using Unity.WebRTC;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
namespace Unity.RenderStreaming
internal sealed class StreamingSizeAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }
internal sealed class FrameRateAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }
internal sealed class BitrateAttribute : PropertyAttribute
public int minValue;
public int maxValue;
public BitrateAttribute(int minValue, int maxValue)
this.minValue = minValue;
this.maxValue = maxValue;
internal sealed class RenderTextureAntiAliasingAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }
internal sealed class RenderTextureDepthBufferAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }
internal sealed class WebCamDeviceAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }
internal sealed class ScaleResolutionAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }
internal struct Range
public uint min;
public uint max;
public Range(uint min, uint max) { this.min = min; this.max = max; }
internal sealed class CodecAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }
internal static class RTCRtpSenderExtension
public static RTCError SetFrameRate(this RTCRtpSender sender, uint framerate)
if (sender.Track.Kind != TrackKind.Video)
throw new ArgumentException();
RTCRtpSendParameters parameters = sender.GetParameters();
foreach (var encoding in parameters.encodings)
encoding.maxFramerate = framerate;
return sender.SetParameters(parameters);
public static RTCError SetScaleResolutionDown(this RTCRtpSender sender, double? scaleFactor)
if (sender.Track.Kind != TrackKind.Video)
throw new ArgumentException();
RTCRtpSendParameters parameters = sender.GetParameters();
foreach (var encoding in parameters.encodings)
encoding.scaleResolutionDownBy = scaleFactor;
return sender.SetParameters(parameters);
public static RTCError SetBitrate(this RTCRtpSender sender, uint? minBitrate, uint? maxBitrate)
RTCRtpSendParameters parameters = sender.GetParameters();
foreach (var encoding in parameters.encodings)
encoding.minBitrate = minBitrate * 1000;
encoding.maxBitrate = maxBitrate * 1000;
return sender.SetParameters(parameters);
public enum VideoStreamSource
Camera = 0,
Screen = 1,
WebCamera = 2,
Texture = 3
[AddComponentMenu("Render Streaming/Video Stream Sender")]
public class VideoStreamSender : StreamSenderBase
static readonly float s_defaultFrameRate = 30;
static readonly uint s_defaultMinBitrate = 0;
static readonly uint s_defaultMaxBitrate = 1000;
static readonly int s_defaultDepth = 16;
//todo(kazuki): remove this value.
[SerializeField, StreamingSize]
private Vector2Int m_TextureSize = new Vector2Int(1280, 720);
private VideoStreamSource m_Source;
private Camera m_Camera;
private Texture m_Texture;
[SerializeField, WebCamDevice]
private int m_WebCamDeviceIndex;
[SerializeField, RenderTextureDepthBuffer]
private int m_Depth = s_defaultDepth;
[SerializeField, RenderTextureAntiAliasing]
private int m_AntiAliasing = 1;
[SerializeField, Codec]
private VideoCodecInfo m_Codec;
[SerializeField, FrameRate]
private float m_FrameRate = s_defaultFrameRate;
[SerializeField, Bitrate(0, 10000)]
private Range m_Bitrate = new Range(s_defaultMinBitrate, s_defaultMaxBitrate);
[SerializeField, ScaleResolution]
private float m_ScaleFactor = 1f;
private bool m_AutoRequestUserAuthorization = true;
private VideoStreamSourceImpl m_sourceImpl = null;
public VideoStreamSource source
get { return m_Source; }
if (m_Source == value)
m_Source = value;
if (!isPlaying)
var op = CreateTrack();
StartCoroutineWithCallback(op, _ => ReplaceTrack(_.Track));
public Camera sourceCamera
get { return m_Camera; }
if (m_Camera == value)
m_Camera = value;
if (!isPlaying || m_Source != VideoStreamSource.Camera)
var op = CreateTrack();
StartCoroutineWithCallback(op, _ => ReplaceTrack(_.Track));
public Texture sourceTexture
get { return m_Texture; }
if (m_Texture == value)
m_Texture = value;
if (!isPlaying || m_Source != VideoStreamSource.Texture)
var op = CreateTrack();
StartCoroutineWithCallback(op, _ => ReplaceTrack(_.Track));
/// The index of WebCamTexture.devices.
public int sourceDeviceIndex
get { return m_WebCamDeviceIndex; }
if (m_WebCamDeviceIndex == value)
m_WebCamDeviceIndex = value;
if (!isPlaying || m_Source != VideoStreamSource.WebCamera)
var op = CreateTrack();
StartCoroutineWithCallback(op, _ => ReplaceTrack(_.Track));
public WebCamTexture sourceWebCamTexture
if(m_sourceImpl is VideoStreamSourceWebCam source)
return source.webCamTexture;
return null;
public float frameRate
get { return m_FrameRate; }
public uint minBitrate
get { return m_Bitrate.min; }
public uint maxBitrate
get { return m_Bitrate.max; }
public float scaleResolutionDown
get { return m_ScaleFactor; }
public uint width
get { return (uint)m_TextureSize.x; }
SetTextureSize(new Vector2Int((int)value, m_TextureSize.y));
public uint height
get { return (uint)m_TextureSize.y; }
SetTextureSize(new Vector2Int(m_TextureSize.x, (int)value));
public VideoCodecInfo codec
get { return m_Codec; }
public bool autoRequestUserAuthorization
get => m_AutoRequestUserAuthorization;
set { m_AutoRequestUserAuthorization = value; }
public void SetCodec(VideoCodecInfo codec)
if (isPlaying)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not change this parameter after the streaming is started.");
m_Codec = codec;
foreach (var transceiver in Transceivers.Values)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transceiver.Mid))
if (transceiver.Sender.Track.ReadyState == TrackState.Ended)
var codecs = new[] { m_Codec };
RTCErrorType error = transceiver.SetCodecPreferences(SelectCodecCapabilities(codecs).ToArray());
if (error != RTCErrorType.None)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Set codec is failed. errorCode={error}");
public static IEnumerable GetAvailableCodecs()
string[] excludeCodecMimeType = { "video/red", "video/ulpfec", "video/rtx", "video/flexfec-03" };
var capabilities = RTCRtpSender.GetCapabilities(TrackKind.Video);
return capabilities.codecs.Where(codec => !excludeCodecMimeType.Contains(codec.mimeType)).Select(codec => VideoCodecInfo.Create(codec));
public void SetFrameRate(float frameRate)
if (frameRate < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("frameRate", frameRate, "The parameter must be greater than zero.");
m_FrameRate = frameRate;
foreach (var transceiver in Transceivers.Values)
RTCError error = transceiver.Sender.SetFrameRate((uint)m_FrameRate);
if (error.errorType != RTCErrorType.None)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Set framerate is failed. {error.message}");
public void SetBitrate(uint minBitrate, uint maxBitrate)
if (minBitrate > maxBitrate)
throw new ArgumentException("The maxBitrate must be greater than minBitrate.", "maxBitrate");
m_Bitrate.min = minBitrate;
m_Bitrate.max = maxBitrate;
foreach (var transceiver in Transceivers.Values)
RTCError error = transceiver.Sender.SetBitrate(m_Bitrate.min, m_Bitrate.max);
if (error.errorType != RTCErrorType.None)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Set codec is failed. {error.message}");
/// The parameter must be greater than 1.0f.
public void SetScaleResolutionDown(float scaleFactor)
if (scaleFactor < 1.0f)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("scaleFactor", scaleFactor, "The parameter must be greater than 1.0f. Scaleup is not allowed.");
m_ScaleFactor = scaleFactor;
foreach (var transceiver in Transceivers.Values)
double? value = Mathf.Approximately(m_ScaleFactor, 1) ? (double?)null : m_ScaleFactor;
RTCError error = transceiver.Sender.SetScaleResolutionDown(value);
if (error.errorType != RTCErrorType.None)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Set codec is failed. {error.message}");
public void SetTextureSize(Vector2Int size)
m_TextureSize = size;
if (!isPlaying)
var op = CreateTrack();
StartCoroutineWithCallback(op, _ => ReplaceTrack(_.Track));
private protected virtual void Awake()
OnStoppedStream += _OnStoppedStream;
private protected override void OnDestroy()
m_sourceImpl = null;
void _OnStoppedStream(string connectionId)
m_sourceImpl = null;
internal override WaitForCreateTrack CreateTrack()
m_sourceImpl = CreateVideoStreamSource();
return m_sourceImpl.CreateTrack();
VideoStreamSourceImpl CreateVideoStreamSource()
switch (m_Source)
case VideoStreamSource.Camera:
return new VideoStreamSourceCamera(this);
case VideoStreamSource.Screen:
return new VideoStreamSourceScreen(this);
case VideoStreamSource.Texture:
return new VideoStreamSourceTexture(this);
case VideoStreamSource.WebCamera:
return new VideoStreamSourceWebCam(this);
throw new InvalidOperationException("");
abstract class VideoStreamSourceImpl : IDisposable
public VideoStreamSourceImpl(VideoStreamSender parent)
width = (int)parent.width;
height = (int)parent.height;
depth = parent.m_Depth;
antiAliasing = parent.m_AntiAliasing;
public abstract WaitForCreateTrack CreateTrack();
public abstract void Dispose();
public int width { get; private set; }
public int height { get; private set; }
public int depth { get; private set; }
public int antiAliasing { get; private set; }
class VideoStreamSourceCamera : VideoStreamSourceImpl
private Camera m_camera;
private RenderTexture m_renderTexture;
public VideoStreamSourceCamera(VideoStreamSender parent) : base(parent)
Camera camera = parent.m_Camera;
if (camera == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("camera", "The sourceCamera is not assigned.");
m_camera = camera;
public override WaitForCreateTrack CreateTrack()
if (m_camera.targetTexture != null)
m_renderTexture = m_camera.targetTexture;
RenderTextureFormat supportFormat = WebRTC.WebRTC.GetSupportedRenderTextureFormat(SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType);
GraphicsFormat graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormatUtility.GetGraphicsFormat(supportFormat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default);
GraphicsFormat compatibleFormat = SystemInfo.GetCompatibleFormat(graphicsFormat, FormatUsage.Render);
GraphicsFormat format = graphicsFormat == compatibleFormat ? graphicsFormat : compatibleFormat;
if (m_renderTexture.graphicsFormat != format)
$"This color format:{m_renderTexture.graphicsFormat} not support in unity.webrtc. Change to supported color format:{format}.");
m_renderTexture.graphicsFormat = format;
m_camera.targetTexture = m_renderTexture;
RenderTextureFormat format = WebRTC.WebRTC.GetSupportedRenderTextureFormat(SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType);
m_renderTexture = new RenderTexture((int)width, (int)height, depth, format)
antiAliasing = antiAliasing
m_camera.targetTexture = m_renderTexture;
var instruction = new WaitForCreateTrack();
instruction.Done(new VideoStreamTrack(m_renderTexture));
return instruction;
public override void Dispose()
if (m_renderTexture == null)
m_camera.targetTexture = null;
m_renderTexture = null;
class VideoStreamSourceTexture : VideoStreamSourceImpl
Texture m_texture;
Texture m_copyTexture;
private Coroutine m_coroutineScreenCapture;
private MonoBehaviour m_behaviour;
public VideoStreamSourceTexture(VideoStreamSender parent) : base(parent)
Texture texture = parent.m_Texture;
if (texture == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("texture", "The sourceTexture is not assigned.");
m_texture = texture;
m_behaviour = parent;
public override WaitForCreateTrack CreateTrack()
var instruction = new WaitForCreateTrack();
GraphicsFormat format =
if (m_texture.graphicsFormat == format && m_texture.width == width && m_texture.height == height)
instruction.Done(new VideoStreamTrack(m_texture));
return instruction;
m_copyTexture = new Texture2D(width, height, format, TextureCreationFlags.None);
m_coroutineScreenCapture = m_behaviour.StartCoroutine(RecordScreenFrame());
instruction.Done(new VideoStreamTrack(m_copyTexture));
return instruction;
public override void Dispose()
if (m_copyTexture != null)
m_copyTexture = null;
if (m_coroutineScreenCapture != null)
m_behaviour = null;
m_coroutineScreenCapture = null;
IEnumerator RecordScreenFrame()
while (true)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
Graphics.ConvertTexture(m_texture, m_copyTexture);
class VideoStreamSourceScreen : VideoStreamSourceImpl, IDisposable
private RenderTexture m_screenTexture;
private Texture m_screenCopyTexture;
private Coroutine m_coroutineScreenCapture;
private MonoBehaviour m_behaviour;
public VideoStreamSourceScreen(VideoStreamSender parent) : base(parent)
m_behaviour = parent;
static Vector2Int GetScreenSize()
/// Screen.width/height returns size of the active window.
/// However, it is mandatory to get size of the game view when player mode.
/// UnityStats is used here because it returns the size of game view anytime.
string[] screenres = UnityEditor.UnityStats.screenRes.Split('x');
int screenWidth = int.Parse(screenres[0]);
int screenHeight = int.Parse(screenres[1]);
/// Set Screen.width/height forcely because UnityStats returns zero when batch mode.
if (screenWidth == 0 || screenHeight == 0)
screenWidth = Screen.width;
screenHeight = Screen.height;
int screenWidth = Screen.width;
int screenHeight = Screen.height;
return new Vector2Int(screenWidth, screenHeight);
public override WaitForCreateTrack CreateTrack()
Vector2Int screenSize = GetScreenSize();
m_screenTexture =
new RenderTexture(screenSize.x, screenSize.y, depth, RenderTextureFormat.Default) { antiAliasing = antiAliasing };
GraphicsFormat format = WebRTC.WebRTC.GetSupportedGraphicsFormat(SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType);
m_screenCopyTexture = new Texture2D(width, height, format, TextureCreationFlags.None);
// The texture obtained by ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshotIntoRenderTexture is different between OpenGL and other Graphics APIs.
// In OpenGL, we got a texture that is not inverted, so need flip when sending.
var isOpenGl = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLCore ||
SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES2 ||
SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLES3;
m_coroutineScreenCapture = m_behaviour.StartCoroutine(RecordScreenFrame());
var instruction = new WaitForCreateTrack();
instruction.Done(new VideoStreamTrack(m_screenCopyTexture, isOpenGl));
return instruction;
IEnumerator RecordScreenFrame()
while (true)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
Graphics.ConvertTexture(m_screenTexture, m_screenCopyTexture);
public override void Dispose()
if (m_screenTexture == null)
m_screenTexture = null;
m_screenCopyTexture = null;
m_behaviour = null;
m_coroutineScreenCapture = null;
class VideoStreamSourceWebCam : VideoStreamSourceImpl, IDisposable
int m_deviceIndex;
bool m_autoRequestUserAuthorization;
float m_frameRate;
WebCamTexture m_webcamTexture;
Texture m_webcamCopyTexture;
VideoStreamSender m_parent;
Coroutine m_coroutineConvertFrame;
public WebCamTexture webCamTexture => m_webcamTexture;
public VideoStreamSourceWebCam(VideoStreamSender parent) : base(parent)
int deviceIndex = parent.m_WebCamDeviceIndex;
if (deviceIndex < 0 || WebCamTexture.devices.Length <= deviceIndex)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("deviceIndex", deviceIndex, "The deviceIndex is out of range");
m_parent = parent;
m_deviceIndex = deviceIndex;
m_frameRate = parent.m_FrameRate;
m_autoRequestUserAuthorization = parent.m_AutoRequestUserAuthorization;
public override WaitForCreateTrack CreateTrack()
var instruction = new WaitForCreateTrack();
return instruction;
IEnumerator CreateTrackCoroutine(WaitForCreateTrack instruction)
if (m_autoRequestUserAuthorization)
AsyncOperation op = Application.RequestUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.WebCam);
yield return op;
if (!Application.HasUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.WebCam))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Call Application.RequestUserAuthorization before creating track with WebCam.");
WebCamDevice userCameraDevice = WebCamTexture.devices[m_deviceIndex];
m_webcamTexture = new WebCamTexture(, width, height, (int)m_frameRate);
yield return new WaitUntil(() => m_webcamTexture.didUpdateThisFrame);
if (m_webcamTexture.width != width || m_webcamTexture.height != height)
m_webcamTexture = null;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The device doesn't support the resolution. {width} x {height}");
/// Convert texture if the graphicsFormat is not supported.
/// Since Unity 2022.1, WebCamTexture.graphicsFormat returns R8G8B8A8_SRGB on Android Vulkan.
/// WebRTC doesn't support the graphics format when using Vulkan, and throw exception.
var supportedFormat = WebRTC.WebRTC.GetSupportedGraphicsFormat(SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType);
if (m_webcamTexture.graphicsFormat != supportedFormat)
m_webcamCopyTexture = new Texture2D(width, height, supportedFormat, TextureCreationFlags.None);
instruction.Done(new VideoStreamTrack(m_webcamCopyTexture));
m_coroutineConvertFrame = m_parent.StartCoroutine(ConvertFrame());
instruction.Done(new VideoStreamTrack(m_webcamTexture));
IEnumerator ConvertFrame()
while (true)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
Graphics.ConvertTexture(m_webcamTexture, m_webcamCopyTexture);
public override void Dispose()
if(m_coroutineConvertFrame != null)
m_parent = null;
m_webcamCopyTexture = null;
if (m_webcamTexture == null)
m_webcamTexture = null;
internal IEnumerable SelectCodecCapabilities(IEnumerable codecs)
return RTCRtpSender.GetCapabilities(TrackKind.Video).SelectCodecCapabilities(codecs);