using System;
namespace ProtoBuf
/// Indicates that a type is defined for protocol-buffer serialization.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Enum | AttributeTargets.Interface,
AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public sealed class ProtoContractAttribute : Attribute
/// Gets or sets the defined name of the type.
public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } }
private string name;
/// Gets or sets the fist offset to use with implicit field tags;
/// only uesd if ImplicitFields is set.
public int ImplicitFirstTag
get { return implicitFirstTag; }
if (value < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("ImplicitFirstTag");
implicitFirstTag = value;
private int implicitFirstTag;
/// If specified, alternative contract markers (such as markers for XmlSerailizer or DataContractSerializer) are ignored.
public bool UseProtoMembersOnly
get { return HasFlag(OPTIONS_UseProtoMembersOnly); }
set { SetFlag(OPTIONS_UseProtoMembersOnly, value); }
/// If specified, do NOT treat this type as a list, even if it looks like one.
public bool IgnoreListHandling
get { return HasFlag(OPTIONS_IgnoreListHandling); }
set { SetFlag(OPTIONS_IgnoreListHandling, value); }
/// Gets or sets the mechanism used to automatically infer field tags
/// for members. This option should be used in advanced scenarios only.
/// Please review the important notes against the ImplicitFields enumeration.
public ImplicitFields ImplicitFields { get { return implicitFields; } set { implicitFields = value; } }
private ImplicitFields implicitFields;
/// Enables/disables automatic tag generation based on the existing name / order
/// of the defined members. This option is not used for members marked
/// with ProtoMemberAttribute, as intended to provide compatibility with
/// WCF serialization. WARNING: when adding new fields you must take
/// care to increase the Order for new elements, otherwise data corruption
/// may occur.
/// If not explicitly specified, the default is assumed from Serializer.GlobalOptions.InferTagFromName.
public bool InferTagFromName
get { return HasFlag(OPTIONS_InferTagFromName); }
set {
SetFlag(OPTIONS_InferTagFromName, value);
SetFlag(OPTIONS_InferTagFromNameHasValue, true);
/// Has a InferTagFromName value been explicitly set? if not, the default from the type-model is assumed.
internal bool InferTagFromNameHasValue
{ // note that this property is accessed via reflection and should not be removed
get { return HasFlag(OPTIONS_InferTagFromNameHasValue); }
private int dataMemberOffset;
/// Specifies an offset to apply to [DataMember(Order=...)] markers;
/// this is useful when working with mex-generated classes that have
/// a different origin (usually 1 vs 0) than the original data-contract.
/// This value is added to the Order of each member.
public int DataMemberOffset
get { return dataMemberOffset; }
set { dataMemberOffset = value; }
/// If true, the constructor for the type is bypassed during deserialization, meaning any field initializers
/// or other initialization code is skipped.
public bool SkipConstructor
get { return HasFlag(OPTIONS_SkipConstructor); }
set { SetFlag(OPTIONS_SkipConstructor, value); }
/// Should this type be treated as a reference by default? Please also see the implications of this,
/// as recorded on ProtoMemberAttribute.AsReference
public bool AsReferenceDefault
get { return HasFlag(OPTIONS_AsReferenceDefault); }
set {
SetFlag(OPTIONS_AsReferenceDefault, value);
private bool HasFlag(byte flag) { return (flags & flag) == flag; }
private void SetFlag(byte flag, bool value)
if (value) flags |= flag;
else flags = (byte)(flags & ~flag);
private byte flags;
private const byte
OPTIONS_InferTagFromName = 1,
OPTIONS_InferTagFromNameHasValue = 2,
OPTIONS_UseProtoMembersOnly = 4,
OPTIONS_SkipConstructor = 8,
OPTIONS_IgnoreListHandling = 16,
OPTIONS_AsReferenceDefault = 32,
OPTIONS_EnumPassthru = 64,
OPTIONS_EnumPassthruHasValue = 128;
/// Applies only to enums (not to DTO classes themselves); gets or sets a value indicating that an enum should be treated directly as an int/short/etc, rather
/// than enforcing .proto enum rules. This is useful *in particul* for [Flags] enums.
public bool EnumPassthru
get { return HasFlag(OPTIONS_EnumPassthru); }
set {
SetFlag(OPTIONS_EnumPassthru, value);
SetFlag(OPTIONS_EnumPassthruHasValue, true);
/// Has a EnumPassthru value been explicitly set?
internal bool EnumPassthruHasValue
{ // note that this property is accessed via reflection and should not be removed
get { return HasFlag(OPTIONS_EnumPassthruHasValue); }