using Agora.Rtc; using Agora.Util; using SC.XR.Unity; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.UI; using XRTool.Util; using Logger = Agora.Util.Logger; public class AgoraVideoAudioManager : SingletonMono { [FormerlySerializedAs("appIdInput")] [SerializeField] private AppIdInput _appIdInput; [Header("_____________Basic Configuration_____________")] [FormerlySerializedAs("APP_ID")] [SerializeField] private string _appID = ""; [FormerlySerializedAs("TOKEN")] [SerializeField] private string _token = ""; [FormerlySerializedAs("CHANNEL_NAME")] [SerializeField] private string _channelName = ""; internal IRtcEngine RtcEngine = null; internal Logger Log; private bool isAudio; private bool isVideo; //private static List list_UserInfo; private Dictionary dicPeeridAndUid; public Text LogText; private bool isRoom; private CustomPeer myPeer; public uint uid; public string userAccount; // private Dictionary list_ShowView; public MenuIcon menuIcon; public bool isSwitchCamera; // Use this for initialization private void Start() { LoadAssetData(); if (CheckAppId()) { InitEngine(); //SetChinnelName("0003003"); //JoinChannel(); //SetupUI(); } //list_UserInfo = new List(); // list_ShowView = new Dictionary(); dicPeeridAndUid = new Dictionary(); isRoom = false; isSwitchCamera = false; } // Update is called once per frame private void Update() { PermissionHelper.RequestMicrophontPermission(); PermissionHelper.RequestCameraPermission(); //if(isRoom&&CommonMethod.MyPeer!=null&&list_ShowView.Count>0) //{ // if(myPeer==null) // { // myPeer = (CustomPeer)StudioRtc.Instance.customPeerList.getPeerName(CommonMethod.MyPeer.PeerId); // Debug.Log(" Get MyCustomPeer"); // } // if (myPeer == null) return; // if (isAudio != myPeer.isAudio) // { // isAudio = myPeer.isAudio; // EnableLoacalAudio(isAudio); // } // if(isVideo!= myPeer.isVideo) // { // isVideo = myPeer.isVideo; // EnableLocalVideo(isVideo); // } //} } //Show data in AgoraBasicProfile [ContextMenu("ShowAgoraBasicProfileData")] private void LoadAssetData() { if (_appIdInput == null) return; _appID = _appIdInput.appID; _token = _appIdInput.token; _channelName = _appIdInput.channelName; } private bool CheckAppId() { Log = new Logger(LogText); return Log.DebugAssert(_appID.Length > 10, "Please fill in your appId in API-Example/profile/appIdInput.asset"); } private void InitEngine() { RtcEngine = Agora.Rtc.RtcEngine.CreateAgoraRtcEngine(); AgoraVideoManagerHandler handler = new AgoraVideoManagerHandler(this); RtcEngineContext context = new RtcEngineContext(_appID, 0, CHANNEL_PROFILE_TYPE.CHANNEL_PROFILE_COMMUNICATION, AUDIO_SCENARIO_TYPE.AUDIO_SCENARIO_DEFAULT); RtcEngine.Initialize(context); RtcEngine.InitEventHandler(handler); } public void RegisterLocalUserAccount(string peerId) { RtcEngine.RegisterLocalUserAccount(_appID, peerId); } public void SetChinnelName(string roomid) { _channelName = roomid; } public void JoinChannel( ) { Debug.Log(" JoinChannel " + _channelName); RtcEngine.EnableAudio(); RtcEngine.EnableVideo(); // RtcEngine.DisableAudio(); // RtcEngine.DisableVideo(); VideoEncoderConfiguration config = new VideoEncoderConfiguration(); config.dimensions = new VideoDimensions(1280, 720); config.frameRate = 15; config.bitrate = 0; RtcEngine.SetVideoEncoderConfiguration(config); RtcEngine.SetChannelProfile(CHANNEL_PROFILE_TYPE.CHANNEL_PROFILE_COMMUNICATION); RtcEngine.SetClientRole(CLIENT_ROLE_TYPE.CLIENT_ROLE_BROADCASTER); // _channelName = roomid; RtcEngine.JoinChannel(_token, _channelName,"", uid); //RtcEngine.MuteLocalVideoStream(false); //RtcEngine.MuteLocalAudioStream(false); //RtcEngine.MuteAllRemoteAudioStreams(true); //RtcEngine.MuteAllRemoteVideoStreams(true); isRoom = true; if(!isSwitchCamera) { RtcEngine.SwitchCamera(); isSwitchCamera = !isSwitchCamera; } StartCoroutine(InitVideoAndAduio(1f)); } private IEnumerator InitVideoAndAduio(float times) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(times); EnableLocalVideo(CustomInfo.isSendVideo); EnableLoacalAudio(CustomInfo.isSendAudio); } public void OpenAgoraAudio() { Debug.Log(" 打开 OpenAgoraAudio "); // RtcEngine.SwitchCamera(); //RtcEngine.MuteAllRemoteAudioStreams(false); //RtcEngine.MuteAllRemoteVideoStreams(false); // RtcEngine.EnableAudio(); } private IEnumerator CloseChannel( float times) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(times); LeaveChannel(); } public void LeaveChannel() { Debug.Log("LeaveChannel " ); int msg = RtcEngine.LeaveChannel(); switch (msg) { case 0: LogText.text = "成功退出频道: " + _channelName; break; default: LogText.text = "退出频道失败: " + msg; break; } isRoom = false; myPeer = null; dicPeeridAndUid.Clear(); dicPeeridAndUid = new Dictionary(); //list_ShowView.Clear(); //list_ShowView = new Dictionary(); } public void VuforiaLeaveChannel() { int msg = RtcEngine.LeaveChannel(); switch (msg) { case 0: LogText.text = "成功退出频道: " + _channelName; break; default: LogText.text = "退出频道失败: " + msg; break; } } public void AddPeeridUid(string peerid, uint uid) { Debug.Log(" AddPeeridUid " + peerid + " " + uid); if (dicPeeridAndUid.ContainsKey(peerid)) return; dicPeeridAndUid.Add(peerid, uid); } public void RemAtPeeridUid(string peerid) { Debug.Log(" RemAtPeeridUid " + peerid + " " + uid); dicPeeridAndUid.Remove(peerid); } //public void RemAtListShowView(string peerId) //{ // if (list_ShowView.ContainsKey(peerId)) // list_ShowView.Remove(peerId); //} public void AddListShowView( string peerId, RawImage rawImage) { if (peerId == CommonMethod.MyPeer.PeerId) { rawImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); rawImage.rectTransform.localEulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 180, 180); MakeVideoView(0, rawImage); } if (peerId == CommonMethod.MyPeer.PeerId && !dicPeeridAndUid.ContainsKey(peerId)) return; Debug.Log(" AddListShowView " + peerId); // list_ShowView.Add(peerId, rawImage); rawImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); rawImage.rectTransform.localEulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 180, 180); MakeVideoView(dicPeeridAndUid[peerId], rawImage, this._channelName); //for (int i = 0; i < list_UserInfo.Count; i++) //{ // if(list_UserInfo[i].userAccount == peerId) // { // Debug.Log(" 查找到 "); // MakeVideoView(list_UserInfo[i].uid, rawImage,this._channelName ); // return; // } //} //Debug.Log(" 未找到UID "); //for (int i = 0; i < list_UserInfo.Count; i++) //{ // Debug.Log(list_UserInfo[i].uid + " " + list_UserInfo[i].userAccount); //} } public void EnableLoacalAudio( bool isAudio) { if (isAudio) = "Audio"; int msg = RtcEngine.MuteLocalAudioStream(!isAudio); // int msg = RtcEngine.EnableLocalAudio(isAudio); switch (msg) { case 0: Debug.Log( isAudio ? "打开本地音频成功" : "关闭本地音频成功 "); break; default: Debug.LogError("开关本地音频失败: " + msg); break; } } public void MuteRemoteAudioStream( string peerid , bool isAudio) { if (!dicPeeridAndUid.ContainsKey(peerid)) return; int msg = RtcEngine.MuteRemoteAudioStream(dicPeeridAndUid[peerid], isAudio); switch (msg) { case 0: Debug.Log( isAudio ? "订阅远端音频成功" : "取订远端音频成功 "); break; default: Debug.LogError( "开关本地音频失败: " + msg); break; } } public void EnableLocalVideo( bool isVideo) { if (isVideo) = "Video"; int msg = RtcEngine.MuteLocalVideoStream(!isVideo); //RtcEngine.EnableVideo(); //int msg = RtcEngine.EnableLocalVideo(isVideo); switch (msg) { case 0: Debug.Log( isVideo ? "打开本地视频成功 " : "关闭本地视频成功 "); break; default: Debug.LogError( "开关本地视频失败: " + msg); break; } } public void OnClickEnableLocalVideo( bool isVideo) { int msg = RtcEngine.EnableLocalVideo(isVideo); switch (msg) { case 0: LogText.text = isVideo ? "打开本地视频成功 " : "关闭本地视频成功 "; break; default: LogText.text = "开关本地视频失败: " + msg; break; } } private void StopPublish() { var options = new ChannelMediaOptions(); options.publishMicrophoneTrack.SetValue(false); options.publishCameraTrack.SetValue(false); var nRet = RtcEngine.UpdateChannelMediaOptions(options); this.Log.UpdateLog("UpdateChannelMediaOptions: " + nRet); } private void StartPublish() { var options = new ChannelMediaOptions(); options.publishMicrophoneTrack.SetValue(true); options.publishCameraTrack.SetValue(true); var nRet = RtcEngine.UpdateChannelMediaOptions(options); this.Log.UpdateLog("UpdateChannelMediaOptions: " + nRet); } private void OnDestroy() { Debug.Log("OnDestroy"); if (RtcEngine == null) return; RtcEngine.InitEventHandler(null); RtcEngine.LeaveChannel(); RtcEngine.Dispose(); } public void ClickSelf() { this.menuIcon.ClickSelf2(); } internal string GetChannelName() { return _channelName; } internal static void MakeVideoView(uint uid, RawImage rawImage, string channelId = "") { Debug.Log("MakeVideoView " + uid); //var go = GameObject.Find(uid.ToString()); //if (!ReferenceEquals(go, null)) //{ // return; // reuse //} // create a GameObject and assign to this new user var videoSurface = MakeImageSurface(rawImage); // var videoSurface = MakePlaneSurface(uid.ToString()); if (ReferenceEquals(videoSurface, null)) return; // configure videoSurface if (uid == 0) { videoSurface.SetForUser(uid, channelId); } else { videoSurface.SetForUser(uid, channelId, VIDEO_SOURCE_TYPE.VIDEO_SOURCE_REMOTE); } //videoSurface.OnTextureSizeModify += (int width, int height) => //{ // float scale = (float)height / (float)width; // videoSurface.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-5, 5 * scale, 1); // Debug.Log("OnTextureSizeModify: " + width + " " + height); //}; videoSurface.SetEnable(true); } //internal static void OnUserInfoUpdated(uint uid, Agora.Rtc.UserInfo info) //{ // Debug.Log(info.uid); // disUserPeer_Uid.Add("", info); //} internal static void OnUserJoined(uint uid) { // _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format("OnUserJoined uid: ${0} elapsed: ${1}", uid, elapsed)); // Debug.Log(string.Format("OnUserJoined uid: ${0} elapsed: ${1}", uid, elapsed)) Agora.Rtc.UserInfo userInfo = new Agora.Rtc.UserInfo(); AgoraVideoAudioManager.Instance.RtcEngine.GetUserInfoByUid(uid, ref userInfo); } #region -- Video Render UI Logic --- // VIDEO TYPE 1: 3D Object private static VideoSurface MakePlaneSurface(string goName) { var go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad); //for (int i = 0; i < list_UserInfo.Count; i++) //{ // if (list_UserInfo[i].uid.ToString() == goName) // { // string userAccount = list_UserInfo[i].userAccount; // if (AgoraVideoAudioManager.Instance.list_ShowView.ContainsKey(list_UserInfo[i].userAccount)) // { // go = AgoraVideoAudioManager.Instance.list_ShowView[list_UserInfo[i].userAccount].gameObject; // } // else // Debug.LogError(" Agora ShowView is NULL "); // } //} if (go == null) { go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane); return null; } = goName; // set up transform go.transform.Rotate(-90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); var yPos = Random.Range(3.0f, 5.0f); var xPos = Random.Range(-2.0f, 2.0f); go.transform.position =; go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // configure videoSurface var videoSurface = go.AddComponent(); return videoSurface; } // Video TYPE 2: RawImage private static VideoSurface MakeImageSurface(RawImage rawImage) { //GameObject go = rawImage.gameObject; //if (go == null) //{ // go = new GameObject(); // // = goName; // // to be renderered onto // go.AddComponent(); // // set up transform // //go.transform.Rotate(0f, 0.0f, 180.0f); // //go.transform.localPosition =; // //go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2f, 3f, 1f); //} //if (go == null) //{ // return null; //} // make the object draggable rawImage.gameObject.AddComponent(); //var canvas = GameObject.Find("VideoCanvas"); //if (canvas != null) //{ // go.transform.parent = canvas.transform; // Debug.Log("add video view"); //} //else //{ // Debug.Log("Canvas is null video view"); //} // configure videoSurface var videoSurface = rawImage.gameObject.AddComponent(); return videoSurface; } internal static void DestroyVideoView(uint uid) { var go = GameObject.Find(uid.ToString()); if (!ReferenceEquals(go, null)) { Destroy(go); } } internal static void OnUserInfoUpdated(uint uid, Agora.Rtc.UserInfo info) { Debug.Log(uid.ToString() + " " + info.uid + " " + info.userAccount); // list_UserInfo.Add(info); } internal static void OnLocalUserRegistered(uint uid, string userAccount) { //AgoraVideoAudioManager.Instance.uid = uid; //AgoraVideoAudioManager.Instance.userAccount = userAccount; } #endregion } #region -- Agora Event --- public class AgoraVideoManagerHandler : IRtcEngineEventHandler { private readonly AgoraVideoAudioManager _videoSample; internal AgoraVideoManagerHandler(AgoraVideoAudioManager videoSample) { _videoSample = videoSample; } public override void OnError(int err, string msg) { _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format("OnError err: {0}, msg: {1}", err, msg)); } public override void OnJoinChannelSuccess(RtcConnection connection, int elapsed) { int build = 0; Debug.Log("Agora: OnJoinChannelSuccess "); _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format("sdk version: ${0}", _videoSample.RtcEngine.GetVersion(ref build))); _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format("sdk build: ${0}", build)); _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog( string.Format("OnJoinChannelSuccess channelName: {0}, uid: {1}, elapsed: {2}", connection.channelId, connection.localUid, elapsed)); // _videoSample.ClickSelf(); // AgoraVideoAudioManager.MakeVideoView(0); } public override void OnRejoinChannelSuccess(RtcConnection connection, int elapsed) { _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog("OnRejoinChannelSuccess"); } public override void OnLeaveChannel(RtcConnection connection, RtcStats stats) { _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog("OnLeaveChannel"); AgoraVideoAudioManager.DestroyVideoView(0); } public override void OnClientRoleChanged(RtcConnection connection, CLIENT_ROLE_TYPE oldRole, CLIENT_ROLE_TYPE newRole) { _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog("OnClientRoleChanged"); } public override void OnUserJoined(RtcConnection connection, uint uid, int elapsed) { Debug.Log(string.Format("OnUserJoined uid: ${0} elapsed: ${1}", uid, elapsed)); _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format("OnUserJoined uid: ${0} elapsed: ${1}", uid, elapsed)); AgoraVideoAudioManager.OnUserJoined(uid); // AgoraVideoAudioManager.MakeVideoView(uid, _videoSample.GetChannelName()); } public override void OnUserOffline(RtcConnection connection, uint uid, USER_OFFLINE_REASON_TYPE reason) { _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format("OnUserOffLine uid: ${0}, reason: ${1}", uid, (int)reason)); AgoraVideoAudioManager.DestroyVideoView(uid); } public override void OnUserInfoUpdated(uint uid, Agora.Rtc.UserInfo info) { _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog(string.Format(" 用户 :${0} 加入房间", uid)); AgoraVideoAudioManager.OnUserInfoUpdated(uid, info); } public override void OnUplinkNetworkInfoUpdated(UplinkNetworkInfo info) { _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog("OnUplinkNetworkInfoUpdated"); } public override void OnDownlinkNetworkInfoUpdated(DownlinkNetworkInfo info) { _videoSample.Log.UpdateLog("OnDownlinkNetworkInfoUpdated"); } public override void OnLocalUserRegistered(uint uid, string userAccount) { AgoraVideoAudioManager.OnLocalUserRegistered(uid, userAccount); } } #endregion