using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace SoftMasking.Editor { public static class ConvertMaskMenu { [MenuItem("Tools/Soft Mask/Convert Mask to Soft Mask")] public static void ConvertMenu() { var undoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup(); try { Convert(); } catch (UnsupportedRawImageTextureType ex) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Soft Mask", string.Format( "Unable to convert object '{0}' to Soft Mask. It's Raw Image component has Texture of an unsupported type: {1}.",, ex.unsupportedTexture.GetType().Name), "OK"); Undo.RevertAllDownToGroup(undoGroup); } catch (UnsupportedImageType ex) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Soft Mask", string.Format( "Unable to convert object '{0}' to SoftMask. It's Image component has unsupported type: {1}.",, ex.unsupportedType), "OK"); Undo.RevertAllDownToGroup(undoGroup); } } [MenuItem("Tools/Soft Mask/Convert Mask to Soft Mask", validate = true)] public static bool CanConvertMenu() { return CanConvert(); } public static void Convert() { Assert.IsTrue(CanConvert()); Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup(); Undo.SetCurrentGroupName("Convert Mask to Soft Mask"); var selectedTransforms = Selection.GetTransforms(SelectionMode.Editable); foreach (var transform in selectedTransforms) Convert(transform.gameObject); } public static bool CanConvert() { var selectedTransforms = Selection.GetTransforms(SelectionMode.Editable); return selectedTransforms.Any() && selectedTransforms.All(t => IsConvertibleMask(t.gameObject)); } static bool IsConvertibleMask(GameObject gameObject) { var mask = gameObject.GetComponent<Mask>(); var graphic = gameObject.GetComponent<Graphic>(); return mask && graphic && (graphic is Image || graphic is RawImage); } static void Convert(GameObject gameObject) { Assert.IsTrue(IsConvertibleMask(gameObject)); DeepCheckConvertibility(gameObject); var mask = gameObject.GetComponent<Mask>(); var softMask = Undo.AddComponent<SoftMask>(gameObject); var mayUseGraphic = MayUseGraphicSource(mask); if (mayUseGraphic) { softMask.source = SoftMask.MaskSource.Graphic; Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(mask); } else { var graphic = gameObject.GetComponent<Graphic>(); if (graphic is Image) SetUpFromImage(softMask, (Image)graphic); else if (graphic is RawImage) SetUpFromRawImage(softMask, (RawImage)graphic); else Debug.LogAssertionFormat("Converted Game Object should have an Image or Raw Image component"); Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(mask); if (!mask.showMaskGraphic) Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(graphic); } } static void DeepCheckConvertibility(GameObject gameObject) { var rawImage = gameObject.GetComponent<RawImage>(); if (rawImage) { var texture = rawImage.texture; if (texture && !(texture is Texture2D) && !(texture is RenderTexture)) throw new UnsupportedRawImageTextureType(gameObject, texture); } var image = gameObject.GetComponent<Image>(); if (image && !SoftMask.IsImageTypeSupported(image.type)) throw new UnsupportedImageType(image.gameObject, image.type); } public class UnsupportedImageType : Exception { public UnsupportedImageType(GameObject objectBeingConverted, Image.Type unsupportedType) { this.objectBeingConverted = objectBeingConverted; this.unsupportedType = unsupportedType; } public GameObject objectBeingConverted { get; private set; } public Image.Type unsupportedType { get; private set; } } public class UnsupportedRawImageTextureType : Exception { public UnsupportedRawImageTextureType(GameObject objectBeingConverted, Texture unsupportedTexture) { this.objectBeingConverted = objectBeingConverted; this.unsupportedTexture = unsupportedTexture; } public GameObject objectBeingConverted { get; private set; } public Texture unsupportedTexture { get; private set; } } static bool MayUseGraphicSource(Mask mask) { var image = mask.GetComponent<Image>(); var usesStandardUIMaskSprite = image && IsStandardUIMaskSprite(image.sprite); return mask.showMaskGraphic && !usesStandardUIMaskSprite; } static bool IsStandardUIMaskSprite(Sprite sprite) { return sprite == standardUIMaskSprite; } static Sprite SoftMaskCompatibleVersionOf(Sprite original) { return IsStandardUIMaskSprite(original) ? adaptedUIMaskSprite : original; } static void SetUpFromImage(SoftMask softMask, Image image) { Assert.IsTrue(SoftMask.IsImageTypeSupported(image.type)); softMask.source = SoftMask.MaskSource.Sprite; softMask.sprite = SoftMaskCompatibleVersionOf(image.sprite); softMask.spriteBorderMode = SoftMask.ImageTypeToBorderMode(image.type); #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER softMask.spritePixelsPerUnitMultiplier = image.pixelsPerUnitMultiplier; #endif } static void SetUpFromRawImage(SoftMask softMask, RawImage rawImage) { softMask.source = SoftMask.MaskSource.Texture; var texture = rawImage.texture; if (texture) if (texture is Texture2D) softMask.texture = (Texture2D)texture; else if (texture is RenderTexture) softMask.renderTexture = (RenderTexture)texture; else Debug.LogAssertionFormat("Unsupported RawImage texture type: {0}", texture); softMask.textureUVRect = rawImage.uvRect; } static Sprite _standardUIMaskSprite; public static Sprite standardUIMaskSprite { get { if (!_standardUIMaskSprite) _standardUIMaskSprite = AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource<Sprite>("UI/Skin/UIMask.psd"); return _standardUIMaskSprite; } } static Sprite _adaptedUIMaskSprite; public static Sprite adaptedUIMaskSprite { get { if (!_adaptedUIMaskSprite) _adaptedUIMaskSprite = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Sprite>( Path.Combine(PackageResources.packagePath, "Sprites/UIMask-FullAlpha.png")); return _adaptedUIMaskSprite; } } } }