using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections; using NUnit.Framework; using Unity.RenderStreaming.RuntimeTest.Signaling; using Unity.WebRTC; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.TestTools; namespace Unity.RenderStreaming.RuntimeTest { enum TestMode { PrivateMode, PublicMode } static class SignalingManagerInternalExtension { public static RTCRtpTransceiver AddSenderTrack(this SignalingManagerInternal target, string connectionId, MediaStreamTrack track) { RTCRtpTransceiverInit init = new RTCRtpTransceiverInit() { direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly }; return target.AddTransceiver(connectionId, track, init); } } class SignalingManagerInternalTest { class MyMonoBehaviourTest : MonoBehaviour, IMonoBehaviourTest { public bool IsTestFinished { get { return true; } } } private MonoBehaviourTest test; [SetUp] public void SetUp() { test = new MonoBehaviourTest(); } [TearDown] public void TearDown() { test.component.StopAllCoroutines(); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(test.gameObject); } // workaround: More time for SetDescription process const float ResendOfferInterval = 3f; private RenderStreamingDependencies CreateDependencies() { return new RenderStreamingDependencies { signaling = new MockSignaling(), config = new RTCConfiguration { iceServers = new[] { new RTCIceServer { urls = new[] { "" } } }, }, startCoroutine = test.component.StartCoroutine, stopCoroutine = test.component.StopCoroutine, resentOfferInterval = ResendOfferInterval, }; } [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] public IEnumerator Construct(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies = CreateDependencies(); var target = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies); bool isStarted = false; target.onStart += () => { isStarted = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted); Assert.That(isStarted, Is.True); target.Dispose(); } [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] public IEnumerator ConstructMultiple(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies1 = CreateDependencies(); var dependencies2 = CreateDependencies(); var target1 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies1); var target2 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies2); bool isStarted1 = false; bool isStarted2 = false; target1.onStart += () => { isStarted1 = true; }; target2.onStart += () => { isStarted2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted1); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted2); Assert.That(isStarted1, Is.True); Assert.That(isStarted2, Is.True); target1.Dispose(); target2.Dispose(); } [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] public IEnumerator OpenConnection(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies = CreateDependencies(); var target = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies); bool isStarted = false; target.onStart += () => { isStarted = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted); Assert.That(isStarted, Is.True); string connectionId = "12345"; Assert.That(target.ExistConnection(connectionId), Is.False); target.CreateConnection(connectionId); bool isCreatedConnection = false; target.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection, Is.True); Assert.That(target.ExistConnection(connectionId), Is.True); target.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection = false; target.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection, Is.True); Assert.That(target.ExistConnection(connectionId), Is.False); target.Dispose(); } [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] public IEnumerator OpenConnectionThrowException(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies = CreateDependencies(); var target = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies); bool isStarted = false; target.onStart += () => { isStarted = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted); Assert.That(isStarted, Is.True); Assert.That(() => target.CreateConnection(null), Throws.TypeOf()); Assert.That(() => target.CreateConnection(string.Empty), Throws.TypeOf()); target.Dispose(); } //todo:: crash in dispose process on standalone linux [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] [UnityPlatform(exclude = new[] { RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer })] public IEnumerator AddTrack(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies = CreateDependencies(); var target = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies); bool isStarted = false; target.onStart += () => { isStarted = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted); Assert.That(isStarted, Is.True); var connectionId = "12345"; bool isCreatedConnection = false; target.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection = true; }; target.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection, Is.True); Assert.That(target.GetTransceivers(connectionId).Count(), Is.EqualTo(0)); var camObj = new GameObject("Camera"); var camera = camObj.AddComponent(); VideoStreamTrack track = camera.CaptureStreamTrack(1280, 720); var transceiver = target.AddSenderTrack(connectionId, track); Assert.That(transceiver.Direction, Is.EqualTo(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly)); Assert.That(target.GetTransceivers(connectionId).Count(), Is.EqualTo(1)); target.RemoveSenderTrack(connectionId, track); bool isDeletedConnection = false; target.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection = true; }; target.DeleteConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection, Is.True); target.Dispose(); track.Dispose(); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(camObj); } [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest] public IEnumerator AddTrackThrowException(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies = CreateDependencies(); var target = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies); bool isStarted = false; target.onStart += () => { isStarted = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted); Assert.That(isStarted, Is.True); var connectionId = "12345"; target.CreateConnection(connectionId); bool isCreatedConnection = false; target.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection, Is.True); Assert.That(() => target.AddSenderTrack(null, null), Throws.TypeOf()); Assert.That(() => target.AddSenderTrack(connectionId, null), Throws.TypeOf()); Assert.That(() => target.RemoveSenderTrack(null, null), Throws.TypeOf()); Assert.That(() => target.RemoveSenderTrack(connectionId, null), Throws.TypeOf()); target.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection = false; target.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection, Is.True); target.Dispose(); } //todo:: crash in dispose process on standalone linux [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] [UnityPlatform(exclude = new[] { RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer })] public IEnumerator AddTrackMultiple(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies = CreateDependencies(); var target = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies); bool isStarted = false; target.onStart += () => { isStarted = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted); Assert.That(isStarted, Is.True); var connectionId = "12345"; target.CreateConnection(connectionId); bool isCreatedConnection = false; target.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection, Is.True); var camObj = new GameObject("Camera"); var camera = camObj.AddComponent(); VideoStreamTrack track = camera.CaptureStreamTrack(1280, 720); var transceiver1 = target.AddSenderTrack(connectionId, track); Assert.That(transceiver1.Direction, Is.EqualTo(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly)); var camObj2 = new GameObject("Camera2"); var camera2 = camObj2.AddComponent(); VideoStreamTrack track2 = camera2.CaptureStreamTrack(1280, 720); var transceiver2 = target.AddSenderTrack(connectionId, track2); Assert.That(transceiver2.Direction, Is.EqualTo(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly)); target.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection = false; target.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection, Is.True); target.Dispose(); track.Dispose(); track2.Dispose(); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(camObj); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(camObj2); } [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] public IEnumerator CreateChannel(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies = CreateDependencies(); var target = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies); bool isStarted = false; target.onStart += () => { isStarted = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted); Assert.That(isStarted, Is.True); var connectionId = "12345"; target.CreateConnection(connectionId); bool isCreatedConnection = false; target.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection); string channelName = "test"; var channel = target.CreateChannel(connectionId, channelName); Assert.That(channel.Label, Is.EqualTo(channelName)); target.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection = false; target.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection, Is.True); target.Dispose(); channel.Dispose(); } //todo:: crash in dispose process on standalone linux [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] [UnityPlatform(exclude = new[] { RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer, RuntimePlatform.Android })] public IEnumerator OnAddReceiverPrivateMode() { MockSignaling.Reset(true); var dependencies1 = CreateDependencies(); var dependencies2 = CreateDependencies(); var target1 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies1); var target2 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies2); bool isStarted1 = false; bool isStarted2 = false; target1.onStart += () => { isStarted1 = true; }; target2.onStart += () => { isStarted2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted1 && isStarted2); Assert.That(isStarted1, Is.True); Assert.That(isStarted2, Is.True); bool isCreatedConnection1 = false; bool isCreatedConnection2 = false; target1.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection2 = true; }; var connectionId = "12345"; // target1 is Receiver in private mode target1.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection1); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection1, Is.True); // target2 is sender in private mode target2.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection2); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection2, Is.True); bool isAddReceiver1 = false; bool isGotAnswer2 = false; target1.onAddTransceiver += (_, receiver) => { isAddReceiver1 = true; }; target1.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { target1.SendAnswer(connectionId); }; target2.onGotAnswer += (_, sdp) => { isGotAnswer2 = true; }; var camObj = new GameObject("Camera"); var camera = camObj.AddComponent(); VideoStreamTrack track = camera.CaptureStreamTrack(1280, 720); // send offer automatically after adding a Track var transceiver = target2.AddSenderTrack(connectionId, track); Assert.That(transceiver, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(transceiver.Direction, Is.EqualTo(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly)); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isAddReceiver1 && isGotAnswer2); Assert.That(isAddReceiver1, Is.True); Assert.That(isGotAnswer2, Is.True); target1.DeleteConnection(connectionId); target2.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection1 = false; bool isDeletedConnection2 = false; target1.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection1 && isDeletedConnection2); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection1, Is.True); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection2, Is.True); target1.Dispose(); target2.Dispose(); track.Dispose(); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(camObj); } //todo:: crash in dispose process on standalone linux [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] [UnityPlatform(exclude = new[] { RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer, RuntimePlatform.Android })] public IEnumerator OnAddReceiverPublicMode() { MockSignaling.Reset(false); var dependencies1 = CreateDependencies(); var dependencies2 = CreateDependencies(); var target1 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies1); var target2 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies2); bool isStarted1 = false; bool isStarted2 = false; target1.onStart += () => { isStarted1 = true; }; target2.onStart += () => { isStarted2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted1 && isStarted2); Assert.That(isStarted1, Is.True); Assert.That(isStarted2, Is.True); bool isCreatedConnection1 = false; bool isOnGotOffer2 = false; target1.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { isOnGotOffer2 = true; }; var connectionId = "12345"; // target1 is Receiver in public mode target1.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection1); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection1, Is.True); RTCRtpTransceiverInit init = new RTCRtpTransceiverInit() { direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.RecvOnly }; target1.AddTransceiver(connectionId, TrackKind.Video, init); // target2 is sender in private mode yield return new WaitUntil(() => isOnGotOffer2); Assert.That(isOnGotOffer2, Is.True); bool isAddReceiver1 = false; bool isGotAnswer1 = false; target1.onAddTransceiver += (_, receiver) => { isAddReceiver1 = true; }; target1.onGotAnswer += (_, sdp) => { isGotAnswer1 = true; }; var camObj = new GameObject("Camera"); var camera = camObj.AddComponent(); VideoStreamTrack track = camera.CaptureStreamTrack(1280, 720); var transceiver2 = target2.AddSenderTrack(connectionId, track); Assert.That(transceiver2.Direction, Is.EqualTo(RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly)); target2.SendAnswer(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isAddReceiver1 & isGotAnswer1); target1.DeleteConnection(connectionId); target2.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection1 = false; bool isDeletedConnection2 = false; target1.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection1 && isDeletedConnection2); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection1, Is.True); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection2, Is.True); target1.Dispose(); target2.Dispose(); track.Dispose(); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(camObj); } [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] public IEnumerator OnAddChannelPrivateMode() { MockSignaling.Reset(true); var dependencies1 = CreateDependencies(); var dependencies2 = CreateDependencies(); var target1 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies1); var target2 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies2); bool isStarted1 = false; bool isStarted2 = false; target1.onStart += () => { isStarted1 = true; }; target2.onStart += () => { isStarted2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted1 && isStarted2); bool isCreatedConnection1 = false; bool isCreatedConnection2 = false; target1.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection2 = true; }; var connectionId = "12345"; // target1 is Receiver in private mode target1.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection1); // target2 is sender in private mode target2.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection2); bool isAddChannel1 = false; bool isGotOffer1 = false; bool isGotAnswer2 = false; target1.onAddChannel += (_, _channel) => { isAddChannel1 = true; }; target1.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { isGotOffer1 = true; }; target2.onGotAnswer += (_, sdp) => { isGotAnswer2 = true; }; // send offer automatically after creating channel RTCDataChannel channel = target2.CreateChannel(connectionId, "test"); Assert.That(channel, Is.Not.Null); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotOffer1); Assert.That(isGotOffer1, Is.True); target1.SendAnswer(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isAddChannel1 && isGotAnswer2); Assert.That(isAddChannel1, Is.True); Assert.That(isGotAnswer2, Is.True); target1.DeleteConnection(connectionId); target2.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection1 = false; bool isDeletedConnection2 = false; target1.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection1 && isDeletedConnection2); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection1, Is.True); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection2, Is.True); target1.Dispose(); target2.Dispose(); } [UnityTest, Timeout(10000), LongRunning] public IEnumerator SendOfferThrowExceptionPrivateMode() { MockSignaling.Reset(true); var dependencies1 = CreateDependencies(); var dependencies2 = CreateDependencies(); var target1 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies1); var target2 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies2); bool isStarted1 = false; bool isStarted2 = false; target1.onStart += () => { isStarted1 = true; }; target2.onStart += () => { isStarted2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted1 && isStarted2); bool isCreatedConnection1 = false; bool isCreatedConnection2 = false; target1.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection2 = true; }; var connectionId = "12345"; // target1 is Receiver in private mode target1.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection1); // target2 is sender in private mode target2.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection2); bool isGotOffer1 = false; bool isGotAnswer2 = false; target1.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { isGotOffer1 = true; }; target2.onGotAnswer += (_, sdp) => { isGotAnswer2 = true; }; target2.SendOffer(connectionId); // each peer are not stable, signaling process not complete. yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotOffer1); Assert.That(target1.IsStable(connectionId), Is.False); Assert.That(target2.IsStable(connectionId), Is.False); Assert.That(() => target1.SendOffer(connectionId), Throws.TypeOf()); target1.SendAnswer(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotAnswer2); Assert.That(isGotAnswer2, Is.True); // If target1 processes resent Offer from target2, target1 is not stable. Assert.That(target2.IsStable(connectionId), Is.True); target1.DeleteConnection(connectionId); target2.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection1 = false; bool isDeletedConnection2 = false; target1.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection1 && isDeletedConnection2); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection1, Is.True); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection2, Is.True); target1.Dispose(); target2.Dispose(); } [UnityTest, Timeout(30000), LongRunning] public IEnumerator SwapTransceiverPrivateMode() { MockSignaling.Reset(true); var dependencies1 = CreateDependencies(); var dependencies2 = CreateDependencies(); var target1 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies1); var target2 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies2); bool isStarted1 = false; bool isStarted2 = false; target1.onStart += () => { isStarted1 = true; }; target2.onStart += () => { isStarted2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted1 && isStarted2); Assert.That(isStarted1, Is.True); Assert.That(isStarted2, Is.True); bool isCreatedConnection1 = false; bool isCreatedConnection2 = false; target1.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection2 = true; }; var connectionId = "12345"; // target1 has impolite peer (request first) target1.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection1); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection1, Is.True); // target2 has polite peer (request second) target2.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection2); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection2, Is.True); bool isGotOffer1 = false; bool isGotOffer2 = false; bool isGotAnswer1 = false; target1.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { isGotOffer1 = true; }; target2.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { isGotOffer2 = true; }; target1.onGotAnswer += (_, sdp) => { isGotAnswer1 = true; }; RTCRtpTransceiverInit init1 = new RTCRtpTransceiverInit() { direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly }; RTCRtpTransceiverInit init2 = new RTCRtpTransceiverInit() { direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly }; target1.AddTransceiver(connectionId, TrackKind.Audio, init1); target2.AddTransceiver(connectionId, TrackKind.Audio, init2); // check each target invoke onGotOffer yield return new WaitForSeconds(ResendOfferInterval * 5); // ignore offer because impolite peer Assert.That(isGotOffer1, Is.False, $"{nameof(isGotOffer1)} is not False."); // accept offer because polite peer Assert.That(isGotOffer2, Is.True, $"{nameof(isGotOffer2)} is not True."); target2.SendAnswer(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotAnswer1); Assert.That(isGotAnswer1, Is.True, $"{nameof(isGotAnswer1)} is not True."); target1.DeleteConnection(connectionId); target2.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection1 = false; bool isDeletedConnection2 = false; target1.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection1 && isDeletedConnection2); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection1, Is.True, $"{nameof(isDeletedConnection1)} is not True."); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection2, Is.True, $"{nameof(isDeletedConnection2)} is not True."); target1.Dispose(); target2.Dispose(); } [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest, Timeout(30000), LongRunning] public IEnumerator ResendOfferUntilGotAnswer(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies1 = CreateDependencies(); var dependencies2 = CreateDependencies(); var target1 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies1); var target2 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies2); bool isStarted1 = false; bool isStarted2 = false; target1.onStart += () => { isStarted1 = true; }; target2.onStart += () => { isStarted2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted1 && isStarted2); bool isCreatedConnection1 = false; bool isCreatedConnection2 = false; target1.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection2 = true; }; var connectionId = "12345"; target1.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection1); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection1, Is.True); target2.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection2); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection2, Is.True); int countGotOffer2 = 0; target2.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { countGotOffer2++; }; target1.SendOffer(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => countGotOffer2 > 1); Assert.That(countGotOffer2, Is.GreaterThan(1)); bool isGotAnswer1 = false; target1.onGotAnswer += (_, sdp) => { isGotAnswer1 = true; }; target2.SendAnswer(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotAnswer1); Assert.That(isGotAnswer1, Is.True); yield return new WaitForSeconds(ResendOfferInterval * 2); var currentCount = countGotOffer2; yield return new WaitForSeconds(ResendOfferInterval * 2); Assert.That(countGotOffer2, Is.EqualTo(currentCount), $"{nameof(currentCount)} is not Equal {nameof(countGotOffer2)}"); target1.DeleteConnection(connectionId); target2.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection1 = false; bool isDeletedConnection2 = false; target1.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection1 && isDeletedConnection2); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection1, Is.True, $"{nameof(isDeletedConnection1)} is not True."); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection2, Is.True, $"{nameof(isDeletedConnection2)} is not True."); target1.Dispose(); target2.Dispose(); } [TestCase(TestMode.PublicMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [TestCase(TestMode.PrivateMode, ExpectedResult = null)] [UnityTest, Timeout(30000), LongRunning] public IEnumerator DeleteFailedPeers(TestMode mode) { MockSignaling.Reset(mode == TestMode.PrivateMode); var dependencies1 = CreateDependencies(); var dependencies2 = CreateDependencies(); var target1 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies1); var target2 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies2); bool isStarted1 = false; bool isStarted2 = false; target1.onStart += () => { isStarted1 = true; }; target2.onStart += () => { isStarted2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted1 && isStarted2); Assert.That(isStarted1, Is.True); Assert.That(isStarted2, Is.True); bool isCreatedConnection1 = false; bool isCreatedConnection2 = false; target1.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection2 = true; }; var connectionId = "12345"; // target1 has impolite peer (request first) target1.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection1); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection1, Is.True); target2.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection2); Assert.That(isCreatedConnection2, Is.True); bool isGotOffer2 = false; bool isGotAnswer1 = false; target2.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { isGotOffer2 = true; }; target1.onGotAnswer += (_, sdp) => { isGotAnswer1 = true; }; RTCRtpTransceiverInit init1 = new RTCRtpTransceiverInit() { direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly }; target1.AddTransceiver(connectionId, TrackKind.Video, init1); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotOffer2); Assert.That(isGotOffer2, Is.True, $"{nameof(isGotOffer2)} is not True."); target2.SendAnswer(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotAnswer1); Assert.That(isGotAnswer1, Is.True, $"{nameof(isGotAnswer1)} is not True."); // Improperly dispose of target1 to force failed state on target2 target1.Dispose(); bool isDeletedConnection2 = false; target2.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection2); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection2, Is.True, $"{nameof(isDeletedConnection2)} is not True."); target2.Dispose(); } [UnityTest, Timeout(10000)] public IEnumerator ReNegotiationAfterReceivingFirstOffer() { MockSignaling.Reset(true); var dependencies1 = CreateDependencies(); var dependencies2 = CreateDependencies(); var target1 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies1); var target2 = new SignalingManagerInternal(ref dependencies2); bool isStarted1 = false; bool isStarted2 = false; target1.onStart += () => { isStarted1 = true; }; target2.onStart += () => { isStarted2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isStarted1 && isStarted2); bool isCreatedConnection1 = false; bool isCreatedConnection2 = false; target1.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onCreatedConnection += _ => { isCreatedConnection2 = true; }; var connectionId = "12345"; // target1 has impolite peer (request first) target1.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection1); // target2 has polite peer (request second) target2.CreateConnection(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isCreatedConnection2); bool isGotOffer1 = false; bool isGotOffer2 = false; bool isGotAnswer1 = false; bool isGotAnswer2 = false; target1.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { isGotOffer1 = true; }; target2.onGotOffer += (_, sdp) => { isGotOffer2 = true; }; target1.onGotAnswer += (_, sdp) => { isGotAnswer1 = true; }; target2.onGotAnswer += (_, sdp) => { isGotAnswer2 = true; }; var init1 = new RTCRtpTransceiverInit() { direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly }; var init2 = new RTCRtpTransceiverInit() { direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.RecvOnly }; var init3 = new RTCRtpTransceiverInit() { direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.SendOnly }; var init4 = new RTCRtpTransceiverInit() { direction = RTCRtpTransceiverDirection.RecvOnly }; target1.AddTransceiver(connectionId, TrackKind.Video, init1); target1.AddTransceiver(connectionId, TrackKind.Video, init2); target2.AddTransceiver(connectionId, TrackKind.Video, init3); target2.AddTransceiver(connectionId, TrackKind.Video, init4); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotOffer2); Assert.That(isGotOffer2, Is.True, $"{nameof(isGotOffer2)} is not True."); target2.SendAnswer(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotAnswer1); Assert.That(isGotAnswer1, Is.True, $"{nameof(isGotAnswer1)} is not True."); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotOffer1); Assert.That(isGotOffer1, Is.True, $"{nameof(isGotOffer1)} is not True."); target1.SendAnswer(connectionId); yield return new WaitUntil(() => isGotAnswer2); Assert.That(isGotAnswer2, Is.True, $"{nameof(isGotAnswer2)} is not True."); target1.DeleteConnection(connectionId); target2.DeleteConnection(connectionId); bool isDeletedConnection1 = false; bool isDeletedConnection2 = false; target1.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection1 = true; }; target2.onDeletedConnection += _ => { isDeletedConnection2 = true; }; yield return new WaitUntil(() => isDeletedConnection1 && isDeletedConnection2); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection1, Is.True, $"{nameof(isDeletedConnection1)} is not True."); Assert.That(isDeletedConnection2, Is.True, $"{nameof(isDeletedConnection1)} is not True."); target1.Dispose(); target2.Dispose(); } } }