#pragma once


#include <pthread.h>
#include <vector>
#include <atomic>

#include "os/Generic/WaitObject.h"
#include "os/ErrorCodes.h"
#include "os/Mutex.h"
#include "os/Event.h"
#include "os/Thread.h"
#include "os/WaitStatus.h"
#include "utils/NonCopyable.h"
#include "Cpp/CappedSemaphore.h"
#include "Cpp/Atomic.h"

struct cpu_set_t;
int pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t cpusetsize, const cpu_set_t *cpuset);

int pthread_setname_np(pthread_t handle, const char *name);

#define IL2CPP_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE ( 1 * 1024 * 1024)            // default .NET stacksize is 1mb

namespace il2cpp
namespace os
/// POSIX threads implementation. Supports APCs and interruptible waits.
    class ThreadImpl : public il2cpp::utils::NonCopyable


        uint64_t Id();
        ErrorCode Run(Thread::StartFunc func, void* arg, int64_t affinityMask);
        void QueueUserAPC(Thread::APCFunc func, void* context);
        void SetName(const char* name);
        void SetPriority(ThreadPriority priority);
        ThreadPriority GetPriority();
        void SetStackSize(size_t newsize);

        void ReleaseSemaphore() {m_ConditionSemaphore.Release(1);}
        void AcquireSemaphore() {m_ConditionSemaphore.Acquire();}
        bool TryTimedAcquireSemaphore(uint32_t timeout) { return m_ConditionSemaphore.TryTimedAcquire(baselib::timeout_ms(timeout));}
        static int GetMaxStackSize();

        /// Handle any pending APCs.
        /// NOTE: Can only be called on current thread.
        void CheckForUserAPCAndHandle();

        static void Sleep(uint32_t milliseconds, bool interruptible);
        static uint64_t CurrentThreadId();
        static ThreadImpl* GetCurrentThread();
        static ThreadImpl* CreateForCurrentThread();

        static bool YieldInternal();

        static void SetNativeThreadCleanup(Thread::ThreadCleanupFunc cleanupFunction);
        static void RegisterCurrentThreadForCleanup(void* arg);
        static void UnregisterCurrentThreadForCleanup();


        friend class WaitObject; // SetWaitObject(), CheckForAPCAndHandle()

        std::atomic<pthread_t> m_Handle;

        /// The synchronization primitive that this thread is currently blocked on.
        /// Atomic to signal intent
        baselib::atomic<WaitObject*> m_CurrentWaitObject;

        /// Start data.
        Thread::StartFunc m_StartFunc;
        void* m_StartArg;

        /// List of APC requests for this thread.
        struct APCRequest
            Thread::APCFunc callback;
            void* context;

            APCRequest(Thread::APCFunc callback, void* context) :
                callback(callback), context(context)

        baselib::Lock m_PendingAPCsMutex;
        std::vector<APCRequest> m_PendingAPCs;
        baselib::CappedSemaphore m_ConditionSemaphore;

        size_t m_StackSize; // size of stack (can not be adjusted after thread creation)

        /// Set the synchronization object the thread is about to wait on.
        /// NOTE: This can only be called on the current thread.
        void SetWaitObject(WaitObject* waitObject);

        static void* ThreadStartWrapper(void* arg);
