#if UNITY_CHANGE1 || UNITY_CHANGE2 || UNITY_CHANGE3 #warning UNITY_CHANGE has been set manually #elif UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 #define UNITY_CHANGE1 #elif UNITY_5_0 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_2 #define UNITY_CHANGE2 #else #define UNITY_CHANGE3 #endif //use UNITY_CHANGE1 for unity older than "unity 5" //use UNITY_CHANGE2 for unity 5.0 -> 5.3 //use UNITY_CHANGE3 for unity 5.3 (fix for new SceneManger system ) using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; #if UNITY_CHANGE3 using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; #endif [System.Serializable] public class Images { public Texture2D clearImage; public Texture2D collapseImage; public Texture2D clearOnNewSceneImage; public Texture2D showTimeImage; public Texture2D showSceneImage; public Texture2D userImage; public Texture2D showMemoryImage; public Texture2D softwareImage; public Texture2D dateImage; public Texture2D showFpsImage; public Texture2D infoImage; public Texture2D searchImage; public Texture2D closeImage; public Texture2D buildFromImage; public Texture2D systemInfoImage; public Texture2D graphicsInfoImage; public Texture2D backImage; public Texture2D logImage; public Texture2D warningImage; public Texture2D errorImage; public Texture2D barImage; public Texture2D button_activeImage; public Texture2D even_logImage; public Texture2D odd_logImage; public Texture2D selectedImage; public GUISkin reporterScrollerSkin; } //To use Reporter just create reporter from menu (Reporter->Create) at first scene your game start. //then set the ” Scrip execution order ” in (Edit -> Project Settings ) of Reporter.cs to be the highest. //Now to view logs all what you have to do is to make a circle gesture using your mouse (click and drag) //or your finger (touch and drag) on the screen to show all these logs //no coding is required public class Reporter : MonoBehaviour { public enum _LogType { Assert = LogType.Assert, Error = LogType.Error, Exception = LogType.Exception, Log = LogType.Log, Warning = LogType.Warning, } public class Sample { public float time; public byte loadedScene; public float memory; public float fps; public string fpsText; public static float MemSize() { float s = sizeof(float) + sizeof(byte) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(float); return s; } public string GetSceneName() { if ((int)loadedScene == -1) return "AssetBundleScene"; return scenes[loadedScene]; } } List samples = new List(60 * 60 * 60); public class Log { public int count = 1; public _LogType logType; public string condition; public string stacktrace; public int sampleId; //public string objectName="" ;//object who send error //public string rootName =""; //root of object send error public Log CreateCopy() { return (Log)this.MemberwiseClone(); } public float GetMemoryUsage() { return (float)(sizeof(int) + sizeof(_LogType) + condition.Length * sizeof(char) + stacktrace.Length * sizeof(char) + sizeof(int)); } } //contains all uncollapsed log List logs = new List(); //contains all collapsed logs List collapsedLogs = new List(); //contain logs which should only appear to user , for example if you switch off show logs + switch off show warnings //and your mode is collapse,then this list will contains only collapsed errors List currentLog = new List(); //used to check if the new coming logs is already exist or new one MultiKeyDictionary logsDic = new MultiKeyDictionary(); //to save memory Dictionary cachedString = new Dictionary(); [HideInInspector] //show hide In Game Logs public bool show = false; //collapse logs bool collapse; //to decide if you want to clean logs for new loaded scene bool clearOnNewSceneLoaded; bool showTime; bool showScene; bool showMemory; bool showFps; bool showGraph; //show or hide logs bool showLog = true; //show or hide warnings bool showWarning = true; //show or hide errors bool showError = true; //total number of logs int numOfLogs = 0; //total number of warnings int numOfLogsWarning = 0; //total number of errors int numOfLogsError = 0; //total number of collapsed logs int numOfCollapsedLogs = 0; //total number of collapsed warnings int numOfCollapsedLogsWarning = 0; //total number of collapsed errors int numOfCollapsedLogsError = 0; //maximum number of allowed logs to view //public int maxAllowedLog = 1000 ; bool showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton = true; bool showTimeButton = true; bool showSceneButton = true; bool showMemButton = true; bool showFpsButton = true; bool showSearchText = true; string buildDate; string logDate; float logsMemUsage; float graphMemUsage; public float TotalMemUsage { get { return logsMemUsage + graphMemUsage; } } float gcTotalMemory; public string UserData = ""; //frame rate per second public float fps; public string fpsText; //List snapshots = new List() ; enum ReportView { None, Logs, Info, Snapshot, } ReportView currentView = ReportView.Logs; enum DetailView { None, StackTrace, Graph, } //used to check if you have In Game Logs multiple time in different scene //only one should work and other should be deleted static bool created = false; //public delegate void OnLogHandler( string condition, string stack-trace, LogType type ); //public event OnLogHandler OnLog ; public Images images; // gui GUIContent clearContent; GUIContent collapseContent; GUIContent clearOnNewSceneContent; GUIContent showTimeContent; GUIContent showSceneContent; GUIContent userContent; GUIContent showMemoryContent; GUIContent softwareContent; GUIContent dateContent; GUIContent showFpsContent; //GUIContent graphContent; GUIContent infoContent; GUIContent searchContent; GUIContent closeContent; GUIContent buildFromContent; GUIContent systemInfoContent; GUIContent graphicsInfoContent; GUIContent backContent; //GUIContent cameraContent; GUIContent logContent; GUIContent warningContent; GUIContent errorContent; GUIStyle barStyle; GUIStyle buttonActiveStyle; GUIStyle nonStyle; GUIStyle lowerLeftFontStyle; GUIStyle backStyle; GUIStyle evenLogStyle; GUIStyle oddLogStyle; GUIStyle logButtonStyle; GUIStyle selectedLogStyle; GUIStyle selectedLogFontStyle; GUIStyle stackLabelStyle; GUIStyle scrollerStyle; GUIStyle searchStyle; GUIStyle sliderBackStyle; GUIStyle sliderThumbStyle; GUISkin toolbarScrollerSkin; GUISkin logScrollerSkin; GUISkin graphScrollerSkin; public Vector2 size = new Vector2(32, 32); public float maxSize = 20; public int numOfCircleToShow = 1; static string[] scenes; string currentScene; string filterText = ""; string deviceModel; string deviceType; string deviceName; string graphicsMemorySize; #if !UNITY_CHANGE1 string maxTextureSize; #endif string systemMemorySize; void Awake() { if (!Initialized) Initialize(); } void OnEnable() { if (logs.Count == 0)//if recompile while in play mode clear(); } void OnDisable() { } void addSample() { Sample sample = new Sample(); sample.fps = fps; sample.fpsText = fpsText; #if UNITY_CHANGE3 sample.loadedScene = (byte)SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex; #else sample.loadedScene = (byte)Application.loadedLevel; #endif sample.time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; sample.memory = gcTotalMemory; samples.Add(sample); graphMemUsage = (samples.Count * Sample.MemSize()) / 1024 / 1024; } public bool Initialized = false; public void Initialize() { if (!created) { try { gameObject.SendMessage("OnPreStart"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } #if UNITY_CHANGE3 scenes = new string[ SceneManager.sceneCountInBuildSettings ]; currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; #else scenes = new string[Application.levelCount]; currentScene = Application.loadedLevelName; #endif DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); #if UNITY_CHANGE1 Application.RegisterLogCallback (new Application.LogCallback (CaptureLog)); Application.RegisterLogCallbackThreaded (new Application.LogCallback (CaptureLogThread)); #else //Application.logMessageReceived += CaptureLog ; Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded += CaptureLogThread; #endif created = true; //addSample(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("tow manager is exists delete the second"); DestroyImmediate(gameObject, true); return; } //initialize gui and styles for gui purpose clearContent = new GUIContent("", images.clearImage, "Clear logs"); collapseContent = new GUIContent("", images.collapseImage, "Collapse logs"); clearOnNewSceneContent = new GUIContent("", images.clearOnNewSceneImage, "Clear logs on new scene loaded"); showTimeContent = new GUIContent("", images.showTimeImage, "Show Hide Time"); showSceneContent = new GUIContent("", images.showSceneImage, "Show Hide Scene"); showMemoryContent = new GUIContent("", images.showMemoryImage, "Show Hide Memory"); softwareContent = new GUIContent("", images.softwareImage, "Software"); dateContent = new GUIContent("", images.dateImage, "Date"); showFpsContent = new GUIContent("", images.showFpsImage, "Show Hide fps"); infoContent = new GUIContent("", images.infoImage, "Information about application"); searchContent = new GUIContent("", images.searchImage, "Search for logs"); closeContent = new GUIContent("", images.closeImage, "Hide logs"); userContent = new GUIContent("", images.userImage, "User"); buildFromContent = new GUIContent("", images.buildFromImage, "Build From"); systemInfoContent = new GUIContent("", images.systemInfoImage, "System Info"); graphicsInfoContent = new GUIContent("", images.graphicsInfoImage, "Graphics Info"); backContent = new GUIContent("", images.backImage, "Back"); //snapshotContent = new GUIContent("",images.cameraImage,"show or hide logs"); logContent = new GUIContent("", images.logImage, "show or hide logs"); warningContent = new GUIContent("", images.warningImage, "show or hide warnings"); errorContent = new GUIContent("", images.errorImage, "show or hide errors"); currentView = (ReportView)PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_currentView", 1); show = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_show") == 1) ? true : false; collapse = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_collapse") == 1) ? true : false; clearOnNewSceneLoaded = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_clearOnNewSceneLoaded") == 1) ? true : false; showTime = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showTime") == 1) ? true : false; showScene = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showScene") == 1) ? true : false; showMemory = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showMemory") == 1) ? true : false; showFps = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showFps") == 1) ? true : false; showGraph = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showGraph") == 1) ? true : false; showLog = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showLog", 1) == 1) ? true : false; showWarning = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showWarning", 1) == 1) ? true : false; showError = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showError", 1) == 1) ? true : false; filterText = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Reporter_filterText"); size.x = size.y = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Reporter_size", 32); showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton", 1) == 1) ? true : false; showTimeButton = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showTimeButton", 1) == 1) ? true : false; showSceneButton = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showSceneButton", 1) == 1) ? true : false; showMemButton = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showMemButton", 1) == 1) ? true : false; showFpsButton = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showFpsButton", 1) == 1) ? true : false; showSearchText = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Reporter_showSearchText", 1) == 1) ? true : false; initializeStyle(); Initialized = true; if (show) { doShow(); } deviceModel = SystemInfo.deviceModel.ToString(); deviceType = SystemInfo.deviceType.ToString(); deviceName = SystemInfo.deviceName.ToString(); graphicsMemorySize = SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize.ToString(); #if !UNITY_CHANGE1 maxTextureSize = SystemInfo.maxTextureSize.ToString(); #endif systemMemorySize = SystemInfo.systemMemorySize.ToString(); } void initializeStyle() { int paddingX = (int)(size.x * 0.2f); int paddingY = (int)(size.y * 0.2f); nonStyle = new GUIStyle(); nonStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; nonStyle.border = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0); nonStyle.normal.background = null; nonStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); nonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; lowerLeftFontStyle = new GUIStyle(); lowerLeftFontStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; lowerLeftFontStyle.border = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0); lowerLeftFontStyle.normal.background = null; lowerLeftFontStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); lowerLeftFontStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; lowerLeftFontStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerLeft; barStyle = new GUIStyle(); barStyle.border = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1); barStyle.normal.background = images.barImage; barStyle.active.background = images.button_activeImage; barStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; barStyle.margin = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1); //barStyle.padding = new RectOffset(paddingX,paddingX,paddingY,paddingY); //barStyle.wordWrap = true ; barStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; barStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); buttonActiveStyle = new GUIStyle(); buttonActiveStyle.border = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1); buttonActiveStyle.normal.background = images.button_activeImage; buttonActiveStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; buttonActiveStyle.margin = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1); //buttonActiveStyle.padding = new RectOffset(4,4,4,4); buttonActiveStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); backStyle = new GUIStyle(); backStyle.normal.background = images.even_logImage; backStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; backStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); evenLogStyle = new GUIStyle(); evenLogStyle.normal.background = images.even_logImage; evenLogStyle.fixedHeight = size.y; evenLogStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; evenLogStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; evenLogStyle.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageLeft; evenLogStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); //evenLogStyle.wordWrap = true; oddLogStyle = new GUIStyle(); oddLogStyle.normal.background = images.odd_logImage; oddLogStyle.fixedHeight = size.y; oddLogStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; oddLogStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; oddLogStyle.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageLeft; oddLogStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); //oddLogStyle.wordWrap = true ; logButtonStyle = new GUIStyle(); //logButtonStyle.wordWrap = true; logButtonStyle.fixedHeight = size.y; logButtonStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; logButtonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; //logButtonStyle.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageLeft ; //logButtonStyle.wordWrap = true; logButtonStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); logButtonStyle.padding = new RectOffset(paddingX, paddingX, paddingY, paddingY); selectedLogStyle = new GUIStyle(); selectedLogStyle.normal.background = images.selectedImage; selectedLogStyle.fixedHeight = size.y; selectedLogStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; selectedLogStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; selectedLogStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; //selectedLogStyle.wordWrap = true; selectedLogStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); selectedLogFontStyle = new GUIStyle(); selectedLogFontStyle.normal.background = images.selectedImage; selectedLogFontStyle.fixedHeight = size.y; selectedLogFontStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; selectedLogFontStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; selectedLogFontStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; //selectedLogStyle.wordWrap = true; selectedLogFontStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); selectedLogFontStyle.padding = new RectOffset(paddingX, paddingX, paddingY, paddingY); stackLabelStyle = new GUIStyle(); stackLabelStyle.wordWrap = true; stackLabelStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); stackLabelStyle.padding = new RectOffset(paddingX, paddingX, paddingY, paddingY); scrollerStyle = new GUIStyle(); scrollerStyle.normal.background = images.barImage; searchStyle = new GUIStyle(); searchStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; searchStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; searchStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y / 2); searchStyle.wordWrap = true; sliderBackStyle = new GUIStyle(); sliderBackStyle.normal.background = images.barImage; sliderBackStyle.fixedHeight = size.y; sliderBackStyle.border = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1); sliderThumbStyle = new GUIStyle(); sliderThumbStyle.normal.background = images.selectedImage; sliderThumbStyle.fixedWidth = size.x; GUISkin skin = images.reporterScrollerSkin; toolbarScrollerSkin = (GUISkin)GameObject.Instantiate(skin); toolbarScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth = 0f; toolbarScrollerSkin.horizontalScrollbar.fixedHeight = 0f; toolbarScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbarThumb.fixedWidth = 0f; toolbarScrollerSkin.horizontalScrollbarThumb.fixedHeight = 0f; logScrollerSkin = (GUISkin)GameObject.Instantiate(skin); logScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth = size.x * 2f; logScrollerSkin.horizontalScrollbar.fixedHeight = 0f; logScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbarThumb.fixedWidth = size.x * 2f; logScrollerSkin.horizontalScrollbarThumb.fixedHeight = 0f; graphScrollerSkin = (GUISkin)GameObject.Instantiate(skin); graphScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth = 0f; graphScrollerSkin.horizontalScrollbar.fixedHeight = size.x * 2f; graphScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbarThumb.fixedWidth = 0f; graphScrollerSkin.horizontalScrollbarThumb.fixedHeight = size.x * 2f; //inGameLogsScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbarThumb.fixedWidth = size.x * 2; //inGameLogsScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth = size.x * 2; } void Start() { logDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); StartCoroutine("readInfo"); } //clear all logs void clear() { logs.Clear(); collapsedLogs.Clear(); currentLog.Clear(); logsDic.Clear(); //selectedIndex = -1; selectedLog = null; numOfLogs = 0; numOfLogsWarning = 0; numOfLogsError = 0; numOfCollapsedLogs = 0; numOfCollapsedLogsWarning = 0; numOfCollapsedLogsError = 0; logsMemUsage = 0; graphMemUsage = 0; samples.Clear(); System.GC.Collect(); selectedLog = null; } Rect screenRect; Rect toolBarRect; Rect logsRect; Rect stackRect; Rect graphRect; Rect graphMinRect; Rect graphMaxRect; Rect buttomRect; Vector2 stackRectTopLeft; Rect detailRect; Vector2 scrollPosition; Vector2 scrollPosition2; Vector2 toolbarScrollPosition; //int selectedIndex = -1; Log selectedLog; float toolbarOldDrag = 0; float oldDrag; float oldDrag2; float oldDrag3; int startIndex; //calculate what is the currentLog : collapsed or not , hide or view warnings ...... void calculateCurrentLog() { bool filter = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterText); string _filterText = ""; if (filter) _filterText = filterText.ToLower(); currentLog.Clear(); if (collapse) { for (int i = 0; i < collapsedLogs.Count; i++) { Log log = collapsedLogs[i]; if (log.logType == _LogType.Log && !showLog) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Warning && !showWarning) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Error && !showError) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Assert && !showError) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Exception && !showError) continue; if (filter) { if (log.condition.ToLower().Contains(_filterText)) currentLog.Add(log); } else { currentLog.Add(log); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < logs.Count; i++) { Log log = logs[i]; if (log.logType == _LogType.Log && !showLog) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Warning && !showWarning) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Error && !showError) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Assert && !showError) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Exception && !showError) continue; if (filter) { if (log.condition.ToLower().Contains(_filterText)) currentLog.Add(log); } else { currentLog.Add(log); } } } if (selectedLog != null) { int newSelectedIndex = currentLog.IndexOf(selectedLog); if (newSelectedIndex == -1) { Log collapsedSelected = logsDic[selectedLog.condition][selectedLog.stacktrace]; newSelectedIndex = currentLog.IndexOf(collapsedSelected); if (newSelectedIndex != -1) scrollPosition.y = newSelectedIndex * size.y; } else { scrollPosition.y = newSelectedIndex * size.y; } } } Rect countRect; Rect timeRect; Rect timeLabelRect; Rect sceneRect; Rect sceneLabelRect; Rect memoryRect; Rect memoryLabelRect; Rect fpsRect; Rect fpsLabelRect; GUIContent tempContent = new GUIContent(); Vector2 infoScrollPosition; Vector2 oldInfoDrag; void DrawInfo() { GUILayout.BeginArea(screenRect, backStyle); Vector2 drag = getDrag(); if ((drag.x != 0) && (downPos != Vector2.zero)) { infoScrollPosition.x -= (drag.x - oldInfoDrag.x); } if ((drag.y != 0) && (downPos != Vector2.zero)) { infoScrollPosition.y += (drag.y - oldInfoDrag.y); } oldInfoDrag = drag; GUI.skin = toolbarScrollerSkin; infoScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(infoScrollPosition); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(buildFromContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(buildDate, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(systemInfoContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(deviceModel, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(deviceType, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(deviceName, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(graphicsInfoContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(graphicsMemorySize, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); #if !UNITY_CHANGE1 GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(maxTextureSize, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); #endif GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label("Screen Width " + Screen.width, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label("Screen Height " + Screen.height, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showMemoryContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(systemMemorySize + " mb", nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label("Mem Usage Of Logs " + logsMemUsage.ToString("0.000") + " mb", nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); //GUILayout.Label( "Mem Usage Of Graph " + graphMemUsage.ToString("0.000") + " mb", nonStyle , GUILayout.Height(size.y)); //GUILayout.Space( size.x); GUILayout.Label("GC Memory " + gcTotalMemory.ToString("0.000") + " mb", nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(softwareContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(SystemInfo.operatingSystem, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(dateContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(System.DateTime.Now.ToString(), nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(" - Application Started At " + logDate, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showTimeContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(Time.realtimeSinceStartup.ToString("000"), nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showFpsContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(fpsText, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(userContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(UserData, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showSceneContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label(currentScene, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showSceneContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label("Unity Version = " + Application.unityVersion, nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); /*GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( size.x); GUILayout.Box( graphContent ,nonStyle , GUILayout.Width(size.x) , GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space( size.x); GUILayout.Label( "frame " + samples.Count , nonStyle , GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal();*/ drawInfo_enableDisableToolBarButtons(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label("Size = " + size.x.ToString("0.0"), nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); float _size = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(size.x, 16, 64, sliderBackStyle, sliderThumbStyle, GUILayout.Width(Screen.width * 0.5f)); if (size.x != _size) { size.x = size.y = _size; initializeStyle(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); if (GUILayout.Button(backContent, barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { currentView = ReportView.Logs; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } void drawInfo_enableDisableToolBarButtons() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Label("Hide or Show tool bar buttons", nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.x); if (GUILayout.Button(clearOnNewSceneContent, (showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton = !showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton; } if (GUILayout.Button(showTimeContent, (showTimeButton) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showTimeButton = !showTimeButton; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(tempRect, Time.realtimeSinceStartup.ToString("0.0"), lowerLeftFontStyle); if (GUILayout.Button(showSceneContent, (showSceneButton) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showSceneButton = !showSceneButton; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(tempRect, currentScene, lowerLeftFontStyle); if (GUILayout.Button(showMemoryContent, (showMemButton) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showMemButton = !showMemButton; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(tempRect, gcTotalMemory.ToString("0.0"), lowerLeftFontStyle); if (GUILayout.Button(showFpsContent, (showFpsButton) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showFpsButton = !showFpsButton; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(tempRect, fpsText, lowerLeftFontStyle); /*if( GUILayout.Button( graphContent , (showGraph)?buttonActiveStyle:barStyle , GUILayout.Width(size.x*2) ,GUILayout.Height(size.y*2))) { showGraph = !showGraph ; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label( tempRect , samples.Count.ToString() , lowerLeftFontStyle );*/ if (GUILayout.Button(searchContent, (showSearchText) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showSearchText = !showSearchText; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.TextField(tempRect, filterText, searchStyle); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } void DrawReport() { screenRect.x = 0f; screenRect.y = 0f; screenRect.width = Screen.width; screenRect.height = Screen.height; GUILayout.BeginArea(screenRect, backStyle); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); /*GUILayout.Box( cameraContent ,nonStyle , GUILayout.Width(size.x) , GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();*/ GUILayout.Label("Select Photo", nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Coming Soon", nonStyle, GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(backContent, barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y))) { currentView = ReportView.Logs; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } void drawToolBar() { toolBarRect.x = 0f; toolBarRect.y = 0f; toolBarRect.width = Screen.width; toolBarRect.height = size.y * 2f; //toolbarScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbar.fixedWidth = 0f; //toolbarScrollerSkin.horizontalScrollbar.fixedHeight= 0f ; GUI.skin = toolbarScrollerSkin; Vector2 drag = getDrag(); if ((drag.x != 0) && (downPos != Vector2.zero) && (downPos.y > Screen.height - size.y * 2f)) { toolbarScrollPosition.x -= (drag.x - toolbarOldDrag); } toolbarOldDrag = drag.x; GUILayout.BeginArea(toolBarRect); toolbarScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(toolbarScrollPosition); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(barStyle); if (GUILayout.Button(clearContent, barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { clear(); } if (GUILayout.Button(collapseContent, (collapse) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { collapse = !collapse; calculateCurrentLog(); } if (showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton && GUILayout.Button(clearOnNewSceneContent, (clearOnNewSceneLoaded) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { clearOnNewSceneLoaded = !clearOnNewSceneLoaded; } if (showTimeButton && GUILayout.Button(showTimeContent, (showTime) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showTime = !showTime; } if (showSceneButton) { tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(tempRect, Time.realtimeSinceStartup.ToString("0.0"), lowerLeftFontStyle); if (GUILayout.Button(showSceneContent, (showScene) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showScene = !showScene; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(tempRect, currentScene, lowerLeftFontStyle); } if (showMemButton) { if (GUILayout.Button(showMemoryContent, (showMemory) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showMemory = !showMemory; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(tempRect, gcTotalMemory.ToString("0.0"), lowerLeftFontStyle); } if (showFpsButton) { if (GUILayout.Button(showFpsContent, (showFps) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showFps = !showFps; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(tempRect, fpsText, lowerLeftFontStyle); } /*if( GUILayout.Button( graphContent , (showGraph)?buttonActiveStyle:barStyle , GUILayout.Width(size.x*2) ,GUILayout.Height(size.y*2))) { showGraph = !showGraph ; } tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label( tempRect , samples.Count.ToString() , lowerLeftFontStyle );*/ if (showSearchText) { GUILayout.Box(searchContent, barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2)); tempRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); string newFilterText = GUI.TextField(tempRect, filterText, searchStyle); if (newFilterText != filterText) { filterText = newFilterText; calculateCurrentLog(); } } if (GUILayout.Button(infoContent, barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { currentView = ReportView.Info; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); string logsText = " "; if (collapse) { logsText += numOfCollapsedLogs; } else { logsText += numOfLogs; } string logsWarningText = " "; if (collapse) { logsWarningText += numOfCollapsedLogsWarning; } else { logsWarningText += numOfLogsWarning; } string logsErrorText = " "; if (collapse) { logsErrorText += numOfCollapsedLogsError; } else { logsErrorText += numOfLogsError; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal((showLog) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle); if (GUILayout.Button(logContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showLog = !showLog; calculateCurrentLog(); } if (GUILayout.Button(logsText, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showLog = !showLog; calculateCurrentLog(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal((showWarning) ? buttonActiveStyle : barStyle); if (GUILayout.Button(warningContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showWarning = !showWarning; calculateCurrentLog(); } if (GUILayout.Button(logsWarningText, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showWarning = !showWarning; calculateCurrentLog(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal((showError) ? buttonActiveStyle : nonStyle); if (GUILayout.Button(errorContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showError = !showError; calculateCurrentLog(); } if (GUILayout.Button(logsErrorText, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { showError = !showError; calculateCurrentLog(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(closeContent, barStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x * 2), GUILayout.Height(size.y * 2))) { show = false; ReporterGUI gui = gameObject.GetComponent(); DestroyImmediate(gui); try { gameObject.SendMessage("OnHideReporter"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } Rect tempRect; void DrawLogs() { GUILayout.BeginArea(logsRect, backStyle); GUI.skin = logScrollerSkin; //setStartPos(); Vector2 drag = getDrag(); if (drag.y != 0 && logsRect.Contains(new Vector2(downPos.x, Screen.height - downPos.y))) { scrollPosition.y += (drag.y - oldDrag); } scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition); oldDrag = drag.y; int totalVisibleCount = (int)(Screen.height * 0.75f / size.y); int totalCount = currentLog.Count; /*if( totalCount < 100 ) inGameLogsScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbarThumb.fixedHeight = 0; else inGameLogsScrollerSkin.verticalScrollbarThumb.fixedHeight = 64;*/ totalVisibleCount = Mathf.Min(totalVisibleCount, totalCount - startIndex); int index = 0; int beforeHeight = (int)(startIndex * size.y); //selectedIndex = Mathf.Clamp( selectedIndex , -1 , totalCount -1); if (beforeHeight > 0) { //fill invisible gap before scroller to make proper scroller pos GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Height(beforeHeight)); GUILayout.Label("---"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } int endIndex = startIndex + totalVisibleCount; endIndex = Mathf.Clamp(endIndex, 0, totalCount); bool scrollerVisible = (totalVisibleCount < totalCount); for (int i = startIndex; (startIndex + index) < endIndex; i++) { if (i >= currentLog.Count) break; Log log = currentLog[i]; if (log.logType == _LogType.Log && !showLog) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Warning && !showWarning) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Error && !showError) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Assert && !showError) continue; if (log.logType == _LogType.Exception && !showError) continue; if (index >= totalVisibleCount) { break; } GUIContent content = null; if (log.logType == _LogType.Log) content = logContent; else if (log.logType == _LogType.Warning) content = warningContent; else content = errorContent; //content.text = log.condition ; GUIStyle currentLogStyle = ((startIndex + index) % 2 == 0) ? evenLogStyle : oddLogStyle; if (log == selectedLog) { //selectedLog = log ; currentLogStyle = selectedLogStyle; } else { } tempContent.text = log.count.ToString(); float w = 0f; if (collapse) w = barStyle.CalcSize(tempContent).x + 3; countRect.x = Screen.width - w; countRect.y = size.y * i; if (beforeHeight > 0) countRect.y += 8;//i will check later why countRect.width = w; countRect.height = size.y; if (scrollerVisible) countRect.x -= size.x * 2; Sample sample = samples[log.sampleId]; fpsRect = countRect; if (showFps) { tempContent.text = sample.fpsText; w = currentLogStyle.CalcSize(tempContent).x + size.x; fpsRect.x -= w; fpsRect.width = size.x; fpsLabelRect = fpsRect; fpsLabelRect.x += size.x; fpsLabelRect.width = w - size.x; } memoryRect = fpsRect; if (showMemory) { tempContent.text = sample.memory.ToString("0.000"); w = currentLogStyle.CalcSize(tempContent).x + size.x; memoryRect.x -= w; memoryRect.width = size.x; memoryLabelRect = memoryRect; memoryLabelRect.x += size.x; memoryLabelRect.width = w - size.x; } sceneRect = memoryRect; if (showScene) { tempContent.text = sample.GetSceneName(); w = currentLogStyle.CalcSize(tempContent).x + size.x; sceneRect.x -= w; sceneRect.width = size.x; sceneLabelRect = sceneRect; sceneLabelRect.x += size.x; sceneLabelRect.width = w - size.x; } timeRect = sceneRect; if (showTime) { tempContent.text = sample.time.ToString("0.000"); w = currentLogStyle.CalcSize(tempContent).x + size.x; timeRect.x -= w; timeRect.width = size.x; timeLabelRect = timeRect; timeLabelRect.x += size.x; timeLabelRect.width = w - size.x; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(currentLogStyle); if (log == selectedLog) { GUILayout.Box(content, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(log.condition, selectedLogFontStyle); //GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (showTime) { GUI.Box(timeRect, showTimeContent, currentLogStyle); GUI.Label(timeLabelRect, sample.time.ToString("0.000"), currentLogStyle); } if (showScene) { GUI.Box(sceneRect, showSceneContent, currentLogStyle); GUI.Label(sceneLabelRect, sample.GetSceneName(), currentLogStyle); } if (showMemory) { GUI.Box(memoryRect, showMemoryContent, currentLogStyle); GUI.Label(memoryLabelRect, sample.memory.ToString("0.000") + " mb", currentLogStyle); } if (showFps) { GUI.Box(fpsRect, showFpsContent, currentLogStyle); GUI.Label(fpsLabelRect, sample.fpsText, currentLogStyle); } } else { if (GUILayout.Button(content, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y))) { //selectedIndex = startIndex + index ; selectedLog = log; } if (GUILayout.Button(log.condition, logButtonStyle)) { //selectedIndex = startIndex + index ; selectedLog = log; } //GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (showTime) { GUI.Box(timeRect, showTimeContent, currentLogStyle); GUI.Label(timeLabelRect, sample.time.ToString("0.000"), currentLogStyle); } if (showScene) { GUI.Box(sceneRect, showSceneContent, currentLogStyle); GUI.Label(sceneLabelRect, sample.GetSceneName(), currentLogStyle); } if (showMemory) { GUI.Box(memoryRect, showMemoryContent, currentLogStyle); GUI.Label(memoryLabelRect, sample.memory.ToString("0.000") + " mb", currentLogStyle); } if (showFps) { GUI.Box(fpsRect, showFpsContent, currentLogStyle); GUI.Label(fpsLabelRect, sample.fpsText, currentLogStyle); } } if (collapse) GUI.Label(countRect, log.count.ToString(), barStyle); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); index++; } int afterHeight = (int)((totalCount - (startIndex + totalVisibleCount)) * size.y); if (afterHeight > 0) { //fill invisible gap after scroller to make proper scroller pos GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Height(afterHeight)); GUILayout.Label(" "); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); buttomRect.x = 0f; buttomRect.y = Screen.height - size.y; buttomRect.width = Screen.width; buttomRect.height = size.y; if (showGraph) drawGraph(); else drawStack(); } float graphSize = 4f; int startFrame = 0; int currentFrame = 0; Vector3 tempVector1; Vector3 tempVector2; Vector2 graphScrollerPos; float maxFpsValue; float minFpsValue; float maxMemoryValue; float minMemoryValue; void drawGraph() { graphRect = stackRect; graphRect.height = Screen.height * 0.25f;//- size.y ; //startFrame = samples.Count - (int)(Screen.width / graphSize) ; //if( startFrame < 0 ) startFrame = 0 ; GUI.skin = graphScrollerSkin; Vector2 drag = getDrag(); if (graphRect.Contains(new Vector2(downPos.x, Screen.height - downPos.y))) { if (drag.x != 0) { graphScrollerPos.x -= drag.x - oldDrag3; graphScrollerPos.x = Mathf.Max(0, graphScrollerPos.x); } Vector2 p = downPos; if (p != Vector2.zero) { currentFrame = startFrame + (int)(p.x / graphSize); } } oldDrag3 = drag.x; GUILayout.BeginArea(graphRect, backStyle); graphScrollerPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(graphScrollerPos); startFrame = (int)(graphScrollerPos.x / graphSize); if (graphScrollerPos.x >= (samples.Count * graphSize - Screen.width)) graphScrollerPos.x += graphSize; GUILayout.Label(" ", GUILayout.Width(samples.Count * graphSize)); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); maxFpsValue = 0; minFpsValue = 100000; maxMemoryValue = 0; minMemoryValue = 100000; for (int i = 0; i < Screen.width / graphSize; i++) { int index = startFrame + i; if (index >= samples.Count) break; Sample s = samples[index]; if (maxFpsValue < s.fps) maxFpsValue = s.fps; if (minFpsValue > s.fps) minFpsValue = s.fps; if (maxMemoryValue < s.memory) maxMemoryValue = s.memory; if (minMemoryValue > s.memory) minMemoryValue = s.memory; } //GUI.BeginGroup(graphRect); if (currentFrame != -1 && currentFrame < samples.Count) { Sample selectedSample = samples[currentFrame]; GUILayout.BeginArea(buttomRect, backStyle); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box(showTimeContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(selectedSample.time.ToString("0.0"), nonStyle); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showSceneContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(selectedSample.GetSceneName(), nonStyle); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showMemoryContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(selectedSample.memory.ToString("0.000"), nonStyle); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showFpsContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(selectedSample.fpsText, nonStyle); GUILayout.Space(size.x); /*GUILayout.Box( graphContent ,nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x) ,GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label( currentFrame.ToString() ,nonStyle );*/ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } graphMaxRect = stackRect; graphMaxRect.height = size.y; GUILayout.BeginArea(graphMaxRect); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box(showMemoryContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(maxMemoryValue.ToString("0.000"), nonStyle); GUILayout.Box(showFpsContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(maxFpsValue.ToString("0.000"), nonStyle); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); graphMinRect = stackRect; graphMinRect.y = stackRect.y + stackRect.height - size.y; graphMinRect.height = size.y; GUILayout.BeginArea(graphMinRect); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box(showMemoryContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(minMemoryValue.ToString("0.000"), nonStyle); GUILayout.Box(showFpsContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(minFpsValue.ToString("0.000"), nonStyle); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); //GUI.EndGroup(); } void drawStack() { if (selectedLog != null) { Vector2 drag = getDrag(); if (drag.y != 0 && stackRect.Contains(new Vector2(downPos.x, Screen.height - downPos.y))) { scrollPosition2.y += drag.y - oldDrag2; } oldDrag2 = drag.y; GUILayout.BeginArea(stackRect, backStyle); scrollPosition2 = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition2); Sample selectedSample = null; try { selectedSample = samples[selectedLog.sampleId]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(selectedLog.condition, stackLabelStyle); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.y * 0.25f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(selectedLog.stacktrace, stackLabelStyle); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(size.y); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); GUILayout.BeginArea(buttomRect, backStyle); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box(showTimeContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(selectedSample.time.ToString("0.000"), nonStyle); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showSceneContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(selectedSample.GetSceneName(), nonStyle); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showMemoryContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(selectedSample.memory.ToString("0.000"), nonStyle); GUILayout.Space(size.x); GUILayout.Box(showFpsContent, nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x), GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label(selectedSample.fpsText, nonStyle); /*GUILayout.Space( size.x ); GUILayout.Box( graphContent ,nonStyle, GUILayout.Width(size.x) ,GUILayout.Height(size.y)); GUILayout.Label( selectedLog.sampleId.ToString() ,nonStyle );*/ GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); } else { GUILayout.BeginArea(stackRect, backStyle); GUILayout.EndArea(); GUILayout.BeginArea(buttomRect, backStyle); GUILayout.EndArea(); } } public void OnGUIDraw() { if (!show) { return; } screenRect.x = 0; screenRect.y = 0; screenRect.width = Screen.width; screenRect.height = Screen.height; getDownPos(); logsRect.x = 0f; logsRect.y = size.y * 2f; logsRect.width = Screen.width; logsRect.height = Screen.height * 0.75f - size.y * 2f; stackRectTopLeft.x = 0f; stackRect.x = 0f; stackRectTopLeft.y = Screen.height * 0.75f; stackRect.y = Screen.height * 0.75f; stackRect.width = Screen.width; stackRect.height = Screen.height * 0.25f - size.y; detailRect.x = 0f; detailRect.y = Screen.height - size.y * 3; detailRect.width = Screen.width; detailRect.height = size.y * 3; if (currentView == ReportView.Info) DrawInfo(); else if (currentView == ReportView.Logs) { drawToolBar(); DrawLogs(); } } List gestureDetector = new List(); Vector2 gestureSum = Vector2.zero; float gestureLength = 0; int gestureCount = 0; bool isGestureDone() { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) { if (Input.touches.Length != 1) { gestureDetector.Clear(); gestureCount = 0; } else { if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Canceled || Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Ended) gestureDetector.Clear(); else if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { Vector2 p = Input.touches[0].position; if (gestureDetector.Count == 0 || (p - gestureDetector[gestureDetector.Count - 1]).magnitude > 10) gestureDetector.Add(p); } } } else { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { gestureDetector.Clear(); gestureCount = 0; } else { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { Vector2 p = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y); if (gestureDetector.Count == 0 || (p - gestureDetector[gestureDetector.Count - 1]).magnitude > 10) gestureDetector.Add(p); } } } if (gestureDetector.Count < 10) return false; gestureSum = Vector2.zero; gestureLength = 0; Vector2 prevDelta = Vector2.zero; for (int i = 0; i < gestureDetector.Count - 2; i++) { Vector2 delta = gestureDetector[i + 1] - gestureDetector[i]; float deltaLength = delta.magnitude; gestureSum += delta; gestureLength += deltaLength; float dot = Vector2.Dot(delta, prevDelta); if (dot < 0f) { gestureDetector.Clear(); gestureCount = 0; return false; } prevDelta = delta; } int gestureBase = (Screen.width + Screen.height) / 4; if (gestureLength > gestureBase && gestureSum.magnitude < gestureBase / 2) { gestureDetector.Clear(); gestureCount++; if (gestureCount >= numOfCircleToShow) return true; } return false; } float lastClickTime = -1; bool isDoubleClickDone() { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) { if (Input.touches.Length != 1) { lastClickTime = -1; } else { if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Began) { if (lastClickTime == -1) lastClickTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; else if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastClickTime < 0.2f) { lastClickTime = -1; return true; } else { lastClickTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } } } else { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (lastClickTime == -1) lastClickTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; else if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastClickTime < 0.2f) { lastClickTime = -1; return true; } else { lastClickTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } } return false; } //calculate pos of first click on screen Vector2 startPos; Vector2 downPos; Vector2 getDownPos() { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) { if (Input.touches.Length == 1 && Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Began) { downPos = Input.touches[0].position; return downPos; } } else { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { downPos.x = Input.mousePosition.x; downPos.y = Input.mousePosition.y; return downPos; } } return Vector2.zero; } //calculate drag amount , this is used for scrolling Vector2 mousePosition; Vector2 getDrag() { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) { if (Input.touches.Length != 1) { return Vector2.zero; } return Input.touches[0].position - downPos; } else { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { mousePosition = Input.mousePosition; return mousePosition - downPos; } else { return Vector2.zero; } } } //calculate the start index of visible log void calculateStartIndex() { startIndex = (int)(scrollPosition.y / size.y); startIndex = Mathf.Clamp(startIndex, 0, currentLog.Count); } // For FPS Counter private int frames = 0; private bool firstTime = true; private float lastUpdate = 0f; private const int requiredFrames = 10; private const float updateInterval = 0.25f; #if UNITY_CHANGE1 float lastUpdate2 = 0; #endif void doShow() { show = true; currentView = ReportView.Logs; gameObject.AddComponent(); try { gameObject.SendMessage("OnShowReporter"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } void Update() { fpsText = fps.ToString("0.000"); gcTotalMemory = (((float)System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false)) / 1024 / 1024); //addSample(); #if UNITY_CHANGE3 int sceneIndex = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex ; if( sceneIndex != -1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty( scenes[sceneIndex] )) scenes[ SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex ] = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name ; #else int sceneIndex = Application.loadedLevel; if (sceneIndex != -1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(scenes[Application.loadedLevel])) scenes[Application.loadedLevel] = Application.loadedLevelName; #endif calculateStartIndex(); if (!show && isGestureDone()) { doShow(); } if (threadedLogs.Count > 0) { lock (threadedLogs) { for (int i = 0; i < threadedLogs.Count; i++) { Log l = threadedLogs[i]; AddLog(l.condition, l.stacktrace, (LogType)l.logType); } threadedLogs.Clear(); } } #if UNITY_CHANGE1 float elapsed2 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastUpdate2; if (elapsed2 > 1) { lastUpdate2 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; //be sure no body else take control of log Application.RegisterLogCallback (new Application.LogCallback (CaptureLog)); Application.RegisterLogCallbackThreaded (new Application.LogCallback (CaptureLogThread)); } #endif // FPS Counter if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; lastUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; frames = 0; return; } frames++; float dt = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastUpdate; if (dt > updateInterval && frames > requiredFrames) { fps = (float)frames / dt; lastUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; frames = 0; } } void CaptureLog(string condition, string stacktrace, LogType type) { AddLog(condition, stacktrace, type); } void AddLog(string condition, string stacktrace, LogType type) { float memUsage = 0f; string _condition = ""; if (cachedString.ContainsKey(condition)) { _condition = cachedString[condition]; } else { _condition = condition; cachedString.Add(_condition, _condition); memUsage += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_condition) ? 0 : _condition.Length * sizeof(char)); memUsage += System.IntPtr.Size; } string _stacktrace = ""; if (cachedString.ContainsKey(stacktrace)) { _stacktrace = cachedString[stacktrace]; } else { _stacktrace = stacktrace; cachedString.Add(_stacktrace, _stacktrace); memUsage += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_stacktrace) ? 0 : _stacktrace.Length * sizeof(char)); memUsage += System.IntPtr.Size; } bool newLogAdded = false; addSample(); Log log = new Log() { logType = (_LogType)type, condition = _condition, stacktrace = _stacktrace, sampleId = samples.Count - 1 }; memUsage += log.GetMemoryUsage(); //memUsage += samples.Count * 13 ; logsMemUsage += memUsage / 1024 / 1024; if (TotalMemUsage > maxSize) { clear(); Debug.Log("Memory Usage Reach" + maxSize + " mb So It is Cleared"); return; } bool isNew = false; //string key = _condition;// + "_!_" + _stacktrace ; if (logsDic.ContainsKey(_condition, stacktrace)) { isNew = false; logsDic[_condition][stacktrace].count++; } else { isNew = true; collapsedLogs.Add(log); logsDic[_condition][stacktrace] = log; if (type == LogType.Log) numOfCollapsedLogs++; else if (type == LogType.Warning) numOfCollapsedLogsWarning++; else numOfCollapsedLogsError++; } if (type == LogType.Log) numOfLogs++; else if (type == LogType.Warning) numOfLogsWarning++; else numOfLogsError++; logs.Add(log); if (!collapse || isNew) { bool skip = false; if (log.logType == _LogType.Log && !showLog) skip = true; if (log.logType == _LogType.Warning && !showWarning) skip = true; if (log.logType == _LogType.Error && !showError) skip = true; if (log.logType == _LogType.Assert && !showError) skip = true; if (log.logType == _LogType.Exception && !showError) skip = true; if (!skip) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterText) || log.condition.ToLower().Contains(filterText.ToLower())) { currentLog.Add(log); newLogAdded = true; } } } if (newLogAdded) { calculateStartIndex(); int totalCount = currentLog.Count; int totalVisibleCount = (int)(Screen.height * 0.75f / size.y); if (startIndex >= (totalCount - totalVisibleCount)) scrollPosition.y += size.y; } try { gameObject.SendMessage("OnLog", log); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } List threadedLogs = new List(); void CaptureLogThread(string condition, string stacktrace, LogType type) { Log log = new Log() { condition = condition, stacktrace = stacktrace, logType = (_LogType)type }; lock (threadedLogs) { threadedLogs.Add(log); } } //new scene is loaded void OnLevelWasLoaded() { if (clearOnNewSceneLoaded) clear(); #if UNITY_CHANGE3 currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name ; Debug.Log( "Scene " + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + " is loaded"); #else currentScene = Application.loadedLevelName; Debug.Log("Scene " + Application.loadedLevelName + " is loaded"); #endif } //save user config void OnApplicationQuit() { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_currentView", (int)currentView); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_show", (show == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_collapse", (collapse == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_clearOnNewSceneLoaded", (clearOnNewSceneLoaded == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showTime", (showTime == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showScene", (showScene == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showMemory", (showMemory == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showFps", (showFps == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showGraph", (showGraph == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showLog", (showLog == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showWarning", (showWarning == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showError", (showError == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetString("Reporter_filterText", filterText); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Reporter_size", size.x); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton", (showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showTimeButton", (showTimeButton == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showSceneButton", (showSceneButton == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showMemButton", (showMemButton == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showFpsButton", (showFpsButton == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Reporter_showSearchText", (showSearchText == true) ? 1 : 0); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } //read build information IEnumerator readInfo() { string prefFile = "build_info.txt"; string url = prefFile; if (prefFile.IndexOf("://") == -1) { string streamingAssetsPath = Application.streamingAssetsPath; if (streamingAssetsPath == "") streamingAssetsPath = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/"; url = System.IO.Path.Combine(streamingAssetsPath, prefFile); } if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer) if (!url.Contains("://")) url = "file://" + url; // float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; WWW www = new WWW(url); yield return www; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { Debug.LogError(www.error); } else { buildDate = www.text; } yield break; } }