- PARTICLE SCALER: Tool: - Window -> Mirza Beig -> Particle Scaler Easy-to-use tool for scaling individual particle-component game objects, or even complex hierarchies of particles. Use either the quick-scale buttons or set a custom scale using the slider and hit apply. You can also scale the particles in real-time by enabling real-time scaling and dragging the scale slider after that. Once clicked away from, real-time scaling is automatically disabled for convenience. Additionally, you can playback and preview the entire particle system(s) animation through the editor window. ** MAKE SURE TO READ THE TOOLTIPS! XX -- CHANGE LOG -- XX v1.2: - Updated for Unity 5.5. v1.1: - Updated for Unity 5.x. - Backwards compatible to Unity 4.6. - Bug fixes and additional features. v1.0: - Initial release.