using DG.Tweening; using RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo; using System; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Video; using XRTool.Util; namespace XRTool.WorldUI { /// /// 基本的3D图形 /// 与UI Image进行结合转化,自动换算 /// public class XRVideoPlayer : MonoBehaviour { private XRSlider xRSlider; private XRImage3D bG; private XRImage3D xRImage3D; private XRImage3D pause; private RenderTexture videoTexture; public RenderTexture VideoTexture { get => videoTexture; set => videoTexture = value; } private RectTransform rectTransform; private Vector2 videoSize; public bool isDown = false; private int hour, mint; private TextMesh timeText; private VideoPlayer videoPlayer; private Transform root; private MeshFilter body; private Renderer bodyRender; public bool isAutoScale = true; public float thickness = 100; // public float scale = 0.5f; public VideoClip video; private XRButton xRButton; private BoxCollider box; private AVProVideoPlayer avProVideoPlayer; void Start() { //if (video) //{ // SetSimple(); //} StartCoroutine(videoUpdate()); TimeText.text = "0:00"; // XRImage3D.SetColor(; initVideo(); } private IEnumerator InitVideoPlayer() { yield return AVProVideoPlayer; while (AVProVideoPlayer.GetUrl()!=null) { yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); } Vector2 size =; size.x = AVProVideoPlayer.GetVideoWidth(); size.y = AVProVideoPlayer.GetVideoHeight(); // Box.size = new Vector3(size.x/RectTransform.localScale.x, size.y / RectTransform.localScale.y, 1); if (!VideoTexture) { VideoTexture = new RenderTexture((int)size.x, (int)size.y, 0); } else { VideoTexture.width = (int)size.x; VideoTexture.width = (int)size.y; } XRImage3D.SetColor(Color.white); // VideoPlayer.targetTexture = VideoTexture; //XRImage3D.SetSimple(AVProVideoPlayer.Control.GetTexture()); } public void SetSimple(VideoClip tex) { // = tex; //if (this.gameObject!=null) //{ // UnityUtil.ChangeMateVideo(VideoPlayer.gameObject, tex); //} } public void SetColor(Color color) { if (BodyRender && BodyRender.enabled) { try { UnityUtil.ChangeMateColor(BodyRender, color); } catch (Exception ex) { UnityLog.Instance.LogError(BodyRender.material + " have no mainTexture"); } } } public void SetSimple(Texture tex) { if (BodyRender && tex && BodyRender.enabled) { try { UnityUtil.ChangeMateTexture(BodyRender, tex); } catch (Exception ex) { UnityLog.Instance.LogError(BodyRender.material + " have no mainTexture"); } } } public void SetSimple() { if (video) { SetSimple(video); } } /// /// 3D物体 /// public MeshFilter Body { get { if (!body) { body = UnityUtil.GetBreadthChild(transform, "Body"); } return body; } } public XRButton XRButton { get { if (!xRButton) { xRButton = UnityUtil.GetBreadthChild(transform, "XRButton"); } return xRButton; } } public BoxCollider Box { get { if (!box) { box = this.GetComponent(); } return box; } } public Transform Root { get { if (!root) { root = UnityUtil.GetBreadthChild(transform, "Root"); } return root; } set => root = value; } public RectTransform RectTransform { get { if (!rectTransform) { rectTransform = this.GetComponent(); } return rectTransform; } set => rectTransform = value; } public Vector2 VideoSize { get { if (videoSize == { videoSize = new Vector2(AVProVideoPlayer.GetVideoWidth(), AVProVideoPlayer.GetVideoHeight()); } return videoSize; } } public XRImage3D XRImage3D { get { if (!xRImage3D) { xRImage3D = UnityUtil.GetBreadthChild(transform, "XRImage3D"); } return xRImage3D; } } public XRImage3D BG { get { if (!bG) { bG = UnityUtil.GetBreadthChild(transform, "BG"); } return bG; } } public XRImage3D Pause { get { if (!pause) { pause = UnityUtil.GetBreadthChild(transform, "Pause"); } return pause; } } public VideoPlayer VideoPlayer { get { if (!videoPlayer) { videoPlayer = this.GetComponent(); } return videoPlayer; } } public AVProVideoPlayer AVProVideoPlayer { get { if (!avProVideoPlayer) { avProVideoPlayer = this.GetComponent(); } return avProVideoPlayer; } } public TextMesh TimeText { get { if (!timeText) { timeText = UnityUtil.GetBreadthChild(transform, "TimeText"); } return timeText; } } public Renderer BodyRender { get { if (!bodyRender) { bodyRender = UnityUtil.GetBreadthChild(transform, "Body"); } return bodyRender; } } /// /// 如果不是全等缩放,则设置厚度 /// public void SetThickness() { SetThickness(thickness); } public void SetRenderMesh(Mesh mesh) { if (Body && mesh && Body.sharedMesh != mesh) { Body.sharedMesh = mesh; Body.transform.localPosition =; Body.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; Vector3 center =; Vector3 pos = -center; pos.z = -( + mesh.bounds.size.z) / 2; Body.transform.localPosition = pos; } } public void SetRenderMate(Material mate) { if (BodyRender && mate) { BodyRender.material = mate; } } public void AutoSetSize() { if (Root) { Vector3 size = RectTransform.rect.size; if (!isAutoScale) { size.z = thickness; } else { size.z = RectTransform.rect.size.x > RectTransform.rect.size.y ? RectTransform.rect.size.y : RectTransform.rect.size.x; } // Root.localScale = size * scale; } } public void SetThickness(float thickness) { this.thickness = thickness; if (!isAutoScale && Root) { Vector3 tmp = Root.localScale; // tmp.z = thickness * scale; // Root.localScale = tmp; } } /// /// 厚度变化动效 /// /// 比例,相对于物体厚度的本身比例 /// 变化事件 public void DoThickness(float pressDis, float pressTime) { if (Root) { Root.DOKill(); float target = thickness * pressDis; if (isAutoScale) { // target = (RectTransform.rect.size.x > RectTransform.rect.size.y ? // RectTransform.rect.size.y : RectTransform.rect.size.x) * scale; } // Root.DOScaleZ(target, pressTime); } } void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange() { AutoSetSize(); } public XRSlider XRSlider { get { if (!xRSlider) { xRSlider = UnityUtil.GetBreadthChild(transform, "XRSlider"); } return xRSlider; } } IEnumerator videoUpdate() { while (true) { if (XRSlider && AVProVideoPlayer && isDown == false) { if (AVProVideoPlayer.IsPlaying()) { //XRSlider.value = float.Parse(VideoPlayer.frame.ToString()) / float.Parse(VideoPlayer.frameCount.ToString()); // Debug.Log("videoUpdate " + AVProVideoPlayer.GetNowTimer() + " "+ AVProVideoPlayer.GetMaxTimer()); float nowTimer = AVProVideoPlayer.GetNowTimer(); float maxTimer = AVProVideoPlayer.GetMaxTimer(); XRSlider.value = nowTimer / maxTimer; TimeText.text = (((int)nowTimer)/60).ToString()+":"+(((int)nowTimer) %60).ToString() + "/" + (((int)maxTimer) / 60).ToString() + ":" + (((int)maxTimer) % 60).ToString(); XRImage3D.transform.localScale = new Vector3(XRImage3D.transform.localScale.x , 1/(AVProVideoPlayer.GetVideoWidth()/ AVProVideoPlayer.GetVideoHeight()), XRImage3D.transform.localScale.z); // Debug.Log(VideoSize.ToString()); XRSlider.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { XRSlider.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (!AVProVideoPlayer.IsPlaying()&&!isShowControl) { showControl(); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.035f); } } public string GetNowTime() { //double f = VideoPlayer.time; //hour = (int)f / 60; //mint = (int)f % 60; //return string.Format(" {0:D2}:{1:D2}", hour.ToString(), mint.ToString()); return AVProVideoPlayer.GetNowTimer().ToString(); } public string GetMaxTime() { //float f = VideoPlayer.frameCount / VideoPlayer.frameRate; //hour = (int)f / 60; //mint = (int)f % 60; //return string.Format(" {0:D2}:{1:D2}", hour.ToString(), mint.ToString()); return AVProVideoPlayer.GetMaxTimer().ToString(); } public void sliderChanged(float per) { if (XRSlider && AVProVideoPlayer) { //float targetFrame = VideoPlayer.frameCount * per; //VideoPlayer.frame = (long)targetFrame; AVProVideoPlayer.SetSeek(per); } } public void initVideo() { StartCoroutine(InitVideoPlayer()); } bool isShowControl = true; public void showControl() { if(!isShowControl) { GameEffect.setAlpha(Pause.gameObject, 1, 0.5f); GameEffect.setAlpha(XRSlider.gameObject, 1, 0.5f); GameEffect.setAlpha(BG.gameObject, 1, 0.5f); isShowControl = true; } } public void hideControl() { if (AVProVideoPlayer.IsPlaying()&& isShowControl) { GameEffect.setAlpha(Pause.gameObject, 0, 0.5f, (GameObject obj) => { obj.SetActive(false); }); GameEffect.setAlpha(XRSlider.gameObject, 0, 0.5f, (GameObject obj) => { obj.SetActive(false); }); GameEffect.setAlpha(BG.gameObject, 0, 0.5f,(GameObject obj)=> { obj.SetActive(false); }); isShowControl = false; } } } }