using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace SC.XR.Unity.Module_Tooltip { [ExecuteAlways] [RequireComponent(typeof(LineRenderer))] public class Modules_TooltipLineRenderer : MonoBehaviour { public enum TooltipStartPointLocation { Auto, UpperLeft, UpperCenter, UpperRight, MiddleLeft, MiddleCenter, MiddleRight, BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottonRight } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Select the starting point of the line.")] private TooltipStartPointLocation tooltipStartPointLocation = TooltipStartPointLocation.Auto; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The GameObject which the tooltip is connected to.")] private Transform target; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Whether the point is visible.")] private bool isStartPointVisible; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Whether the line is visible.")] private bool isLineVisible; private Transform Target { set { target = value; } get { return target; } } [SerializeField] [Range(0, 0.01f)] [Tooltip("The width of line")] private float width; private float Width { set { width = value; } get { return width; } } private LineRenderer lineRenderer; private Transform lable; private Transform background; private Transform[] startpoints; private Transform startpoint; private Dictionary<float, Transform> distanceDictionary; private List<float> distanceList; private Transform point; private void OnEnable() { lineRenderer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>(); lable = transform.Find("Lable"); background = lable.Find("Background"); lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = false; startpoints = background.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(); point = transform.Find("Point"); } protected virtual void Update() { //Target = target; lineRenderer.widthMultiplier = Width; UpdateLine(); SetVisible(); } private void UpdateLine() { Vector3 point_start = GetStartPoint(); Vector3[] points = { transform.InverseTransformPoint(point_start), transform.InverseTransformPoint(Target.position) }; lineRenderer.SetPositions(points); } private Vector3 GetStartPoint() { switch (tooltipStartPointLocation) { case TooltipStartPointLocation.Auto: startpoint = GetNearbyPoint(startpoint); break; case TooltipStartPointLocation.UpperLeft: startpoint = startpoints[1]; break; case TooltipStartPointLocation.UpperCenter: startpoint = startpoints[2]; break; case TooltipStartPointLocation.UpperRight: startpoint = startpoints[3]; break; case TooltipStartPointLocation.MiddleLeft: startpoint = startpoints[4]; break; case TooltipStartPointLocation.MiddleCenter: startpoint = startpoints[5]; break; case TooltipStartPointLocation.MiddleRight: startpoint = startpoints[6]; break; case TooltipStartPointLocation.BottomLeft: startpoint = startpoints[7]; break; case TooltipStartPointLocation.BottomCenter: startpoint = startpoints[8]; break; case TooltipStartPointLocation.BottonRight: startpoint = startpoints[9]; break; default: break; } return startpoint.position; } private Transform GetNearbyPoint(Transform startpoint) { distanceDictionary = new Dictionary<float, Transform>(); distanceList = new List<float>(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(Target.position, startpoints[i + 1].position); try { distanceDictionary.Add(distance, startpoints[i + 1]); } catch (Exception) { } if (!distanceList.Contains(distance)) { distanceList.Add(distance); } } distanceList.Sort(); distanceDictionary.TryGetValue(distanceList[0], out startpoint); return startpoint; } private void SetVisible() { point.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = isStartPointVisible; lineRenderer.enabled = isLineVisible; } public Vector3 API_GetTargetPosition(bool isWorld) { if (isWorld) { return Target.position; } else { return transform.InverseTransformPoint(Target.position); } } public void API_SetTargetPosition(Vector3 newPosition, bool isWorld) { if (isWorld) { Target.transform.position = newPosition; } else { Target.transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(newPosition); } } public Vector3 API_GetLablePosition(bool isWorld) { if (lable == null) { lable = transform.Find("Lable"); } if (isWorld) { return lable.transform.position; } else { return transform.InverseTransformPoint(lable.position); } } public void API_SetLablePosition(Vector3 newPosition, bool isWorld) { if (lable == null) { lable = transform.Find("Lable"); } if (isWorld) { lable.transform.position = newPosition; } else { lable.transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(newPosition); } } public TooltipStartPointLocation API_GetStartPoint() { return tooltipStartPointLocation; } public void API_SetStartPoint(TooltipStartPointLocation startPoint) { tooltipStartPointLocation = startPoint; } public Vector3 API_GetStartPointPosition(bool isWorld) { if (isWorld) { return startpoint.position; } else { return transform.InverseTransformPoint(startpoint.position); } } public void API_SetStartPointVisible(bool state) { isStartPointVisible = state; } public void API_SetLineVisible(bool state) { isLineVisible = state; } public void API_SetLineWidth(float width) { Width = width; } } }