using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Sprites; using SoftMasking.Extensions; namespace SoftMasking { /// <summary> /// Contains some predefined combinations of mask channel weights. /// </summary> public static class MaskChannel { public static Color alpha = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); public static Color red = new Color(1, 0, 0, 0); public static Color green = new Color(0, 1, 0, 0); public static Color blue = new Color(0, 0, 1, 0); public static Color gray = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0) / 3.0f; } /// <summary> /// SoftMask is a component that can be added to UI elements for masking the children. It works /// like a standard Unity's <see cref="Mask"/> but supports alpha. /// </summary> [ExecuteInEditMode] [DisallowMultipleComponent] [AddComponentMenu("UI/Soft Mask", 14)] [RequireComponent(typeof(RectTransform))] [HelpURL("")] public class SoftMask : UIBehaviour, ISoftMask, ICanvasRaycastFilter { // // How it works: // // SoftMask overrides Shader used by child elements. To do it, SoftMask spawns invisible // SoftMaskable components on them on the fly. SoftMaskable implements IMaterialOverride, // which allows it to override the shader that performs actual rendering. Use of // IMaterialOverride is transparent to the user: a material assigned to Graphic in the // inspector is left untouched. // // Management of SoftMaskables is fully automated. SoftMaskables are kept on the child // objects while any SoftMask parent present. When something changes and SoftMask parent // no longer exists, SoftMaskable is destroyed automatically. So, a user of SoftMask // doesn't have to worry about any component changes in the hierarchy. // // The replacement shader samples the mask texture and multiply the resulted color // accordingly. SoftMask has the predefined replacement for Unity's default UI shader // (and its ETC1-version in Unity 5.4+). So, when SoftMask 'sees' a material that uses a // known shader, it overrides shader by the predefined one. If SoftMask encounters a // material with an unknown shader, it can't do anything reasonable (because it doesn't know // what that shader should do). In such a case, SoftMask will not work and a warning will // be displayed in Console. If you want SoftMask to work with a custom shader, you can // manually add support to this shader. For reference how to do it, see // CustomWithSoftMask.shader from included samples. // // All replacements are cached in SoftMask instances. By default Unity draws UI with a // very small number of material instances (they are spawned one per masking/clipping layer), // so, SoftMask creates a relatively small number of overrides. // [SerializeField] Shader _defaultShader = null; [SerializeField] Shader _defaultETC1Shader = null; [SerializeField] MaskSource _source = MaskSource.Graphic; [SerializeField] RectTransform _separateMask = null; [SerializeField] Sprite _sprite = null; [SerializeField] BorderMode _spriteBorderMode = BorderMode.Simple; [SerializeField] float _spritePixelsPerUnitMultiplier = 1f; [SerializeField] Texture _texture = null; [SerializeField] Rect _textureUVRect = DefaultUVRect; [SerializeField] Color _channelWeights = MaskChannel.alpha; [SerializeField] float _raycastThreshold = 0f; [SerializeField] bool _invertMask = false; [SerializeField] bool _invertOutsides = false; MaterialReplacements _materials; MaterialParameters _parameters; WarningReporter _warningReporter; Rect _lastMaskRect; bool _maskingWasEnabled; bool _destroyed; bool _dirty; // Cached components RectTransform _maskTransform; Graphic _graphic; Canvas _canvas; public SoftMask() { var materialReplacer = new MaterialReplacerChain( MaterialReplacer.globalReplacers, new MaterialReplacerImpl(this)); _materials = new MaterialReplacements(materialReplacer, m => _parameters.Apply(m)); _warningReporter = new WarningReporter(this); } /// <summary> /// Source of the mask's image. /// </summary> [Serializable] public enum MaskSource { /// <summary> /// The mask image should be taken from the Graphic component of the containing /// GameObject. Only Image and RawImage components are supported. If there is no /// appropriate Graphic on the GameObject, a solid rectangle of the RectTransform /// dimensions will be used. /// </summary> Graphic, /// <summary> /// The mask image should be taken from an explicitly specified Sprite. When this mode /// is used, spriteBorderMode can also be set to determine how to process Sprite's /// borders. If the sprite isn't set, a solid rectangle of the RectTransform dimensions /// will be used. This mode is analogous to using an Image with according sprite and /// type set. /// </summary> Sprite, /// <summary> /// The mask image should be taken from an explicitly specified Texture2D or /// RenderTexture. When this mode is used, textureUVRect can also be set to determine /// which part of the texture should be used. If the texture isn't set, a solid rectangle /// of the RectTransform dimensions will be used. This mode is analogous to using a /// RawImage with according texture and uvRect set. /// </summary> Texture } /// <summary> /// How Sprite's borders should be processed. It is a reduced set of Image.Type values. /// </summary> [Serializable] public enum BorderMode { /// <summary> /// Sprite should be drawn as a whole, ignoring any borders set. It works the /// same way as Unity's Image.Type.Simple. /// </summary> Simple, /// <summary> /// Sprite borders should be stretched when the drawn image is larger that the /// source. It works the same way as Unity's Image.Type.Sliced. /// </summary> Sliced, /// <summary> /// The same as Sliced, but border fragments will be repeated instead of /// stretched. It works the same way as Unity's Image.Type.Tiled. /// </summary> Tiled } /// <summary> /// Errors encountered during SoftMask diagnostics. Used by SoftMaskEditor to display /// hints relevant to the current state. /// </summary> [Flags] [Serializable] public enum Errors { NoError = 0, UnsupportedShaders = 1 << 0, NestedMasks = 1 << 1, TightPackedSprite = 1 << 2, AlphaSplitSprite = 1 << 3, UnsupportedImageType = 1 << 4, UnreadableTexture = 1 << 5, UnreadableRenderTexture = 1 << 6 } /// <summary> /// Specifies a Shader that should be used as a replacement of the Unity's default UI /// shader. If you add SoftMask in play-time by AddComponent(), you should set /// this property manually. /// </summary> public Shader defaultShader { get { return _defaultShader; } set { SetShader(ref _defaultShader, value); } } /// <summary> /// Specifies a Shader that should be used as a replacement of the Unity's default UI /// shader with ETC1 (alpha-split) support. If you use ETC1 textures in UI and /// add SoftMask in play-time by AddComponent(), you should set this property manually. /// </summary> public Shader defaultETC1Shader { get { return _defaultETC1Shader; } set { SetShader(ref _defaultETC1Shader, value, warnIfNotSet: false); } } /// <summary> /// Determines from where the mask image should be taken. /// </summary> public MaskSource source { get { return _source; } set { if (_source != value) Set(ref _source, value); } } /// <summary> /// Specifies a RectTransform that defines the bounds of the mask. Use of a separate /// RectTransform allows moving or resizing the mask bounds without affecting children. /// When null, the RectTransform of this GameObject is used. /// Default value is null. /// </summary> public RectTransform separateMask { get { return _separateMask; } set { if (_separateMask != value) { Set(ref _separateMask, value); // We should search them again _graphic = null; _maskTransform = null; } } } /// <summary> /// Specifies a Sprite that should be used as the mask image. This property takes /// effect only when source is MaskSource.Sprite. /// </summary> /// <seealso cref="source"/> public Sprite sprite { get { return _sprite; } set { if (_sprite != value) Set(ref _sprite, value); } } /// <summary> /// Specifies how to draw sprite borders. This property takes effect only when /// source is MaskSource.Sprite. /// </summary> /// <seealso cref="source"/> /// <seealso cref="sprite"/> public BorderMode spriteBorderMode { get { return _spriteBorderMode; } set { if (_spriteBorderMode != value) Set(ref _spriteBorderMode, value); } } /// <summary> /// A multiplier that is applied to the pixelsPerUnit property of the selected sprite. /// Default value is 1. This property takes effect only when source is MaskSource.Sprite. /// </summary> /// <seealso cref="source"/> /// <seealso cref="sprite"/> public float spritePixelsPerUnitMultiplier { get { return _spritePixelsPerUnitMultiplier; } set { if (_spritePixelsPerUnitMultiplier != value) Set(ref _spritePixelsPerUnitMultiplier, ClampPixelsPerUnitMultiplier(value)); } } /// <summary> /// Specifies a Texture2D that should be used as the mask image. This property takes /// effect only when the source is MaskSource.Texture. This and <see cref="renderTexture"/> /// properties are mutually exclusive. /// </summary> /// <seealso cref="renderTexture"/> public Texture2D texture { get { return _texture as Texture2D; } set { if (_texture != value) Set(ref _texture, value); } } /// <summary> /// Specifies a RenderTexture that should be used as the mask image. This property takes /// effect only when the source is MaskSource.Texture. This and <see cref="texture"/> /// properties are mutually exclusive. /// </summary> /// <seealso cref="texture"/> public RenderTexture renderTexture { get { return _texture as RenderTexture; } set { if (_texture != value) Set(ref _texture, value); } } /// <summary> /// Specifies a normalized UV-space rectangle defining the image part that should be used as /// the mask image. This property takes effect only when the source is MaskSource.Texture. /// A value is set in normalized coordinates. The default value is (0, 0, 1, 1), which means /// that the whole texture is used. /// </summary> public Rect textureUVRect { get { return _textureUVRect; } set { if (_textureUVRect != value) Set(ref _textureUVRect, value); } } /// <summary> /// Specifies weights of the color channels of the mask. The color sampled from the mask /// texture is multiplied by this value, after what all components are summed up together. /// That is, the final mask value is calculated as: /// color = `pixel-from-mask` * channelWeights /// value = color.r + color.g + color.b + color.a /// The `value` is a number by which the resulting pixel's alpha is multiplied. As you /// can see, the result value isn't normalized, so, you should account it while defining /// custom values for this property. /// Static class MaskChannel contains some useful predefined values. You can use they /// as example of how mask calculation works. /// The default value is MaskChannel.alpha. /// </summary> public Color channelWeights { get { return _channelWeights; } set { if (_channelWeights != value) Set(ref _channelWeights, value); } } /// <summary> /// Specifies the minimum mask value that the point should have for an input event to pass. /// If the value sampled from the mask is greater or equal this value, the input event /// is considered 'hit'. The mask value is compared with raycastThreshold after /// channelWeights applied. /// The default value is 0, which means that any pixel belonging to RectTransform is /// considered in input events. If you specify the value greater than 0, the mask's /// texture should be readable and it should be not a RenderTexture. /// Accepts values in range [0..1]. /// </summary> public float raycastThreshold { get { return _raycastThreshold; } set { _raycastThreshold = value; } } /// <summary> /// If set, mask values inside the mask rectangle will be inverted. In this case mask's /// zero value (taking <see cref="channelWeights"/> into account) will be treated as one /// and vice versa. The mask rectangle is the RectTransform of the GameObject this /// component is attached to or <see cref="separateMask"/> if it's not null. /// The default value is false. /// </summary> /// <seealso cref="invertOutsides"/> public bool invertMask { get { return _invertMask; } set { if (_invertMask != value) Set(ref _invertMask, value); } } /// <summary> /// If set, mask values outside the mask rectangle will be inverted. By default, everything /// outside the mask rectangle has zero mask value. When this property is set, the mask /// outsides will have value one, which means that everything outside the mask will be /// visible. The mask rectangle is the RectTransform of the GameObject this component /// is attached to or <see cref="separateMask"/> if it's not null. /// The default value is false. /// </summary> /// <seealso cref="invertMask"/> public bool invertOutsides { get { return _invertOutsides; } set { if (_invertOutsides != value) Set(ref _invertOutsides, value); } } /// <summary> /// Returns true if Soft Mask does raycast filtering, that is if the masked areas are /// transparent to input. /// </summary> public bool isUsingRaycastFiltering { get { return _raycastThreshold > 0f; } } /// <summary> /// Returns true if masking is currently active. /// </summary> public bool isMaskingEnabled { get { return isActiveAndEnabled && canvas; } } /// <summary> /// Checks for errors and returns them as flags. It is used in the editor to determine /// which warnings should be displayed. /// </summary> public Errors PollErrors() { return new Diagnostics(this).PollErrors(); } // ICanvasRaycastFilter public bool IsRaycastLocationValid(Vector2 sp, Camera cam) { Vector2 localPos; if (!RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(maskTransform, sp, cam, out localPos)) return false; if (!Mathr.Inside(localPos, LocalMaskRect( return _invertOutsides; if (!_parameters.texture) return true; if (!isUsingRaycastFiltering) return true; float mask; var sampleResult = _parameters.SampleMask(localPos, out mask); _warningReporter.TextureRead(_parameters.texture, sampleResult); if (sampleResult != MaterialParameters.SampleMaskResult.Success) return true; if (_invertMask) mask = 1 - mask; return mask >= _raycastThreshold; } protected override void Start() { base.Start(); WarnIfDefaultShaderIsNotSet(); } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); SubscribeOnWillRenderCanvases(); SpawnMaskablesInChildren(transform); FindGraphic(); if (isMaskingEnabled) UpdateMaskParameters(); NotifyChildrenThatMaskMightChanged(); } protected override void OnDisable() { base.OnDisable(); UnsubscribeFromWillRenderCanvases(); if (_graphic) { _graphic.UnregisterDirtyVerticesCallback(OnGraphicDirty); _graphic.UnregisterDirtyMaterialCallback(OnGraphicDirty); _graphic = null; } NotifyChildrenThatMaskMightChanged(); DestroyMaterials(); } protected override void OnDestroy() { base.OnDestroy(); _destroyed = true; NotifyChildrenThatMaskMightChanged(); } protected virtual void LateUpdate() { var maskingEnabled = isMaskingEnabled; if (maskingEnabled) { if (_maskingWasEnabled != maskingEnabled) SpawnMaskablesInChildren(transform); var prevGraphic = _graphic; FindGraphic(); if (_lastMaskRect != maskTransform.rect || !ReferenceEquals(_graphic, prevGraphic)) _dirty = true; } _maskingWasEnabled = maskingEnabled; } protected override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange() { base.OnRectTransformDimensionsChange(); _dirty = true; } protected override void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties() { base.OnDidApplyAnimationProperties(); _dirty = true; } #if UNITY_EDITOR protected override void OnValidate() { base.OnValidate(); _spritePixelsPerUnitMultiplier = ClampPixelsPerUnitMultiplier(_spritePixelsPerUnitMultiplier); _dirty = true; _maskTransform = null; _graphic = null; } #endif static float ClampPixelsPerUnitMultiplier(float value) { return Mathf.Max(value, 0.01f); } protected override void OnTransformParentChanged() { base.OnTransformParentChanged(); _canvas = null; _dirty = true; } protected override void OnCanvasHierarchyChanged() { base.OnCanvasHierarchyChanged(); _canvas = null; _dirty = true; NotifyChildrenThatMaskMightChanged(); } void OnTransformChildrenChanged() { SpawnMaskablesInChildren(transform); } void SubscribeOnWillRenderCanvases() { // To get called when layout and graphics update is finished we should // subscribe after CanvasUpdateRegistry. CanvasUpdateRegistry subscribes // in his constructor, so we force its execution. Touch(CanvasUpdateRegistry.instance); Canvas.willRenderCanvases += OnWillRenderCanvases; } void UnsubscribeFromWillRenderCanvases() { Canvas.willRenderCanvases -= OnWillRenderCanvases; } void OnWillRenderCanvases() { // To be sure that mask will match the state of another drawn UI elements, // we update material parameters when layout and graphic update is done, // just before actual rendering. if (isMaskingEnabled) UpdateMaskParameters(); } static T Touch<T>(T obj) { return obj; } static readonly Rect DefaultUVRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); RectTransform maskTransform { get { return _maskTransform ? _maskTransform : (_maskTransform = _separateMask ? _separateMask : GetComponent<RectTransform>()); } } Canvas canvas { get { return _canvas ? _canvas : (_canvas = NearestEnabledCanvas()); } } bool isBasedOnGraphic { get { return _source == MaskSource.Graphic; } } bool ISoftMask.isAlive { get { return this && !_destroyed; } } Material ISoftMask.GetReplacement(Material original) { Assert.IsTrue(isActiveAndEnabled); return _materials.Get(original); } void ISoftMask.ReleaseReplacement(Material replacement) { _materials.Release(replacement); } void ISoftMask.UpdateTransformChildren(Transform transform) { SpawnMaskablesInChildren(transform); } void OnGraphicDirty() { if (isBasedOnGraphic) // TODO is this check neccessary? _dirty = true; } void FindGraphic() { if (!_graphic && isBasedOnGraphic) { _graphic = maskTransform.GetComponent<Graphic>(); if (_graphic) { _graphic.RegisterDirtyVerticesCallback(OnGraphicDirty); _graphic.RegisterDirtyMaterialCallback(OnGraphicDirty); } } } Canvas NearestEnabledCanvas() { // It's a rare operation, so I do not optimize it with static lists var canvases = GetComponentsInParent<Canvas>(false); for (int i = 0; i < canvases.Length; ++i) if (canvases[i].isActiveAndEnabled) return canvases[i]; return null; } void UpdateMaskParameters() { Assert.IsTrue(isMaskingEnabled); if (_dirty || maskTransform.hasChanged) { CalculateMaskParameters(); maskTransform.hasChanged = false; _lastMaskRect = maskTransform.rect; _dirty = false; } _materials.ApplyAll(); } void SpawnMaskablesInChildren(Transform root) { using (new ClearListAtExit<SoftMaskable>(s_maskables)) for (int i = 0; i < root.childCount; ++i) { var child = root.GetChild(i); child.GetComponents(s_maskables); Assert.IsTrue(s_maskables.Count <= 1); if (s_maskables.Count == 0) child.gameObject.AddComponent<SoftMaskable>(); } } void InvalidateChildren() { ForEachChildMaskable(x => x.Invalidate()); } void NotifyChildrenThatMaskMightChanged() { ForEachChildMaskable(x => x.MaskMightChanged()); } void ForEachChildMaskable(Action<SoftMaskable> f) { transform.GetComponentsInChildren(s_maskables); using (new ClearListAtExit<SoftMaskable>(s_maskables)) for (int i = 0; i < s_maskables.Count; ++i) { var maskable = s_maskables[i]; if (maskable && maskable.gameObject != gameObject) f(maskable); } } void DestroyMaterials() { _materials.DestroyAllAndClear(); } struct SourceParameters { public Image image; public Sprite sprite; public BorderMode spriteBorderMode; public float spritePixelsPerUnit; public Texture texture; public Rect textureUVRect; } const float DefaultPixelsPerUnit = 100f; SourceParameters DeduceSourceParameters() { var result = new SourceParameters(); switch (_source) { case MaskSource.Graphic: if (_graphic is Image) { var image = (Image)_graphic; var sprite = image.sprite; result.image = image; result.sprite = sprite; result.spriteBorderMode = ImageTypeToBorderMode(image.type); if (sprite) { #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER result.spritePixelsPerUnit = sprite.pixelsPerUnit * image.pixelsPerUnitMultiplier; #else result.spritePixelsPerUnit = sprite.pixelsPerUnit; #endif result.texture = sprite.texture; } else result.spritePixelsPerUnit = DefaultPixelsPerUnit; } else if (_graphic is RawImage) { var rawImage = (RawImage)_graphic; result.texture = rawImage.texture; result.textureUVRect = rawImage.uvRect; } break; case MaskSource.Sprite: result.sprite = _sprite; result.spriteBorderMode = _spriteBorderMode; if (_sprite) { result.spritePixelsPerUnit = _sprite.pixelsPerUnit * _spritePixelsPerUnitMultiplier; result.texture = _sprite.texture; } else result.spritePixelsPerUnit = DefaultPixelsPerUnit; break; case MaskSource.Texture: result.texture = _texture; result.textureUVRect = _textureUVRect; break; default: Debug.LogAssertionFormat(this, "Unknown MaskSource: {0}", _source); break; } return result; } public static BorderMode ImageTypeToBorderMode(Image.Type type) { switch (type) { case Image.Type.Simple: return BorderMode.Simple; case Image.Type.Sliced: return BorderMode.Sliced; case Image.Type.Tiled: return BorderMode.Tiled; default: return BorderMode.Simple; } } public static bool IsImageTypeSupported(Image.Type type) { return type == Image.Type.Simple || type == Image.Type.Sliced || type == Image.Type.Tiled; } void CalculateMaskParameters() { var sourceParams = DeduceSourceParameters(); _warningReporter.ImageUsed(sourceParams.image); var spriteErrors = Diagnostics.CheckSprite(sourceParams.sprite); _warningReporter.SpriteUsed(sourceParams.sprite, spriteErrors); if (sourceParams.sprite) { if (spriteErrors == Errors.NoError) CalculateSpriteBased(sourceParams.sprite, sourceParams.spriteBorderMode, sourceParams.spritePixelsPerUnit); else CalculateSolidFill(); } else if (sourceParams.texture) CalculateTextureBased(sourceParams.texture, sourceParams.textureUVRect); else CalculateSolidFill(); } void CalculateSpriteBased(Sprite sprite, BorderMode borderMode, float spritePixelsPerUnit) { FillCommonParameters(); var inner = DataUtility.GetInnerUV(sprite); var outer = DataUtility.GetOuterUV(sprite); var padding = DataUtility.GetPadding(sprite); var fullMaskRect = LocalMaskRect(; _parameters.maskRectUV = outer; if (borderMode == BorderMode.Simple) { var normalizedPadding = Mathr.Div(padding, sprite.rect.size); _parameters.maskRect = Mathr.ApplyBorder(fullMaskRect, Mathr.Mul(normalizedPadding, Mathr.Size(fullMaskRect))); } else { var spriteToCanvasScale = SpriteToCanvasScale(spritePixelsPerUnit); _parameters.maskRect = Mathr.ApplyBorder(fullMaskRect, padding * spriteToCanvasScale); var adjustedBorder = AdjustBorders(sprite.border * spriteToCanvasScale, fullMaskRect); _parameters.maskBorder = LocalMaskRect(adjustedBorder); _parameters.maskBorderUV = inner; } _parameters.texture = sprite.texture; _parameters.borderMode = borderMode; if (borderMode == BorderMode.Tiled) _parameters.tileRepeat = MaskRepeat(sprite, spritePixelsPerUnit, _parameters.maskBorder); } static Vector4 AdjustBorders(Vector4 border, Vector4 rect) { // Copied from Unity's Image. var size = Mathr.Size(rect); for (int axis = 0; axis <= 1; axis++) { // If the rect is smaller than the combined borders, then there's not room for // the borders at their normal size. In order to avoid artefacts with overlapping // borders, we scale the borders down to fit. float combinedBorders = border[axis] + border[axis + 2]; if (size[axis] < combinedBorders && combinedBorders != 0) { float borderScaleRatio = size[axis] / combinedBorders; border[axis] *= borderScaleRatio; border[axis + 2] *= borderScaleRatio; } } return border; } void CalculateTextureBased(Texture texture, Rect uvRect) { FillCommonParameters(); _parameters.maskRect = LocalMaskRect(; _parameters.maskRectUV = Mathr.ToVector(uvRect); _parameters.texture = texture; _parameters.borderMode = BorderMode.Simple; } void CalculateSolidFill() { CalculateTextureBased(null, DefaultUVRect); } void FillCommonParameters() { _parameters.worldToMask = WorldToMask(); _parameters.maskChannelWeights = _channelWeights; _parameters.invertMask = _invertMask; _parameters.invertOutsides = _invertOutsides; } float SpriteToCanvasScale(float spritePixelsPerUnit) { var canvasPixelsPerUnit = canvas ? canvas.referencePixelsPerUnit : 100; return canvasPixelsPerUnit / spritePixelsPerUnit; } Matrix4x4 WorldToMask() { return maskTransform.worldToLocalMatrix * canvas.rootCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix; } Vector4 LocalMaskRect(Vector4 border) { return Mathr.ApplyBorder(Mathr.ToVector(maskTransform.rect), border); } Vector2 MaskRepeat(Sprite sprite, float spritePixelsPerUnit, Vector4 centralPart) { var textureCenter = Mathr.ApplyBorder(Mathr.ToVector(sprite.rect), sprite.border); return Mathr.Div(Mathr.Size(centralPart) * SpriteToCanvasScale(spritePixelsPerUnit), Mathr.Size(textureCenter)); } void WarnIfDefaultShaderIsNotSet() { if (!_defaultShader) Debug.LogWarning("SoftMask may not work because its defaultShader is not set", this); } void Set<T>(ref T field, T value) { field = value; _dirty = true; } void SetShader(ref Shader field, Shader value, bool warnIfNotSet = true) { if (field != value) { field = value; if (warnIfNotSet) WarnIfDefaultShaderIsNotSet(); DestroyMaterials(); InvalidateChildren(); } } static readonly List<SoftMask> s_masks = new List<SoftMask>(); static readonly List<SoftMaskable> s_maskables = new List<SoftMaskable>(); class MaterialReplacerImpl : IMaterialReplacer { readonly SoftMask _owner; public MaterialReplacerImpl(SoftMask owner) { // Pass whole owner instead of just shaders because they can be changed dynamically. _owner = owner; } public int order { get { return 0; } } public Material Replace(Material original) { if (original == null || original.HasDefaultUIShader()) return Replace(original, _owner._defaultShader); #if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER else if (original.HasDefaultETC1UIShader()) return Replace(original, _owner._defaultETC1Shader); #endif else if (original.SupportsSoftMask()) return new Material(original); else return null; } static Material Replace(Material original, Shader defaultReplacementShader) { var replacement = defaultReplacementShader ? new Material(defaultReplacementShader) : null; if (replacement && original) replacement.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(original); return replacement; } } // Various operations on a Rect represented as Vector4 (xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax). static class Mathr { public static Vector4 ToVector(Rect r) { return new Vector4(r.xMin, r.yMin, r.xMax, r.yMax); } public static Vector4 Div(Vector4 v, Vector2 s) { return new Vector4(v.x / s.x, v.y / s.y, v.z / s.x, v.w / s.y); } public static Vector2 Div(Vector2 v, Vector2 s) { return new Vector2(v.x / s.x, v.y / s.y); } public static Vector4 Mul(Vector4 v, Vector2 s) { return new Vector4(v.x * s.x, v.y * s.y, v.z * s.x, v.w * s.y); } public static Vector2 Size(Vector4 r) { return new Vector2(r.z - r.x, r.w - r.y); } public static Vector4 Move(Vector4 v, Vector2 o) { return new Vector4(v.x + o.x, v.y + o.y, v.z + o.x, v.w + o.y); } public static Vector4 BorderOf(Vector4 outer, Vector4 inner) { return new Vector4(inner.x - outer.x, inner.y - outer.y, outer.z - inner.z, outer.w - inner.w); } public static Vector4 ApplyBorder(Vector4 v, Vector4 b) { return new Vector4(v.x + b.x, v.y + b.y, v.z - b.z, v.w - b.w); } public static Vector2 Min(Vector4 r) { return new Vector2(r.x, r.y); } public static Vector2 Max(Vector4 r) { return new Vector2(r.z, r.w); } public static Vector2 Remap(Vector2 c, Vector4 from, Vector4 to) { var fromSize = Max(from) - Min(from); var toSize = Max(to) - Min(to); return Vector2.Scale(Div((c - Min(from)), fromSize), toSize) + Min(to); } public static bool Inside(Vector2 v, Vector4 r) { return v.x >= r.x && v.y >= r.y && v.x <= r.z && v.y <= r.w; } } struct MaterialParameters { public Vector4 maskRect; public Vector4 maskBorder; public Vector4 maskRectUV; public Vector4 maskBorderUV; public Vector2 tileRepeat; public Color maskChannelWeights; public Matrix4x4 worldToMask; public Texture texture; public BorderMode borderMode; public bool invertMask; public bool invertOutsides; public Texture activeTexture { get { return texture ? texture : Texture2D.whiteTexture; } } public enum SampleMaskResult { Success, NonReadable, NonTexture2D } public SampleMaskResult SampleMask(Vector2 localPos, out float mask) { mask = 0; var texture2D = texture as Texture2D; if (!texture2D) return SampleMaskResult.NonTexture2D; var uv = XY2UV(localPos); try { mask = MaskValue(texture2D.GetPixelBilinear(uv.x, uv.y)); return SampleMaskResult.Success; } catch (UnityException) { return SampleMaskResult.NonReadable; } } public void Apply(Material mat) { mat.SetTexture(Ids.SoftMask, activeTexture); mat.SetVector(Ids.SoftMask_Rect, maskRect); mat.SetVector(Ids.SoftMask_UVRect, maskRectUV); mat.SetColor(Ids.SoftMask_ChannelWeights, maskChannelWeights); mat.SetMatrix(Ids.SoftMask_WorldToMask, worldToMask); mat.SetFloat(Ids.SoftMask_InvertMask, invertMask ? 1 : 0); mat.SetFloat(Ids.SoftMask_InvertOutsides, invertOutsides ? 1 : 0); mat.EnableKeyword("SOFTMASK_SIMPLE", borderMode == BorderMode.Simple); mat.EnableKeyword("SOFTMASK_SLICED", borderMode == BorderMode.Sliced); mat.EnableKeyword("SOFTMASK_TILED", borderMode == BorderMode.Tiled); if (borderMode != BorderMode.Simple) { mat.SetVector(Ids.SoftMask_BorderRect, maskBorder); mat.SetVector(Ids.SoftMask_UVBorderRect, maskBorderUV); if (borderMode == BorderMode.Tiled) mat.SetVector(Ids.SoftMask_TileRepeat, tileRepeat); } } // The following functions performs the same logic as functions from SoftMask.cginc. // They implemented it a bit different way, because there is no such convenient // vector operations in Unity/C# and conditions are much cheaper here. Vector2 XY2UV(Vector2 localPos) { switch (borderMode) { case BorderMode.Simple: return MapSimple(localPos); case BorderMode.Sliced: return MapBorder(localPos, repeat: false); case BorderMode.Tiled: return MapBorder(localPos, repeat: true); default: Debug.LogAssertion("Unknown BorderMode"); return MapSimple(localPos); } } Vector2 MapSimple(Vector2 localPos) { return Mathr.Remap(localPos, maskRect, maskRectUV); } Vector2 MapBorder(Vector2 localPos, bool repeat) { return new Vector2( Inset( localPos.x, maskRect.x, maskBorder.x, maskBorder.z, maskRect.z, maskRectUV.x, maskBorderUV.x, maskBorderUV.z, maskRectUV.z, repeat ? tileRepeat.x : 1), Inset( localPos.y, maskRect.y, maskBorder.y, maskBorder.w, maskRect.w, maskRectUV.y, maskBorderUV.y, maskBorderUV.w, maskRectUV.w, repeat ? tileRepeat.y : 1)); } float Inset(float v, float x1, float x2, float u1, float u2, float repeat = 1) { var w = (x2 - x1); return Mathf.Lerp(u1, u2, w != 0.0f ? Frac((v - x1) / w * repeat) : 0.0f); } float Inset(float v, float x1, float x2, float x3, float x4, float u1, float u2, float u3, float u4, float repeat = 1) { if (v < x2) return Inset(v, x1, x2, u1, u2); else if (v < x3) return Inset(v, x2, x3, u2, u3, repeat); else return Inset(v, x3, x4, u3, u4); } float Frac(float v) { return v - Mathf.Floor(v); } float MaskValue(Color mask) { var value = mask * maskChannelWeights; return value.a + value.r + value.g + value.b; } static class Ids { public static readonly int SoftMask = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask"); public static readonly int SoftMask_Rect = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask_Rect"); public static readonly int SoftMask_UVRect = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask_UVRect"); public static readonly int SoftMask_ChannelWeights = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask_ChannelWeights"); public static readonly int SoftMask_WorldToMask = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask_WorldToMask"); public static readonly int SoftMask_BorderRect = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask_BorderRect"); public static readonly int SoftMask_UVBorderRect = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask_UVBorderRect"); public static readonly int SoftMask_TileRepeat = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask_TileRepeat"); public static readonly int SoftMask_InvertMask = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask_InvertMask"); public static readonly int SoftMask_InvertOutsides = Shader.PropertyToID("_SoftMask_InvertOutsides"); } } struct Diagnostics { SoftMask _softMask; public Diagnostics(SoftMask softMask) { _softMask = softMask; } public Errors PollErrors() { var softMask = _softMask; // for use in lambda var result = Errors.NoError; softMask.GetComponentsInChildren(s_maskables); using (new ClearListAtExit<SoftMaskable>(s_maskables)) if (s_maskables.Any(m => ReferenceEquals(m.mask, softMask) && m.shaderIsNotSupported)) result |= Errors.UnsupportedShaders; if (ThereAreNestedMasks()) result |= Errors.NestedMasks; result |= CheckSprite(sprite); result |= CheckImage(); result |= CheckTexture(); return result; } public static Errors CheckSprite(Sprite sprite) { var result = Errors.NoError; if (!sprite) return result; if (sprite.packed && sprite.packingMode == SpritePackingMode.Tight) result |= Errors.TightPackedSprite; if (sprite.associatedAlphaSplitTexture) result |= Errors.AlphaSplitSprite; return result; } Image image { get { return _softMask.DeduceSourceParameters().image; } } Sprite sprite { get { return _softMask.DeduceSourceParameters().sprite; } } Texture texture { get { return _softMask.DeduceSourceParameters().texture; } } bool ThereAreNestedMasks() { var softMask = _softMask; // for use in lambda var result = false; using (new ClearListAtExit<SoftMask>(s_masks)) { softMask.GetComponentsInParent(false, s_masks); result |= s_masks.Any(x => AreCompeting(softMask, x)); softMask.GetComponentsInChildren(false, s_masks); result |= s_masks.Any(x => AreCompeting(softMask, x)); } return result; } Errors CheckImage() { var result = Errors.NoError; if (!_softMask.isBasedOnGraphic) return result; if (image && !IsImageTypeSupported(image.type)) result |= Errors.UnsupportedImageType; return result; } Errors CheckTexture() { var result = Errors.NoError; if (_softMask.isUsingRaycastFiltering && texture) { var texture2D = texture as Texture2D; if (!texture2D) result |= Errors.UnreadableRenderTexture; else if (!IsReadable(texture2D)) result |= Errors.UnreadableTexture; } return result; } static bool AreCompeting(SoftMask softMask, SoftMask other) { Assert.IsNotNull(other); return softMask.isMaskingEnabled && softMask != other && other.isMaskingEnabled && softMask.canvas.rootCanvas == other.canvas.rootCanvas && !SelectChild(softMask, other).canvas.overrideSorting; } static T SelectChild<T>(T first, T second) where T : Component { Assert.IsNotNull(first); Assert.IsNotNull(second); return first.transform.IsChildOf(second.transform) ? first : second; } static bool IsReadable(Texture2D texture) { try { texture.GetPixel(0, 0); return true; } catch (UnityException) { return false; } } } struct WarningReporter { UnityEngine.Object _owner; Texture _lastReadTexture; Sprite _lastUsedSprite; Sprite _lastUsedImageSprite; Image.Type _lastUsedImageType; public WarningReporter(UnityEngine.Object owner) { _owner = owner; _lastReadTexture = null; _lastUsedSprite = null; _lastUsedImageSprite = null; _lastUsedImageType = Image.Type.Simple; } public void TextureRead(Texture texture, MaterialParameters.SampleMaskResult sampleResult) { if (_lastReadTexture == texture) return; _lastReadTexture = texture; switch (sampleResult) { case MaterialParameters.SampleMaskResult.NonReadable: Debug.LogErrorFormat(_owner, "Raycast Threshold greater than 0 can't be used on Soft Mask with texture '{0}' because " + "it's not readable. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings.",; break; case MaterialParameters.SampleMaskResult.NonTexture2D: Debug.LogErrorFormat(_owner, "Raycast Threshold greater than 0 can't be used on Soft Mask with texture '{0}' because " + "it's not a Texture2D. Raycast Threshold may be used only with regular 2D textures.",; break; } } public void SpriteUsed(Sprite sprite, Errors errors) { if (_lastUsedSprite == sprite) return; _lastUsedSprite = sprite; if ((errors & Errors.TightPackedSprite) != 0) Debug.LogError("SoftMask doesn't support tight packed sprites", _owner); if ((errors & Errors.AlphaSplitSprite) != 0) Debug.LogError("SoftMask doesn't support sprites with an alpha split texture", _owner); } public void ImageUsed(Image image) { if (!image) { _lastUsedImageSprite = null; _lastUsedImageType = Image.Type.Simple; return; } if (_lastUsedImageSprite == image.sprite && _lastUsedImageType == image.type) return; _lastUsedImageSprite = image.sprite; _lastUsedImageType = image.type; if (!image) return; if (IsImageTypeSupported(image.type)) return; Debug.LogErrorFormat(_owner, "SoftMask doesn't support image type {0}. Image type Simple will be used.", image.type); } } } }