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- using System;
- using UnityEngine;
- namespace UniRx.Examples
- {
- public class Sample04_ConvertFromUnityCallback : MonoBehaviour
- {
- // This is about log but more reliable log sample => Sample11_Logger
- private class LogCallback
- {
- public string Condition;
- public string StackTrace;
- public UnityEngine.LogType LogType;
- }
- static class LogHelper
- {
- // If static register callback, use Subject for event branching.
- #if (UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7)
- static Subject<LogCallback> subject;
- public static IObservable<LogCallback> LogCallbackAsObservable()
- {
- if (subject == null)
- {
- subject = new Subject<LogCallback>();
- // Publish to Subject in callback
- UnityEngine.Application.RegisterLogCallback((condition, stackTrace, type) =>
- {
- subject.OnNext(new LogCallback { Condition = condition, StackTrace = stackTrace, LogType = type });
- });
- }
- return subject.AsObservable();
- }
- #else
- // If standard evetns, you can use Observable.FromEvent.
- public static IObservable<LogCallback> LogCallbackAsObservable()
- {
- return Observable.FromEvent<Application.LogCallback, LogCallback>(
- h => (condition, stackTrace, type) => h(new LogCallback { Condition = condition, StackTrace = stackTrace, LogType = type }),
- h => Application.logMessageReceived += h, h => Application.logMessageReceived -= h);
- }
- #endif
- }
- void Awake()
- {
- // method is separatable and composable
- LogHelper.LogCallbackAsObservable()
- .Where(x => x.LogType == LogType.Warning)
- .Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x));
- LogHelper.LogCallbackAsObservable()
- .Where(x => x.LogType == LogType.Error)
- .Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x));
- }
- }
- }