#pragma once

#include "il2cpp-config.h"


#include <string>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "os/File.h"
#include "os/c-api/OSGlobalEnums.h"

namespace il2cpp
namespace os
    struct FileHandle
        int fd;
        FileType type;
        std::string path;
        int options;
        int shareMode;
        int accessMode;

        // The default value of this field should be false,
        // meaning we _do_ own the file descriptor, and therefore
        // can close it. Zero-allocating this struct is something
        // we want to support, so make sure the default is 0.
        bool doesNotOwnFd;

        // device and inode are used as key for finding file handles
        dev_t device;
        ino_t inode;

        // Linked list of file handles
        FileHandle *prev;
        FileHandle *next;

            : fd(-1), type(kFileTypeUnknown), options(0), shareMode(0), accessMode(0),
            doesNotOwnFd(false), device(0), inode(0), prev(NULL), next(NULL)
