using System; using UnityEngine; namespace NRKernal.Experimental.NRExamples { public class OverlayVideoPlayerExample : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private NROverlay videoOverlayPrefab; private AndroidVideoPlayer m_VideoPlayer; private NROverlay current; public bool useDRMSource = false; public string videoUri_drm = ""; public string videoUri_normal = ""; void Start() { if (useDRMSource) { LoadDrmItem(); } else { LoadNormalItem(); } } private void InitVideoSurface() { NRDebugger.Info("[OverlayVideoPlayerExample] OnLayerCreated."); var surfaceJo = current.GetSurfaceId(); if (surfaceJo == IntPtr.Zero) { NRDebugger.Error("[OverlayVideoPlayerExample] InitVideoSurface faild..."); return; } if (m_VideoPlayer == null) { m_VideoPlayer = new AndroidVideoPlayer(); // Playing video from internet needs the permission of "android.permission.INTERNET", // Add it to your "AndroidManifest.xml" file in "Assets/Plugin". string url = useDRMSource ? videoUri_drm : videoUri_normal; m_VideoPlayer.InitWithMediaPlayer(surfaceJo, url, useDRMSource); } } public void LoadDrmItem() => LoadVideoItem(true); public void LoadNormalItem() => LoadVideoItem(false); private void LoadVideoItem(bool usedrm) { if (current != null) { m_VideoPlayer?.Release(); m_VideoPlayer = null; GameObject.Destroy(current.gameObject); NRDebugger.Info("[OverlayVideoPlayerExample] OnLayerDestroied."); current.Destroy(); } current = GameObject.Instantiate(videoOverlayPrefab.gameObject, transform).GetComponent(); = "Overlay-" + (usedrm ? "drm" : "normal"); current.isProtectedContent = usedrm; current.externalSurfaceObjectCreated += InitVideoSurface; current.gameObject.SetActive(true); useDRMSource = usedrm; } private void OnApplicationPause(bool pause) { if (pause) { m_VideoPlayer?.Pause(); } else { m_VideoPlayer?.Play(); } } void OnDestroy() { if (m_VideoPlayer != null) { m_VideoPlayer?.Pause(); m_VideoPlayer?.Release(); m_VideoPlayer = null; GameObject.Destroy(current.gameObject); } } } }