/*=============================================================================== Copyright (C) 2022 Immersal - Part of Hexagon. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of the Immersal SDK. The Immersal SDK cannot be copied, distributed, or made available to third-parties for commercial purposes without written permission of Immersal Ltd. Contact sdk@immersal.com for licensing requests. ===============================================================================*/ using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Immersal.REST; using NRKernal; namespace Immersal.AR { public class LocalizerStats { public int localizationAttemptCount = 0; public int localizationSuccessCount = 0; } public struct LocalizerPose { public bool valid; public double[] mapToEcef; public Matrix4x4 matrix; public Pose lastUpdatedPose; public double vLatitude; public double vLongitude; public double vAltitude; } public abstract class LocalizerBase : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Start localizing at app startup")] [SerializeField] protected bool m_AutoStart = true; [Tooltip("Time between localization requests in seconds")] public float localizationInterval = 2.0f; [Tooltip("Filter localizer poses for smoother results")] [SerializeField] protected bool m_UseFiltering = true; [Tooltip("Reset localizer filtering when relocalized against a different map than the previous time")] [SerializeField] protected bool m_ResetOnMapChange = false; [Tooltip("Try to localize at maximum speed at app startup / resume")] [SerializeField] protected bool m_BurstMode = true; [Tooltip("Use the on-server GeoPose localizer")] [SerializeField] protected bool m_UseGeoPoseLocalizer = false; [Tooltip("Use the on-server localizer")] [SerializeField] protected bool m_UseServerLocalizer = false; [Tooltip("Optional server map IDs when the on-server localizer is used")] [SerializeField] protected SDKMapId[] m_MapIds = new SDKMapId[] { }; public LocalizerStats stats { get; protected set; } = new LocalizerStats(); public int lastLocalizedMapId { get; protected set; } public LocalizerPose lastLocalizedPose = default; public bool isTracking { get; protected set; } public bool isLocalizing { get; protected set; } public Action OnPoseFound; public Action OnMapChanged; public Action OnReset; protected ImmersalSDK m_Sdk = null; protected IntPtr m_PixelBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; protected float m_LastLocalizeTime = 0.0f; protected float m_BurstStartTime = 0.0f; protected bool m_BurstModeActive = false; protected bool m_LocalizeContinuously = false; protected Camera m_Cam = null; protected float m_WarpThresholdDistSq = 5.0f * 5.0f; protected float m_WarpThresholdCosAngle = Mathf.Cos(20.0f * Mathf.PI / 180.0f); public bool burstMode { get { return m_BurstMode; } set { SetBurstMode(value); } } public bool useFiltering { get { return m_UseFiltering; } set { m_UseFiltering = value; } } public bool resetOnMapChange { get { return m_ResetOnMapChange; } set { m_ResetOnMapChange = value; } } public bool autoStart { get { return m_AutoStart; } set { m_AutoStart = value; SetContinuousLocalization(value); } } public bool useServerLocalizer { get { return m_UseServerLocalizer; } set { m_UseServerLocalizer = value; } } public bool useGeoPoseLocalizer { get { return m_UseGeoPoseLocalizer; } set { m_UseGeoPoseLocalizer = value; } } public SDKMapId[] mapIds { get { return m_MapIds; } set { m_MapIds = value; } } public virtual void Start() { m_Sdk = ImmersalSDK.Instance; lastLocalizedMapId = -1; SetBurstMode(burstMode); SetContinuousLocalization(autoStart); } #region Virtual methods public virtual void OnEnable() { m_Cam = Camera.main; } public virtual void OnDisable() { isTracking = false; } public virtual void OnDestroy() { m_PixelBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } public virtual void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus) { Reset(); if (!pauseStatus) { var poseTracker = NRSessionManager.Instance.NRHMDPoseTracker; poseTracker.ResetWorldMatrix(false); SetBurstMode(burstMode); NRInput.RecenterController(); } } public virtual void Localize() { Debug.Log(string.Format("Successful localizations: {0}/{1}", stats.localizationSuccessCount, stats.localizationAttemptCount)); isLocalizing = false; } public virtual void LocalizeServer(SDKMapId[] mapIds) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Successful localizations: {0}/{1}", stats.localizationSuccessCount, stats.localizationAttemptCount)); isLocalizing = false; } public virtual void LocalizeGeoPose(SDKMapId[] mapIds) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Successful localizations: {0}/{1}", stats.localizationSuccessCount, stats.localizationAttemptCount)); isLocalizing = false; } public virtual void Reset() { lastLocalizedMapId = -1; stats.localizationAttemptCount = stats.localizationSuccessCount = 0; SetBurstMode(burstMode); foreach (KeyValuePair item in ARSpace.transformToSpace) item.Value.filter.ResetFiltering(); OnReset?.Invoke(); } public virtual void StartLocalizing() { Reset(); SetContinuousLocalization(autoStart); } public virtual void StopLocalizing() { SetContinuousLocalization(false); Reset(); } public virtual void Pause() { SetContinuousLocalization(false); } public virtual void Resume() { SetContinuousLocalization(true); } protected virtual void Update() { if (!m_LocalizeContinuously) return; if (ARSpace.transformToSpace.Count == 0) { m_BurstStartTime = Time.unscaledTime; return; } if (useFiltering) { foreach (KeyValuePair item in ARSpace.transformToSpace) { float distSq = (item.Value.filter.position - item.Value.targetPosition).sqrMagnitude; float cosAngle = Quaternion.Dot(item.Value.filter.rotation, item.Value.targetRotation); if (item.Value.filter.SampleCount() == 1 || distSq > m_WarpThresholdDistSq || cosAngle < m_WarpThresholdCosAngle) { item.Value.targetPosition = item.Value.filter.position; item.Value.targetRotation = item.Value.filter.rotation; } else { float smoothing = 0.025f; float steps = Time.deltaTime / (1.0f / 60.0f); if (steps < 1.0f) steps = 1.0f; else if (steps > 6.0f) steps = 6.0f; float alpha = 1.0f - Mathf.Pow(1.0f - smoothing, steps); item.Value.targetRotation = item.Value.filter.rotation; //Quaternion.Slerp(item.Value.targetRotation, item.Value.filter.rotation, alpha); item.Value.targetPosition = item.Value.filter.position;//Vector3.Lerp(item.Value.targetPosition, item.Value.filter.position, alpha); } ARSpace.UpdateSpace(item.Value, item.Value.targetPosition, item.Value.targetRotation); } } float curTime = Time.unscaledTime; if (m_BurstModeActive) // try to localize at max speed during app start/resume { if (!isLocalizing && isTracking) { float elapsedTime = curTime - m_BurstStartTime; isLocalizing = true; if (useGeoPoseLocalizer && mapIds.Length > 0) { LocalizeGeoPose(mapIds); } else if (useServerLocalizer && mapIds.Length > 0) { LocalizeServer(mapIds); } else { Localize(); } if (stats.localizationSuccessCount == 10 || elapsedTime >= 15f) { m_BurstModeActive = false; } } } if (!isLocalizing && isTracking && (curTime - m_LastLocalizeTime) >= localizationInterval) { m_LastLocalizeTime = curTime; isLocalizing = true; if (useGeoPoseLocalizer && mapIds.Length > 0) { LocalizeGeoPose(mapIds); } else if (useServerLocalizer && mapIds.Length > 0) { LocalizeServer(mapIds); } else { Localize(); } } } #endregion private void SetBurstMode(bool on) { m_BurstStartTime = Time.unscaledTime; m_BurstModeActive = on; } private void SetContinuousLocalization(bool on) { m_LocalizeContinuously = on; } public static void GetLocalizerPose(out LocalizerPose localizerPose, int mapId, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, Matrix4x4 m, double[] mapToEcef = null) { localizerPose = default; if (mapToEcef == null) { mapToEcef = ARSpace.mapIdToMap[mapId].MapToEcefGet(); } double[] wgs84 = new double[3]; int r = Immersal.Core.PosMapToWgs84(wgs84, ARHelper.SwitchHandedness(pos), mapToEcef); if (r == 0) { localizerPose.valid = true; localizerPose.mapToEcef = mapToEcef; localizerPose.matrix = m; localizerPose.lastUpdatedPose = new Pose(pos, rot); localizerPose.vLatitude = wgs84[0]; localizerPose.vLongitude = wgs84[1]; localizerPose.vAltitude = wgs84[2]; } } } }