123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207 |
- /*===============================================================================
- Copyright (C) 2022 Immersal - Part of Hexagon. All Rights Reserved.
- This file is part of the Immersal SDK.
- The Immersal SDK cannot be copied, distributed, or made available to
- third-parties for commercial purposes without written permission of Immersal Ltd.
- Contact sdk@immersal.com for licensing requests.
- ===============================================================================*/
- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using UnityEngine.UI;
- using Immersal.REST;
- using Immersal.AR;
- namespace Immersal.Samples.Mapping.ActiveMapsList
- {
- [RequireComponent(typeof(ScrollRect))]
- public class ActiveMapsListControl : MonoBehaviour
- {
- [SerializeField]
- private VisualizeManager m_VisualizeManager = null;
- [SerializeField]
- private MapperSettings mapperSettings = null;
- [SerializeField]
- private GameObject itemTemplate = null;
- [SerializeField]
- private Transform contentParent = null;
- private ScrollRect scrollRect;
- private List<GameObject> items = new List<GameObject>();
- private List<ARMap> m_ActiveMaps = new List<ARMap>();
- private ToggleGroup m_toggleGroup = null;
- public int rootMapId = -1;
- public void GenerateItems()
- {
- DestroyItems();
- m_ActiveMaps.Clear();
- items.Clear();
- foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ARMap> entry in ARSpace.mapIdToMap)
- {
- m_ActiveMaps.Add(entry.Value);
- GameObject item = Instantiate(itemTemplate);
- items.Add(item);
- item.SetActive(true);
- item.transform.SetParent(contentParent, false);
- ActiveMapsListItem activeMapsListItem = item.GetComponent<ActiveMapsListItem>();
- activeMapsListItem.SetMapId(entry.Value.mapId);
- activeMapsListItem.SetName(entry.Value.mapName);
- activeMapsListItem.SetToggleGroup(m_toggleGroup);
- activeMapsListItem.SetListController(this);
- }
- if (items.Count > 0)
- {
- items[0].GetComponent<ActiveMapsListItem>().SetStateManually(true);
- }
- }
- public void DestroyItems()
- {
- foreach (GameObject item in items) {
- Destroy(item);
- }
- items.Clear();
- }
- private void ScrollToTop()
- {
- if (scrollRect != null)
- scrollRect.normalizedPosition = new Vector2(0, 1);
- }
- private void ScrollToBottom()
- {
- if (scrollRect != null)
- scrollRect.normalizedPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
- }
- private void OnEnable()
- {
- if(m_toggleGroup == null)
- {
- m_toggleGroup = GetComponent<ToggleGroup>();
- }
- GenerateItems();
- scrollRect = GetComponent<ScrollRect>();
- ScrollToTop();
- }
- public async void SubmitAlignment()
- {
- if(mapperSettings == null)
- {
- Debug.Log("ActiveMapListControl: MapperSettings not found");
- return;
- }
- bool transformRootToOrigin = mapperSettings.transformRootToOrigin;
- // Debug.Log(string.Format("clicked, root id: {0}, map count {1}", rootMapId, m_ActiveMaps.Count));
- if(rootMapId > 0 && m_ActiveMaps.Count > 1)
- {
- Transform root = ARSpace.mapIdToMap[rootMapId].transform;
- Matrix4x4 worldSpaceRoot = root.localToWorldMatrix;
- foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ARMap> entry in ARSpace.mapIdToMap)
- {
- if(entry.Value.mapId != rootMapId)
- {
- // Debug.Log(string.Format("looping... {0}", entry.Value.mapId));
- Transform xf = entry.Value.transform;
- Matrix4x4 worldSpaceTransform = xf.localToWorldMatrix;
- if(transformRootToOrigin)
- {
- Matrix4x4 offset = worldSpaceRoot.inverse * worldSpaceTransform;
- await MapAlignmentSave(entry.Value.mapId, offset);
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: implement ECEF/double support
- Vector3 rootPosMetadata = new Vector3((float)ARSpace.mapIdToMap[rootMapId].mapAlignment.tx, (float)ARSpace.mapIdToMap[rootMapId].mapAlignment.ty, (float)ARSpace.mapIdToMap[rootMapId].mapAlignment.tz);
- Quaternion rootRotMetadata = new Quaternion((float)ARSpace.mapIdToMap[rootMapId].mapAlignment.qx, (float)ARSpace.mapIdToMap[rootMapId].mapAlignment.qy, (float)ARSpace.mapIdToMap[rootMapId].mapAlignment.qz, (float)ARSpace.mapIdToMap[rootMapId].mapAlignment.qw);
- // Switch coordinate system handedness back from Immersal Cloud Service's default right-handed system to Unity's left-handed system
- Matrix4x4 b = Matrix4x4.TRS(rootPosMetadata, rootRotMetadata, Vector3.one);
- Matrix4x4 a = ARHelper.SwitchHandedness(b);
- Matrix4x4 offset = a * worldSpaceRoot.inverse * worldSpaceTransform;
- await MapAlignmentSave(entry.Value.mapId, offset);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(transformRootToOrigin)
- {
- // set root to origin
- Matrix4x4 identity = Matrix4x4.identity;
- await MapAlignmentSave(entry.Value.mapId, identity);
- }
- else
- {
- // or keep the root transform
- // await MapAlignmentSave(entry.Value.mapId, worldSpaceRoot);
- }
- }
- }
- m_VisualizeManager?.DefaultView();
- Immersal.Samples.Mapping.NotificationManager.Instance.GenerateSuccess("Map Alignments Saved");
- }
- }
- private async Task MapAlignmentSave(int mapId, Matrix4x4 m)
- {
- //
- // Updates map metadata to the Cloud Service and reloads to keep local files in sync
- //
- Vector3 pos = m.GetColumn(3);
- Quaternion rot = m.rotation;
- float scl = (m.lossyScale.x + m.lossyScale.y + m.lossyScale.z) / 3f; // Only uniform scale metadata is supported
- // Switching coordinate system handedness from Unity's left-handed system to Immersal Cloud Service's default right-handed system
- Matrix4x4 b = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, rot, transform.localScale);
- Matrix4x4 a = ARHelper.SwitchHandedness(b);
- pos = a.GetColumn(3);
- rot = a.rotation;
- // Update map alignment metadata to Immersal Cloud Service
- JobMapAlignmentSetAsync j = new JobMapAlignmentSetAsync();
- j.id = mapId;
- j.tx = pos.x;
- j.ty = pos.y;
- j.tz = pos.z;
- j.qx = rot.x;
- j.qy = rot.y;
- j.qz = rot.z;
- j.qw = rot.w;
- j.scale = scl;
- j.OnResult += (SDKMapAlignmentSetResult result) =>
- {
- Debug.Log(string.Format("Alignment for map {0} saved", mapId));
- };
- j.OnError += (e) =>
- {
- Immersal.Samples.Mapping.NotificationManager.Instance.GenerateError("Network Error");
- Debug.Log(string.Format("Failed to save alignment for map id {0}\n{1}", mapId, e));
- };
- await j.RunJobAsync();
- }
- }
- }