using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using System; using System.Collections; using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule; using OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils; using OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils.Helper; using OpenCVForUnity.ImgprocModule; namespace OpenCVForUnityExample { /// <summary> /// Mat To Texture In RenderThread Example /// </summary> [RequireComponent (typeof(WebCamTextureToMatHelper))] public class MatToTextureInRenderThreadExample : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// The requested resolution dropdown. /// </summary> public Dropdown requestedResolutionDropdown; /// <summary> /// The requested resolution. /// </summary> public ResolutionPreset requestedResolution = ResolutionPreset._640x480; /// <summary> /// The requestedFPS dropdown. /// </summary> public Dropdown requestedFPSDropdown; /// <summary> /// The requestedFPS. /// </summary> public FPSPreset requestedFPS = FPSPreset._30; /// <summary> /// The rotate 90 degree toggle. /// </summary> public Toggle rotate90DegreeToggle; /// <summary> /// The flip vertical toggle. /// </summary> public Toggle flipVerticalToggle; /// <summary> /// The flip horizontal toggle. /// </summary> public Toggle flipHorizontalToggle; /// <summary> /// The texture. /// </summary> Texture2D texture; /// <summary> /// The webcam texture to mat helper. /// </summary> WebCamTextureToMatHelper webCamTextureToMatHelper; /// <summary> /// The FPS monitor. /// </summary> FpsMonitor fpsMonitor; /// <summary> /// The rgba mat. /// </summary> Mat rgbaMat; /// <summary> /// The render thread coroutine. /// </summary> IEnumerator renderThreadCoroutine; // Use this for initialization void Start () { rgbaMat = new Mat(text.height, text.width, CvType.CV_8UC4, new Scalar(0, 0, 0, 255)); Mat yuv = new Mat(text.height, text.width, CvType.CV_8UC4, new Scalar(0, 0, 0, 255)); Utils.texture2DToMat(text, yuv); Imgproc.cvtColor(yuv, rgbaMat, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2BGRA); texture = new Texture2D(rgbaMat.cols(), rgbaMat.rows(), TextureFormat.BGRA32, false); gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture; renderThreadCoroutine = CallAtEndOfFrames(); StartCoroutine(renderThreadCoroutine); return; Debug.Log(rgbaMat.width() + ""); Debug.Log(rgbaMat.height() + ""); Debug.Log(text.width + ""); Debug.Log(text.height + ""); #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR Utils.registerWebGLPlugin(); #endif renderThreadCoroutine = CallAtEndOfFrames (); fpsMonitor = GetComponent<FpsMonitor> (); webCamTextureToMatHelper = gameObject.GetComponent<WebCamTextureToMatHelper> (); int width, height; Dimensions (requestedResolution, out width, out height); webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestedWidth = width; webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestedHeight = height; webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestedFPS = (int)requestedFPS; webCamTextureToMatHelper.Initialize (); // Update GUI state requestedResolutionDropdown.value = (int)requestedResolution; string[] enumNames = System.Enum.GetNames (typeof(FPSPreset)); int index = Array.IndexOf (enumNames, requestedFPS.ToString ()); requestedFPSDropdown.value = index; rotate90DegreeToggle.isOn = webCamTextureToMatHelper.rotate90Degree; flipVerticalToggle.isOn = webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipVertical; flipHorizontalToggle.isOn = webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipHorizontal; } /// <summary> /// Raises the webcam texture to mat helper initialized event. /// </summary> public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInitialized () { Debug.Log ("OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInitialized"); Mat webCamTextureMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat (); texture = new Texture2D (rgbaMat.cols (), rgbaMat.rows (), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.mainTexture = texture; gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (webCamTextureMat.cols (), webCamTextureMat.rows (), 1); Debug.Log ("Screen.width " + Screen.width + " Screen.height " + Screen.height + " Screen.orientation " + Screen.orientation); if (fpsMonitor != null) { fpsMonitor.Add ("deviceName", webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetDeviceName ().ToString ()); fpsMonitor.Add ("width", webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetWidth ().ToString ()); fpsMonitor.Add ("height", webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetHeight ().ToString ()); fpsMonitor.Add ("videoRotationAngle", webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetWebCamTexture ().videoRotationAngle.ToString ()); fpsMonitor.Add ("videoVerticallyMirrored", webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetWebCamTexture ().videoVerticallyMirrored.ToString ()); fpsMonitor.Add ("isFrontFacing", webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsFrontFacing ().ToString ()); fpsMonitor.Add ("rotate90Degree", webCamTextureToMatHelper.rotate90Degree.ToString ()); fpsMonitor.Add ("flipVertical", webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipVertical.ToString ()); fpsMonitor.Add ("flipHorizontal", webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipHorizontal.ToString ()); fpsMonitor.Add ("orientation", Screen.orientation.ToString ()); } float width = webCamTextureMat.width (); float height = webCamTextureMat.height (); float widthScale = (float)Screen.width / width; float heightScale = (float)Screen.height / height; if (widthScale < heightScale) { Camera.main.orthographicSize = (width * (float)Screen.height / (float)Screen.width) / 2; } else { Camera.main.orthographicSize = height / 2; } StartCoroutine (renderThreadCoroutine); } /// <summary> /// Raises the webcam texture to mat helper disposed event. /// </summary> public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperDisposed () { Debug.Log ("OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperDisposed"); StopCoroutine (renderThreadCoroutine); rgbaMat = null; if (texture != null) { Texture2D.Destroy (texture); texture = null; } } /// <summary> /// Raises the webcam texture to mat helper error occurred event. /// </summary> /// <param name="errorCode">Error code.</param> public void OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperErrorOccurred (WebCamTextureToMatHelper.ErrorCode errorCode) { Debug.Log ("OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperErrorOccurred " + errorCode); } public Texture2D text; // Update is called once per frame void Update () { // if (webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsPlaying () && webCamTextureToMatHelper.DidUpdateThisFrame ()) { //rgbaMat = webCamTextureToMatHelper.GetMat (); // Imgproc.putText (rgbaMat, "W:" + rgbaMat.width () + " H:" + rgbaMat.height () + " SO:" + Screen.orientation, new Point (5, rgbaMat.rows () - 10), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, new Scalar (255, 255, 255, 255), 2, Imgproc.LINE_AA, false); // Utils.fastMatToTexture2D (rgbaMat, texture); // } } /// <summary> /// Calls at end of frames. /// </summary> private IEnumerator CallAtEndOfFrames () { while (true) { // Wait until all frame rendering is done yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame (); if (rgbaMat != null) { Utils.matToTextureInRenderThread (rgbaMat, texture); } } } /// <summary> /// Raises the destroy event. /// </summary> void OnDestroy () { webCamTextureToMatHelper.Dispose (); } /// <summary> /// Raises the back button click event. /// </summary> public void OnBackButtonClick () { SceneManager.LoadScene ("OpenCVForUnityExample"); } /// <summary> /// Raises the play button click event. /// </summary> public void OnPlayButtonClick () { webCamTextureToMatHelper.Play (); } /// <summary> /// Raises the pause button click event. /// </summary> public void OnPauseButtonClick () { webCamTextureToMatHelper.Pause (); } /// <summary> /// Raises the stop button click event. /// </summary> public void OnStopButtonClick () { webCamTextureToMatHelper.Stop (); } /// <summary> /// Raises the change camera button click event. /// </summary> public void OnChangeCameraButtonClick () { webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestedIsFrontFacing = !webCamTextureToMatHelper.IsFrontFacing (); } /// <summary> /// Raises the requested resolution dropdown value changed event. /// </summary> public void OnRequestedResolutionDropdownValueChanged (int result) { if ((int)requestedResolution != result) { requestedResolution = (ResolutionPreset)result; int width, height; Dimensions (requestedResolution, out width, out height); webCamTextureToMatHelper.Initialize (width, height); } } /// <summary> /// Raises the requestedFPS dropdown value changed event. /// </summary> public void OnRequestedFPSDropdownValueChanged (int result) { string[] enumNames = Enum.GetNames (typeof(FPSPreset)); int value = (int)System.Enum.Parse (typeof(FPSPreset), enumNames [result], true); if ((int)requestedFPS != value) { requestedFPS = (FPSPreset)value; webCamTextureToMatHelper.requestedFPS = (int)requestedFPS; } } /// <summary> /// Raises the rotate 90 degree toggle value changed event. /// </summary> public void OnRotate90DegreeToggleValueChanged () { if (rotate90DegreeToggle.isOn != webCamTextureToMatHelper.rotate90Degree) { webCamTextureToMatHelper.rotate90Degree = rotate90DegreeToggle.isOn; } if (fpsMonitor != null) fpsMonitor.Add ("rotate90Degree", webCamTextureToMatHelper.rotate90Degree.ToString ()); } /// <summary> /// Raises the flip vertical toggle value changed event. /// </summary> public void OnFlipVerticalToggleValueChanged () { if (flipVerticalToggle.isOn != webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipVertical) { webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipVertical = flipVerticalToggle.isOn; } if (fpsMonitor != null) fpsMonitor.Add ("flipVertical", webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipVertical.ToString ()); } /// <summary> /// Raises the flip horizontal toggle value changed event. /// </summary> public void OnFlipHorizontalToggleValueChanged () { if (flipHorizontalToggle.isOn != webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipHorizontal) { webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipHorizontal = flipHorizontalToggle.isOn; } if (fpsMonitor != null) fpsMonitor.Add ("flipHorizontal", webCamTextureToMatHelper.flipHorizontal.ToString ()); } public enum FPSPreset : int { _0 = 0, _1 = 1, _5 = 5, _10 = 10, _15 = 15, _30 = 30, _60 = 60, } public enum ResolutionPreset : byte { _50x50 = 0, _640x480, _1280x720, _1920x1080, _9999x9999, } private void Dimensions (ResolutionPreset preset, out int width, out int height) { switch (preset) { case ResolutionPreset._50x50: width = 50; height = 50; break; case ResolutionPreset._640x480: width = 640; height = 480; break; case ResolutionPreset._1280x720: width = 1280; height = 720; break; case ResolutionPreset._1920x1080: width = 1920; height = 1080; break; case ResolutionPreset._9999x9999: width = 9999; height = 9999; break; default: width = height = 0; break; } } } }