# Streaming Management Component Unity Render Streaming automatically creates and destroys streams as needed. It also allows the developer to customize the mechanism for controlling the stream. For a description of components related to individual streams, see the section on components for streaming. ## [`SignalingManager`](../api/Unity.RenderStreaming.SignalingManager.html) component reference **SignalingManager** includes the following features. - Communication with signaling servers - Streaming input from cameras - Associating browser input with events ![Render Streaming Inspector](images/signalingmanager_inspector.png) ### Properties | Parameter | Description | Default | | ---- | ---- | ---- | | **Use Default Settings in Project Settings** | Use settings in [Project Settings Window](settings.md). | Enabled | | **Signaling Settings Asset** | Choose the signaling settings. | | | **Signaling Type** | Choose the signaling type (See [About Signaling Type](signaling-type.md)). | websocket | | **URL** | Set the signaling server URL.
If you use WebSocket as a signaling protocol, you should specify a URL starting with **ws** or **wss**. | ws:// | | **Ice Servers** | Set a list of STUN/TURN servers. (See [TURN Server](turnserver.md)) | | | *Urls* | Set URLs of STUN/TURN servers. | `[stun:stun.l.google.com:19302\]` | | *Username* | The username to use when logging into the TURN server. | | | *Credencial* | The credential to use when logging into the TURN server. | | | *Credencial Type* | This attribute specifies what kind of **credential** is to be used when connecting to the TURN server. | **Password** | | **Polling Interval** | Set the polling frequency (in milliseconds) to the signaling server
Valid only if you are using Http as the signaling protocol. | 5000 (msec) | | **Run On Awake** | Automatically started when called `Awake` method. | Enabled | | **Evaluate Command Line Arguments** | Evaluate [command line arguments](commandline-option.md). | Enabled | | **Signlaing Handler List** | List of handlers of signaling process. | | ## [`SingleConnection`](../api/Unity.RenderStreaming.SingleConnection.html) component reference This component lists components that stream media or data via a single peer connection. ![Single Connection inspector](images/singleconnection_inspector.png) ### Properties | Parameter | Description | Default | | --------- | ----------- | ------- | | **Streams** | List of streams | [] | ## [`Broadcast`](../api/Unity.RenderStreaming.SingleConnection.html) component reference This component lists components that stream media or data via multiple peer connections. ![Broadcast inspector](images/broadcast_inspector.png) ### Properties | Parameter | Description | Default | | --------- | ----------- | ------- | | **Streams** | List of streams | [] |