using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
namespace QFramework
#region API
/// Unity 游戏框架搭建 (十九) 简易对象池: 的例子
public class SimpleObjectPool : Pool
readonly Action mResetMethod;
public SimpleObjectPool(Func factoryMethod, Action resetMethod = null,int initCount = 0)
mFactory = new CustomObjectFactory(factoryMethod);
mResetMethod = resetMethod;
for (int i = 0; i < initCount; i++)
public override bool Recycle(T obj)
if (mResetMethod != null)
return true;
/// Object pool.
public class SafeObjectPool : Pool, ISingleton where T : IPoolable, new()
#region Singleton
void ISingleton.OnSingletonInit() {}
protected SafeObjectPool()
mFactory = new DefaultObjectFactory();
public static SafeObjectPool Instance
get { return SingletonProperty>.Instance; }
public void Dispose()
/// Init the specified maxCount and initCount.
/// Max Cache count.
/// Init Cache count.
public void Init(int maxCount, int initCount)
MaxCacheCount = maxCount;
if (maxCount > 0)
initCount = Math.Min(maxCount, initCount);
if (CurCount < initCount)
for (var i = CurCount; i < initCount; ++i)
Recycle(new T());
/// Gets or sets the max cache count.
/// The max cache count.
public int MaxCacheCount
get { return mMaxCount; }
mMaxCount = value;
if (mCacheStack != null)
if (mMaxCount > 0)
if (mMaxCount < mCacheStack.Count)
int removeCount = mCacheStack.Count - mMaxCount;
while (removeCount > 0)
/// Allocate T instance.
public override T Allocate()
var result = base.Allocate();
result.IsRecycled = false;
return result;
/// Recycle the T instance
/// T.
public override bool Recycle(T t)
if (t == null || t.IsRecycled)
return false;
if (mMaxCount > 0)
if (mCacheStack.Count >= mMaxCount)
return false;
t.IsRecycled = true;
return true;
/// Object pool 4 class who no public constructor
/// such as SingletonClass.QEventSystem
public class NonPublicObjectPool :Pool,ISingleton where T : class,IPoolable
#region Singleton
public void OnSingletonInit(){}
public static NonPublicObjectPool Instance
get { return SingletonProperty>.Instance; }
protected NonPublicObjectPool()
mFactory = new NonPublicObjectFactory();
public void Dispose()
/// Init the specified maxCount and initCount.
/// Max Cache count.
/// Init Cache count.
public void Init(int maxCount, int initCount)
if (maxCount > 0)
initCount = Math.Min(maxCount, initCount);
if (CurCount >= initCount) return;
for (var i = CurCount; i < initCount; ++i)
/// Gets or sets the max cache count.
/// The max cache count.
public int MaxCacheCount
get { return mMaxCount; }
mMaxCount = value;
if (mCacheStack == null) return;
if (mMaxCount <= 0) return;
if (mMaxCount >= mCacheStack.Count) return;
var removeCount = mMaxCount - mCacheStack.Count;
while (removeCount > 0)
/// Allocate T instance.
public override T Allocate()
var result = base.Allocate();
result.IsRecycled = false;
return result;
/// Recycle the T instance
/// T.
public override bool Recycle(T t)
if (t == null || t.IsRecycled)
return false;
if (mMaxCount > 0)
if (mCacheStack.Count >= mMaxCount)
return false;
t.IsRecycled = true;
return true;
public abstract class AbstractPool where T : AbstractPool, new()
private static Stack mPool = new Stack(10);
protected bool mInPool = false;
public static T Allocate()
var node = mPool.Count == 0 ? new T() : mPool.Pop();
node.mInPool = false;
return node;
public void Recycle2Cache()
mInPool = true;
mPool.Push(this as T);
protected abstract void OnRecycle();
#region interfaces
/// 对象池接口
public interface IPool
/// 分配对象
T Allocate();
/// 回收对象
bool Recycle(T obj);
/// I pool able.
public interface IPoolable
void OnRecycled();
bool IsRecycled { get; set; }
/// I cache type.
public interface IPoolType
void Recycle2Cache();
/// 对象池
public abstract class Pool : IPool
#region ICountObserverable
/// Gets the current count.
/// The current count.
public int CurCount
get { return mCacheStack.Count; }
protected IObjectFactory mFactory;
/// 存储相关数据的栈
protected readonly Stack mCacheStack = new Stack();
/// default is 5
protected int mMaxCount = 12;
public virtual T Allocate()
return mCacheStack.Count == 0
? mFactory.Create()
: mCacheStack.Pop();
public abstract bool Recycle(T obj);
#region DataStructurePool
/// 字典对象池:用于存储相关对象
public class DictionaryPool
/// 栈对象:存储多个字典
static Stack> mListStack = new Stack>(8);
/// 出栈:从栈中获取某个字典数据
public static Dictionary Get()
if (mListStack.Count == 0)
return new Dictionary(8);
return mListStack.Pop();
/// 入栈:将字典数据存储到栈中
public static void Release(Dictionary toRelease)
/// 对象池字典 拓展方法类
public static class DictionaryPoolExtensions
/// 对字典拓展 自身入栈 的方法
public static void Release2Pool(this Dictionary toRelease)
/// 链表对象池:存储相关对象
public static class ListPool
/// 栈对象:存储多个List
static Stack> mListStack = new Stack>(8);
/// 出栈:获取某个List对象
public static List Get()
if (mListStack.Count == 0)
return new List(8);
return mListStack.Pop();
/// 入栈:将List对象添加到栈中
public static void Release(List toRelease)
/// 链表对象池 拓展方法类
public static class ListPoolExtensions
/// 给List拓展 自身入栈 的方法
public static void Release2Pool(this List toRelease)
#region Factories
/// 对象工厂
public class ObjectFactory
/// 动态创建类的实例:创建有参的构造函数
public static object Create(Type type, params object[] constructorArgs)
return Activator.CreateInstance(type, constructorArgs);
/// 动态创建类的实例:泛型扩展
public static T Create(params object[] constructorArgs)
return (T) Create(typeof(T), constructorArgs);
/// 动态创建类的实例:创建无参/私有的构造函数
public static object CreateNonPublicConstructorObject(Type type)
// 获取私有构造函数
var constructorInfos = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// 获取无参构造函数
var ctor = Array.Find(constructorInfos, c => c.GetParameters().Length == 0);
if (ctor == null)
throw new Exception("Non-Public Constructor() not found! in " + type);
return ctor.Invoke(null);
/// 动态创建类的实例:创建无参/私有的构造函数 泛型扩展
public static T CreateNonPublicConstructorObject()
return (T) CreateNonPublicConstructorObject(typeof(T));
/// 创建带有初始化回调的 对象
public static object CreateWithInitialAction(Type type, Action