using System; using System.Threading; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Agora.Rtc; using Agora.Util; using Logger = Agora.Util.Logger; using RingBuffer; namespace Agora_RTC_Plugin.API_Example.Examples.Advanced.CustomCaptureAudio { public class CustomCaptureAudio : MonoBehaviour { [FormerlySerializedAs("appIdInput")] [SerializeField] private AppIdInput _appIdInput; [Header("_____________Basic Configuration_____________")] [FormerlySerializedAs("APP_ID")] [SerializeField] private string _appID = ""; [FormerlySerializedAs("TOKEN")] [SerializeField] private string _token = ""; [FormerlySerializedAs("CHANNEL_NAME")] [SerializeField] private string _channelName = ""; public Text LogText; internal Logger Log; internal IRtcEngine RtcEngine = null; private const int CHANNEL = 1; // Please do not change this value because Unity re-samples the sample rate to 48000. private const int SAMPLE_RATE = 48000; private const int PUSH_FREQ_PER_SEC = 100; private RingBuffer<byte> _audioBuffer; private bool _startConvertSignal = false; private Thread _pushAudioFrameThread; private System.Object _pushAudioFrameThreadSignal = new System.Object(); private int _count; private bool _startSignal = false; // Use this for initialization private void Start() { LoadAssetData(); if (CheckAppId()) { InitRtcEngine(); SetExternalAudioSource(); JoinChannel(); StartPushAudioFrame(); } } // Update is called once per frame private void Update() { PermissionHelper.RequestMicrophontPermission(); } //Show data in AgoraBasicProfile [ContextMenu("ShowAgoraBasicProfileData")] private void LoadAssetData() { if (_appIdInput == null) return; _appID = _appIdInput.appID; _token = _appIdInput.token; _channelName = _appIdInput.channelName; } private bool CheckAppId() { Log = new Logger(LogText); return Log.DebugAssert(_appID.Length > 10, "Please fill in your appId in API-Example/profile/appIdInput.asset"); } private void InitRtcEngine() { RtcEngine = Agora.Rtc.RtcEngine.CreateAgoraRtcEngine(); RtcEngineContext context = new RtcEngineContext(_appID, 0, CHANNEL_PROFILE_TYPE.CHANNEL_PROFILE_LIVE_BROADCASTING, AUDIO_SCENARIO_TYPE.AUDIO_SCENARIO_DEFAULT); RtcEngine.Initialize(context); RtcEngine.InitEventHandler(new UserEventHandler(this)); } private void SetExternalAudioSource() { var nRet = RtcEngine.SetExternalAudioSource(true, SAMPLE_RATE, CHANNEL, 1); this.Log.UpdateLog("SetExternalAudioSource nRet:" + nRet); } private void StartPushAudioFrame() { // 1-sec-length buffer var bufferLength = SAMPLE_RATE * CHANNEL; _audioBuffer = new RingBuffer<byte>(bufferLength, true); _startConvertSignal = true; _pushAudioFrameThread = new Thread(PushAudioFrameThread); _pushAudioFrameThread.Start(); } private void JoinChannel() { RtcEngine.SetAudioProfile(AUDIO_PROFILE_TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_MUSIC_HIGH_QUALITY, AUDIO_SCENARIO_TYPE.AUDIO_SCENARIO_DEFAULT); RtcEngine.EnableAudio(); RtcEngine.SetClientRole(CLIENT_ROLE_TYPE.CLIENT_ROLE_BROADCASTER); RtcEngine.JoinChannel(_token, _channelName, ""); } private void OnLeaveBtnClick() { RtcEngine.LeaveChannel(); } private void OnDestroy() { Debug.Log("OnDestroy"); if (RtcEngine == null) return; lock (_pushAudioFrameThreadSignal) { RtcEngine.InitEventHandler(null); RtcEngine.LeaveChannel(); RtcEngine.Dispose(); RtcEngine = null; } } private void PushAudioFrameThread() { var bytesPerSample = 2; var type = AUDIO_FRAME_TYPE.FRAME_TYPE_PCM16; var channels = CHANNEL; var samples = SAMPLE_RATE / PUSH_FREQ_PER_SEC; var samplesPerSec = SAMPLE_RATE; var buffer = new byte[samples * bytesPerSample * CHANNEL]; var freq = 1000 / PUSH_FREQ_PER_SEC; var tic = DateTime.Now; IntPtr audioFrameBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(buffer.Length); var audioFrame = new AudioFrame { bytesPerSample = BYTES_PER_SAMPLE.TWO_BYTES_PER_SAMPLE, type = type, samplesPerChannel = samples, samplesPerSec = samplesPerSec, channels = channels, buffer = (UInt64)audioFrameBuffer, bufferPtr = audioFrameBuffer, RawBuffer = buffer, renderTimeMs = freq }; while (true) { lock (_pushAudioFrameThreadSignal) { if (RtcEngine == null) { break; } var toc = DateTime.Now; if ((toc - tic).Milliseconds >= freq) { lock (_audioBuffer) { if (_audioBuffer.Size > samples * bytesPerSample * CHANNEL) { for (var j = 0; j < samples * bytesPerSample * CHANNEL; j++) { buffer[j] = _audioBuffer.Get(); } Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, audioFrame.bufferPtr, buffer.Length); var ret = RtcEngine.PushAudioFrame(MEDIA_SOURCE_TYPE.AUDIO_PLAYOUT_SOURCE, audioFrame); Debug.Log("PushAudioFrame returns: " + ret); tic = toc; } else { tic = tic.AddMilliseconds(1); } } } } Thread.Sleep(1); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(audioFrameBuffer); } private void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] data, int channels) { if (!_startConvertSignal) return; var rescaleFactor = 32767; foreach (var t in data) { var sample = t; if (sample > 1) sample = 1; else if (sample < -1) sample = -1; var shortData = (short)(sample * rescaleFactor); var byteArr = new byte[2]; byteArr = BitConverter.GetBytes(shortData); lock (_audioBuffer) { _audioBuffer.Put(byteArr[0]); _audioBuffer.Put(byteArr[1]); } } //_count += 1; //if (_count == 20) _startSignal = true; } } #region -- Agora Event --- internal class UserEventHandler : IRtcEngineEventHandler { private readonly CustomCaptureAudio _customAudioSource; internal UserEventHandler(CustomCaptureAudio customAudioSource) { _customAudioSource = customAudioSource; } public override void OnJoinChannelSuccess(RtcConnection connection, int elapsed) { int build = 0; _customAudioSource.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format("sdk version: {0}", _customAudioSource.RtcEngine.GetVersion(ref build))); _customAudioSource.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format( "onJoinChannelSuccess channelName: {0}, uid: {1}, elapsed: {2}", connection.channelId, connection.localUid, elapsed)); } public override void OnLeaveChannel(RtcConnection connection, RtcStats stats) { _customAudioSource.Log.UpdateLog("OnLeaveChannelSuccess"); } public override void OnError(int error, string msg) { _customAudioSource.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format("OnSDKError error: {0}, msg: {1}", error, msg)); } public override void OnConnectionLost(RtcConnection connection) { _customAudioSource.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format("OnConnectionLost ")); } } #endregion }