* Copyright (c) 2017 ~ 2021 liangxie MIT License
* https://github.com/liangxiegame/SingletonKit
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
namespace QFramework
/// 单例接口
public interface ISingleton
/// 单例初始化(继承当前接口的类都需要实现该方法)
void OnSingletonInit();
/// 普通类的单例
public abstract class Singleton : ISingleton where T : Singleton
/// 静态实例
protected static T mInstance;
/// 标签锁:确保当一个线程位于代码的临界区时,另一个线程不进入临界区。
/// 如果其他线程试图进入锁定的代码,则它将一直等待(即被阻止),直到该对象被释放
static object mLock = new object();
/// 静态属性
public static T Instance
lock (mLock)
if (mInstance == null)
mInstance = SingletonCreator.CreateSingleton();
return mInstance;
/// 资源释放
public virtual void Dispose()
mInstance = null;
/// 单例初始化方法
public virtual void OnSingletonInit()
/// 属性单例类
public static class SingletonProperty where T : class, ISingleton
/// 静态实例
private static T mInstance;
/// 标签锁
private static readonly object mLock = new object();
/// 静态属性
public static T Instance
lock (mLock)
if (mInstance == null)
mInstance = SingletonCreator.CreateSingleton();
return mInstance;
/// 资源释放
public static void Dispose()
mInstance = null;
/// 普通单例创建类
internal static class SingletonCreator
static T CreateNonPublicConstructorObject() where T : class
var type = typeof(T);
// 获取私有构造函数
var constructorInfos = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// 获取无参构造函数
var ctor = Array.Find(constructorInfos, c => c.GetParameters().Length == 0);
if (ctor == null)
throw new Exception("Non-Public Constructor() not found! in " + type);
return ctor.Invoke(null) as T;
public static T CreateSingleton() where T : class, ISingleton
var type = typeof(T);
var monoBehaviourType = typeof(MonoBehaviour);
if (monoBehaviourType.IsAssignableFrom(type))
return CreateMonoSingleton();
var instance = CreateNonPublicConstructorObject();
return instance;
/// 单元测试模式 标签
public static bool IsUnitTestMode { get; set; }
/// 查找Obj(一个嵌套查找Obj的过程)
/// 父节点
/// 拆分后的路径节点
/// 下标
/// true
/// 不要销毁 标签
private static GameObject FindGameObject(GameObject root, string[] subPath, int index, bool build,
bool dontDestroy)
GameObject client = null;
if (root == null)
client = GameObject.Find(subPath[index]);
var child = root.transform.Find(subPath[index]);
if (child != null)
client = child.gameObject;
if (client == null)
if (build)
client = new GameObject(subPath[index]);
if (root != null)
if (dontDestroy && index == 0 && !IsUnitTestMode)
if (client == null)
return null;
return ++index == subPath.Length ? client : FindGameObject(client, subPath, index, build, dontDestroy);
/// 泛型方法:创建MonoBehaviour单例
public static T CreateMonoSingleton() where T : class, ISingleton
T instance = null;
var type = typeof(T);
if (!IsUnitTestMode && !Application.isPlaying)
return instance;
instance = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(type) as T;
if (instance != null)
return instance;
MemberInfo info = typeof(T);
//获取T类型 自定义属性,并找到相关路径属性,利用该属性创建T实例
var attributes = info.GetCustomAttributes(true);
foreach (var atribute in attributes)
var defineAttri = atribute as MonoSingletonPath;
if (defineAttri == null)
instance = CreateComponentOnGameObject(defineAttri.PathInHierarchy, true);
//如果还是无法找到instance 则主动去创建同名Obj 并挂载相关脚本 组件
if (instance == null)
var obj = new GameObject(typeof(T).Name);
if (!IsUnitTestMode)
instance = obj.AddComponent(typeof(T)) as T;
return instance;
/// 在GameObject上创建T组件(脚本)
/// 路径(应该就是Hierarchy下的树结构路径)
/// 不要销毁 标签
private static T CreateComponentOnGameObject(string path, bool dontDestroy) where T : class
var obj = FindGameObject(path, true, dontDestroy);
if (obj == null)
obj = new GameObject("Singleton of " + typeof(T).Name);
if (dontDestroy && !IsUnitTestMode)
return obj.AddComponent(typeof(T)) as T;
/// 查找Obj(对于路径 进行拆分)
/// 路径
/// true
/// 不要销毁 标签
private static GameObject FindGameObject(string path, bool build, bool dontDestroy)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
return null;
var subPath = path.Split('/');
if (subPath == null || subPath.Length == 0)
return null;
return FindGameObject(null, subPath, 0, build, dontDestroy);
/// 静态类:MonoBehaviour类的单例
/// 泛型类:Where约束表示T类型必须继承MonoSingleton
public abstract class MonoSingleton : MonoBehaviour, ISingleton where T : MonoSingleton
/// 静态实例
protected static T mInstance;
/// 静态属性:封装相关实例对象
public static T Instance
if (mInstance == null && !mOnApplicationQuit)
mInstance = SingletonCreator.CreateMonoSingleton();
return mInstance;
/// 实现接口的单例初始化
public virtual void OnSingletonInit()
/// 资源释放
public virtual void Dispose()
if (SingletonCreator.IsUnitTestMode)
var curTrans = transform;
var parent = curTrans.parent;
curTrans = parent;
} while (curTrans != null);
mInstance = null;
/// 当前应用程序是否结束 标签
protected static bool mOnApplicationQuit = false;
/// 应用程序退出:释放当前对象并销毁相关GameObject
protected virtual void OnApplicationQuit()
mOnApplicationQuit = true;
if (mInstance == null) return;
mInstance = null;
/// 释放当前对象
protected virtual void OnDestroy()
mInstance = null;
/// 判断当前应用程序是否退出
public static bool IsApplicationQuit
get { return mOnApplicationQuit; }
/// MonoSingleton路径
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] //这个特性只能标记在Class上
public class MonoSingletonPath : Attribute
private string mPathInHierarchy;
public MonoSingletonPath(string pathInHierarchy)
mPathInHierarchy = pathInHierarchy;
public string PathInHierarchy
get { return mPathInHierarchy; }
/// 继承Mono的属性单例?
public static class MonoSingletonProperty where T : MonoBehaviour, ISingleton
private static T mInstance;
public static T Instance
if (null == mInstance)
mInstance = SingletonCreator.CreateMonoSingleton();
return mInstance;
public static void Dispose()
if (SingletonCreator.IsUnitTestMode)
mInstance = null;
/// 如果跳转到新的场景里已经有了实例,则不创建新的单例(或者创建新的单例后会销毁掉新的单例)
public abstract class PersistentMonoSingleton : MonoBehaviour where T : Component
protected static T mInstance;
protected bool mEnabled;
/// Singleton design pattern
/// The instance.
public static T Instance
if (mInstance == null)
mInstance = FindObjectOfType();
if (mInstance == null)
var obj = new GameObject();
mInstance = obj.AddComponent();
return mInstance;
/// On awake, we check if there's already a copy of the object in the scene. If there's one, we destroy it.
protected virtual void Awake()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
if (mInstance == null)
//If I am the first instance, make me the Singleton
mInstance = this as T;
mEnabled = true;
//If a Singleton already exists and you find
//another reference in scene, destroy it!
if (this != mInstance)
/// 如果跳转到新的场景里已经有了实例,则删除已有示例,再创建新的实例
public class ReplaceableMonoSingleton : MonoBehaviour where T : Component
protected static T mInstance;
public float InitializationTime;
/// Singleton design pattern
/// The instance.
public static T Instance
if (mInstance == null)
mInstance = FindObjectOfType();
if (mInstance == null)
GameObject obj = new GameObject();
obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
mInstance = obj.AddComponent();
return mInstance;
/// On awake, we check if there's already a copy of the object in the scene. If there's one, we destroy it.
protected virtual void Awake()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
InitializationTime = Time.time;
// we check for existing objects of the same type
T[] check = FindObjectsOfType();
foreach (T searched in check)
if (searched != this)
// if we find another object of the same type (not this), and if it's older than our current object, we destroy it.
if (searched.GetComponent>().InitializationTime < InitializationTime)
if (mInstance == null)
mInstance = this as T;