using System; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Users; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.EnhancedTouch; using UE = UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Unity.RenderStreaming.Samples { using UnityInputSystem = UnityEngine.InputSystem.InputSystem; enum KeyboardEventType { KeyUp = 0, KeyDown = 1, } enum EventType { Keyboard = 0, Mouse = 1, MouseWheel = 2, Touch = 3, ButtonClick = 4, Gamepad = 5, } enum GamepadEventType { ButtonUp = 0, ButtonDown = 1, ButtonPressed = 2, Axis = 3 } enum GamepadKeyCode { Button0 = 0, Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4, Button5, Button6, Button7, Button8, Button9, Axis0Button, Axis1Button, DpadUp, DpadDown, DpadLeft, DpadRight, Axis0 = 100, Axis1 } internal static class RemoteInputReceiver { private static readonly Dictionary s_mapRemoteInputAndInputUserId; private static readonly List s_listRemoteInput; static RemoteInputReceiver() { s_mapRemoteInputAndInputUserId = new Dictionary(); s_listRemoteInput = new List(); } internal static void Dispose() { s_mapRemoteInputAndInputUserId.Clear(); s_listRemoteInput.Clear(); } public static IReadOnlyList All() { return s_listRemoteInput; } public static RemoteInput Create() { InputUser user = InputUser.CreateUserWithoutPairedDevices(); user = InputUser.PerformPairingWithDevice(UnityInputSystem.AddDevice(), user); user = InputUser.PerformPairingWithDevice(UnityInputSystem.AddDevice(), user); user = InputUser.PerformPairingWithDevice(UnityInputSystem.AddDevice(), user); user = InputUser.PerformPairingWithDevice(UnityInputSystem.AddDevice(), user); RemoteInput remoteInput = new RemoteInput(ref user); s_mapRemoteInputAndInputUserId.Add(remoteInput,; s_listRemoteInput.Add(remoteInput); return remoteInput; } internal static void Delete(RemoteInput remoteInput) { if (remoteInput == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The instance of argument is null"); } bool found = s_mapRemoteInputAndInputUserId.TryGetValue(remoteInput, out uint userId); if (!found) { throw new ArgumentException("The instance of argument is not found"); } InputUser user = InputUser.all.First(_user => == userId); var arrayDeviceId = user.pairedDevices.Select(device => device.deviceId).ToArray(); user.UnpairDevicesAndRemoveUser(); foreach (var deviceId in arrayDeviceId) { UnityInputSystem.RemoveDevice(UnityInputSystem.GetDeviceById(deviceId)); } s_mapRemoteInputAndInputUserId.Remove(remoteInput); s_listRemoteInput.Remove(remoteInput); } } public interface IInput { Mouse RemoteMouse { get; } Keyboard RemoteKeyboard { get; } Touchscreen RemoteTouchscreen { get; } Gamepad RemoteGamepad { get; } } internal class RemoteInput : IInput, IDisposable { private GamepadState m_gamepadState; public Mouse RemoteMouse { get; } public Keyboard RemoteKeyboard { get; } public Touchscreen RemoteTouchscreen { get; } public Gamepad RemoteGamepad { get; } public Action ActionButtonClick; private UnityEngine.Vector2Int m_prevMousePos; private KeyboardState m_keyboardState = new KeyboardState(); private bool disposed; internal RemoteInput(ref InputUser user) { RemoteMouse = user.pairedDevices.FirstOrDefault(device => device is Mouse) as Mouse; RemoteKeyboard = user.pairedDevices.FirstOrDefault(device => device is Keyboard) as Keyboard; RemoteTouchscreen = user.pairedDevices.FirstOrDefault(device => device is Touchscreen) as Touchscreen; RemoteGamepad = user.pairedDevices.FirstOrDefault(device => device is Gamepad) as Gamepad; } ~RemoteInput() { Dispose(); } public void Dispose() { if (this.disposed) { return; } RemoteInputReceiver.Delete(this); this.disposed = true; GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void ProcessInput(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); if(bytes.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("byte length is zero"); switch ((EventType)bytes[0]) { case EventType.Keyboard: var type = (KeyboardEventType)bytes[1]; var repeat = bytes[2] == 1; var key = bytes[3]; var character = (char)bytes[4]; ProcessKeyEvent(type, repeat, key, character); break; case EventType.Mouse: var deltaX = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, 1); var deltaY = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, 3); var button = bytes[5]; ProcessMouseMoveEvent(deltaX, deltaY, button); break; case EventType.MouseWheel: var scrollX = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 1); var scrollY = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 5); ProcessMouseWheelEvent(scrollX, scrollY); break; case EventType.Touch: { var length = bytes[1]; var index = 2; var touches = new TouchState[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { const int INPUTSYSTEM_ZERO_ID_GUARD = 128; //ID 0 is reserved by inputsystem int identifier = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, index) + INPUTSYSTEM_ZERO_ID_GUARD; index += 4; var phase = (UnityEngine.InputSystem.TouchPhase)bytes[index]; index += 1; var pageX = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, index); index += 2; var pageY = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, index); index += 2; var force = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, index); index += 4; touches[i] = new TouchState { touchId = identifier, phase = phase, position = new UnityEngine.Vector2Int(pageX, pageY), pressure = force }; } ProcessTouchMoveEvent(touches); if (Touch.activeTouches.Count > length) { ChangeEndStateUnusedTouches(touches); } } break; case EventType.ButtonClick: var elementId = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, 1); ProcessButtonClickEvent(elementId); break; case EventType.Gamepad: { GamepadEventType gamepadEventType = (GamepadEventType)bytes[1]; switch (gamepadEventType) { case GamepadEventType.ButtonDown: case GamepadEventType.ButtonUp: case GamepadEventType.ButtonPressed: { var buttonIndex = bytes[2]; var value = BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 3); ProcessGamepadButtonEvent(gamepadEventType, (GamepadKeyCode) buttonIndex, value); } break; case GamepadEventType.Axis: { var buttonIndex = bytes[2]; var x = BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 3); var y = BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 11); ProcessGamepadAxisEvent(x, y, (GamepadKeyCode) buttonIndex); } break; } UnityInputSystem.QueueStateEvent(RemoteGamepad, m_gamepadState); } break; } } #region Gamepads Events void ProcessGamepadButtonEvent(GamepadEventType state, GamepadKeyCode buttonIndex, double value) { GamepadButton buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.DpadUp; GamepadState gamepadState = m_gamepadState; switch(buttonIndex) { case GamepadKeyCode.DpadUp: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.DpadUp; break; case GamepadKeyCode.DpadDown: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.DpadDown; break; case GamepadKeyCode.DpadLeft: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.DpadLeft; break; case GamepadKeyCode.DpadRight: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.DpadRight; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Button0: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.B; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Button1: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.A; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Button2: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.Y; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Button3: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.X; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Button4: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.LeftShoulder; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Button5: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.RightShoulder; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Button6: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.LeftTrigger; gamepadState.leftTrigger = (float)value; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Button7: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.RightTrigger; gamepadState.rightTrigger = (float) value; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Axis0Button: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.LeftStick; break; case GamepadKeyCode.Axis1Button: buttonToUpdate = GamepadButton.RightStick; break; default: UE.Debug.Log("Unmapped button code: " + buttonIndex); break; } m_gamepadState = gamepadState.WithButton(buttonToUpdate, GamepadEventType.ButtonDown == state || GamepadEventType.ButtonPressed == state); } void ProcessGamepadAxisEvent(double x, double y, GamepadKeyCode axisKeyCode) { GamepadState gamepadState = m_gamepadState; if(axisKeyCode == GamepadKeyCode.Axis0) gamepadState.leftStick = new UE.Vector2((float)x, (float)y); if(axisKeyCode == GamepadKeyCode.Axis1) gamepadState.rightStick = new UE.Vector2((float)x, (float)y); m_gamepadState = gamepadState; } #endregion void ProcessKeyEvent(KeyboardEventType state, bool repeat, byte keyCode, char character) { switch(state) { case KeyboardEventType.KeyDown: if (!repeat) { m_keyboardState.Set((Key)keyCode, true); UnityInputSystem.QueueStateEvent(RemoteKeyboard, m_keyboardState); } if(character != 0) { UnityInputSystem.QueueTextEvent(RemoteKeyboard, character); } break; case KeyboardEventType.KeyUp: m_keyboardState.Set((Key)keyCode, false); UnityInputSystem.QueueStateEvent(RemoteKeyboard, m_keyboardState); break; } } void ProcessMouseMoveEvent(short x, short y, byte button) { UnityEngine.Vector2Int pos = new UnityEngine.Vector2Int(x, y); UnityEngine.Vector2Int delta = pos - m_prevMousePos; UnityInputSystem.QueueStateEvent(RemoteMouse, new MouseState { position = pos, delta = delta, buttons = button }); m_prevMousePos = pos; } void ProcessMouseWheelEvent(float scrollX, float scrollY) { UnityInputSystem.QueueStateEvent(RemoteMouse, new MouseState { scroll = new UnityEngine.Vector2(scrollX, scrollY) }); } void ProcessTouchMoveEvent(TouchState[] touches) { for (var i = 0; i < touches.Length; i++) { UnityInputSystem.QueueStateEvent(RemoteTouchscreen, touches[i]); } } void ChangeEndStateUnusedTouches(TouchState[] touches) { int touchCount = Touch.activeTouches.Count; for (var i = 0; i < touchCount; i++) { int touchId = Touch.activeTouches[i].touchId; if (!Array.Exists(touches, v => v.touchId == touchId)) { if (Touch.activeTouches[i].phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { continue; } UnityInputSystem.QueueStateEvent(RemoteTouchscreen, new TouchState { touchId = touchId, phase = TouchPhase.Ended, position = Touch.activeTouches[i].screenPosition }); } } } void ProcessButtonClickEvent(int elementId) { ActionButtonClick?.Invoke(elementId); } } }