123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284 |
- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using ProtoBuf.Meta;
- using Type = IKVM.Reflection.Type;
- using IKVM.Reflection;
- #else
- using System.Reflection;
- #endif
- namespace ProtoBuf.Serializers
- {
- sealed class ImmutableCollectionDecorator : ListDecorator
- {
- protected override bool RequireAdd { get { return false; } }
- static Type ResolveIReadOnlyCollection(Type declaredType, Type t)
- {
- foreach (Type intImplBasic in declaredType.GetTypeInfo().ImplementedInterfaces)
- {
- TypeInfo intImpl = intImplBasic.GetTypeInfo();
- if (intImpl.IsGenericType && intImpl.Name.StartsWith("IReadOnlyCollection`"))
- {
- if(t != null)
- {
- Type[] typeArgs = intImpl.GenericTypeArguments;
- if (typeArgs.Length != 1 && typeArgs[0] != t) continue;
- }
- return intImplBasic;
- }
- }
- #else
- foreach (Type intImpl in declaredType.GetInterfaces())
- {
- if (intImpl.IsGenericType && intImpl.Name.StartsWith("IReadOnlyCollection`"))
- {
- if(t != null)
- {
- Type[] typeArgs = intImpl.GetGenericArguments();
- if (typeArgs.Length != 1 && typeArgs[0] != t) continue;
- }
- return intImpl;
- }
- }
- #endif
- return null;
- }
- internal static bool IdentifyImmutable(TypeModel model, Type declaredType, out MethodInfo builderFactory, out MethodInfo add, out MethodInfo addRange, out MethodInfo finish)
- {
- builderFactory = add = addRange = finish = null;
- if (model == null || declaredType == null) return false;
- TypeInfo declaredTypeInfo = declaredType.GetTypeInfo();
- #else
- Type declaredTypeInfo = declaredType;
- #endif
- // try to detect immutable collections; firstly, they are all generic, and all implement IReadOnlyCollection<T> for some T
- if(!declaredTypeInfo.IsGenericType) return false;
- Type[] typeArgs = declaredTypeInfo.GenericTypeArguments, effectiveType;
- #else
- Type[] typeArgs = declaredTypeInfo.GetGenericArguments(), effectiveType;
- #endif
- switch (typeArgs.Length)
- {
- case 1:
- effectiveType = typeArgs;
- break; // fine
- case 2:
- Type kvp = model.MapType(typeof(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<,>));
- if (kvp == null) return false;
- kvp = kvp.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
- effectiveType = new Type[] { kvp };
- break;
- default:
- return false; // no clue!
- }
- if (ResolveIReadOnlyCollection(declaredType, null) == null) return false; // no IReadOnlyCollection<T> found
- // and we want to use the builder API, so for generic Foo<T> or IFoo<T> we want to use Foo.CreateBuilder<T>
- string name = declaredType.Name;
- int i = name.IndexOf('`');
- if (i <= 0) return false;
- name = declaredTypeInfo.IsInterface ? name.Substring(1, i - 1) : name.Substring(0, i);
- Type outerType = model.GetType(declaredType.Namespace + "." + name, declaredTypeInfo.Assembly);
- // I hate special-cases...
- if (outerType == null && name == "ImmutableSet")
- {
- outerType = model.GetType(declaredType.Namespace + ".ImmutableHashSet", declaredTypeInfo.Assembly);
- }
- if (outerType == null) return false;
- #if WINRT
- foreach (MethodInfo method in outerType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods)
- #else
- foreach (MethodInfo method in outerType.GetMethods())
- #endif
- {
- if (!method.IsStatic || method.Name != "CreateBuilder" || !method.IsGenericMethodDefinition || method.GetParameters().Length != 0
- || method.GetGenericArguments().Length != typeArgs.Length) continue;
- builderFactory = method.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs);
- break;
- }
- Type voidType = model.MapType(typeof(void));
- if (builderFactory == null || builderFactory.ReturnType == null || builderFactory.ReturnType == voidType) return false;
- add = Helpers.GetInstanceMethod(builderFactory.ReturnType, "Add", effectiveType);
- if (add == null) return false;
- finish = Helpers.GetInstanceMethod(builderFactory.ReturnType, "ToImmutable", Helpers.EmptyTypes);
- if (finish == null || finish.ReturnType == null || finish.ReturnType == voidType) return false;
- if (!(finish.ReturnType == declaredType || Helpers.IsAssignableFrom(declaredType, finish.ReturnType))) return false;
- addRange = Helpers.GetInstanceMethod(builderFactory.ReturnType, "AddRange", new Type[] { declaredType });
- if (addRange == null)
- {
- Type enumerable = model.MapType(typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<>), false);
- if (enumerable != null)
- {
- addRange = Helpers.GetInstanceMethod(builderFactory.ReturnType, "AddRange", new Type[] { enumerable.MakeGenericType(effectiveType) });
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- #endif
- private readonly MethodInfo builderFactory, add, addRange, finish;
- internal ImmutableCollectionDecorator(TypeModel model, Type declaredType, Type concreteType, IProtoSerializer tail, int fieldNumber, bool writePacked, WireType packedWireType, bool returnList, bool overwriteList, bool supportNull,
- MethodInfo builderFactory, MethodInfo add, MethodInfo addRange, MethodInfo finish)
- : base(model, declaredType, concreteType, tail, fieldNumber, writePacked, packedWireType, returnList, overwriteList, supportNull)
- {
- this.builderFactory = builderFactory;
- this.add = add;
- this.addRange = addRange;
- this.finish = finish;
- }
- #if !FEAT_IKVM
- public override object Read(object value, ProtoReader source)
- {
- object builderInstance = builderFactory.Invoke(null, null);
- int field = source.FieldNumber;
- object[] args = new object[1];
- if (AppendToCollection && value != null && ((IList)value).Count != 0)
- {
- if(addRange !=null)
- {
- args[0] = value;
- addRange.Invoke(builderInstance, args);
- }
- else
- {
- foreach(object item in (IList)value)
- {
- args[0] = item;
- add.Invoke(builderInstance, args);
- }
- }
- }
- if (packedWireType != WireType.None && source.WireType == WireType.String)
- {
- SubItemToken token = ProtoReader.StartSubItem(source);
- while (ProtoReader.HasSubValue(packedWireType, source))
- {
- args[0] = Tail.Read(null, source);
- add.Invoke(builderInstance, args);
- }
- ProtoReader.EndSubItem(token, source);
- }
- else
- {
- do
- {
- args[0] = Tail.Read(null, source);
- add.Invoke(builderInstance, args);
- } while (source.TryReadFieldHeader(field));
- }
- return finish.Invoke(builderInstance, null);
- }
- #endif
- protected override void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom)
- {
- using (Compiler.Local oldList = AppendToCollection ? ctx.GetLocalWithValue(ExpectedType, valueFrom) : null)
- using(Compiler.Local builder = new Compiler.Local(ctx, builderFactory.ReturnType))
- {
- ctx.EmitCall(builderFactory);
- ctx.StoreValue(builder);
- if(AppendToCollection)
- {
- Compiler.CodeLabel done = ctx.DefineLabel();
- if(!Helpers.IsValueType(ExpectedType))
- {
- ctx.LoadValue(oldList);
- ctx.BranchIfFalse(done, false); // old value null; nothing to add
- }
- #if COREFX
- TypeInfo typeInfo = ExpectedType.GetTypeInfo();
- #else
- Type typeInfo = ExpectedType;
- #endif
- PropertyInfo prop = Helpers.GetProperty(typeInfo, "Length", false);
- if(prop == null) prop = Helpers.GetProperty(typeInfo, "Count", false);
- if (prop == null) prop = Helpers.GetProperty(ResolveIReadOnlyCollection(ExpectedType, Tail.ExpectedType), "Count", false);
- #endif
- ctx.LoadAddress(oldList, oldList.Type);
- ctx.EmitCall(Helpers.GetGetMethod(prop, false, false));
- ctx.BranchIfFalse(done, false); // old list is empty; nothing to add
- Type voidType = ctx.MapType(typeof(void));
- if(addRange != null)
- {
- ctx.LoadValue(builder);
- ctx.LoadValue(oldList);
- ctx.EmitCall(addRange);
- if (addRange.ReturnType != null && add.ReturnType != voidType) ctx.DiscardValue();
- }
- else
- {
- // loop and call Add repeatedly
- MethodInfo moveNext, current, getEnumerator = GetEnumeratorInfo(ctx.Model, out moveNext, out current);
- Helpers.DebugAssert(moveNext != null);
- Helpers.DebugAssert(current != null);
- Helpers.DebugAssert(getEnumerator != null);
- Type enumeratorType = getEnumerator.ReturnType;
- using (Compiler.Local iter = new Compiler.Local(ctx, enumeratorType))
- {
- ctx.LoadAddress(oldList, ExpectedType);
- ctx.EmitCall(getEnumerator);
- ctx.StoreValue(iter);
- using (ctx.Using(iter))
- {
- Compiler.CodeLabel body = ctx.DefineLabel(), next = ctx.DefineLabel();
- ctx.Branch(next, false);
- ctx.MarkLabel(body);
- ctx.LoadAddress(builder, builder.Type);
- ctx.LoadAddress(iter, enumeratorType);
- ctx.EmitCall(current);
- ctx.EmitCall(add);
- if (add.ReturnType != null && add.ReturnType != voidType) ctx.DiscardValue();
- ctx.MarkLabel(@next);
- ctx.LoadAddress(iter, enumeratorType);
- ctx.EmitCall(moveNext);
- ctx.BranchIfTrue(body, false);
- }
- }
- }
- ctx.MarkLabel(done);
- }
- EmitReadList(ctx, builder, Tail, add, packedWireType, false);
- ctx.LoadAddress(builder, builder.Type);
- ctx.EmitCall(finish);
- if(ExpectedType != finish.ReturnType)
- {
- ctx.Cast(ExpectedType);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- #endif