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Streaming Management Component

Unity Render Streaming automatically creates and destroys streams as needed. It also allows the developer to customize the mechanism for controlling the stream. For a description of components related to individual streams, see the section on components for streaming.

SignalingManager component reference

SignalingManager includes the following features.

  • Communication with signaling servers
  • Streaming input from cameras
  • Associating browser input with events

Render Streaming Inspector


Parameter Description Default
Use Default Settings in Project Settings Use settings in Project Settings Window. Enabled
Signaling Settings Asset Choose the signaling settings.
Signaling Type Choose the signaling type (See About Signaling Type). websocket
URL Set the signaling server URL.
If you use WebSocket as a signaling protocol, you should specify a URL starting with ws or wss.
Ice Servers Set a list of STUN/TURN servers. (See TURN Server)
Urls Set URLs of STUN/TURN servers. [\]
Username The username to use when logging into the TURN server.
Credencial The credential to use when logging into the TURN server.
Credencial Type This attribute specifies what kind of credential is to be used when connecting to the TURN server. Password
Polling Interval Set the polling frequency (in milliseconds) to the signaling server
Valid only if you are using Http as the signaling protocol.
5000 (msec)
Run On Awake Automatically started when called Awake method. Enabled
Evaluate Command Line Arguments Evaluate command line arguments. Enabled
Signlaing Handler List List of handlers of signaling process.

SingleConnection component reference

This component lists components that stream media or data via a single peer connection.

Single Connection inspector


Parameter Description Default
Streams List of streams []

Broadcast component reference

This component lists components that stream media or data via multiple peer connections.

Broadcast inspector


Parameter Description Default
Streams List of streams []