using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule; using OpenCVForUnity.UtilsModule; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace OpenCVForUnity.ObjdetectModule { // C++: class HOGDescriptor /** * Implementation of HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) descriptor and object detector. * * the HOG descriptor algorithm introduced by Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs CITE: Dalal2005 . * * useful links: * * * * * * * * * * */ public class HOGDescriptor : DisposableOpenCVObject { protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { try { if (disposing) { } if (IsEnabledDispose) { if (nativeObj != IntPtr.Zero) objdetect_HOGDescriptor_delete(nativeObj); nativeObj = IntPtr.Zero; } } finally { base.Dispose(disposing); } } protected internal HOGDescriptor(IntPtr addr) : base(addr) { } public IntPtr getNativeObjAddr() { return nativeObj; } // internal usage only public static HOGDescriptor __fromPtr__(IntPtr addr) { return new HOGDescriptor(addr); } // C++: enum public const int DEFAULT_NLEVELS = 64; // C++: enum cv.HOGDescriptor.DescriptorStorageFormat public const int DESCR_FORMAT_COL_BY_COL = 0; public const int DESCR_FORMAT_ROW_BY_ROW = 1; // C++: enum cv.HOGDescriptor.HistogramNormType public const int L2Hys = 0; // // C++: cv::HOGDescriptor::HOGDescriptor() // /** * Creates the HOG descriptor and detector with default parameters. * * aqual to HOGDescriptor(Size(64,128), Size(16,16), Size(8,8), Size(8,8), 9 ) */ public HOGDescriptor() { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_10()); } // // C++: cv::HOGDescriptor::HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture = 1, double _winSigma = -1, HOGDescriptor_HistogramNormType _histogramNormType = HOGDescriptor::L2Hys, double _L2HysThreshold = 0.2, bool _gammaCorrection = false, int _nlevels = HOGDescriptor::DEFAULT_NLEVELS, bool _signedGradient = false) // /** * * param _winSize sets winSize with given value. * param _blockSize sets blockSize with given value. * param _blockStride sets blockStride with given value. * param _cellSize sets cellSize with given value. * param _nbins sets nbins with given value. * param _derivAperture sets derivAperture with given value. * param _winSigma sets winSigma with given value. * param _histogramNormType sets histogramNormType with given value. * param _L2HysThreshold sets L2HysThreshold with given value. * param _gammaCorrection sets gammaCorrection with given value. * param _nlevels sets nlevels with given value. * param _signedGradient sets signedGradient with given value. */ public HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType, double _L2HysThreshold, bool _gammaCorrection, int _nlevels, bool _signedGradient) { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_11(_winSize.width, _winSize.height, _blockSize.width, _blockSize.height, _blockStride.width, _blockStride.height, _cellSize.width, _cellSize.height, _nbins, _derivAperture, _winSigma, _histogramNormType, _L2HysThreshold, _gammaCorrection, _nlevels, _signedGradient)); } /** * * param _winSize sets winSize with given value. * param _blockSize sets blockSize with given value. * param _blockStride sets blockStride with given value. * param _cellSize sets cellSize with given value. * param _nbins sets nbins with given value. * param _derivAperture sets derivAperture with given value. * param _winSigma sets winSigma with given value. * param _histogramNormType sets histogramNormType with given value. * param _L2HysThreshold sets L2HysThreshold with given value. * param _gammaCorrection sets gammaCorrection with given value. * param _nlevels sets nlevels with given value. */ public HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType, double _L2HysThreshold, bool _gammaCorrection, int _nlevels) { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_12(_winSize.width, _winSize.height, _blockSize.width, _blockSize.height, _blockStride.width, _blockStride.height, _cellSize.width, _cellSize.height, _nbins, _derivAperture, _winSigma, _histogramNormType, _L2HysThreshold, _gammaCorrection, _nlevels)); } /** * * param _winSize sets winSize with given value. * param _blockSize sets blockSize with given value. * param _blockStride sets blockStride with given value. * param _cellSize sets cellSize with given value. * param _nbins sets nbins with given value. * param _derivAperture sets derivAperture with given value. * param _winSigma sets winSigma with given value. * param _histogramNormType sets histogramNormType with given value. * param _L2HysThreshold sets L2HysThreshold with given value. * param _gammaCorrection sets gammaCorrection with given value. */ public HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType, double _L2HysThreshold, bool _gammaCorrection) { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_13(_winSize.width, _winSize.height, _blockSize.width, _blockSize.height, _blockStride.width, _blockStride.height, _cellSize.width, _cellSize.height, _nbins, _derivAperture, _winSigma, _histogramNormType, _L2HysThreshold, _gammaCorrection)); } /** * * param _winSize sets winSize with given value. * param _blockSize sets blockSize with given value. * param _blockStride sets blockStride with given value. * param _cellSize sets cellSize with given value. * param _nbins sets nbins with given value. * param _derivAperture sets derivAperture with given value. * param _winSigma sets winSigma with given value. * param _histogramNormType sets histogramNormType with given value. * param _L2HysThreshold sets L2HysThreshold with given value. */ public HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType, double _L2HysThreshold) { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_14(_winSize.width, _winSize.height, _blockSize.width, _blockSize.height, _blockStride.width, _blockStride.height, _cellSize.width, _cellSize.height, _nbins, _derivAperture, _winSigma, _histogramNormType, _L2HysThreshold)); } /** * * param _winSize sets winSize with given value. * param _blockSize sets blockSize with given value. * param _blockStride sets blockStride with given value. * param _cellSize sets cellSize with given value. * param _nbins sets nbins with given value. * param _derivAperture sets derivAperture with given value. * param _winSigma sets winSigma with given value. * param _histogramNormType sets histogramNormType with given value. */ public HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType) { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_15(_winSize.width, _winSize.height, _blockSize.width, _blockSize.height, _blockStride.width, _blockStride.height, _cellSize.width, _cellSize.height, _nbins, _derivAperture, _winSigma, _histogramNormType)); } /** * * param _winSize sets winSize with given value. * param _blockSize sets blockSize with given value. * param _blockStride sets blockStride with given value. * param _cellSize sets cellSize with given value. * param _nbins sets nbins with given value. * param _derivAperture sets derivAperture with given value. * param _winSigma sets winSigma with given value. */ public HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma) { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_16(_winSize.width, _winSize.height, _blockSize.width, _blockSize.height, _blockStride.width, _blockStride.height, _cellSize.width, _cellSize.height, _nbins, _derivAperture, _winSigma)); } /** * * param _winSize sets winSize with given value. * param _blockSize sets blockSize with given value. * param _blockStride sets blockStride with given value. * param _cellSize sets cellSize with given value. * param _nbins sets nbins with given value. * param _derivAperture sets derivAperture with given value. */ public HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture) { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_17(_winSize.width, _winSize.height, _blockSize.width, _blockSize.height, _blockStride.width, _blockStride.height, _cellSize.width, _cellSize.height, _nbins, _derivAperture)); } /** * * param _winSize sets winSize with given value. * param _blockSize sets blockSize with given value. * param _blockStride sets blockStride with given value. * param _cellSize sets cellSize with given value. * param _nbins sets nbins with given value. */ public HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins) { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_18(_winSize.width, _winSize.height, _blockSize.width, _blockSize.height, _blockStride.width, _blockStride.height, _cellSize.width, _cellSize.height, _nbins)); } // // C++: cv::HOGDescriptor::HOGDescriptor(String filename) // /** * * * Creates the HOG descriptor and detector and loads HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier from a file. * param filename The file name containing HOGDescriptor properties and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier. */ public HOGDescriptor(string filename) { nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_19(filename)); } // // C++: size_t cv::HOGDescriptor::getDescriptorSize() // /** * Returns the number of coefficients required for the classification. * return automatically generated */ public long getDescriptorSize() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_getDescriptorSize_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: bool cv::HOGDescriptor::checkDetectorSize() // /** * Checks if detector size equal to descriptor size. * return automatically generated */ public bool checkDetectorSize() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_checkDetectorSize_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: double cv::HOGDescriptor::getWinSigma() // /** * Returns winSigma value * return automatically generated */ public double getWinSigma() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_getWinSigma_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::setSVMDetector(Mat svmdetector) // /** * Sets coefficients for the linear SVM classifier. * param svmdetector coefficients for the linear SVM classifier. */ public void setSVMDetector(Mat svmdetector) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (svmdetector != null) svmdetector.ThrowIfDisposed(); objdetect_HOGDescriptor_setSVMDetector_10(nativeObj, svmdetector.nativeObj); } // // C++: bool cv::HOGDescriptor::load(String filename, String objname = String()) // /** * loads HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier from a file * param filename Name of the file to read. * param objname The optional name of the node to read (if empty, the first top-level node will be used). * return automatically generated */ public bool load(string filename, string objname) { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_load_10(nativeObj, filename, objname); } /** * loads HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier from a file * param filename Name of the file to read. * return automatically generated */ public bool load(string filename) { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_load_11(nativeObj, filename); } // // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::save(String filename, String objname = String()) // /** * saves HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier to a file * param filename File name * param objname Object name */ public void save(string filename, string objname) { ThrowIfDisposed(); objdetect_HOGDescriptor_save_10(nativeObj, filename, objname); } /** * saves HOGDescriptor parameters and coefficients for the linear SVM classifier to a file * param filename File name */ public void save(string filename) { ThrowIfDisposed(); objdetect_HOGDescriptor_save_11(nativeObj, filename); } // // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::compute(Mat img, vector_float& descriptors, Size winStride = Size(), Size padding = Size(), vector_Point locations = std::vector()) // /** * Computes HOG descriptors of given image. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U containing an image where HOG features will be calculated. * param descriptors Matrix of the type CV_32F * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. * param padding Padding * param locations Vector of Point */ public void compute(Mat img, MatOfFloat descriptors, Size winStride, Size padding, MatOfPoint locations) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (descriptors != null) descriptors.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (locations != null) locations.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat descriptors_mat = descriptors; Mat locations_mat = locations; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_compute_10(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, descriptors_mat.nativeObj, winStride.width, winStride.height, padding.width, padding.height, locations_mat.nativeObj); } /** * Computes HOG descriptors of given image. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U containing an image where HOG features will be calculated. * param descriptors Matrix of the type CV_32F * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. * param padding Padding */ public void compute(Mat img, MatOfFloat descriptors, Size winStride, Size padding) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (descriptors != null) descriptors.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat descriptors_mat = descriptors; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_compute_11(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, descriptors_mat.nativeObj, winStride.width, winStride.height, padding.width, padding.height); } /** * Computes HOG descriptors of given image. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U containing an image where HOG features will be calculated. * param descriptors Matrix of the type CV_32F * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. */ public void compute(Mat img, MatOfFloat descriptors, Size winStride) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (descriptors != null) descriptors.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat descriptors_mat = descriptors; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_compute_12(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, descriptors_mat.nativeObj, winStride.width, winStride.height); } /** * Computes HOG descriptors of given image. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U containing an image where HOG features will be calculated. * param descriptors Matrix of the type CV_32F */ public void compute(Mat img, MatOfFloat descriptors) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (descriptors != null) descriptors.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat descriptors_mat = descriptors; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_compute_13(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, descriptors_mat.nativeObj); } // // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::detect(Mat img, vector_Point& foundLocations, vector_double& weights, double hitThreshold = 0, Size winStride = Size(), Size padding = Size(), vector_Point searchLocations = std::vector()) // /** * Performs object detection without a multi-scale window. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of point where each point contains left-top corner point of detected object boundaries. * param weights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. * param padding Padding * param searchLocations Vector of Point includes set of requested locations to be evaluated. */ public void detect(Mat img, MatOfPoint foundLocations, MatOfDouble weights, double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding, MatOfPoint searchLocations) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (weights != null) weights.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (searchLocations != null) searchLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat weights_mat = weights; Mat searchLocations_mat = searchLocations; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_10(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, weights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold, winStride.width, winStride.height, padding.width, padding.height, searchLocations_mat.nativeObj); } /** * Performs object detection without a multi-scale window. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of point where each point contains left-top corner point of detected object boundaries. * param weights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. * param padding Padding */ public void detect(Mat img, MatOfPoint foundLocations, MatOfDouble weights, double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (weights != null) weights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat weights_mat = weights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_11(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, weights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold, winStride.width, winStride.height, padding.width, padding.height); } /** * Performs object detection without a multi-scale window. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of point where each point contains left-top corner point of detected object boundaries. * param weights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. */ public void detect(Mat img, MatOfPoint foundLocations, MatOfDouble weights, double hitThreshold, Size winStride) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (weights != null) weights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat weights_mat = weights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_12(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, weights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold, winStride.width, winStride.height); } /** * Performs object detection without a multi-scale window. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of point where each point contains left-top corner point of detected object boundaries. * param weights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. */ public void detect(Mat img, MatOfPoint foundLocations, MatOfDouble weights, double hitThreshold) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (weights != null) weights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat weights_mat = weights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_13(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, weights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold); } /** * Performs object detection without a multi-scale window. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of point where each point contains left-top corner point of detected object boundaries. * param weights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. */ public void detect(Mat img, MatOfPoint foundLocations, MatOfDouble weights) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (weights != null) weights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat weights_mat = weights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_14(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, weights_mat.nativeObj); } // // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(Mat img, vector_Rect& foundLocations, vector_double& foundWeights, double hitThreshold = 0, Size winStride = Size(), Size padding = Size(), double scale = 1.05, double groupThreshold = 2.0, bool useMeanshiftGrouping = false) // /** * Detects objects of different sizes in the input image. The detected objects are returned as a list * of rectangles. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of rectangles where each rectangle contains the detected object. * param foundWeights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. * param padding Padding * param scale Coefficient of the detection window increase. * param groupThreshold Coefficient to regulate the similarity threshold. When detected, some objects can be covered * by many rectangles. 0 means not to perform grouping. * param useMeanshiftGrouping indicates grouping algorithm */ public void detectMultiScale(Mat img, MatOfRect foundLocations, MatOfDouble foundWeights, double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding, double scale, double groupThreshold, bool useMeanshiftGrouping) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundWeights != null) foundWeights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat foundWeights_mat = foundWeights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_10(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, foundWeights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold, winStride.width, winStride.height, padding.width, padding.height, scale, groupThreshold, useMeanshiftGrouping); } /** * Detects objects of different sizes in the input image. The detected objects are returned as a list * of rectangles. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of rectangles where each rectangle contains the detected object. * param foundWeights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. * param padding Padding * param scale Coefficient of the detection window increase. * param groupThreshold Coefficient to regulate the similarity threshold. When detected, some objects can be covered * by many rectangles. 0 means not to perform grouping. */ public void detectMultiScale(Mat img, MatOfRect foundLocations, MatOfDouble foundWeights, double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding, double scale, double groupThreshold) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundWeights != null) foundWeights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat foundWeights_mat = foundWeights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_11(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, foundWeights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold, winStride.width, winStride.height, padding.width, padding.height, scale, groupThreshold); } /** * Detects objects of different sizes in the input image. The detected objects are returned as a list * of rectangles. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of rectangles where each rectangle contains the detected object. * param foundWeights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. * param padding Padding * param scale Coefficient of the detection window increase. * by many rectangles. 0 means not to perform grouping. */ public void detectMultiScale(Mat img, MatOfRect foundLocations, MatOfDouble foundWeights, double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding, double scale) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundWeights != null) foundWeights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat foundWeights_mat = foundWeights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_12(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, foundWeights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold, winStride.width, winStride.height, padding.width, padding.height, scale); } /** * Detects objects of different sizes in the input image. The detected objects are returned as a list * of rectangles. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of rectangles where each rectangle contains the detected object. * param foundWeights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. * param padding Padding * by many rectangles. 0 means not to perform grouping. */ public void detectMultiScale(Mat img, MatOfRect foundLocations, MatOfDouble foundWeights, double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundWeights != null) foundWeights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat foundWeights_mat = foundWeights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_13(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, foundWeights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold, winStride.width, winStride.height, padding.width, padding.height); } /** * Detects objects of different sizes in the input image. The detected objects are returned as a list * of rectangles. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of rectangles where each rectangle contains the detected object. * param foundWeights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * param winStride Window stride. It must be a multiple of block stride. * by many rectangles. 0 means not to perform grouping. */ public void detectMultiScale(Mat img, MatOfRect foundLocations, MatOfDouble foundWeights, double hitThreshold, Size winStride) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundWeights != null) foundWeights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat foundWeights_mat = foundWeights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_14(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, foundWeights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold, winStride.width, winStride.height); } /** * Detects objects of different sizes in the input image. The detected objects are returned as a list * of rectangles. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of rectangles where each rectangle contains the detected object. * param foundWeights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * param hitThreshold Threshold for the distance between features and SVM classifying plane. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * by many rectangles. 0 means not to perform grouping. */ public void detectMultiScale(Mat img, MatOfRect foundLocations, MatOfDouble foundWeights, double hitThreshold) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundWeights != null) foundWeights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat foundWeights_mat = foundWeights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_15(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, foundWeights_mat.nativeObj, hitThreshold); } /** * Detects objects of different sizes in the input image. The detected objects are returned as a list * of rectangles. * param img Matrix of the type CV_8U or CV_8UC3 containing an image where objects are detected. * param foundLocations Vector of rectangles where each rectangle contains the detected object. * param foundWeights Vector that will contain confidence values for each detected object. * Usually it is 0 and should be specified in the detector coefficients (as the last free coefficient). * But if the free coefficient is omitted (which is allowed), you can specify it manually here. * by many rectangles. 0 means not to perform grouping. */ public void detectMultiScale(Mat img, MatOfRect foundLocations, MatOfDouble foundWeights) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundLocations != null) foundLocations.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (foundWeights != null) foundWeights.ThrowIfDisposed(); Mat foundLocations_mat = foundLocations; Mat foundWeights_mat = foundWeights; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_16(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, foundLocations_mat.nativeObj, foundWeights_mat.nativeObj); } // // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::computeGradient(Mat img, Mat& grad, Mat& angleOfs, Size paddingTL = Size(), Size paddingBR = Size()) // /** * Computes gradients and quantized gradient orientations. * param img Matrix contains the image to be computed * param grad Matrix of type CV_32FC2 contains computed gradients * param angleOfs Matrix of type CV_8UC2 contains quantized gradient orientations * param paddingTL Padding from top-left * param paddingBR Padding from bottom-right */ public void computeGradient(Mat img, Mat grad, Mat angleOfs, Size paddingTL, Size paddingBR) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (grad != null) grad.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (angleOfs != null) angleOfs.ThrowIfDisposed(); objdetect_HOGDescriptor_computeGradient_10(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, grad.nativeObj, angleOfs.nativeObj, paddingTL.width, paddingTL.height, paddingBR.width, paddingBR.height); } /** * Computes gradients and quantized gradient orientations. * param img Matrix contains the image to be computed * param grad Matrix of type CV_32FC2 contains computed gradients * param angleOfs Matrix of type CV_8UC2 contains quantized gradient orientations * param paddingTL Padding from top-left */ public void computeGradient(Mat img, Mat grad, Mat angleOfs, Size paddingTL) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (grad != null) grad.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (angleOfs != null) angleOfs.ThrowIfDisposed(); objdetect_HOGDescriptor_computeGradient_11(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, grad.nativeObj, angleOfs.nativeObj, paddingTL.width, paddingTL.height); } /** * Computes gradients and quantized gradient orientations. * param img Matrix contains the image to be computed * param grad Matrix of type CV_32FC2 contains computed gradients * param angleOfs Matrix of type CV_8UC2 contains quantized gradient orientations */ public void computeGradient(Mat img, Mat grad, Mat angleOfs) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (img != null) img.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (grad != null) grad.ThrowIfDisposed(); if (angleOfs != null) angleOfs.ThrowIfDisposed(); objdetect_HOGDescriptor_computeGradient_12(nativeObj, img.nativeObj, grad.nativeObj, angleOfs.nativeObj); } // // C++: static vector_float cv::HOGDescriptor::getDefaultPeopleDetector() // /** * Returns coefficients of the classifier trained for people detection (for 64x128 windows). * return automatically generated */ public static MatOfFloat getDefaultPeopleDetector() { return MatOfFloat.fromNativeAddr(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_getDefaultPeopleDetector_10())); } // // C++: static vector_float cv::HOGDescriptor::getDaimlerPeopleDetector() // /** * Returns coefficients of the classifier trained for people detection (for 48x96 windows). * return automatically generated */ public static MatOfFloat getDaimlerPeopleDetector() { return MatOfFloat.fromNativeAddr(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_getDaimlerPeopleDetector_10())); } // // C++: Size HOGDescriptor::winSize // public Size get_winSize() { ThrowIfDisposed(); double[] tmpArray = new double[2]; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1winSize_10(nativeObj, tmpArray); Size retVal = new Size(tmpArray); return retVal; } // // C++: Size HOGDescriptor::blockSize // public Size get_blockSize() { ThrowIfDisposed(); double[] tmpArray = new double[2]; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1blockSize_10(nativeObj, tmpArray); Size retVal = new Size(tmpArray); return retVal; } // // C++: Size HOGDescriptor::blockStride // public Size get_blockStride() { ThrowIfDisposed(); double[] tmpArray = new double[2]; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1blockStride_10(nativeObj, tmpArray); Size retVal = new Size(tmpArray); return retVal; } // // C++: Size HOGDescriptor::cellSize // public Size get_cellSize() { ThrowIfDisposed(); double[] tmpArray = new double[2]; objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1cellSize_10(nativeObj, tmpArray); Size retVal = new Size(tmpArray); return retVal; } // // C++: int HOGDescriptor::nbins // public int get_nbins() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1nbins_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: int HOGDescriptor::derivAperture // public int get_derivAperture() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1derivAperture_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: double HOGDescriptor::winSigma // public double get_winSigma() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1winSigma_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: HOGDescriptor_HistogramNormType HOGDescriptor::histogramNormType // public int get_histogramNormType() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1histogramNormType_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: double HOGDescriptor::L2HysThreshold // public double get_L2HysThreshold() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1L2HysThreshold_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: bool HOGDescriptor::gammaCorrection // public bool get_gammaCorrection() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1gammaCorrection_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: vector_float HOGDescriptor::svmDetector // public MatOfFloat get_svmDetector() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return MatOfFloat.fromNativeAddr(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1svmDetector_10(nativeObj))); } // // C++: int HOGDescriptor::nlevels // public int get_nlevels() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1nlevels_10(nativeObj); } // // C++: bool HOGDescriptor::signedGradient // public bool get_signedGradient() { ThrowIfDisposed(); return objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1signedGradient_10(nativeObj); } #if (UNITY_IOS || UNITY_WEBGL) && !UNITY_EDITOR const string LIBNAME = "__Internal"; #else const string LIBNAME = "opencvforunity"; #endif // C++: cv::HOGDescriptor::HOGDescriptor() [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_10(); // C++: cv::HOGDescriptor::HOGDescriptor(Size _winSize, Size _blockSize, Size _blockStride, Size _cellSize, int _nbins, int _derivAperture = 1, double _winSigma = -1, HOGDescriptor_HistogramNormType _histogramNormType = HOGDescriptor::L2Hys, double _L2HysThreshold = 0.2, bool _gammaCorrection = false, int _nlevels = HOGDescriptor::DEFAULT_NLEVELS, bool _signedGradient = false) [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_11(double _winSize_width, double _winSize_height, double _blockSize_width, double _blockSize_height, double _blockStride_width, double _blockStride_height, double _cellSize_width, double _cellSize_height, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType, double _L2HysThreshold, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool _gammaCorrection, int _nlevels, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool _signedGradient); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_12(double _winSize_width, double _winSize_height, double _blockSize_width, double _blockSize_height, double _blockStride_width, double _blockStride_height, double _cellSize_width, double _cellSize_height, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType, double _L2HysThreshold, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool _gammaCorrection, int _nlevels); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_13(double _winSize_width, double _winSize_height, double _blockSize_width, double _blockSize_height, double _blockStride_width, double _blockStride_height, double _cellSize_width, double _cellSize_height, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType, double _L2HysThreshold, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool _gammaCorrection); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_14(double _winSize_width, double _winSize_height, double _blockSize_width, double _blockSize_height, double _blockStride_width, double _blockStride_height, double _cellSize_width, double _cellSize_height, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType, double _L2HysThreshold); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_15(double _winSize_width, double _winSize_height, double _blockSize_width, double _blockSize_height, double _blockStride_width, double _blockStride_height, double _cellSize_width, double _cellSize_height, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma, int _histogramNormType); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_16(double _winSize_width, double _winSize_height, double _blockSize_width, double _blockSize_height, double _blockStride_width, double _blockStride_height, double _cellSize_width, double _cellSize_height, int _nbins, int _derivAperture, double _winSigma); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_17(double _winSize_width, double _winSize_height, double _blockSize_width, double _blockSize_height, double _blockStride_width, double _blockStride_height, double _cellSize_width, double _cellSize_height, int _nbins, int _derivAperture); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_18(double _winSize_width, double _winSize_height, double _blockSize_width, double _blockSize_height, double _blockStride_width, double _blockStride_height, double _cellSize_width, double _cellSize_height, int _nbins); // C++: cv::HOGDescriptor::HOGDescriptor(String filename) [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_HOGDescriptor_19(string filename); // C++: size_t cv::HOGDescriptor::getDescriptorSize() [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern long objdetect_HOGDescriptor_getDescriptorSize_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: bool cv::HOGDescriptor::checkDetectorSize() [DllImport(LIBNAME)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] private static extern bool objdetect_HOGDescriptor_checkDetectorSize_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: double cv::HOGDescriptor::getWinSigma() [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern double objdetect_HOGDescriptor_getWinSigma_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::setSVMDetector(Mat svmdetector) [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_setSVMDetector_10(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr svmdetector_nativeObj); // C++: bool cv::HOGDescriptor::load(String filename, String objname = String()) [DllImport(LIBNAME)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] private static extern bool objdetect_HOGDescriptor_load_10(IntPtr nativeObj, string filename, string objname); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] private static extern bool objdetect_HOGDescriptor_load_11(IntPtr nativeObj, string filename); // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::save(String filename, String objname = String()) [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_save_10(IntPtr nativeObj, string filename, string objname); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_save_11(IntPtr nativeObj, string filename); // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::compute(Mat img, vector_float& descriptors, Size winStride = Size(), Size padding = Size(), vector_Point locations = std::vector()) [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_compute_10(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr descriptors_mat_nativeObj, double winStride_width, double winStride_height, double padding_width, double padding_height, IntPtr locations_mat_nativeObj); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_compute_11(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr descriptors_mat_nativeObj, double winStride_width, double winStride_height, double padding_width, double padding_height); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_compute_12(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr descriptors_mat_nativeObj, double winStride_width, double winStride_height); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_compute_13(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr descriptors_mat_nativeObj); // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::detect(Mat img, vector_Point& foundLocations, vector_double& weights, double hitThreshold = 0, Size winStride = Size(), Size padding = Size(), vector_Point searchLocations = std::vector()) [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_10(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr weights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold, double winStride_width, double winStride_height, double padding_width, double padding_height, IntPtr searchLocations_mat_nativeObj); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_11(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr weights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold, double winStride_width, double winStride_height, double padding_width, double padding_height); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_12(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr weights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold, double winStride_width, double winStride_height); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_13(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr weights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detect_14(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr weights_mat_nativeObj); // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(Mat img, vector_Rect& foundLocations, vector_double& foundWeights, double hitThreshold = 0, Size winStride = Size(), Size padding = Size(), double scale = 1.05, double groupThreshold = 2.0, bool useMeanshiftGrouping = false) [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_10(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr foundWeights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold, double winStride_width, double winStride_height, double padding_width, double padding_height, double scale, double groupThreshold, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool useMeanshiftGrouping); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_11(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr foundWeights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold, double winStride_width, double winStride_height, double padding_width, double padding_height, double scale, double groupThreshold); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_12(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr foundWeights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold, double winStride_width, double winStride_height, double padding_width, double padding_height, double scale); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_13(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr foundWeights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold, double winStride_width, double winStride_height, double padding_width, double padding_height); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_14(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr foundWeights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold, double winStride_width, double winStride_height); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_15(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr foundWeights_mat_nativeObj, double hitThreshold); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_detectMultiScale_16(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr foundLocations_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr foundWeights_mat_nativeObj); // C++: void cv::HOGDescriptor::computeGradient(Mat img, Mat& grad, Mat& angleOfs, Size paddingTL = Size(), Size paddingBR = Size()) [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_computeGradient_10(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr grad_nativeObj, IntPtr angleOfs_nativeObj, double paddingTL_width, double paddingTL_height, double paddingBR_width, double paddingBR_height); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_computeGradient_11(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr grad_nativeObj, IntPtr angleOfs_nativeObj, double paddingTL_width, double paddingTL_height); [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_computeGradient_12(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr img_nativeObj, IntPtr grad_nativeObj, IntPtr angleOfs_nativeObj); // C++: static vector_float cv::HOGDescriptor::getDefaultPeopleDetector() [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_getDefaultPeopleDetector_10(); // C++: static vector_float cv::HOGDescriptor::getDaimlerPeopleDetector() [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_getDaimlerPeopleDetector_10(); // C++: Size HOGDescriptor::winSize [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1winSize_10(IntPtr nativeObj, double[] retVal); // C++: Size HOGDescriptor::blockSize [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1blockSize_10(IntPtr nativeObj, double[] retVal); // C++: Size HOGDescriptor::blockStride [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1blockStride_10(IntPtr nativeObj, double[] retVal); // C++: Size HOGDescriptor::cellSize [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1cellSize_10(IntPtr nativeObj, double[] retVal); // C++: int HOGDescriptor::nbins [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern int objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1nbins_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: int HOGDescriptor::derivAperture [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern int objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1derivAperture_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: double HOGDescriptor::winSigma [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern double objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1winSigma_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: HOGDescriptor_HistogramNormType HOGDescriptor::histogramNormType [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern int objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1histogramNormType_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: double HOGDescriptor::L2HysThreshold [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern double objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1L2HysThreshold_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: bool HOGDescriptor::gammaCorrection [DllImport(LIBNAME)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] private static extern bool objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1gammaCorrection_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: vector_float HOGDescriptor::svmDetector [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern IntPtr objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1svmDetector_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: int HOGDescriptor::nlevels [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern int objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1nlevels_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // C++: bool HOGDescriptor::signedGradient [DllImport(LIBNAME)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] private static extern bool objdetect_HOGDescriptor_get_1signedGradient_10(IntPtr nativeObj); // native support for java finalize() [DllImport(LIBNAME)] private static extern void objdetect_HOGDescriptor_delete(IntPtr nativeObj); } }