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- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- using DentedPixel;
- public class ExampleSpline : MonoBehaviour {
- public Transform[] trans;
- LTSpline spline;
- private GameObject ltLogo;
- private GameObject ltLogo2;
- void Start () {
- spline = new LTSpline( new Vector3[] {trans[0].position, trans[1].position, trans[2].position, trans[3].position, trans[4].position} );
- ltLogo = GameObject.Find("LeanTweenLogo1");
- ltLogo2 = GameObject.Find("LeanTweenLogo2");
- LeanTween.moveSpline( ltLogo2, spline.pts, 1f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutQuad).setLoopPingPong().setOrientToPath(true);
- LTDescr zoomInPath_LT = LeanTween.moveSpline(ltLogo2, new Vector3[]{Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero, new Vector3(1,1,1), new Vector3(2,1,1), new Vector3(2,1,1)}, 1.5f);
- zoomInPath_LT.setUseEstimatedTime(true);
- }
- private float iter;
- void Update () {
- // Iterating over path
- ltLogo.transform.position = spline.point( iter /*(Time.time*1000)%1000 * 1.0 / 1000.0 */);
- iter += Time.deltaTime*0.1f;
- if(iter>1.0f)
- iter = 0.0f;
- }
- void OnDrawGizmos(){
- if(spline!=null)
- spline.gizmoDraw(); // debug aid to be able to see the path in the scene inspector
- }
- }