/*=============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2022 Immersal - Part of Hexagon. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of the Immersal SDK. The Immersal SDK cannot be copied, distributed, or made available to third-parties for commercial purposes without written permission of Immersal Ltd. Contact sdk@immersal.com for licensing requests. ===============================================================================*/ using System; using UnityEngine; using TMPro; using Immersal; namespace Immersal.Samples.Util { [RequireComponent(typeof(TextMeshProUGUI))] public class LocalizationStatus : MonoBehaviour { private const string StringFormat = "Successful localizations: {0}/{1}"; private TextMeshProUGUI m_LabelText; private ImmersalSDK m_Sdk; void Start() { m_LabelText = GetComponent(); m_Sdk = ImmersalSDK.Instance; } void Update() { if (m_Sdk.Localizer == null) return; m_LabelText.text = string.Format(StringFormat, m_Sdk.Localizer.stats.localizationSuccessCount, m_Sdk.Localizer.stats.localizationAttemptCount); } } }