//using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
//using OpenCVForUnity.UtilsModule;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
//namespace OpenCVForUnity.Xfeatures2dModule
// // C++: class SURF_CUDA
// /**
// * Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. :
// *
// * The class SURF_CUDA implements Speeded Up Robust Features descriptor. There is a fast multi-scale
// * Hessian keypoint detector that can be used to find the keypoints (which is the default option). But
// * the descriptors can also be computed for the user-specified keypoints. Only 8-bit grayscale images
// * are supported.
// *
// * The class SURF_CUDA can store results in the GPU and CPU memory. It provides functions to convert
// * results between CPU and GPU version ( uploadKeypoints, downloadKeypoints, downloadDescriptors ). The
// * format of CPU results is the same as SURF results. GPU results are stored in GpuMat. The keypoints
// * matrix is \(\texttt{nFeatures} \times 7\) matrix with the CV_32FC1 type.
// *
// *
// * -
// * keypoints.ptr<float>(X_ROW)[i] contains x coordinate of the i-th feature.
// *
// * -
// * keypoints.ptr<float>(Y_ROW)[i] contains y coordinate of the i-th feature.
// *
// * -
// * keypoints.ptr<float>(LAPLACIAN_ROW)[i] contains the laplacian sign of the i-th feature.
// *
// * -
// * keypoints.ptr<float>(OCTAVE_ROW)[i] contains the octave of the i-th feature.
// *
// * -
// * keypoints.ptr<float>(SIZE_ROW)[i] contains the size of the i-th feature.
// *
// * -
// * keypoints.ptr<float>(ANGLE_ROW)[i] contain orientation of the i-th feature.
// *
// * -
// * keypoints.ptr<float>(HESSIAN_ROW)[i] contains the response of the i-th feature.
// *
// *
// *
// * The descriptors matrix is \(\texttt{nFeatures} \times \texttt{descriptorSize}\) matrix with the
// * CV_32FC1 type.
// *
// * The class SURF_CUDA uses some buffers and provides access to it. All buffers can be safely released
// * between function calls.
// *
// * SEE: SURF
// *
// * Note:
// *
// * -
// * An example for using the SURF keypoint matcher on GPU can be found at
// * opencv_source_code/samples/gpu/surf_keypoint_matcher.cpp
// *
// *
// */
// public class SURF_CUDA : DisposableOpenCVObject
// {
// protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
// {
// try
// {
// if (disposing)
// {
// }
// if (IsEnabledDispose)
// {
// if (nativeObj != IntPtr.Zero)
// xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_delete(nativeObj);
// nativeObj = IntPtr.Zero;
// }
// }
// finally
// {
// base.Dispose(disposing);
// }
// }
// protected internal SURF_CUDA(IntPtr addr) : base(addr) { }
// public IntPtr getNativeObjAddr() { return nativeObj; }
// // internal usage only
// public static SURF_CUDA __fromPtr__(IntPtr addr) { return new SURF_CUDA(addr); }
// // C++: enum cv.cuda.SURF_CUDA.KeypointLayout
// public const int X_ROW = 0;
// public const int Y_ROW = 0 + 1;
// public const int LAPLACIAN_ROW = 0 + 2;
// public const int OCTAVE_ROW = 0 + 3;
// public const int SIZE_ROW = 0 + 4;
// public const int ANGLE_ROW = 0 + 5;
// public const int HESSIAN_ROW = 0 + 6;
// public const int ROWS_COUNT = 0 + 7;
// //
// // C++: static Ptr_SURF_CUDA cv::cuda::SURF_CUDA::create(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves = 4, int _nOctaveLayers = 2, bool _extended = false, float _keypointsRatio = 0.01f, bool _upright = false)
// //
// /**
// * param _hessianThreshold Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF.
// * param _nOctaves Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use.
// * param _nOctaveLayers Number of octave layers within each octave.
// * param _extended Extended descriptor flag (true - use extended 128-element descriptors; false - use
// * 64-element descriptors).
// * param _keypointsRatio Limits a maximum number of features
// * param _upright Up-right or rotated features flag (true - do not compute orientation of features;
// * false - compute orientation).
// * return automatically generated
// */
// public static SURF_CUDA create(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves, int _nOctaveLayers, bool _extended, float _keypointsRatio, bool _upright)
// {
// return SURF_CUDA.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_10(_hessianThreshold, _nOctaves, _nOctaveLayers, _extended, _keypointsRatio, _upright)));
// }
// /**
// * param _hessianThreshold Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF.
// * param _nOctaves Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use.
// * param _nOctaveLayers Number of octave layers within each octave.
// * param _extended Extended descriptor flag (true - use extended 128-element descriptors; false - use
// * 64-element descriptors).
// * param _keypointsRatio Limits a maximum number of features
// * false - compute orientation).
// * return automatically generated
// */
// public static SURF_CUDA create(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves, int _nOctaveLayers, bool _extended, float _keypointsRatio)
// {
// return SURF_CUDA.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_11(_hessianThreshold, _nOctaves, _nOctaveLayers, _extended, _keypointsRatio)));
// }
// /**
// * param _hessianThreshold Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF.
// * param _nOctaves Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use.
// * param _nOctaveLayers Number of octave layers within each octave.
// * param _extended Extended descriptor flag (true - use extended 128-element descriptors; false - use
// * 64-element descriptors).
// * false - compute orientation).
// * return automatically generated
// */
// public static SURF_CUDA create(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves, int _nOctaveLayers, bool _extended)
// {
// return SURF_CUDA.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_12(_hessianThreshold, _nOctaves, _nOctaveLayers, _extended)));
// }
// /**
// * param _hessianThreshold Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF.
// * param _nOctaves Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use.
// * param _nOctaveLayers Number of octave layers within each octave.
// * 64-element descriptors).
// * false - compute orientation).
// * return automatically generated
// */
// public static SURF_CUDA create(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves, int _nOctaveLayers)
// {
// return SURF_CUDA.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_13(_hessianThreshold, _nOctaves, _nOctaveLayers)));
// }
// /**
// * param _hessianThreshold Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF.
// * param _nOctaves Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use.
// * 64-element descriptors).
// * false - compute orientation).
// * return automatically generated
// */
// public static SURF_CUDA create(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves)
// {
// return SURF_CUDA.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_14(_hessianThreshold, _nOctaves)));
// }
// /**
// * param _hessianThreshold Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF.
// * 64-element descriptors).
// * false - compute orientation).
// * return automatically generated
// */
// public static SURF_CUDA create(double _hessianThreshold)
// {
// return SURF_CUDA.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_15(_hessianThreshold)));
// }
// //
// // C++: int cv::cuda::SURF_CUDA::descriptorSize()
// //
// public int descriptorSize()
// {
// ThrowIfDisposed();
// return xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_descriptorSize_10(nativeObj);
// }
// //
// // C++: int cv::cuda::SURF_CUDA::defaultNorm()
// //
// public int defaultNorm()
// {
// ThrowIfDisposed();
// return xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_defaultNorm_10(nativeObj);
// }
// //
// // C++: void cv::cuda::SURF_CUDA::downloadKeypoints(GpuMat keypointsGPU, vector_KeyPoint& keypoints)
// //
// // Unknown type 'GpuMat' (I), skipping the function
// //
// // C++: void cv::cuda::SURF_CUDA::detect(GpuMat img, GpuMat mask, GpuMat& keypoints)
// //
// // Unknown type 'GpuMat' (I), skipping the function
// //
// // C++: void cv::cuda::SURF_CUDA::detectWithDescriptors(GpuMat img, GpuMat mask, GpuMat& keypoints, GpuMat& descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints = false)
// //
// // Unknown type 'GpuMat' (I), skipping the function
// //
// // C++: double SURF_CUDA::hessianThreshold
// //
// public double get_hessianThreshold()
// {
// ThrowIfDisposed();
// return xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1hessianThreshold_10(nativeObj);
// }
// //
// // C++: int SURF_CUDA::nOctaves
// //
// public int get_nOctaves()
// {
// ThrowIfDisposed();
// return xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1nOctaves_10(nativeObj);
// }
// //
// // C++: int SURF_CUDA::nOctaveLayers
// //
// public int get_nOctaveLayers()
// {
// ThrowIfDisposed();
// return xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1nOctaveLayers_10(nativeObj);
// }
// //
// // C++: bool SURF_CUDA::extended
// //
// public bool get_extended()
// {
// ThrowIfDisposed();
// return xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1extended_10(nativeObj);
// }
// //
// // C++: bool SURF_CUDA::upright
// //
// public bool get_upright()
// {
// ThrowIfDisposed();
// return xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1upright_10(nativeObj);
// }
// //
// // C++: float SURF_CUDA::keypointsRatio
// //
// public float get_keypointsRatio()
// {
// ThrowIfDisposed();
// return xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1keypointsRatio_10(nativeObj);
// }
// const string LIBNAME = "__Internal";
// const string LIBNAME = "opencvforunity";
// // C++: static Ptr_SURF_CUDA cv::cuda::SURF_CUDA::create(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves = 4, int _nOctaveLayers = 2, bool _extended = false, float _keypointsRatio = 0.01f, bool _upright = false)
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_10(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves, int _nOctaveLayers, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool _extended, float _keypointsRatio, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool _upright);
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_11(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves, int _nOctaveLayers, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool _extended, float _keypointsRatio);
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_12(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves, int _nOctaveLayers, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool _extended);
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_13(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves, int _nOctaveLayers);
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_14(double _hessianThreshold, int _nOctaves);
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_create_15(double _hessianThreshold);
// // C++: int cv::cuda::SURF_CUDA::descriptorSize()
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern int xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_descriptorSize_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// // C++: int cv::cuda::SURF_CUDA::defaultNorm()
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern int xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_defaultNorm_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// // C++: double SURF_CUDA::hessianThreshold
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern double xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1hessianThreshold_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// // C++: int SURF_CUDA::nOctaves
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern int xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1nOctaves_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// // C++: int SURF_CUDA::nOctaveLayers
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern int xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1nOctaveLayers_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// // C++: bool SURF_CUDA::extended
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
// private static extern bool xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1extended_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// // C++: bool SURF_CUDA::upright
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
// private static extern bool xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1upright_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// // C++: float SURF_CUDA::keypointsRatio
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern float xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_get_1keypointsRatio_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// // native support for java finalize()
// [DllImport(LIBNAME)]
// private static extern void xfeatures2d_SURF_1CUDA_delete(IntPtr nativeObj);
// }