviceNotAvailable, "Device not available" },
  936. { kErrorRequestRefused, "Request refused" },
  937. { kErrorInvalidDriveObject, "Invalid drive object" },
  938. { kErrorLibraryFull, "Library full" },
  939. { kErrorMediumNotAccessible, "Medium not accessible" },
  940. { kErrorUnableToLoadMedium, "Unable to load medium" },
  941. { kErrorUnableToInventoryDrive, "Unable to inventory drive" },
  942. { kErrorUnableToInventorySlot, "Unable to inventory slot" },
  943. { kErrorUnableToInventoryTransport, "Unable to inventory transport" },
  944. { kErrorTransportFull, "Transport full" },
  945. { kErrorControllingIeport, "Controlling ieport" },
  946. { kErrorUnableToEjectMountedMedia, "Unable to eject mounted media" },
  947. { kErrorCleanerSlotSet, "Cleaner slot set" },
  948. { kErrorCleanerSlotNotSet, "Cleaner slot not set" },
  949. { kErrorCleanerCartridgeSpent, "Cleaner cartridge spent" },
  950. { kErrorUnexpectedOmid, "Unexpected omid" },
  951. { kErrorCantDeleteLastItem, "Can't delete last item" },
  952. { kErrorMessageExceedsMaxSize, "Message exceeds max size" },
  953. { kErrorVolumeContainsSysFiles, "Volume contains sys files" },
  954. { kErrorIndigenousType, "Indigenous type" },
  955. { kErrorNoSupportingDrives, "No supporting drives" },
  956. { kErrorCleanerCartridgeInstalled, "Cleaner cartridge installed" },
  957. { kErrorFileOffline, "Fill offline" },
  958. { kErrorRemoteStorageNotActive, "Remote storage not active" },
  959. { kErrorRemoteStorageMediaError, "Remote storage media error" },
  960. { kErrorNotAReparsePoint, "Not a reparse point" },
  961. { kErrorReparseAttributeConflict, "Reparse attribute conflict" },
  962. { kErrorInvalidReparseData, "Invalid reparse data" },
  963. { kErrorReparseTagInvalid, "Reparse tag invalid" },
  964. { kErrorReparseTagMismatch, "Reparse tag mismatch" },
  965. { kErrorVolumeNotSisEnabled, "Volume not sis enabled" },
  966. { kErrorDependentResourceExists, "Dependent resource exists" },
  967. { kErrorDependencyNotFound, "Dependency not found" },
  968. { kErrorDependencyAlreadyExists, "Dependency already exists" },
  969. { kErrorResourceNotOnline, "Resource not online" },
  970. { kErrorHostNodeNotAvailable, "Host node not available" },
  971. { kErrorResourceNotAvailable, "Resource not available" },
  972. { kErrorResourceNotFound, "Resource not found" },
  973. { kErrorShutdownCluster, "Shutdown cluster" },
  974. { kErrorCantEvictActiveNode, "Can't evict active node" },
  975. { kErrorObjectAlreadyExists, "Object already exists" },
  976. { kErrorObjectInList, "Object in list" },
  977. { kErrorGroupNotAvailable, "Group not available" },
  978. { kErrorGroupNotFound, "Group not found" },
  979. { kErrorGroupNotOnline, "Group not online" },
  980. { kErrorHostNodeNotResourceOwner, "Host node not resource owner" },
  981. { kErrorHostNodeNotGroupOwner, "Host node not group owner" },
  982. { kErrorResmonCreateFailed, "Resmon create failed" },
  983. { kErrorResmonOnlineFailed, "Resmon online failed" },
  984. { kErrorResourceOnline, "Resource online" },
  985. { kErrorQuorumResource, "Quorum resource" },
  986. { kErrorNotQuorumCapable, "Not quorum capable" },
  987. { kErrorClusterShuttingDown, "Cluster shutting down" },
  988. { kErrorInvalidState, "Invalid state" },
  989. { kErrorResourcePropertiesStored, "Resource properties stored" },
  990. { kErrorNotQuorumClass, "Not quorum class" },
  991. { kErrorCoreResource, "Core resource" },
  992. { kErrorQuorumResourceOnlineFailed, "Quorum resource online failed" },
  993. { kErrorQuorumlogOpenFailed, "Quorumlog open failed" },
  994. { kErrorClusterlogCorrupt, "Clusterlog corrupt" },
  995. { kErrorClusterlogRecordExceedsMaxsize, "Clusterlog record exceeds maxsize" },
  996. { kErrorClusterlogExceedsMaxsize, "Clusterlog exceeds maxsize" },
  997. { kErrorClusterlogChkpointNotFound, "Clusterlog chkpoint not found" },
  998. { kErrorClusterlogNotEnoughSpace, "Clusterlog not enough space" },
  999. { kErrorQuorumOwnerAlive, "Quorum owner alive" },
  1000. { kErrorNetworkNotAvailable, "Network not available" },
  1001. { kErrorNodeNotAvailable, "Node not available" },
  1002. { kErrorAllNodesNotAvailable, "All nodes not available" },
  1003. { kErrorResourceFailed, "Resource failed" },
  1004. { kErrorClusterInvalidNode, "Cluster invalid node" },
  1005. { kErrorClusterNodeExists, "Cluster node exists" },
  1006. { kErrorClusterJoinInProgress, "Cluster join in progress" },
  1007. { kErrorClusterNodeNotFound, "Cluster node not found" },
  1008. { kErrorClusterLocalNodeNotFound, "Cluster local node not found" },
  1009. { kErrorClusterNetworkExists, "Cluster network exists" },
  1010. { kErrorClusterNetworkNotFound, "Cluster network not found" },
  1011. { kErrorClusterNetinterfaceExists, "Cluster netinterface exists" },
  1012. { kErrorClusterNetinterfaceNotFound, "Cluster netinterface not found" },
  1013. { kErrorClusterInvalidRequest, "Cluster invalid request" },
  1014. { kErrorClusterInvalidNetworkProvider, "Cluster invalid network provider" },
  1015. { kErrorClusterNodeDown, "Cluster node down" },
  1016. { kErrorClusterNodeUnreachable, "Cluster node unreachable" },
  1017. { kErrorClusterNodeNotMember, "Cluster node not member" },
  1018. { kErrorClusterJoinNotInProgress, "Cluster join not in progress" },
  1019. { kErrorClusterInvalidNetwork, "Cluster invalid network" },
  1020. { kErrorClusterNodeUp, "Cluster node up" },
  1021. { kErrorClusterIpaddrInUse, "Cluster ipaddr in use" },
  1022. { kErrorClusterNodeNotPaused, "Cluster node not paused" },
  1023. { kErrorClusterNoSecurityContext, "Cluster no security context" },
  1024. { kErrorClusterNetworkNotInternal, "Cluster network not internal" },
  1025. { kErrorClusterNodeAlreadyUp, "Cluster node already up" },
  1026. { kErrorClusterNodeAlreadyDown, "Cluster node already down" },
  1027. { kErrorClusterNetworkAlreadyOnline, "Cluster network already online" },
  1028. { kErrorClusterNetworkAlreadyOffline, "Cluster network already offline" },
  1029. { kErrorClusterNodeAlreadyMember, "Cluster node already member" },
  1030. { kErrorClusterLastInternalNetwork, "Cluster last internal network" },
  1031. { kErrorClusterNetworkHasDependents, "Cluster network has dependents" },
  1032. { kErrorInvalidOperationOnQuorum, "Invalid operation on quorum" },
  1033. { kErrorDependencyNotAllowed, "Dependency not allowed" },
  1034. { kErrorClusterNodePaused, "Cluster node paused" },
  1035. { kErrorNodeCantHostResource, "Node can't host resource" },
  1036. { kErrorClusterNodeNotReady, "Cluster node not ready" },
  1037. { kErrorClusterNodeShuttingDown, "Cluster node shutting down" },
  1038. { kErrorClusterJoinAborted, "Cluster join aborted" },
  1039. { kErrorClusterIncompatibleVersions, "Cluster incompatible versions" },
  1040. { kErrorClusterMaxnumOfResourcesExceeded, "Cluster maxnum of resources exceeded" },
  1041. { kErrorClusterSystemConfigChanged, "Cluster system config changed" },
  1042. { kErrorClusterResourceTypeNotFound, "Cluster resource type not found" },
  1043. { kErrorClusterRestypeNotSupported, "Cluster restype not supported" },
  1044. { kErrorClusterResnameNotFound, "Cluster resname not found" },
  1045. { kErrorClusterNoRpcPackagesRegistered, "Cluster no RPC packages registered" },
  1046. { kErrorClusterOwnerNotInPreflist, "Cluster owner not in preflist" },
  1047. { kErrorClusterDatabaseSeqmismatch, "Cluster database seqmismatch" },
  1048. { kErrorResmonInvalidState, "Resmon invalid state" },
  1049. { kErrorClusterGumNotLocker, "Cluster gum not locker" },
  1050. { kErrorQuorumDiskNotFound, "Quorum disk not found" },
  1051. { kErrorDatabaseBackupCorrupt, "Database backup corrupt" },
  1052. { kErrorClusterNodeAlreadyHasDfsRoot, "Cluster node already has DFS root" },
  1053. { kErrorResourcePropertyUnchangeable, "Resource property unchangeable" },
  1054. { kErrorClusterMembershipInvalidState, "Cluster membership invalid state" },
  1055. { kErrorClusterQuorumlogNotFound, "Cluster quorumlog not found" },
  1056. { kErrorClusterMembershipHalt, "Cluster membership halt" },
  1057. { kErrorClusterInstanceIdMismatch, "Cluster instance ID mismatch" },
  1058. { kErrorClusterNetworkNotFoundForIp, "Cluster network not found for IP" },
  1059. { kErrorClusterPropertyDataTypeMismatch, "Cluster property data type mismatch" },
  1060. { kErrorClusterEvictWithoutCleanup, "Cluster evict without cleanup" },
  1061. { kErrorClusterParameterMismatch, "Cluster parameter mismatch" },
  1062. { kErrorNodeCannotBeClustered, "Node cannot be clustered" },
  1063. { kErrorClusterWrongOsVersion, "Cluster wrong OS version" },
  1064. { kErrorClusterCantCreateDupClusterName, "Cluster can't create dup cluster name" },
  1065. { kErrorDecryptionFailed, "Decryption failed" },
  1066. { kErrorFileEncrypted, "File encrypted" },
  1067. { kErrorNoRecoveryPolicy, "No recovery policy" },
  1068. { kErrorNoEfs, "No EFS" },
  1069. { kErrorWrongEfs, "Wrong EFS" },
  1070. { kErrorNoUserKeys, "No user keys" },
  1071. { kErrorFileNotEncrypted, "File not encryped" },
  1072. { kErrorNotExportFormat, "Not export format" },
  1073. { kErrorFileReadOnly, "File read only" },
  1074. { kErrorDirEfsDisallowed, "Dir EFS disallowed" },
  1075. { kErrorEfsServerNotTrusted, "EFS server not trusted" },
  1076. { kErrorBadRecoveryPolicy, "Bad recovery policy" },
  1077. { kErrorEfsAlgBlobTooBig, "ETS alg blob too big" },
  1078. { kErrorVolumeNotSupportEfs, "Volume not support EFS" },
  1079. { kErrorEfsDisabled, "EFS disabled" },
  1080. { kErrorEfsVersionNotSupport, "EFS version not support" },
  1081. { kErrorNoBrowserServersFound, "No browser servers found" },
  1082. { kSchedEServiceNotLocalsystem, "Sched E service not localsystem" },
  1083. { kErrorCtxWinstationNameInvalid, "Ctx winstation name invalid" },
  1084. { kErrorCtxInvalidPd, "Ctx invalid PD" },
  1085. { kErrorCtxPdNotFound, "Ctx PD not found" },
  1086. { kErrorCtxWdNotFound, "Ctx WD not found" },
  1087. { kErrorCtxCannotMakeEventlogEntry, "Ctx cannot make eventlog entry" },
  1088. { kErrorCtxServiceNameCollision, "Ctx service name collision" },
  1089. { kErrorCtxClosePending, "Ctx close pending" },
  1090. { kErrorCtxNoOutbuf, "Ctx no outbuf" },
  1091. { kErrorCtxModemInfNotFound, "Ctx modem inf not found" },
  1092. { kErrorCtxInvalidModemname, "Ctx invalid modemname" },
  1093. { kErrorCtxModemResponseError, "Ctx modem response error" },
  1094. { kErrorCtxModemResponseTimeout, "Ctx modem response timeout" },
  1095. { kErrorCtxModemResponseNoCarrier, "Ctx modem response no carrier" },
  1096. { kErrorCtxModemResponseNoDialtone, "Ctx modem response no dial tone" },
  1097. { kErrorCtxModemResponseBusy, "Ctx modem response busy" },
  1098. { kErrorCtxModemResponseVoice, "Ctx modem response voice" },
  1099. { kErrorCtxTdError, "Ctx TD error" },
  1100. { kErrorCtxWinstationNotFound, "Ctx winstation not found" },
  1101. { kErrorCtxWinstationAlreadyExists, "Ctx winstation already exists" },
  1102. { kErrorCtxWinstationBusy, "Ctx winstation busy" },
  1103. { kErrorCtxBadVideoMode, "Ctx bad video mode" },
  1104. { kErrorCtxGraphicsInvalid, "Ctx graphics invalid" },
  1105. { kErrorCtxLogonDisabled, "Ctx logon disabled" },
  1106. { kErrorCtxNotConsole, "Ctx not console" },
  1107. { kErrorCtxClientQueryTimeout, "Ctx client query timeout" },
  1108. { kErrorCtxConsoleDisconnect, "Ctx console disconnect" },
  1109. { kErrorCtxConsoleConnect, "Ctx console connect" },
  1110. { kErrorCtxShadowDenied, "Ctx shadow denied" },
  1111. { kErrorCtxWinstationAccessDenied, "Ctx winstation access denied" },
  1112. { kErrorCtxInvalidWd, "Ctx invalid WD" },
  1113. { kErrorCtxShadowInvalid, "Ctx shadow invalid" },
  1114. { kErrorCtxShadowDisabled, "Ctx shadow disabled" },
  1115. { kErrorCtxClientLicenseInUse, "Ctx client licence in use" },
  1116. { kErrorCtxClientLicenseNotSet, "Ctx client licence not set" },
  1117. { kErrorCtxLicenseNotAvailable, "Ctx licence not available" },
  1118. { kErrorCtxLicenseClientInvalid, "Ctx licence client invalid" },
  1119. { kErrorCtxLicenseExpired, "Ctx licence expired" },
  1120. { kErrorCtxShadowNotRunning, "Ctx shadow not running" },
  1121. { kErrorCtxShadowEndedByModeChange, "Ctx shadow ended by mode change" },
  1122. { kFrsErrInvalidApiSequence, "FRS err invalid API sequence" },
  1123. { kFrsErrStartingService, "FRS err starting service" },
  1124. { kFrsErrStoppingService, "FRS err stopping service" },
  1125. { kFrsErrInternalApi, "FRS err internal API" },
  1126. { kFrsErrInternal, "FRS err internal" },
  1127. { kFrsErrServiceComm, "FRS err service comm" },
  1128. { kFrsErrInsufficientPriv, "FRS err insufficient priv" },
  1129. { kFrsErrAuthentication, "FRS err authentication" },
  1130. { kFrsErrParentInsufficientPriv, "FRS err parent insufficient priv" },
  1131. { kFrsErrParentAuthentication, "FRS err parent authentication" },
  1132. { kFrsErrChildToParentComm, "FRS err child to parent comm" },
  1133. { kFrsErrParentToChildComm, "FRS err parent to child comm" },
  1134. { kFrsErrSysvolPopulate, "FRS err sysvol populate" },
  1135. { kFrsErrSysvolPopulateTimeout, "FRS err sysvol populate timeout" },
  1136. { kFrsErrSysvolIsBusy, "FRS err sysvol is busy" },
  1137. { kFrsErrSysvolDemote, "FRS err sysvol demote" },
  1138. { kFrsErrInvalidServiceParameter, "FRS err invalid service parameter" },
  1139. { kErrorDsNotInstalled, "DS not installed" },
  1140. { kErrorDsMembershipEvaluatedLocally, "DS membership evaluated locally" },
  1141. { kErrorDsNoAttributeOrValue, "DS no attribute or value" },
  1142. { kErrorDsInvalidAttributeSyntax, "DS invalid attribute syntax" },
  1143. { kErrorDsAttributeTypeUndefined, "DS attribute type undefined" },
  1144. { kErrorDsAttributeOrValueExists, "DS attribute or value exists" },
  1145. { kErrorDsBusy, "DS busy" },
  1146. { kErrorDsUnavailable, "DS unavailable" },
  1147. { kErrorDsNoRidsAllocated, "DS no rids allocated" },
  1148. { kErrorDsNoMoreRids, "DS no more rids" },
  1149. { kErrorDsIncorrectRoleOwner, "DS incorrect role owner" },
  1150. { kErrorDsRidmgrInitError, "DS ridmgr init error" },
  1151. { kErrorDsObjClassViolation, "DS obj class violation" },
  1152. { kErrorDsCantOnNonLeaf, "DS can't on non leaf" },
  1153. { kErrorDsCantOnRdn, "DS can't on rnd" },
  1154. { kErrorDsCantModObjClass, "DS can't mod obj class" },
  1155. { kErrorDsCrossDomMoveError, "DS cross dom move error" },
  1156. { kErrorDsGcNotAvailable, "DS GC not available" },
  1157. { kErrorSharedPolicy, "Shared policy" },
  1158. { kErrorPolicyObjectNotFound, "Policy object not found" },
  1159. { kErrorPolicyOnlyInDs, "Policy only in DS" },
  1160. { kErrorPromotionActive, "Promotion active" },
  1161. { kErrorNoPromotionActive, "No promotion active" },
  1162. { kErrorDsOperationsError, "DS operations error" },
  1163. { kErrorDsProtocolError, "DS protocol error" },
  1164. { kErrorDsTimelimitExceeded, "DS timelimit exceeded" },
  1165. { kErrorDsSizelimitExceeded, "DS sizelimit exceeded" },
  1166. { kErrorDsAdminLimitExceeded, "DS admin limit exceeded" },
  1167. { kErrorDsCompareFalse, "DS compare false" },
  1168. { kErrorDsCompareTrue, "DS compare true" },
  1169. { kErrorDsAuthMethodNotSupported, "DS auth method not supported" },
  1170. { kErrorDsStrongAuthRequired, "DS strong auth required" },
  1171. { kErrorDsInappropriateAuth, "DS inappropriate auth" },
  1172. { kErrorDsAuthUnknown, "DS auth unknown" },
  1173. { kErrorDsReferral, "DS referral" },
  1174. { kErrorDsUnavailableCritExtension, "DS unavailable crit extension" },
  1175. { kErrorDsConfidentialityRequired, "DS confidentiality required" },
  1176. { kErrorDsInappropriateMatching, "DS inappropriate matching" },
  1177. { kErrorDsConstraintViolation, "DS constraint violation" },
  1178. { kErrorDsNoSuchObject, "DS no such object" },
  1179. { kErrorDsAliasProblem, "DS alias problem" },
  1180. { kErrorDsInvalidDnSyntax, "DS invalid dn syntax" },
  1181. { kErrorDsIsLeaf, "DS is leaf" },
  1182. { kErrorDsAliasDerefProblem, "DS alias deref problem" },
  1183. { kErrorDsUnwillingToPerform, "DS unwilling to perform" },
  1184. { kErrorDsLoopDetect, "DS loop detect" },
  1185. { kErrorDsNamingViolation, "DS naming violation" },
  1186. { kErrorDsObjectResultsTooLarge, "DS object results too large" },
  1187. { kErrorDsAffectsMultipleDsas, "DS affects multiple dsas" },
  1188. { kErrorDsServerDown, "DS server down" },
  1189. { kErrorDsLocalError, "DS local error" },
  1190. { kErrorDsEncodingError, "DS encoding error" },
  1191. { kErrorDsDecodingError, "DS decoding error" },
  1192. { kErrorDsFilterUnknown, "DS filter unknown" },
  1193. { kErrorDsParamError, "DS param error" },
  1194. { kErrorDsNotSupported, "DS not supported" },
  1195. { kErrorDsNoResultsReturned, "DS no results returned" },
  1196. { kErrorDsControlNotFound, "DS control not found" },
  1197. { kErrorDsClientLoop, "DS client loop" },
  1198. { kErrorDsReferralLimitExceeded, "DS referral limit exceeded" },
  1199. { kErrorDsSortControlMissing, "DS sort control missing" },
  1200. { kErrorDsOffsetRangeError, "DS offset range error" },
  1201. { kErrorDsRootMustBeNc, "DS root must be nc" },
  1202. { kErrorDsAddReplicaInhibited, "DS and replica inhibited" },
  1203. { kErrorDsAttNotDefInSchema, "DS att not def in schema" },
  1204. { kErrorDsMaxObjSizeExceeded, "DS max obj size exceeded" },
  1205. { kErrorDsObjStringNameExists, "DS obj string name exists" },
  1206. { kErrorDsNoRdnDefinedInSchema, "DS no rdn defined in schema" },
  1207. { kErrorDsRdnDoesntMatchSchema, "DS rdn doesn't match schema" },
  1208. { kErrorDsNoRequestedAttsFound, "DS no requested atts found" },
  1209. { kErrorDsUserBufferToSmall, "DS user buffer too small" },
  1210. { kErrorDsAttIsNotOnObj, "DS att is not on obj" },
  1211. { kErrorDsIllegalModOperation, "DS illegal mod operation" },
  1212. { kErrorDsObjTooLarge, "DS obj too large" },
  1213. { kErrorDsBadInstanceType, "DS bad instance type" },
  1214. { kErrorDsMasterdsaRequired, "DS masterdsa required" },
  1215. { kErrorDsObjectClassRequired, "DS object class required" },
  1216. { kErrorDsMissingRequiredAtt, "DS missing required att" },
  1217. { kErrorDsAttNotDefForClass, "DS att not def for class" },
  1218. { kErrorDsAttAlreadyExists, "DS att already exists" },
  1219. { kErrorDsCantAddAttValues, "DS can't add att values" },
  1220. { kErrorDsSingleValueConstraint, "DS single value constraint" },
  1221. { kErrorDsRangeConstraint, "DS range constraint" },
  1222. { kErrorDsAttValAlreadyExists, "DS att val already exists" },
  1223. { kErrorDsCantRemMissingAtt, "DS can't rem missing att" },
  1224. { kErrorDsCantRemMissingAttVal, "DS can't rem missing att val" },
  1225. { kErrorDsRootCantBeSubref, "DS root can't be subref" },
  1226. { kErrorDsNoChaining, "DS no chaining" },
  1227. { kErrorDsNoChainedEval, "DS no chained eval" },
  1228. { kErrorDsNoParentObject, "DS no parent object" },
  1229. { kErrorDsParentIsAnAlias, "DS parent is an alias" },
  1230. { kErrorDsCantMixMasterAndReps, "DS can't mix master and reps" },
  1231. { kErrorDsChildrenExist, "DS children exist" },
  1232. { kErrorDsObjNotFound, "DS obj not found" },
  1233. { kErrorDsAliasedObjMissing, "DS aliased obj missing" },
  1234. { kErrorDsBadNameSyntax, "DS bad name syntax" },
  1235. { kErrorDsAliasPointsToAlias, "DS alias points to alias" },
  1236. { kErrorDsCantDerefAlias, "DS can't redef alias" },
  1237. { kErrorDsOutOfScope, "DS out of scope" },
  1238. { kErrorDsObjectBeingRemoved, "DS object being removed" },
  1239. { kErrorDsCantDeleteDsaObj, "DS can't delete dsa obj" },
  1240. { kErrorDsGenericError, "DS generic error" },
  1241. { kErrorDsDsaMustBeIntMaster, "DS dsa must be int master" },
  1242. { kErrorDsClassNotDsa, "DS class not dsa" },
  1243. { kErrorDsInsuffAccessRights, "DS insuff access rights" },
  1244. { kErrorDsIllegalSuperior, "DS illegal superior" },
  1245. { kErrorDsAttributeOwnedBySam, "DS attribute owned by sam" },
  1246. { kErrorDsNameTooManyParts, "DS name too many parts" },
  1247. { kErrorDsNameTooLong, "DS name too long" },
  1248. { kErrorDsNameValueTooLong, "DS name value too long" },
  1249. { kErrorDsNameUnparseable, "DS name unparseable" },
  1250. { kErrorDsNameTypeUnknown, "DS name type unknown" },
  1251. { kErrorDsNotAnObject, "DS not an object" },
  1252. { kErrorDsSecDescTooShort, "DS sec desc too short" },
  1253. { kErrorDsSecDescInvalid, "DS sec desc invalid" },
  1254. { kErrorDsNoDeletedName, "DS no deleted name" },
  1255. { kErrorDsSubrefMustHaveParent, "DS subref must have parent" },
  1256. { kErrorDsNcnameMustBeNc, "DS ncname must be nc" },
  1257. { kErrorDsCantAddSystemOnly, "DS can't add system only" },
  1258. { kErrorDsClassMustBeConcrete, "DS class must be concrete" },
  1259. { kErrorDsInvalidDmd, "DS invalid dmd" },
  1260. { kErrorDsObjGuidExists, "DS obj GUID exists" },
  1261. { kErrorDsNotOnBacklink, "DS not on backlink" },
  1262. { kErrorDsNoCrossrefForNc, "DS no crossref for nc" },
  1263. { kErrorDsShuttingDown, "DS shutting down" },
  1264. { kErrorDsUnknownOperation, "DS unknown operation" },
  1265. { kErrorDsInvalidRoleOwner, "DS invalid role owner" },
  1266. { kErrorDsCouldntContactFsmo, "DS couldn't contact fsmo" },
  1267. { kErrorDsCrossNcDnRename, "DS cross nc dn rename" },
  1268. { kErrorDsCantModSystemOnly, "DS can't mod system only" },
  1269. { kErrorDsReplicatorOnly, "DS replicator only" },
  1270. { kErrorDsObjClassNotDefined, "DS obj class not defined" },
  1271. { kErrorDsObjClassNotSubclass, "DS obj class not subclass" },
  1272. { kErrorDsNameReferenceInvalid, "DS name reference invalid" },
  1273. { kErrorDsCrossRefExists, "DS cross ref exists" },
  1274. { kErrorDsCantDelMasterCrossref, "DS can't del master crossref" },
  1275. { kErrorDsSubtreeNotifyNotNcHead, "DS subtree notify not nc head" },
  1276. { kErrorDsNotifyFilterTooComplex, "DS notify filter too complex" },
  1277. { kErrorDsDupRdn, "DS dup rdn" },
  1278. { kErrorDsDupOid, "DS dup oid" },
  1279. { kErrorDsDupMapiId, "DS dup mapi ID" },
  1280. { kErrorDsDupSchemaIdGuid, "DS dup schema ID GUID" },
  1281. { kErrorDsDupLdapDisplayName, "DS dup LDAP display name" },
  1282. { kErrorDsSemanticAttTest, "DS semantic att test" },
  1283. { kErrorDsSyntaxMismatch, "DS syntax mismatch" },
  1284. { kErrorDsExistsInMustHave, "DS exists in must have" },
  1285. { kErrorDsExistsInMayHave, "DS exists in may have" },
  1286. { kErrorDsNonexistentMayHave, "DS nonexistent may have" },
  1287. { kErrorDsNonexistentMustHave, "DS nonexistent must have" },
  1288. { kErrorDsAuxClsTestFail, "DS aux cls test fail" },
  1289. { kErrorDsNonexistentPossSup, "DS nonexistent poss sup" },
  1290. { kErrorDsSubClsTestFail, "DS sub cls test fail" },
  1291. { kErrorDsBadRdnAttIdSyntax, "DS bad rdn att ID syntax" },
  1292. { kErrorDsExistsInAuxCls, "DS exists in aux cls" },
  1293. { kErrorDsExistsInSubCls, "DS exists in sub cls" },
  1294. { kErrorDsExistsInPossSup, "DS exists in poss sup" },
  1295. { kErrorDsRecalcschemaFailed, "DS recalcschema failed" },
  1296. { kErrorDsTreeDeleteNotFinished, "DS tree delete not finished" },
  1297. { kErrorDsCantDelete, "DS can't delete" },
  1298. { kErrorDsAttSchemaReqId, "DS att schema req ID" },
  1299. { kErrorDsBadAttSchemaSyntax, "DS bad att schema syntax" },
  1300. { kErrorDsCantCacheAtt, "DS can't cache att" },
  1301. { kErrorDsCantCacheClass, "DS can't cache class" },
  1302. { kErrorDsCantRemoveAttCache, "DS can't remove att cache" },
  1303. { kErrorDsCantRemoveClassCache, "DS can't remove class cache" },
  1304. { kErrorDsCantRetrieveDn, "DS can't retrieve DN" },
  1305. { kErrorDsMissingSupref, "DS missing supref" },
  1306. { kErrorDsCantRetrieveInstance, "DS can't retrieve instance" },
  1307. { kErrorDsCodeInconsistency, "DS code inconsistency" },
  1308. { kErrorDsDatabaseError, "DS database error" },
  1309. { kErrorDsGovernsidMissing, "DS governsid missing" },
  1310. { kErrorDsMissingExpectedAtt, "DS missing expected att" },
  1311. { kErrorDsNcnameMissingCrRef, "DS ncname missing cr ref" },
  1312. { kErrorDsSecurityCheckingError, "DS security checking error" },
  1313. { kErrorDsSchemaNotLoaded, "DS schema not loaded" },
  1314. { kErrorDsSchemaAllocFailed, "DS schema alloc failed" },
  1315. { kErrorDsAttSchemaReqSyntax, "DS att schema req syntax" },
  1316. { kErrorDsGcverifyError, "DS gcverify error" },
  1317. { kErrorDsDraSchemaMismatch, "DS dra schema mismatch" },
  1318. { kErrorDsCantFindDsaObj, "DS can't find dsa obj" },
  1319. { kErrorDsCantFindExpectedNc, "DS can't find expected nc" },
  1320. { kErrorDsCantFindNcInCache, "DS can't find nc in cache" },
  1321. { kErrorDsCantRetrieveChild, "DS can't retrieve child" },
  1322. { kErrorDsSecurityIllegalModify, "DS security illegal modify" },
  1323. { kErrorDsCantReplaceHiddenRec, "DS can't replace hidden rec" },
  1324. { kErrorDsBadHierarchyFile, "DS bad hierarchy file" },
  1325. { kErrorDsBuildHierarchyTableFailed, "DS build hierarchy table failed" },
  1326. { kErrorDsConfigParamMissing, "DS config param missing" },
  1327. { kErrorDsCountingAbIndicesFailed, "DS counting ab indices failed" },
  1328. { kErrorDsHierarchyTableMallocFailed, "DS hierarchy table malloc failed" },
  1329. { kErrorDsInternalFailure, "DS internal failure" },
  1330. { kErrorDsUnknownError, "DS unknown error" },
  1331. { kErrorDsRootRequiresClassTop, "DS root requires class top" },
  1332. { kErrorDsRefusingFsmoRoles, "DS refusing fmso roles" },
  1333. { kErrorDsMissingFsmoSettings, "DS missing fmso settings" },
  1334. { kErrorDsUnableToSurrenderRoles, "DS unable to surrender roles" },
  1335. { kErrorDsDraGeneric, "DS dra generic" },
  1336. { kErrorDsDraInvalidParameter, "DS dra invalid parameter" },
  1337. { kErrorDsDraBusy, "DS dra busy" },
  1338. { kErrorDsDraBadDn, "DS dra bad dn" },
  1339. { kErrorDsDraBadNc, "DS dra bad nc" },
  1340. { kErrorDsDraDnExists, "DS dra dn exists" },
  1341. { kErrorDsDraInternalError, "DS dra internal error" },
  1342. { kErrorDsDraInconsistentDit, "DS dra inconsistent dit" },
  1343. { kErrorDsDraConnectionFailed, "DS dra connection failed" },
  1344. { kErrorDsDraBadInstanceType, "DS dra bad instance type" },
  1345. { kErrorDsDraOutOfMem, "DS dra out of mem" },
  1346. { kErrorDsDraMailProblem, "DS dra mail problem" },
  1347. { kErrorDsDraRefAlreadyExists, "DS dra ref already exists" },
  1348. { kErrorDsDraRefNotFound, "DS dra ref not found" },
  1349. { kErrorDsDraObjIsRepSource, "DS dra obj is rep source" },
  1350. { kErrorDsDraDbError, "DS dra db error" },
  1351. { kErrorDsDraNoReplica, "DS dra no replica" },
  1352. { kErrorDsDraAccessDenied, "DS dra access denied" },
  1353. { kErrorDsDraNotSupported, "DS dra not supported" },
  1354. { kErrorDsDraRpcCancelled, "DS dra RPC cancelled" },
  1355. { kErrorDsDraSourceDisabled, "DS dra source disabled" },
  1356. { kErrorDsDraSinkDisabled, "DS dra sink disabled" },
  1357. { kErrorDsDraNameCollision, "DS dra name collision" },
  1358. { kErrorDsDraSourceReinstalled, "DS dra source reinstalled" },
  1359. { kErrorDsDraMissingParent, "DS dra missing parent" },
  1360. { kErrorDsDraPreempted, "DS dra preempted" },
  1361. { kErrorDsDraAbandonSync, "DS dra abandon sync" },
  1362. { kErrorDsDraShutdown, "DS dra shutdown" },
  1363. { kErrorDsDraIncompatiblePartialSet, "DS dra incompatible partial set" },
  1364. { kErrorDsDraSourceIsPartialReplica, "DS dra source is partial replica" },
  1365. { kErrorDsDraExtnConnectionFailed, "DS dra extn connection failed" },
  1366. { kErrorDsInstallSchemaMismatch, "DS install schema mismatch" },
  1367. { kErrorDsDupLinkId, "DS dup link ID" },
  1368. { kErrorDsNameErrorResolving, "DS name error resolving" },
  1369. { kErrorDsNameErrorNotFound, "DS name error not found" },
  1370. { kErrorDsNameErrorNotUnique, "DS name error not unique" },
  1371. { kErrorDsNameErrorNoMapping, "DS name error no mapping" },
  1372. { kErrorDsNameErrorDomainOnly, "DS name error domain only" },
  1373. { kErrorDsNameErrorNoSyntacticalMapping, "DS name error no syntactical mapping" },
  1374. { kErrorDsConstructedAttMod, "DS constructed att mod" },
  1375. { kErrorDsWrongOmObjClass, "DS wrong om obj class" },
  1376. { kErrorDsDraReplPending, "DS dra repl pending" },
  1377. { kErrorDsDsRequired, "DS ds required" },
  1378. { kErrorDsInvalidLdapDisplayName, "DS invalid LDAP display name" },
  1379. { kErrorDsNonBaseSearch, "DS non base search" },
  1380. { kErrorDsCantRetrieveAtts, "DS can't retrieve atts" },
  1381. { kErrorDsBacklinkWithoutLink, "DS backlink without link" },
  1382. { kErrorDsEpochMismatch, "DS epoch mismatch" },
  1383. { kErrorDsSrcNameMismatch, "DS src name mismatch" },
  1384. { kErrorDsSrcAndDstNcIdentical, "DS src and dst nc identical" },
  1385. { kErrorDsDstNcMismatch, "DS dst nc mismatch" },
  1386. { kErrorDsNotAuthoritiveForDstNc, "DS not authoritive for dst nc" },
  1387. { kErrorDsSrcGuidMismatch, "DS src GUID mismatch" },
  1388. { kErrorDsCantMoveDeletedObject, "DS can't move deleted object" },
  1389. { kErrorDsPdcOperationInProgress, "DS pdc operation in progress" },
  1390. { kErrorDsCrossDomainCleanupReqd, "DS cross domain cleanup reqd" },
  1391. { kErrorDsIllegalXdomMoveOperation, "DS illegal xdom move operation" },
  1392. { kErrorDsCantWithAcctGroupMembershps, "DS can't with acct group membershps" },
  1393. { kErrorDsNcMustHaveNcParent, "DS nc must have nc parent" },
  1394. { kErrorDsDstDomainNotNative, "DS dst domain not native" },
  1395. { kErrorDsMissingInfrastructureContainer, "DS missing infrastructure container" },
  1396. { kErrorDsCantMoveAccountGroup, "DS can't move account group" },
  1397. { kErrorDsCantMoveResourceGroup, "DS can't move resource group" },
  1398. { kErrorDsInvalidSearchFlag, "DS invalid search flag" },
  1399. { kErrorDsNoTreeDeleteAboveNc, "DS no tree delete above nc" },
  1400. { kErrorDsCouldntLockTreeForDelete, "DS couldn't lock tree for delete" },
  1401. { kErrorDsCouldntIdentifyObjectsForTreeDelete, "DS couldn't identify objects for tree delete" },
  1402. { kErrorDsSamInitFailure, "DS sam init failure" },
  1403. { kErrorDsSensitiveGroupViolation, "DS sensitive group violation" },
  1404. { kErrorDsCantModPrimarygroupid, "DS can't mod primarygroupid" },
  1405. { kErrorDsIllegalBaseSchemaMod, "DS illegal base schema mod" },
  1406. { kErrorDsNonsafeSchemaChange, "DS nonsafe schema change" },
  1407. { kErrorDsSchemaUpdateDisallowed, "DS schema update disallowed" },
  1408. { kErrorDsCantCreateUnderSchema, "DS can't create under schema" },
  1409. { kErrorDsInstallNoSrcSchVersion, "DS install no src sch version" },
  1410. { kErrorDsInstallNoSchVersionInInifile, "DS install no sch version in inifile" },
  1411. { kErrorDsInvalidGroupType, "DS invalid group type" },
  1412. { kErrorDsNoNestGlobalgroupInMixeddomain, "DS no nest globalgroup in mixeddomain" },
  1413. { kErrorDsNoNestLocalgroupInMixeddomain, "DS no nest localgroup in mixeddomain" },
  1414. { kErrorDsGlobalCantHaveLocalMember, "DS global can't have local member" },
  1415. { kErrorDsGlobalCantHaveUniversalMember, "DS global can't have universal member" },
  1416. { kErrorDsUniversalCantHaveLocalMember, "DS universal can't have local member" },
  1417. { kErrorDsGlobalCantHaveCrossdomainMember, "DS global can't have crossdomain member" },
  1418. { kErrorDsLocalCantHaveCrossdomainLocalMember, "DS local can't have crossdomain local member" },
  1419. { kErrorDsHavePrimaryMembers, "DS have primary members" },
  1420. { kErrorDsStringSdConversionFailed, "DS string sd conversion failed" },
  1421. { kErrorDsNamingMasterGc, "DS naming master gc" },
  1422. { kErrorDsLookupFailure, "DS lookup failure" },
  1423. { kErrorDsCouldntUpdateSpns, "DS couldn't update spns" },
  1424. { kErrorDsCantRetrieveSd, "DS can't retrieve sd" },
  1425. { kErrorDsKeyNotUnique, "DS key not unique" },
  1426. { kErrorDsWrongLinkedAttSyntax, "DS wrong linked att syntax" },
  1427. { kErrorDsSamNeedBootkeyPassword, "DS sam need bootkey password" },
  1428. { kErrorDsSamNeedBootkeyFloppy, "DS sam need bootkey floppy" },
  1429. { kErrorDsCantStart, "DS can't start" },
  1430. { kErrorDsInitFailure, "DS init failure" },
  1431. { kErrorDsNoPktPrivacyOnConnection, "DS no pkt privacy on connection" },
  1432. { kErrorDsSourceDomainInForest, "DS source domain in forest" },
  1433. { kErrorDsDestinationDomainNotInForest, "DS destination domain not in forest" },
  1434. { kErrorDsDestinationAuditingNotEnabled, "DS destination auditing not enabled" },
  1435. { kErrorDsCantFindDcForSrcDomain, "DS can't find dc for src domain" },
  1436. { kErrorDsSrcObjNotGroupOrUser, "DS src obj not group or user" },
  1437. { kErrorDsSrcSidExistsInForest, "DS src sid exists in forest" },
  1438. { kErrorDsSrcAndDstObjectClassMismatch, "DS src and dst object class mismatch" },
  1439. { kErrorSamInitFailure, "Sam init failure" },
  1440. { kErrorDsDraSchemaInfoShip, "DS dra schema info ship" },
  1441. { kErrorDsDraSchemaConflict, "DS dra schema conflict" },
  1442. { kErrorDsDraEarlierSchemaConlict, "DS dra earlier schema conflict" },
  1443. { kErrorDsDraObjNcMismatch, "DS dra obj nc mismatch" },
  1444. { kErrorDsNcStillHasDsas, "DS nc still has dsas" },
  1445. { kErrorDsGcRequired, "DS gc required" },
  1446. { kErrorDsLocalMemberOfLocalOnly, "DS local member of local only" },
  1447. { kErrorDsNoFpoInUniversalGroups, "DS no fpo in universal groups" },
  1448. { kErrorDsCantAddToGc, "DS can't add to gc" },
  1449. { kErrorDsNoCheckpointWithPdc, "DS no checkpoint with pdc" },
  1450. { kErrorDsSourceAuditingNotEnabled, "DS source auditing not enabled" },
  1451. { kErrorDsCantCreateInNondomainNc, "DS can't create in nondomain nc" },
  1452. { kErrorDsInvalidNameForSpn, "DS invalid name for spn" },
  1453. { kErrorDsFilterUsesContructedAttrs, "DS filter uses constructed attrs" },
  1454. { kErrorDsUnicodepwdNotInQuotes, "DS unicodepwd not in quotes" },
  1455. { kErrorDsMachineAccountQuotaExceeded, "DS machine account quota exceeded" },
  1456. { kErrorDsMustBeRunOnDstDc, "DS must be run on dst dc" },
  1457. { kErrorDsSrcDcMustBeSp4OrGreater, "DS src dc must be sp4 or greater" },
  1458. { kErrorDsCantTreeDeleteCriticalObj, "DS can't tree delete critical obj" },
  1459. { kErrorDsInitFailureConsole, "DS init failure console" },
  1460. { kErrorDsSamInitFailureConsole, "DS sam init failure console" },
  1461. { kErrorDsForestVersionTooHigh, "DS forest version too high" },
  1462. { kErrorDsDomainVersionTooHigh, "DS domain version too high" },
  1463. { kErrorDsForestVersionTooLow, "DS forest version too low" },
  1464. { kErrorDsDomainVersionTooLow, "DS domain version too low" },
  1465. { kErrorDsIncompatibleVersion, "DS incompatible version" },
  1466. { kErrorDsLowDsaVersion, "DS low dsa version" },
  1467. { kErrorDsNoBehaviorVersionInMixeddomain, "DS no behaviour version in mixeddomain" },
  1468. { kErrorDsNotSupportedSortOrder, "DS not supported sort order" },
  1469. { kErrorDsNameNotUnique, "DS name not unique" },
  1470. { kErrorDsMachineAccountCreatedPrent4, "DS machine account created prent4" },
  1471. { kErrorDsOutOfVersionStore, "DS out of version store" },
  1472. { kErrorDsIncompatibleControlsUsed, "DS incompatible controls used" },
  1473. { kErrorDsNoRefDomain, "DS no ref domain" },
  1474. { kErrorDsReservedLinkId, "DS reserved link ID" },
  1475. { kErrorDsLinkIdNotAvailable, "DS link ID not available" },
  1476. { kErrorDsAgCantHaveUniversalMember, "DS ag can't have universal member" },
  1477. { kErrorDsModifydnDisallowedByInstanceType, "DS modifydn disallowed by instance type" },
  1478. { kErrorDsNoObjectMoveInSchemaNc, "DS no object move in schema nc" },
  1479. { kErrorDsModifydnDisallowedByFlag, "DS modifydn disallowed by flag" },
  1480. { kErrorDsModifydnWrongGrandparent, "DS modifydn wrong grandparent" },
  1481. { kErrorDsNameErrorTrustReferral, "DS name error trust referral" },
  1482. { kErrorNotSupportedOnStandardServer, "Not supported on standard server" },
  1483. { kErrorDsCantAccessRemotePartOfAd, "DS can't access remote part of ad" },
  1484. { kErrorDsCrImpossibleToValidate, "DS cr impossible to validate" },
  1485. { kErrorDsThreadLimitExceeded, "DS thread limit exceeded" },
  1486. { kErrorDsNotClosest, "DS not closest" },
  1487. { kErrorDsCantDeriveSpnWithoutServerRef, "DS can't derive spn without server ref" },
  1488. { kErrorDsSingleUserModeFailed, "DS single user mode failed" },
  1489. { kErrorDsNtdscriptSyntaxError, "DS ntdscript syntax error" },
  1490. { kErrorDsNtdscriptProcessError, "DS ntdscript process error" },
  1491. { kErrorDsDifferentReplEpochs, "DS different repl epochs" },
  1492. { kErrorDsDrsExtensionsChanged, "DS drs extensions changed" },
  1493. { kErrorDsReplicaSetChangeNotAllowedOnDisabledCr, "DS replica set change not allowed on disabled cr" },
  1494. { kErrorDsNoMsdsIntid, "DS no msds intid" },
  1495. { kErrorDsDupMsdsIntid, "DS dup msds intid" },
  1496. { kErrorDsExistsInRdnattid, "DS exists in rdnattid" },
  1497. { kErrorDsAuthorizationFailed, "DS authorisation failed" },
  1498. { kErrorDsInvalidScript, "DS invalid script" },
  1499. { kErrorDsRemoteCrossrefOpFailed, "DS remote crossref op failed" },
  1500. { kDnsErrorRcodeFormatError, "DNS error rcode format error" },
  1501. { kDnsErrorRcodeServerFailure, "DNS error rcode server failure" },
  1502. { kDnsErrorRcodeNameError, "DNS error rcode name error" },
  1503. { kDnsErrorRcodeNotImplemented, "DNS error rcode not implemented" },
  1504. { kDnsErrorRcodeRefused, "DNS error rcode refused" },
  1505. { kDnsErrorRcodeYxdomain, "DNS error rcode yxdomain" },
  1506. { kDnsErrorRcodeYxrrset, "DNS error rcode yxrrset" },
  1507. { kDnsErrorRcodeNxrrset, "DNS error rcode nxrrset" },
  1508. { kDnsErrorRcodeNotauth, "DNS error rcode notauth" },
  1509. { kDnsErrorRcodeNotzone, "DNS error rcode notzone" },
  1510. { kDnsErrorRcodeBadsig, "DNS error rcode badsig" },
  1511. { kDnsErrorRcodeBadkey, "DNS error rcode badkey" },
  1512. { kDnsErrorRcodeBadtime, "DNS error rcode badtime" },
  1513. { kDnsInfoNoRecords, "DNS info no records" },
  1514. { kDnsErrorBadPacket, "DNS error bad packet" },
  1515. { kDnsErrorNoPacket, "DNS error no packet" },
  1516. { kDnsErrorRcode, "DNS error rcode" },
  1517. { kDnsErrorUnsecurePacket, "DNS error unsecure packet" },
  1518. { kDnsErrorInvalidType, "DNS error invalid type" },
  1519. { kDnsErrorInvalidIpAddress, "DNS error invalid IP address" },
  1520. { kDnsErrorInvalidProperty, "DNS error invalid property" },
  1521. { kDnsErrorTryAgainLater, "DNS error try again later" },
  1522. { kDnsErrorNotUnique, "DNS error not unique" },
  1523. { kDnsErrorNonRfcName, "DNS error non RFC name" },
  1524. { kDnsStatusFqdn, "DNS status FQDN" },
  1525. { kDnsStatusDottedName, "DNS status dotted name" },
  1526. { kDnsStatusSinglePartName, "DNS status single part name" },
  1527. { kDnsErrorInvalidNameChar, "DNS error invalid name char" },
  1528. { kDnsErrorNumericName, "DNS error numeric name" },
  1529. { kDnsErrorNotAllowedOnRootServer, "DNS error not allowed on root server" },
  1530. { kDnsErrorZoneDoesNotExist, "DNS error zone does not exist" },
  1531. { kDnsErrorNoZoneInfo, "DNS error not zone info" },
  1532. { kDnsErrorInvalidZoneOperation, "DNS error invalid zone operation" },
  1533. { kDnsErrorZoneConfigurationError, "DNS error zone configuration error" },
  1534. { kDnsErrorZoneHasNoSoaRecord, "DNS error zone has not SOA record" },
  1535. { kDnsErrorZoneHasNoNsRecords, "DNS error zone has no NS records" },
  1536. { kDnsErrorZoneLocked, "DNS error zone locked" },
  1537. { kDnsErrorZoneCreationFailed, "DNS error zone creation failed" },
  1538. { kDnsErrorZoneAlreadyExists, "DNS error zone already exists" },
  1539. { kDnsErrorAutozoneAlreadyExists, "DNS error autozone already exists" },
  1540. { kDnsErrorInvalidZoneType, "DNS error invalid zone type" },
  1541. { kDnsErrorSecondaryRequiresMasterIp, "DNS error secondary requires master IP" },
  1542. { kDnsErrorZoneNotSecondary, "DNS error zone not secondary" },
  1543. { kDnsErrorNeedSecondaryAddresses, "DNS error need secondary addresses" },
  1544. { kDnsErrorWinsInitFailed, "DNS error wins init failed" },
  1545. { kDnsErrorNeedWinsServers, "DNS error need wins servers" },
  1546. { kDnsErrorNbstatInitFailed, "DNS error nbstat init failed" },
  1547. { kDnsErrorSoaDeleteInvalid, "DNS error SOA delete invalid" },
  1548. { kDnsErrorForwarderAlreadyExists, "DNS error forwarder already exists" },
  1549. { kDnsErrorZoneRequiresMasterIp, "DNS error zone requires master IP" },
  1550. { kDnsErrorZoneIsShutdown, "DNS error zone is shutdown" },
  1551. { kDnsErrorPrimaryRequiresDatafile, "DNS error primary requires datafile" },
  1552. { kDnsErrorInvalidDatafileName, "DNS error invalid datafile name" },
  1553. { kDnsErrorDatafileOpenFailure, "DNS error datafile open failure" },
  1554. { kDnsErrorFileWritebackFailed, "DNS error file writeback failed" },
  1555. { kDnsErrorDatafileParsing, "DNS error datafile parsing" },
  1556. { kDnsErrorRecordDoesNotExist, "DNS error record does not exist" },
  1557. { kDnsErrorRecordFormat, "DNS error record format" },
  1558. { kDnsErrorNodeCreationFailed, "DNS error node creation failed" },
  1559. { kDnsErrorUnknownRecordType, "DNS error unknown record type" },
  1560. { kDnsErrorRecordTimedOut, "DNS error record timed out" },
  1561. { kDnsErrorNameNotInZone, "DNS error name not in zone" },
  1562. { kDnsErrorCnameLoop, "DNS error CNAME loop" },
  1563. { kDnsErrorNodeIsCname, "DNS error node is CNAME" },
  1564. { kDnsErrorCnameCollision, "DNS error CNAME collision" },
  1565. { kDnsErrorRecordOnlyAtZoneRoot, "DNS error record only at zone root" },
  1566. { kDnsErrorRecordAlreadyExists, "DNS error record already exists" },
  1567. { kDnsErrorSecondaryData, "DNS error secondary data" },
  1568. { kDnsErrorNoCreateCacheData, "DNS error no create cache data" },
  1569. { kDnsErrorNameDoesNotExist, "DNS error name does not exist" },
  1570. { kDnsWarningPtrCreateFailed, "DNS warning PTR create failed" },
  1571. { kDnsWarningDomainUndeleted, "DNS warning domain undeleted" },
  1572. { kDnsErrorDsUnavailable, "DNS error ds unavailable" },
  1573. { kDnsErrorDsZoneAlreadyExists, "DNS error ds zone already exists" },
  1574. { kDnsErrorNoBootfileIfDsZone, "DNS error no bootfile if ds zone" },
  1575. { kDnsInfoAxfrComplete, "DNS info AXFR complete" },
  1576. { kDnsErrorAxfr, "DNS error AXFR" },
  1577. { kDnsInfoAddedLocalWins, "DNS info added local wins" },
  1578. { kDnsStatusContinueNeeded, "DNS status continue needed" },
  1579. { kDnsErrorNoTcpip, "DNS error no TCPIP" },
  1580. { kDnsErrorNoDnsServers, "DNS error no DNS servers" },
  1581. { kDnsErrorDpDoesNotExist, "DNS error dp does not exist" },
  1582. { kDnsErrorDpAlreadyExists, "DNS error dp already exists" },
  1583. { kDnsErrorDpNotEnlisted, "DNS error dp not enlisted" },
  1584. { kDnsErrorDpAlreadyEnlisted, "DNS error dp already enlisted" },
  1585. { kWSAQosReceivers, "QOS receivers" },
  1586. { kWSAQosSenders, "QOS senders" },
  1587. { kWSAQosNoSenders, "QOS no senders" },
  1588. { kWSAQosNoReceivers, "QOS no receivers" },
  1589. { kWSAQosRequestConfirmed, "QOS request confirmed" },
  1590. { kWSAQosAdmissionFailure, "QOS admission failure" },
  1591. { kWSAQosPolicyFailure, "QOS policy failure" },
  1592. { kWSAQosBadStyle, "QOS bad style" },
  1593. { kWSAQosBadObject, "QOS bad object" },
  1594. { kWSAQosTrafficCtrlError, "QOS traffic ctrl error" },
  1595. { kWSAQosGenericError, "QOS generic error" },
  1596. { kWSAQosEservicetype, "QOS eservicetype" },
  1597. { kWSAQosEflowspec, "QOS eflowspec" },
  1598. { kWSAQosEprovspecbuf, "QOS eprovspecbuf" },
  1599. { kWSAQosEfilterstyle, "QOS efilterstyle" },
  1600. { kWSAQosEfiltertype, "QOS efiltertype" },
  1601. { kWSAQosEfiltercount, "QOS efiltercount" },
  1602. { kWSAQosEobjlength, "QOS eobjlength" },
  1603. { kWSAQosEflowcount, "QOS eflowcount" },
  1604. { kWSAQosEunknownpsobj, "QOS eunknownpsobj" },
  1605. { kWSAQosEpolicyobj, "QOS epolicyobj" },
  1606. { kWSAQosEflowdesc, "QOS eflowdesc" },
  1607. { kWSAQosEpsflowspec, "QOS epsflowspec" },
  1608. { kWSAQosEpsfilterspec, "QOS epsfilterspec" },
  1609. { kWSAQosEsdmodeobj, "QOS esdmodeobj" },
  1610. { kWSAQosEshaperateobj, "QOS eshaperateobj" },
  1611. { kWSAQosReservedPetype, "QOS reserved petype" },
  1612. { kErrorIpsecQmPolicyExists, "IPSEC qm policy exists" },
  1613. { kErrorIpsecQmPolicyNotFound, "IPSEC qm policy not found" },
  1614. { kErrorIpsecQmPolicyInUse, "IPSEC qm policy in use" },
  1615. { kErrorIpsecMmPolicyExists, "IPSEC mm policy exists" },
  1616. { kErrorIpsecMmPolicyNotFound, "IPSEC mm policy not found" },
  1617. { kErrorIpsecMmPolicyInUse, "IPSEC mm policy in use" },
  1618. { kErrorIpsecMmFilterExists, "IPSEC mm filter exists" },
  1619. { kErrorIpsecMmFilterNotFound, "IPSEC mm filter not found" },
  1620. { kErrorIpsecTransportFilterExists, "IPSEC transport filter exists" },
  1621. { kErrorIpsecTransportFilterNotFound, "IPSEC transport filter not found" },
  1622. { kErrorIpsecMmAuthExists, "IPSEC mm auth exists" },
  1623. { kErrorIpsecMmAuthNotFound, "IPSEC mm auth not found" },
  1624. { kErrorIpsecMmAuthInUse, "IPSEC mm auth in use" },
  1625. { kErrorIpsecDefaultMmPolicyNotFound, "IPSEC default mm policy not found" },
  1626. { kErrorIpsecDefaultMmAuthNotFound, "IPSEC default mm auth not found" },
  1627. { kErrorIpsecDefaultQmPolicyNotFound, "IPSEC default qm policy not found" },
  1628. { kErrorIpsecTunnelFilterExists, "IPSEC tunnel filter exists" },
  1629. { kErrorIpsecTunnelFilterNotFound, "IPSEC tunnel filter not found" },
  1630. { kErrorIpsecMmFilterPendingDeletion, "IPSEC mm filter pending deletion" },
  1631. { kErrorIpsecTransportFilterPendingDeletion, "IPSEC transport filter pending deletion" },
  1632. { kErrorIpsecTunnelFilterPendingDeletion, "IPSEC tunnel filter pending deletion" },
  1633. { kErrorIpsecMmPolicyPendingDeletion, "IPSEC mm policy pending deletion" },
  1634. { kErrorIpsecMmAuthPendingDeletion, "IPSEC mm auth pending deletion" },
  1635. { kErrorIpsecQmPolicyPendingDeletion, "IPSEC qm policy pending deletion" },
  1636. { kErrorIpsecIkeAuthFail, "IPSEC IKE auth fail" },
  1637. { kErrorIpsecIkeAttribFail, "IPSEC IKE attrib fail" },
  1638. { kErrorIpsecIkeNegotiationPending, "IPSEC IKE negotiation pending" },
  1639. { kErrorIpsecIkeGeneralProcessingError, "IPSEC IKE general processing error" },
  1640. { kErrorIpsecIkeTimedOut, "IPSEC IKE timed out" },
  1641. { kErrorIpsecIkeNoCert, "IPSEC IKE no cert" },
  1642. { kErrorIpsecIkeSaDeleted, "IPSEC IKE sa deleted" },
  1643. { kErrorIpsecIkeSaReaped, "IPSEC IKE sa reaped" },
  1644. { kErrorIpsecIkeMmAcquireDrop, "IPSEC IKE mm acquire drop" },
  1645. { kErrorIpsecIkeQmAcquireDrop, "IPSEC IKE qm acquire drop" },
  1646. { kErrorIpsecIkeQueueDropMm, "IPSEC IKE queue drop mm" },
  1647. { kErrorIpsecIkeQueueDropNoMm, "IPSEC IKE queue drop no mm" },
  1648. { kErrorIpsecIkeDropNoResponse, "IPSEC IKE drop no response" },
  1649. { kErrorIpsecIkeMmDelayDrop, "IPSEC IKE mm delay drop" },
  1650. { kErrorIpsecIkeQmDelayDrop, "IPSEC IKE qm delay drop" },
  1651. { kErrorIpsecIkeError, "IPSEC IKE error" },
  1652. { kErrorIpsecIkeCrlFailed, "IPSEC IKE crl failed" },
  1653. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidKeyUsage, "IPSEC IKE invalid key usage" },
  1654. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidCertType, "IPSEC IKE invalid cert type" },
  1655. { kErrorIpsecIkeNoPrivateKey, "IPSEC IKE no private key" },
  1656. { kErrorIpsecIkeDhFail, "IPSEC IKE dh fail" },
  1657. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidHeader, "IPSEC IKE invalid header" },
  1658. { kErrorIpsecIkeNoPolicy, "IPSEC IKE no policy" },
  1659. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidSignature, "IPSEC IKE invalid signature" },
  1660. { kErrorIpsecIkeKerberosError, "IPSEC IKE kerberos error" },
  1661. { kErrorIpsecIkeNoPublicKey, "IPSEC IKE no public key" },
  1662. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErr, "IPSEC IKE process err" },
  1663. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrSa, "IPSEC IKE process err sa" },
  1664. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrProp, "IPSEC IKE process err prop" },
  1665. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrTrans, "IPSEC IKE process err trans" },
  1666. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrKe, "IPSEC IKE process err ke" },
  1667. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrId, "IPSEC IKE process err ID" },
  1668. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrCert, "IPSEC IKE process err cert" },
  1669. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrCertReq, "IPSEC IKE process err cert req" },
  1670. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrHash, "IPSEC IKE process err hash" },
  1671. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrSig, "IPSEC IKE process err sig" },
  1672. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrNonce, "IPSEC IKE process err nonce" },
  1673. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrNotify, "IPSEC IKE process err notify" },
  1674. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrDelete, "IPSEC IKE process err delete" },
  1675. { kErrorIpsecIkeProcessErrVendor, "IPSEC IKE process err vendor" },
  1676. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidPayload, "IPSEC IKE invalid payload" },
  1677. { kErrorIpsecIkeLoadSoftSa, "IPSEC IKE load soft sa" },
  1678. { kErrorIpsecIkeSoftSaTornDown, "IPSEC IKE soft sa torn down" },
  1679. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidCookie, "IPSEC IKE invalid cookie" },
  1680. { kErrorIpsecIkeNoPeerCert, "IPSEC IKE no peer cert" },
  1681. { kErrorIpsecIkePeerCrlFailed, "IPSEC IKE peer CRL failed" },
  1682. { kErrorIpsecIkePolicyChange, "IPSEC IKE policy change" },
  1683. { kErrorIpsecIkeNoMmPolicy, "IPSEC IKE no mm policy" },
  1684. { kErrorIpsecIkeNotcbpriv, "IPSEC IKE notcbpriv" },
  1685. { kErrorIpsecIkeSecloadfail, "IPSEC IKE secloadfail" },
  1686. { kErrorIpsecIkeFailsspinit, "IPSEC IKE failsspinit" },
  1687. { kErrorIpsecIkeFailqueryssp, "IPSEC IKE failqueryssp" },
  1688. { kErrorIpsecIkeSrvacqfail, "IPSEC IKE srvacqfail" },
  1689. { kErrorIpsecIkeSrvquerycred, "IPSEC IKE srvquerycred" },
  1690. { kErrorIpsecIkeGetspifail, "IPSEC IKE getspifail" },
  1691. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidFilter, "IPSEC IKE invalid filter" },
  1692. { kErrorIpsecIkeOutOfMemory, "IPSEC IKE out of memory" },
  1693. { kErrorIpsecIkeAddUpdateKeyFailed, "IPSEC IKE add update key failed" },
  1694. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidPolicy, "IPSEC IKE invalid policy" },
  1695. { kErrorIpsecIkeUnknownDoi, "IPSEC IKE unknown doi" },
  1696. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidSituation, "IPSEC IKE invalid situation" },
  1697. { kErrorIpsecIkeDhFailure, "IPSEC IKE dh failure" },
  1698. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidGroup, "IPSEC IKE invalid group" },
  1699. { kErrorIpsecIkeEncrypt, "IPSEC IKE encrypt" },
  1700. { kErrorIpsecIkeDecrypt, "IPSEC IKE decrypt" },
  1701. { kErrorIpsecIkePolicyMatch, "IPSEC IKE policy match" },
  1702. { kErrorIpsecIkeUnsupportedId, "IPSEC IKE unsupported ID" },
  1703. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidHash, "IPSEC IKE invalid hash" },
  1704. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidHashAlg, "IPSEC IKE invalid hash alg" },
  1705. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidHashSize, "IPSEC IKE invalid hash size" },
  1706. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidEncryptAlg, "IPSEC IKE invalid encrypt alg" },
  1707. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidAuthAlg, "IPSEC IKE invalid auth alg" },
  1708. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidSig, "IPSEC IKE invalid sig" },
  1709. { kErrorIpsecIkeLoadFailed, "IPSEC IKE load failed" },
  1710. { kErrorIpsecIkeRpcDelete, "IPSEC IKE rpc delete" },
  1711. { kErrorIpsecIkeBenignReinit, "IPSEC IKE benign reinit" },
  1712. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidResponderLifetimeNotify, "IPSEC IKE invalid responder lifetime notify" },
  1713. { kErrorIpsecIkeInvalidCertKeylen, "IPSEC IKE invalid cert keylen" },
  1714. { kErrorIpsecIkeMmLimit, "IPSEC IKE mm limit" },
  1715. { kErrorIpsecIkeNegotiationDisabled, "IPSEC IKE negotiation disabled" },
  1716. { kErrorIpsecIkeNegStatusEnd, "IPSEC IKE neg status end" },
  1717. { kErrorSxsSectionNotFound, "Sxs section not found" },
  1718. { kErrorSxsCantGenActctx, "Sxs can't gen actctx" },
  1719. { kErrorSxsInvalidActctxdataFormat, "Sxs invalid actctxdata format" },
  1720. { kErrorSxsAssemblyNotFound, "Sxs assembly not found" },
  1721. { kErrorSxsManifestFormatError, "Sxs manifest format error" },
  1722. { kErrorSxsManifestParseError, "Sxs manifest parse error" },
  1723. { kErrorSxsActivationContextDisabled, "Sxs activation context disabled" },
  1724. { kErrorSxsKeyNotFound, "Sxs key not found" },
  1725. { kErrorSxsVersionConflict, "Sxs version conflict" },
  1726. { kErrorSxsWrongSectionType, "Sxs wrong section type" },
  1727. { kErrorSxsThreadQueriesDisabled, "Sxs thread queries disabled" },
  1728. { kErrorSxsProcessDefaultAlreadySet, "Sxs process default already set" },
  1729. { kErrorSxsUnknownEncodingGroup, "Sxs unknown encoding group" },
  1730. { kErrorSxsUnknownEncoding, "Sxs unknown encoding" },
  1731. { kErrorSxsInvalidXmlNamespaceUri, "Sxs invalid XML namespace URI" },
  1732. { kErrorSxsRootManifestDependencyNotInstalled, "Sxs root manifest dependency not installed" },
  1733. { kErrorSxsLeafManifestDependencyNotInstalled, "Sxs leaf manifest dependency not installed" },
  1734. { kErrorSxsInvalidAssemblyIdentityAttribute, "Sxs invalid assembly indentity attribute" },
  1735. { kErrorSxsManifestMissingRequiredDefaultNamespace, "Sxs manifest missing required default namespace" },
  1736. { kErrorSxsManifestInvalidRequiredDefaultNamespace, "Sxs manifest invalid required default namespace" },
  1737. { kErrorSxsPrivateManifestCrossPathWithReparsePoint, "Sxs private manifest cross path with reparse point" },
  1738. { kErrorSxsDuplicateDllName, "Sxs duplicate dll name" },
  1739. { kErrorSxsDuplicateWindowclassName, "Sxs duplicate windowclass name" },
  1740. { kErrorSxsDuplicateClsid, "Sxs duplicate clsid" },
  1741. { kErrorSxsDuplicateIid, "Sxs duplicate iid" },
  1742. { kErrorSxsDuplicateTlbid, "Sxs duplicate tlbid" },
  1743. { kErrorSxsDuplicateProgid, "Sxs duplicate progid" },
  1744. { kErrorSxsDuplicateAssemblyName, "Sxs duplicate assembly name" },
  1745. { kErrorSxsFileHashMismatch, "Sxs file hash mismatch" },
  1746. { kErrorSxsPolicyParseError, "Sxs policy parse error" },
  1747. { kErrorSxsXmlEMissingquote, "Sxs XML e missingquote" },
  1748. { kErrorSxsXmlECommentsyntax, "Sxs XML e commentsyntax" },
  1749. { kErrorSxsXmlEBadstartnamechar, "Sxs XML e badstartnamechar" },
  1750. { kErrorSxsXmlEBadnamechar, "Sxs XML e badnamechar" },
  1751. { kErrorSxsXmlEBadcharinstring, "Sxs XML e badcharinstring" },
  1752. { kErrorSxsXmlEXmldeclsyntax, "Sxs XML e xmldeclsyntax" },
  1753. { kErrorSxsXmlEBadchardata, "Sxs XML e badchardata" },
  1754. { kErrorSxsXmlEMissingwhitespace, "Sxs XML e missingwhitespace" },
  1755. { kErrorSxsXmlEExpectingtagend, "Sxs XML e expectingtagend" },
  1756. { kErrorSxsXmlEMissingsemicolon, "Sxs XML e missingsemicolon" },
  1757. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnbalancedparen, "Sxs XML e unbalancedparen" },
  1758. { kErrorSxsXmlEInternalerror, "Sxs XML e internalerror" },
  1759. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnexpectedWhitespace, "Sxs XML e unexpected whitespace" },
  1760. { kErrorSxsXmlEIncompleteEncoding, "Sxs XML e incomplete encoding" },
  1761. { kErrorSxsXmlEMissingParen, "Sxs XML e missing paren" },
  1762. { kErrorSxsXmlEExpectingclosequote, "Sxs XML e expectingclosequote" },
  1763. { kErrorSxsXmlEMultipleColons, "Sxs XML e multiple colons" },
  1764. { kErrorSxsXmlEInvalidDecimal, "Sxs XML e invalid decimal" },
  1765. { kErrorSxsXmlEInvalidHexidecimal, "Sxs XML e invalid hexidecimal" },
  1766. { kErrorSxsXmlEInvalidUnicode, "Sxs XML e invalid unicode" },
  1767. { kErrorSxsXmlEWhitespaceorquestionmark, "Sxs XML e whitespaceorquestionmark" },
  1768. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnexpectedendtag, "Sxs XML e unexpectedendtag" },
  1769. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnclosedtag, "Sxs XML e unclosedtag" },
  1770. { kErrorSxsXmlEDuplicateattribute, "Sxs XML e duplicateattribute" },
  1771. { kErrorSxsXmlEMultipleroots, "Sxs XML e multipleroots" },
  1772. { kErrorSxsXmlEInvalidatrootlevel, "Sxs XML e invalidatrootlevel" },
  1773. { kErrorSxsXmlEBadxmldecl, "Sxs XML e badxmldecl" },
  1774. { kErrorSxsXmlEMissingroot, "Sxs XML e missingroot" },
  1775. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnexpectedeof, "Sxs XML e unexpectedeof" },
  1776. { kErrorSxsXmlEBadperefinsubset, "Sxs XML e badperefinsubset" },
  1777. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnclosedstarttag, "Sxs XML e unclosedstarttag" },
  1778. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnclosedendtag, "Sxs XML e unclosedendtag" },
  1779. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnclosedstring, "Sxs XML e unclosedstring" },
  1780. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnclosedcomment, "Sxs XML e unclosedcomment" },
  1781. { kErrorSxsXmlEUncloseddecl, "Sxs XML e uncloseddecl" },
  1782. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnclosedcdata, "Sxs XML e unclosedcdata" },
  1783. { kErrorSxsXmlEReservednamespace, "Sxs XML e reservednamespace" },
  1784. { kErrorSxsXmlEInvalidencoding, "Sxs XML e invalidencoding" },
  1785. { kErrorSxsXmlEInvalidswitch, "Sxs XML e invalidswitch" },
  1786. { kErrorSxsXmlEBadxmlcase, "Sxs XML e badxmlcase" },
  1787. { kErrorSxsXmlEInvalidStandalone, "Sxs XML e invalid standalone" },
  1788. { kErrorSxsXmlEUnexpectedStandalone, "Sxs XML e unexpected standalone" },
  1789. { kErrorSxsXmlEInvalidVersion, "Sxs XML e invalid version" },
  1790. { kErrorSxsXmlEMissingequals, "Sxs XML e missingequals" },
  1791. { kErrorSxsProtectionRecoveryFailed, "Sxs protection recovery failed" },
  1792. { kErrorSxsProtectionPublicKeyTooShort, "Sxs protection public key too short" },
  1793. { kErrorSxsProtectionCatalogNotValid, "Sxs protection catalog not valid" },
  1794. { kErrorSxsUntranslatableHresult, "Sxs untranslatable hresult" },
  1795. { kErrorSxsProtectionCatalogFileMissing, "Sxs protection catalog file missing" },
  1796. { kErrorSxsMissingAssemblyIdentityAttribute, "Sxs missing assembly identity attribute" },
  1797. { kErrorSxsInvalidAssemblyIdentityAttributeName, "Sxs invalid assembly identity attribute name" },
  1798. };
  1799. #endif /* IL2CPP_DISABLE_FULL_MESSAGES */
  1800. static int32_t compare_message(const void *first, const void *second)
  1801. {
  1802. ErrorDesc *efirst = (ErrorDesc*)first;
  1803. ErrorDesc *esecond = (ErrorDesc*)second;
  1804. return (int32_t)efirst->code - (int32_t)esecond->code;
  1805. }
  1806. static const char *find_message(ErrorCode code, ErrorDesc *list, int32_t count)
  1807. {
  1808. ErrorDesc key = { code, "" };
  1809. ErrorDesc *result = (ErrorDesc*)bsearch(&key, list, count, sizeof(ErrorDesc), compare_message);
  1810. return result ? result->message : NULL;
  1811. }
  1812. static const char *find_message_linear(ErrorCode code, ErrorDesc *list, int32_t count)
  1813. {
  1814. int32_t prev = -1;
  1815. for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
  1816. {
  1817. if (list[i].code > prev)
  1818. prev = list[i].code;
  1819. else
  1820. {
  1821. // static int error_shown;
  1822. // if (!error_shown){
  1823. // error_shown = 1;
  1824. // fprintf (stderr, "Mono: Incorrect message sorted in io-layer/messages.c at index %d (msg=%s)\n", i, list [i].txt);
  1825. // }
  1826. }
  1827. if (list[i].code == code)
  1828. {
  1829. // static int error_shown;
  1830. // if (!error_shown){
  1831. // error_shown = 1;
  1832. // fprintf (stderr, "Mono: Error %d with text %s is improperly sorted in io-layer/messages.c\n", id, list [i].txt);
  1833. // }
  1834. return list[i].message;
  1835. }
  1836. }
  1837. return NULL;
  1838. }
  1839. std::string Messages::FromCode(ErrorCode code)
  1840. {
  1841. const char *message = find_message(code, common_messages, N_ELEMENTS(common_messages));
  1842. if (message != NULL)
  1843. return message;
  1845. message = find_message(code, messages, N_ELEMENTS(messages));
  1846. if (message != NULL)
  1847. return message;
  1848. #endif
  1849. // Linear search, in case someone adds an error message and does not add it
  1850. // to the list in a sorted position, this will be catched during development.
  1851. message = find_message_linear(code, common_messages, N_ELEMENTS(common_messages));
  1852. if (message != NULL)
  1853. return message;
  1855. message = find_message_linear(code, messages, N_ELEMENTS(messages));
  1856. if (message != NULL)
  1857. return message;
  1858. #endif
  1859. return std::string();
  1860. }
  1861. }
  1862. }