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Audio Streaming Component

AudioStreamSender class and AudioStreamReceiver class are the base classes for sending and receiving audio. Components are provided for the sender and receiver.

AudioStreamSender component reference

This component streams the audio rendering results from AudioListener component or AudioSource component.

AudioStreamSender inspector


Parameter Description Default
Audio Source Type Choose the type of source for your audio streaming.
- Audio Listener
- Audio Source
- Microphone
Audio Listener
Audio Listener Audio Listener instance for sending audio
Audio Source Audio Source instance for sending audio
Microphone Device Index The index of the video input device to be used. See Microphone.devices. 0
Auto Request User Authorization Whether request permission to use microphone. You don't need to enable it if you call Application.RequestUserAuthorization yourself. Enabled
Audio Codec Default option means trying to use all available codecs for negotiating other peers. Default
Bitrate (kbits/sec) The bitrate of the audio streaming.
Min The minimum value of the bitrate. 0
Max The maximum value of the bitrate. 1000

AudioStreamReceiver component reference

The components receive audio track stream and rendering to AudioSource.

AudioStreamReceiver inspector


Parameter Description Default
Target Audio Source AudioSource instance for sending audio None
Audio Codec Default option means trying to use all available codecs for negotiating other peers. Default