using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Paroxe.PdfRenderer.Examples { public class API_Usage : MonoBehaviour { #if !UNITY_WEBGL private IEnumerator Start() { // UnityWebRequest or WWW can be use instead of PDFWebRequest. using (PDFWebRequest www = new PDFWebRequest("")) { www.SendWebRequest(); Debug.Log("Downloading document..."); yield return www; if (www == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error) || !www.isDone) yield break; PDFDocument document = new PDFDocument(www.bytes, ""); Debug.Log("Page count: " + document.GetPageCount()); TextPageAPI(document); SearchAPI(document); BookmarkAPI(document); } } private void TextPageAPI(PDFDocument document) { Debug.Log("TEXTPAGE API-----------------------"); PDFPage page = document.GetPage(1); Debug.Log("Page size: " + page.GetPageSize()); PDFTextPage textPage = page.GetTextPage(); int countChars = textPage.CountChars(); Debug.Log("Page chars count: " + countChars); string str = textPage.GetText(0, countChars); Debug.Log("Page text: " + str); int rectCount = textPage.CountRects(0, countChars); Debug.Log("Rect count: " + rectCount); string boundedText = textPage.GetBoundedText(0, 0, page.GetPageSize().x, page.GetPageSize().y * 0.5f, 2000); Debug.Log("Bounded text: " + boundedText); } private void SearchAPI(PDFDocument document) { Debug.Log("SEARCH API-------------------------"); IList results = document.GetPage(1).GetTextPage().Search("pdf"); Debug.Log("Search results count: " + results.Count); Debug.Log("First result char index: " + results[0].StartIndex + " and chars count: " + results[0].Count); // Get all rects corresponding to the first search result int rectsCount = document.GetPage(1).GetTextPage().CountRects(results[0].StartIndex, results[0].Count); Debug.Log("Search result rects count: " + rectsCount); } private void BookmarkAPI(PDFDocument document) { Debug.Log("BOOKMARK API-----------------------"); PDFBookmark rootBookmark = document.GetRootBookmark(); OutputBookmarks(rootBookmark, 0); } private void OutputBookmarks(PDFBookmark bookmark, int indent) { string line = ""; for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) line += " "; line += bookmark.GetTitle(); Debug.Log(line); foreach (PDFBookmark child in bookmark.EnumerateChildrenBookmarks()) { OutputBookmarks(child, indent + 1); } } #endif } }