# Bidirectional Sample This is a sample of bi-directional(send/receive) each other's video. It works with Unity-Unity or Unity-Browser combination. > [!NOTE] > If no codec is available on both sender and receiver, the video can not stream. Please note that the compatibility of codecs is different corresponding to platforms and graphics API. ## Usage ### Procedure (Unity-Unity) 1) Launch the signaling server using **private mode**. Please refer to [this link](webapp.md) for launching. > [!NOTE] > This sample does not work on signaling server in public mode. ![Launch web server](images/launch_webserver_private_mode.png) 2) Build an app in Unity Editor, and launch an application. 3) Click `Bidirectional` button on the app. ![Bidirectional Sample Setup](images/open_bidirectional_scene.png) 4) Build and run application. Select video/audio devices and click `StartVideo/Mic` button. Then click `SetUp` button. (**ConnectionID** is autofill.) ![Bidirectional Sample Setup](images/sample_bidirectional_setup.png) > [!NOTE] > When building application for iOS platform, you need set `Camera Usage Description` on Player Settings. > If not set this, your application exits. (refer [this page](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CocoaKeys.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009251-SW24)) ![Set Camera Usage Description](images/sample_bidirectional_camerausagedescription.png) 5) Enter same **ConnectionID** on the application in Unity Editor. ![Enter Same ID](images/sample_bidirectional_entersameid.png) 6) Press the `SetUp` button in Unity Editor. 7) You can see streaming video each other's. (Of course, it also works with Unity applications.) ![Bidirectional Streaming](images/sample_bidirectional_streaming.png) ### Procedure (Unity-Browser) 1.~3. steps same as Unity-Unity Procedure. 4) Open your web browser and access `http://localhost`. You can see the top page. Click a `Bidirectional Sample` link. ![Browser Bidirectional Sample Link](images/browser_mainpage_bidirectional.png) 5) Enter same **ConnectionID** on the Unity Application to Browser text area. ![Enter Same ID on browser](images/sample_bidirectional_entersameid_browser.png) 6) Click `StartVideo` button, after that click `SetUp` button in Browser. ![Click StartVideo Button](images/browser_bidirectional_sample_startvideo.png) 7) You can see streaming video each other's. ![Bidirectional Streaming with browser](images/sample_bidirectional_streaming_with_browser.png)